Archive for the ‘Tea Party’ Category

The Constitution Is More Than a Document Its a Conversation – The New York Times

Amar starts his narrative slightly earlier than most histories of the American Revolution, in 1760, when a merchant ship arrived with the news that elderly King George II had died. From there, he surveys high points of the era that are staples of American history class like the Boston Tea Party and others that are less so, like Paxtons Case, a dispute over the arcane issue of writs of assistance, which helped colonial authorities prevent smuggling.

Amar emphasizes the conversations surrounding these critical moments. The Colonies break with Britain was a result not merely of acts of resistance and military battles, but also of a steadily building, verbally expressed consensus among the people in speeches, pamphlets, newspapers, even cartoons in favor of independence. The building blocks of this conversation ranged from the tendentious, like Thomas Paines Common Sense, to the merely logistical, like the letter of the Virginia House of Burgesses proposing the formation of a network of correspondence among all the colonial assemblies.

Amar presents his cast of characters, who range from the iconic to the obscure, not only as soldiers, convention delegates and elected officials, but also as communicators. He notes that five of the six main founders Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were newspaper scribblers. And George Washington, he says, was one of the great letter writers of his age and an outstanding listener. Indeed, at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Washington was the listener in chief.

If willingness to converse is one of the greatest virtues in Amars telling, refusing to is among the worst sins and blunders. He notes that King George III fueled the Revolutionary fires by his unwillingness to listen to his American subjects. The king did not try to talk with Franklin, who lived in London for many years, or other American leaders, to seek common ground. When colonists wrote him a polite petition, he would not let it be read to him.

For all of his insightful, and at times surprising, reflections on the founders, Amar is no exponent of the great man theory of history, at least when it comes to the key documents of early America. He strongly suggests that America as a whole through its great national conversation did more to draft the Declaration of Independence than Jefferson, and more to write the Constitution than Madison. Most of the Constitution, he says, simply followed from the logic of the American constitutional conversation from 1764 to 1787.

Continued here:
The Constitution Is More Than a Document Its a Conversation - The New York Times

50 Percent of Voters Believe Worst of Pandemic Behind Us – WBAP News/Talk

May 3, 2021: Fifty percent (50%) of voters now believe that the worst of the pandemic is behind us. Thats up nine points from two weeks ago and reflects the highest level of confidence yet measured. The previous high was 42% in March.[1]

A Ballotpedia national survey found that 24% of voters currently disagree and believe the worst is yet to come. Twenty-six percent (26%) are not sure.[1]

Those figures highlight a significant improvement over the past two weeks. In mid-April, just 41% thought the worst was behind us, and 32% held the opposite view.[2]

Public confidence about the pandemic has resembled a roller-coaster ride.

Throughout the pandemic, there has been a vast partisan perception gap. That remains the case today. By a 60% to 18% margin, Republicans believe the worst is behind us. A solid plurality (46% to 24%) of independents agree. Democrats are somewhat less convinced. Forty-three percent (43%) of those in President Bidens party believe the worst is behind us, while 31% believe it is yet to come.[1]

Each weekday, Scott Rasmussens Number of the Day explores interesting and newsworthy topics at the intersection of culture, politics and technology. Columns published on Ballotpedia reflect the views of the author. Scott Rasmussens Number of the Day is published by Ballotpedia weekdays at 9 a.m. Eastern. Columns published on Ballotpedia reflect the views of the author. Scott Rasmussen is founder and president of the Rasmussen Media Group. He is the author of Mad as Hell: How the Tea Party Movement Is Fundamentally Remaking Our Two-Party System, In Search of Self-Governance, and The Peoples Money: How Voters Will Balance the Budget and Eliminate the Federal Debt. Read Scott Rasmussens Reports More Here.?


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Excerpt from:
50 Percent of Voters Believe Worst of Pandemic Behind Us - WBAP News/Talk

Incumbents win nearly every seat in Grapevine, Colleyville elections – The Dallas Morning News

Voters in Grapevine and Colleyville overwhelmingly chose to keep previously elected officials in office in Saturdays municipal and school board elections.

In Colleyville, two city council seats were determined. For the Place 5 seat, incumbent Chuck Kelley defeated challenger Amyn Gilani. Kelley garnered 59% of the vote while Gilani got 41%.

The controversial race featured allegations that a business operated by the husband of council member Callie Rigney was domain-squatting websites in Gilanis name. Gilani, who was the only person of color in the race, also reported that a tea party supporter twice yelled White Power at him, according to a Fort Worth-Star Telegram report.

Meanwhile, Rigney will return to her Place 6 seat, taking 60% of votes in the race against Kurt Meyer, who secured 40%, according to the Tarrant County elections website.

In Grapevine, Mayor William D. Tate will return for another term. Tate, who has been the citys mayor since 1988, earned 81% of votes to defeat challenger Nick Kaufman, a local business owner who brought in 19% of votes.

In city council seats there, Paul Slechta ran unopposed for his Place 1 seat, while Sharron Rogers will return to her Place 2 seat, winning 72% of votes over Breann Burke (17%) and Theresa Lopez Strayer (10%).

Grapevine-Colleyville ISD board member Mindy McClure will face Shannon Braun in a June 5 runoff after neither candidate secured 50% of the vote. Becky St. John narrowly kept her seat over a challenge from Stetson Clark, 53% to 48%.

CORRECTION, May 4, 2021, 3:30 p.m.: An earlier version of this story said Braun defeated McClure.

Originally posted here:
Incumbents win nearly every seat in Grapevine, Colleyville elections - The Dallas Morning News

New York’s Congressional Redistricting Could Be Tipping Point in Midterm Battle for Control of the House – Gotham Gazette

State Senate chambers (photo: Philip Kamrass/Governor's Office)

The Census Bureau released its population counts for the nation and the states on April 26, including changes for the states in the apportionment of 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives. New York State will drop one House seat, going from 27 seats to 26, even though it actually gained more than 800,000 people, from 19.4 to 20.2 million, since 2010. Extraordinarily, the Census reported that New York would have held its 27th seat if 89 more persons had been counted.

The changes come at a time when the Democratic majority in the House is deeply threatened. Historically, the party in power (this time, the Democrats) loses seats in the midterms, the congressional elections halfway through a presidents term. This is a fact Democratic President Joe Biden is surely keenly aware of given his long political history in the U.S. Senate and as Vice President.

The Republicans have more power over drawing new state district maps than the Democrats do because they have more trifectas, where one party controls both houses of the state legislature and the governors office. The Republicans now have 23 states with trifectas compared to 15 for the Democrats, including New York. These national Republican advantages mean the outcome of redistricting in New York could be vital to the Democrats holding the House of Representatives. Democrats now dominate both Houses of the New York State Legislature and have the power to eliminate a number of Republican House seats, despite the existence of an Independent Districting Commission created to make redistricting fair to both political parties.

The apportionment changes across the country were less dramatic than anticipated, although the shift in the allocation of House seats continued to the South and the West. New York and a handful of other states will lose one seat each. Texas will gain two, and Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Montana, Colorado, and Oregon gain one each. The apportionment changes, however, are just a prelude to the national power struggle over redistricting. The 2022 midterm elections for control of the House of Representatives will take place on the new district lines drawn by the states.

Some states have set up nonpartisan commissions to achieve fair districts; in some states one political party has a trifecta and has only the exercise of self-restraint to curb ruthless partisan gerrymandering. In other states, divided government, where theres some political split within the two houses of the legislature and governors office, can result in political compromises in the drawing of the lines. Virtually every districting plan ends up challenged in the courts, whose decisions can sometimes, but not always, act as a final restraint on partisanship.

Partisan gerrymandering of legislative districts is virtually synonymous with redistricting itself, and is well known to the general public. Gerrymandering has been a political fact of life since the early 19th century and includes state and local districts as well as the House of Representatives. Both parties historically have gerrymandered where they had the power to do so, but the 1960s produced some restraints on the process, like the Voting Rights Act and the one-person, one-vote 1964 decision of the United States Supreme Court.

New York State has been no stranger to partisan gerrymandering, but there was a division of power in the state for decades, with Republicans in control of the State Senate and Democrats in control of the State Assembly. The division of power forced compromises on the House seats, but for the state legislative districts in the Assembly and the Senate the party in power controlled the process. Voting Rights Act and one-person, one-vote protections, as well as court challenges, continued to force modest restraints on partisanship, and elections always produced unique results. In my 32 years in the State Legislature, I went through three redistrictings, in 1992, 2002, and 2012. They were never fun, even for a Democratic incumbent Assembly member from Brooklyn.

Demands for greater fairness in the process finally produced a constitutional amendment in New York creating an independent redistricting commission in 2014. I voted for the legislation that put the constitutional amendment on the ballot after the 2012 redistricting of the House seats and legislative districts. The Republican Party still controlled the State Senate in 2012 and 2014 but the Democrats were becoming ever more competitive. The Democrats in the State Senate gained an outright majority against the Republicans in 2016, gained more seats in 2018, and in 2020 won 43 out of the 63 seats in the Senate, or more than two-thirds of that body. Democrats in the State Assembly have had two-thirds majorities for decades, primarily because nearly every single one of the 65 Assembly districts in New York City is represented by a Democrat.

In the past decade, the United States Supreme Court, in two major decisions, undermined the fight for fair processes in redistricting, despite the creation of a number of independent districting commissions in the states. In 2013, in Shelby County v. Holder, the U.S. Supreme Court threw out the preclearance of district maps of the states by the Justice Department under Section V of the Voting Rights Act, claiming Section V was no longer necessary. In 2019. the U.S. Supreme Court, in Rucho v. Common Cause, halted the efforts to reform partisan gerrymandering in the federal courts, saying gerrymandering was ultimately a political question over which the federal courts did not have authority.

The Supreme Court decisions have now left the door wide open for ruthless racial and partisan gerrymandering over House districts, especially in the southern states like Texas, Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina (the Democratic Governor in North Carolina has no role in redistricting there), which the Republicans control and where there is no longer preclearance by the Justice Department to halt racist gerrymanders.

Dave Wasserman, a political analyst for the Cook Political Report and one of the nations foremost experts on redistricting, has examined the state of redistricting across the nation. His analysis presents the current status as follows for the 435 House seats across the country: 187 seats with districting controlled by Republicans, 75 controlled by Democrats, 121 under independent/bipartisan districting commissions, 46 seats under divided party control, and 6 at-large seats. In some states, however, like Florida, the Republican Party is likely to aggressively draw new lines to eliminate Democratic incumbents and shore up newly-elected Republicans from South Florida. As many as 3 Democratic House seats are at risk there.

There are likely to be aggressive efforts to draw the district lines where one party or the other controls the process, but the fact remains that the Republican Party is in control of more states than the Democratic Party. The Republicans, just through redistricting alone, are capable of eliminating enough Democratic seats across the country on a net basis to offset the current 222-213, thin, five-seat majority the Democrats have in the House, making it ever more challenging to hold House seats for the Democrats in the midterm elections. In addition to New York, other important states like California, Ohio, Virginia, and Michigan have districting commissions that could neutralize partisanship. But even in those states the outcome is far from certain.

At the national level, there is still a chance that Congress could put the brakes on partisan or racial gerrymandering. H.R. 1, which has been passed in the House, requires non-partisan districting commissions for Congressional districts, and uniform standards for fair districting, like geographic compactness and communities of interest. H.R. 4, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, would restore Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act and re-establish Justice Department preclearance of district lines. A version of H.R. 4 passed in 2019. These bills, advanced by Democrats, proffer a truce on redistricting to the Republicans, a chance to avoid an all-out war over district lines. The demographic data and individual population counts for each district, information essential for the lines to be drawn, wont be released until August. The redistricting will then begin in earnest. There is still time to negotiate, but in my opinion Republican acceptance of reforms is unlikely.

The design of New Yorks redistricting commission still puts the Legislature in ultimate control in a set of circumstances that have already come to pass. The plans submitted by the commission to the Legislature can be rejected twice, and, upon two-thirds vote of each house, the Legislature can then draw the lines.

Democrats currently have a 19-8 majority in the New York House delegation, and the state must lose one seat.

Compliance with certain standards in New Yorks law on redistricting, such as compactness and communities of interest, must be adhered to regardless of whether the commission or the Legislature draws the district lines in New York. Every Congressional district must have about 760,000 people, and it is not yet known how many persons are within each district or what their minority populations are, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, among many others, is probably vitally interested in what the final lines will look like in New York.

Wasserman, in a set of New York maps put out on his twitter account, depicted New Yorks current lines and envisioned a districting alternative that eliminates five Republican districts. New York goes from a 19-8 Democratic majority to 23-3. See below for more.

New Yorks current district map from @redistrict April 27, 2021:

New Yorks Republican House districts are 1, 2, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 27. Republican Congressional Reps. Lee Zeldin from the 1st C.D. just launched a campaign for Governor in the 2022 election and Tom Reed from the 23rd announced he is retiring, meaning two Republican-held seats are likely to be vacant.

Here is Wassermans concept for a redistricting in New York that goes to 26 seats and has a 23-3 template for Democratic wins:

The above map is just a concept. But the Democrats have enough flexibility shifting Democrats around to take all three of the Republican seats downstate (two on Long Island and the Staten Island-Brooklyn seat), and convert them into winning districts for Democrats. That would leave three Republican seats in Upstate New York instead of five.

Partisan maps dont guarantee victories in elections. No one knows what the overall national tone will be like in the fall of 2022. Will Biden stay popular? Will there be a conservative counter-reaction to Democratic spending, leading to a Republican wave like the Tea Party in 2010? Will Democrats in New York (and elsewhere) go to sleep and fail to come out to vote? The answers to these questions are unknown. But I think if the legislative leaders in New York offered Nancy Pelosi an elimination of five Republican seats I know what her answer would be.

***Jim Brennan was a member of the New York State Assembly for 32 years, where he chaired four committees. On Twitter @JimBrennanNY.

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More here:
New York's Congressional Redistricting Could Be Tipping Point in Midterm Battle for Control of the House - Gotham Gazette

Editorial: Pork by any other name – Times Union

Whether you call them member items, community projects or earmarks, its all fundamentally the same thing: pork-barrel spending. And its coming back to Congress in a big way.

Before you dig out your old tea party hat and buttons from storage and look for a town meeting to disrupt, its worth taking a few moments to consider exactly what Congress is proposing here a new and supposedly improved process for allowing members to tack spending items onto legislation.

If theres one thing New Yorkers know, its pork the good and bad kinds. Done right, it can be beneficial for worthy projects and needy groups. Done wrong, it can be grossly corrupt, if not downright illegal.

A decade or so ago, member items were something of a dirty New York state secret. The Legislature published a list, sure, but good luck trying to figure out who sponsored a grant or what it was for. Lawmakers went to great lengths to make that hard to scrutinize, providing the lists only on paper or in computer images that couldnt be digitally searched. It took a lawsuit by the Times Union to pry the records loose.

And there was plenty of self-dealing and criminal activity behind that curtain. One of the most notorious culprits was Sen. Pedro Espada, a Bronx Democrat who spent five years in prison for siphoning millions off a health program for the poor that he had funded with federal and state money. He was one of the worst, but hardly the only one.

To supposedly clean up the process, New York shifted the legislative pork program to the Dormitory Authority, which is a little more transparent but could be better. Its latest report lists the amounts, recipients and uses of more than $1.2 billion in grants, but leaves out a critical element which legislator sponsored each grant. The state, though, assures the public that projects are screened for conflicts of interest and other shenanigans.

Congress, run by Democrats in both houses now, also assures the American public that the new earmark process, brought back after a decade, will be on the up-and-up. The rules are different this time around: Members must make their submissions public and certify they don't have a financial interest in them. The money can go only to government and nonprofit projects. Recipients will be audited.

The argument for restoring earmarks is credible enough representatives know better than bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., what their districts need. And certainly, some of the initial proposals sound positive $4.8 million for a floating solar array on Cohoes reservoir, sponsored by Rep. Paul Tonko, D-Amsterdam; $27 million for a drinking water project at Fort Drum, sponsored by Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-Schuylerville; and $430,000 for a gun violence prevention project in Ulster County, requested by U.S. Rep. Antonio Delgado, D-Rhinebeck.

Will someone try to slip through a bridge to nowhere? Will bags of money traced back to this program be found in some politicians freezer? Will it turn out that some non-profit used an earmark to hire some congressmans relative? We dont have the crystal ball to say yes, nor the naivet to say no. The best we can say so far is that it sounds promising. Now, the trick is for 535 politicians not to break the promise.

Read more:
Editorial: Pork by any other name - Times Union