Archive for the ‘Tea Party’ Category

May 16 | The MadHatter Tea Party…Starring Katie Kadan | Highland Park, IL Patch –

JOIN -Fill a Heart 4 Kids' Virtual MadHatter Tea Party Starring Katie Kadan from "The Voice",Alice in Wonderland characters, and fun virtual activities for you and your family...while helping local foster children living without the comforts of any family or a real home!

Two Show Times:

Saturday, May 16 -1-2PM or3-4PM

Perfect for kids ages 4-12.

The MadHatter Tea promises Katie Kadan will deliver the most amazing performance! You willsing,dance, sip tea and make fun arts and crafts for theQueens in your life!

It's National Foster Care Month!Proceeds will provide WeCare Packages and a better way of life for foster children living in local group facilities during this period of isolation.

After You Registeryou will receive a Zoom link, fun clues and supplies needed to make your experience quite mad! Please keep it a secret, it's just for you and our registered Queens! Now follow along so you don't fall down the rabbit hole....

Invite your courtspaces arelimited!

Tickets are $20 for each virtual session tojoin in this event and be part of the fun and the Madness!

Other donation opportunities to support programs for National Foster Care Month:

Fill Heart 4 Kids is a 501(c)(3) organization. FEIN 47-3442522 - Your donation is 100% tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. 400 East Illinois Road, Lake Forest, Il 60045

Original post:
May 16 | The MadHatter Tea Party...Starring Katie Kadan | Highland Park, IL Patch -

OPINION EXCHANGE | Minnesota Republicans, what are you going to do? – Minneapolis Star Tribune

See more of the story

Minnesota Republicans will meet for a virtual state convention this weekend to endorse candidates for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House and to approve a party platform. Over the past half century, we have been to more of these state conventions than we might care to count. We wont be participants this year, though and not just because we werent invited.

Minnesota Republicans face a dilemma of both policy and politics. The politics first:

While the GOP continues to do well in local races in rural Minnesota, its statewide appeal has vanished. This isnt a new phenomenon. In the past 24 years, Republicans have won only three of 15 races for governor or U.S. senator. Thats quite a swing from the pre-Tea Party, pre-anti-government Republican Party of Minnesota.

Between 1978, when one of the authors of this commentary was elected to the Senate, and 1994, when Arne Carlson won his second term as governor, Republicans won two-thirds of the races for governor and U.S. Senate.

Today, the GOP increasingly is being written out of the states future. It isnt competitive in the urban centers and first-ring suburbs, and it is barely holding on in second- and third-ring communities. The largest and fastest-growing blocs of voters in the state more and more see the GOP as noncompetitive.

At best, the partys role now is to control a portion of state government and be the brakes on the DFL Party. Today its the state Senate, but will that still be true after the 2020 census documents the continuing population shift to the metro area?

And that brings us to the partys policy problem. At the end of World War II, Minnesota was in the lower tier of wealth among the nations states. In less than three decades, Minnesota earned the reputation as the state that works.

Yes, it was DFL Gov. Wendy Anderson who appeared on the 1973 cover of Time magazine promoting The Good Life In Minnesota but Republican ideas and innovation built much of the foundation, leading the way on everything from environmental protection to creating the states first human-rights department, from tax reform to government reform.

The Minnesota Republican Party was based back then on core values that put government in service to support and promote the incredible innovation and energy of Minnesotans, their businesses, and our philanthropic and faith communities. The GOP recognized that governments role should be limited but not missing in action. It should be a partner with individuals and families at the times in our lives when we are vulnerable.

And, government should be transparent in words and actions. Draining the swamp is an insult to voters when its accompanied by ethical abuses piled on corrupt and self-serving policies.

Those values have given way to blind allegiance to a president who has abandoned nearly every core principle that once defined the GOP. We believe that the re-election of Donald Trump would be disastrous for the country and ruinous for the Republican Party. For us, there is a positive alternative in Joe Biden and a vehicle for our support, the Lincoln Project (

Biden isnt an anyone-but-Trump alternative. He is a positive choice to restore integrity and decency to the White House. Certainly, there are policy areas where we part ways with Biden and, like all of us, Biden has his personal flaws. But more than anything else, we believe he has the ability and commitment to rebuild trust between government and the people it serves. And nothing is more important to good government than the confidence of the governed.

The Lincoln Project, created by Republicans who are dismayed at what has become of our party, isnt a group of disaffected outsiders. Quite the contrary. Those who are coming to the Lincoln Project to support Biden have made the nonpartisan decision to put country first. As the mission of the group states, Electing Democrats who support the Constitution over Republicans who do not is a worthy effort. We agree.

Even as we work to defeat Trump, we hope that the Minnesota Republican Party will find its way back to its ethical and moral roots. We want a strong GOP in Minnesota, and we will continue to offer conservative policy proposals and support Republican candidates who are in the mold of those who in the past not only made the GOP the states dominant party but made Minnesota a dominant state.

So, sincere best wishes to those Republicans meeting online for their convention. We still count many of you as friends. And as friends, we offer our sincere hope that you will avoid the coronavirus that threatens us all and rise above the illness that afflicts our party.

Dave Durenberger is a former U.S. senator from Minnesota. Tom Horner is a public-relations executive who was the Independence Party candidate for governor in 2010.

View original post here:
OPINION EXCHANGE | Minnesota Republicans, what are you going to do? - Minneapolis Star Tribune

Auchter’s Art: Whether or not you like Amash, you have to respect him – Michigan Radio

Justin Amash is the current U.S. Representative for Michigan's 3rd congressional district. He was part of the Tea Party wave of Republicans elected in 2010. (I used to draw him as Sarah Palin back then.) He turned out to be a bit more substantive, earning a reputation for being thoughtful and deliberative, holding firm to his beliefs. Some would say (including many of his colleagues) too firm.

By 2019 he finally had enough of Trumpism and left the Republican Party, declaring himself independent. Recently, he aligned himself with the Libertarian Party and announced "the formation of an exploratory committee to seek its presidential nomination," which means he's now running for president.

Rep. Amash was one of the first national politicians to embrace social media as a means of communicating with his constituents, and he's about as transparent as you could hope for a lawmaker to be. Whether or not you like his politics, I think you have to respect him. Case in point, Amash recently had a series of tweets defining his position on state-level "stay-in-place" orders.

For example: Government cant know what is essential. Every human has the right to earn a living. We can live safely without edicts from the governor.

This aligns with Amash's libertarian views, so points for clarity and consistency. And points off for blind adherence to ideology in the face of a pandemic reality. But that all can be a discussion for another time. The things that really struck me about what Amash said is that (1) he makes a coherent point and (2) he manages to do it being a functional adult (no narcism, no threats, actual words, the whole shabang). Such a low, low bar, and yet it's thrilling to see somebody make it over!

John Auchter is a freelance political cartoonist. His views are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of Michigan Radio, its management, or its license holder, the University of Michigan.

Michigan Radio listeners, readers, and reporters are rising to the challenge every day. If you can, please support essential journalism during this crisis.

The rest is here:
Auchter's Art: Whether or not you like Amash, you have to respect him - Michigan Radio

Randolph, home of the foolish and the brave – Opinion – Asheboro Courier Tribune


A serious fault line is developing in Randolph County, like the crooked line in Western California where the tectonic plates rip the Earth under communities. Our county is ripped apart by beliefs, by income status, by politics, by race and now by age.

Have you ever noticed where the lines are drawn between those who need to go back to work and those who are retiring?

As the cracks develop, the pandemic opens up enmity where we thought the surface was healed over. I want to speak about where the working healthy folks under 60 are opposed to the vulnerable aged people and dont want to talk about it.

I see it in the arguments among elected officials and more in the stores and around the restaurant take-out counters. Younger working adults with or without children are becoming more vehemently split against the older people who just happen to be the biggest group being killed by the C-virus. How do I know? Just go to a store in Randolph County and watch.

Two restaurants I have visited recently do not make their employees wear any gloves or masks and I assure you the many patrons circulating there to pick up food have no concern. No wonder theres no change in the infection number increase. Randolph County is the land of the brave and the foolish.

The American health care system relies on employer generosity and the fee for service model. Medicare waddles along behind taking advantage of the workers who are able to keep the system afloat. Specialists are doing well off of the latest procedures and medicines to keep the old people going into their 70s and 80s and comprises a huge percentage of those people with pre-existing conditions. Its the pre-existing conditions that make the coronavirus so effective among the elderly.

I have to wonder when the great loss of vulnerable people will be welcomed by the mega crowd and the cost-conscious Tea Party types. Oh yes, thats another division. Political pollsters are trying to figure the odds.

John C Miller


See the original post here:
Randolph, home of the foolish and the brave - Opinion - Asheboro Courier Tribune

Sutherland Marie Curie backers urged to take Blooming Great Tea Party online – Northern Times

Marie Curies famous Blooming Great Tea Party is going virtual this year and the charity needs tea party hosts more than ever before to make up for the devastating effect the coronavirus crisis has had on the charitys income.

The end-of-life charity is calling on you to throw a Blooming Virtual Tea Party from home this summer.

"While staying indoors is the new normal, throwing a virtual tea party is a fun way to stay connected to the ones you love during this time and a great way to support nurses working on the frontline of the crisis," says popular TV hostess Mel Giedroyc on behalf of the charity.

In peoples homes across Scotland Marie Curie is caring for people with terminal illnesses, as well as people with Covid-19, and is protecting the NHS by keeping patients away from hospital.

However, as the charity has stepped up its support for the nation, its fundraising income has been devastated by the impact of lockdown measures it had to cancel its Great Daffodil Appeal in March and closed all its charity shops shortly after.

The charity needs to raise a quarter of a milllion pounds to fund its Scottish services.

That is why the charity and its celebrity ambassador, Mel Giedroyc, are encouraging everyone to connect virtually with friends and family while raising some money at the same time.

Cake lover and tea party extraordinaire, Mel says: You can bake it, fake it, brew it or stew it whatever your cup of tea, Marie Curies Blooming Great Tea Party is going virtual this year andits a simple way to keep in touch with your chums, while raising money for a wonderful cause, which, I think youll agree, we all need right now".

Marie Curie needs to raise a massive 2.5million each week to care for the tens of thousands of people who need its nursing and hospice care. This year, the amazing nurses and frontline staff need you more than ever, as the fundraising events they rely on have all been cancelled.

Ive met their nurses before. They are inspiring, kind, caring and loving people who are currently caring for people at the end of their lives and keeping people out of hospital,helping the NHS cope with the coronavirus crisis.

Every last crumb of the money you raise will help people at the end of their lives. So please join me by raising a cuppa, and some money, in your lounge or garden for the Marie Curie Nurses on the front line.

Vonnie Stevenson, community fundaiser, said: Our Blooming Great Tea Party looks a little different this year but I think everyone needs an excuse to meet up with their friends and family online of course and check in on the people they love. If you can do that while raising some money for Marie Curie, then your generous donations will enable us to help even more people at the end of their lives get the care they need in this time of uncertainty.

We rely on the support of the amazing public to ensure our nurses can keep caring for people. And while the coronavirus crisis has badly impacted our fundraising events, we hope by going virtual well be able to raise the vital funds we need to keep supporting people in our communities across the North of Scotland.

To register as a Blooming Virtual Tea Party host visit or call 0800 716 146.

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In these testing times, your support is more important than ever. Thank you.

See the original post:
Sutherland Marie Curie backers urged to take Blooming Great Tea Party online - Northern Times