I am a conservative Latino who believes in less government and less taxes. Its because I saw friends and family suffer under two dictators in Panama as well as finding my own path in life and creating and building my own business here in California. I am a product of two parents a Puerto Rican father and Panamanian mother who had nothing and worked hard to achieve the American dream so I wouldnt have to struggle. American values and the rule of law are important to me.
When the Tea Party came into existence it made me realize there were millions out there who believe as I do. I then saw the mainstream media (MSM) immediately attack the Tea Party. To prove my point, I merely point to MSNBC airing an anti-Tea Party segment portraying them as evil white supremacists toting guns. They showed a closeup of an individual with a gun, implying, he was an angry white man because we had a black president. They didnt expand the shot because he wasnt an angry white man but a conservative black man who had the right by law to carry. This is what we call fake news and epitomizes my belief in the MSM promoting its own political ideology to destroy the Tea Party.
Fed up with a bloated and all-reaching government the Tea Party had all colors and cultures who believe in three tenets: fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets thats it! Yet the MSM created the perception they were racists and remember, the Tea Party fought not just liberals but their own Republican Establishment politicians. They never had anyone with the name recognition or platform to champion them as their voice especially after Andrew Breitbarts death (like me, a former liberal).
I also point out that Tea Party rallies were civil and nonviolent and they cleaned up after themselves something we dont see from the hate group ANTIFA. A group that believes in violence and have no regard for anyone they attack everyones fair game. Lets not forget the Occupy Wall Street movement and reports of rape and violence. These are alt-left groups that liberals and the MSM defend.
I went to the Tea Party California Caucus, The REAL RESISTANCE CONFERENCE to see if the movement still had life and how minorities and women were part of, or not, of the movement.
It was not shocking to see Latinos, blacks, women, Asians (Chinese), transgenders and gasp even white men and women all present. All proudly proclaiming their conservative views and support for American values and the three tenets we believe in. I include the rule of law and order as well in that.
Tea Party Latinos
Some speakers are controversial, and Irma Hinojosa and Johnny Benitez are no strangers to that. They spoke on ANTIFA as the Charlottesville debacle was unfolding. They played clips from various events showing ANTIFA tactics up close and at their own risk. They go where these events are, including conferences for liberals, to expose what the MSM isnt showing. They are what you would call citizen journalists.
Their primary goal was to teach baby boomers, how to harness and use technology in fighting smear tactics and to bring the truth to the people. Hinojosas primary vehicle of distribution is Periscope via Twitter (75K followers) and now YouTube. I ask for how long? Because these two corporate behemoths and others are purposely blocking and censoring conservatives.
Hinojosa brought up an interesting point. When her Twitter handle was @Latinaafortrump she saw issues with Periscope and her account in general. They went away when the account became @irmahinojosa_. Things that make you go hmmm.
Its easy to misconstrue Benitez because hes a straight shooter with his belief as an immigrant. Those who come here legally and properly follow the rules and pay their dues to get here but are put behind those coming here illegally. His belief is simple, its a voting bloc and its cheap labor for the elites. In terms of why Democrats and big business want illegals to continue coming here. Many legal immigrants also believe this, but hes not afraid to say it, which is what makes him controversial to the MSM he doesnt fit their narrative.
I see why the left and MSM hate Hinojosa and Benitez. Despite this, they continue to risk their lives in defense of American values built on free speech and law and order.
Guillermo Moreno, a conservative millennial Latino with a talk show on PowerTalk 96.7 in Fresno, California, spoke on what he deals with on the radio and how hes slowly converting a few liberals. A caller chastised him as hes never worked in the fields like his family did so he went out there and discovered there were more legal immigrants and Americans working than illegals. Thus, in this case, disproving the narrative the MSM pushes in saying Americans wont do those jobs.
What people conveniently forget is that Moreno doesnt work the fields because his family made sacrifices so he would have a better life. Thats every parents wish and what the American dream offers. Thats what happened to Moreno and as he puts it, hes Living the dream. His role as a conservative Latino talk show host is one of the most important for conservative minorities.
Its easy to see why Latino, Hispanic, Chicano or whatever term government imposes on us to fit our culture, may despise Moreno. However, he does represent what we as a culture believe when we come to this country as immigrants. The fact he espouses it without government dependence should not be shocking because thats an immigrants dream.
The Second Amendment
Craig DeLuz, handsome, charming, eloquent and of Italian and black descent, with looks that make women swoon, is a champion of the Second Amendment. He came out swinging by stating its a civil right, not a hunting right or a right for skill shooting. Hes taken his fight straight to the legislators and reminds the voters which legislator stated support and then did not. He has a record of success doing this but more importantly he made a comment that is a key reason liberals and Democrats cant get rid of the Second Amendment.
Most gun owners are single issue voters that transcend parties. It explains why David Myers, a Democrat, is finding some support within conservative circles against incumbent Republican Bill Gore in the upcoming 2018 election race for San Diego Sheriff.
Again, a minority conservative protecting a right given to us from those evil founding fathers (as the left would put it.)
A black Tea Party Hollywood actress
Roxanne Beckford Hoge, Jamaican born who emigrated to the states is a beautiful, sassy, energetic Hollywood actress, entrepreneur and mother. Like DeLuz, she came out swinging, speaking and sharing views on conservatism the MSM would shudder to hear from a minority. She praised Dennis Prager, spoke on never forgetting and reminding those who would say otherwise on how the Democrats are the party of the KKK.
Her energy was contagious and she was a hit the moment she spoke. I can see her running for office one day especially since the odds of landing a major role in Hollywood grow less and less, the more vocal she gets. She accepts that and keeps fighting, which is a trait that has made America exceptional standing up for your God given rights!
Log Cabin Republican and Libertarian Transgender
Two individuals of the transgender community were also present. They did not speak but were not afraid to voice their views and ask questions on the topics at hand fighting those who would destroy our conservative beliefs. Many came to realize their conservatism was just as strong as any Tea Party patriot in attendance. Always wanting to learn and grow, I was full of questions and while some of my beliefs were correct I grew in learning and understanding issues they deal with.
What will surprise liberals and shock the MSM is the acceptance from Tea Party Patriots at the convention. Im a realist as Im sure some in the audience dont agree with their existence but Ive found many liberals in my lifetime that think like that as well. The best way to create change is by getting to know the community, to learn, understand and grow which leads to acceptance. Thats just not for conservatives but liberals and ALL Americans.
The irony is the two individuals told me they struggle with backlash and anger more with their own liberal friends and groups because of their conservative values, yet you never hear that in the MSM!
The future of the Tea Party
Theres no future as a national entity with the Tea Party though some are trying. Their strength and role will come locally, where the true strength of national politics reside because most national politicians begin locally. By electing todays local conservative, you are supporting tomorrows national leaders. I also believe the name Tea Party may disappear as time goes on but regardless, conservatism and the Tea Party mentality will always exist because its part of our American values. We promote the good but will never forget the bad in order not to repeat it. The Tea Party represents conservative beliefs despite what the MSM wants you to believe.
Del Pilar the Latino
As a Latino whose life has revolved around minorities, my family consists of black, brown, Asian as well as OMG whites! I grew up in a diverse neighborhood and school system and many minority conservatives do have one experience in common.
The experience of those who want to help us because they believe we cant help ourselves something this former liberal can attest to as Ive seen it over and over.
To my liberal friends, when youre ready to talk to move this country forward, Im willing to sit down and listen if youll do the same.
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Heres the link to the MSNBC film that is referred to in the article:
See the original post:
Attending the Tea Party California Convention - Valley Roadrunner