Archive for the ‘Tea Party’ Category

Rolly: From Alice’s tea party to today’s tea party – a strange trip down the GOP rabbit hole – Salt Lake Tribune

"Have some wine," the March Hare says to Alice.

"I don't see any wine," she responds.

"There isn't any," he answers.

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?" offers the Hatter.

And the Dormouse wakes up to fashion a story about three sisters living at the bottom of a "treacle well" that had no connection to the already ridiculous conversation.

Now compare that to recent rhetorical calisthenics undertaken by the aforementioned GOP politicians trying to explain why actions taken by their political allies are so righteous when similar decisions made by Democrats when they were in power were so despicable.

Let's start with McConnell.

He had nothing but praise for the airstrikes Republican President Donald Trump ordered against a Syrian air base in response to chemical weapons brutally dropped on civilian populations in that Middle East nation.

But McConnell criticized Democratic President Barack Obama for proposing in 2013 that the U.S. launch airstrikes against Syria after a similar gasing of civilians.

When asked about the difference, McConnell said Trump's attack was "well-executed, went right to the heart of the matter, which is using chemical weapons. So, had I seen that that kind of approach by President Obama, I'm sure I would've signed up." But McConnell said then-Secretary of State John Kerry described Obama's proposed military strike as "like a pinprick" that would not have "any great consequence"

But noted that what Obama proposed was similar to the assault undertaken by Trump. In a televised address, the Democratic commander in chief called for "a targeted strike to achieve a clear objective: deterring the use of chemical weapons and degrading Assad's capabilities. The United States military doesn't do pinpricks."

Syria sent warplanes out of the same airstrip the following day after the Trump-ordered strikes, which used an estimated $60 million worth of Tomahawk cruise missiles. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said there is no follow-up plan.

That's well-thought-out?

"You should say what you mean," the March Hare told Alice.

Read more from the original source:
Rolly: From Alice's tea party to today's tea party - a strange trip down the GOP rabbit hole - Salt Lake Tribune

Tea Party opposing Warren County sports complex – Dayton Daily News


The Warren County Tea Party is urging supporters to attend Tuesdays meeting on the proposed Warren County Sports Park at Union Village.

They wont give up on raising taxes to put the county in the sports marketing business. Its not a role of government. Nearby residents also have a problem with this plan, said an email sent out to supporters over the weekend.

On Tuesday, the county Board of Commissioners is to vote on the development plan and review the site plan for the 109-acre complex to be built off Greentree Road and Ohio 741 in Turtlecreek Twp.

Last week, residents living across Greentree from the park hired a lawyer to help them press their concerns with the commissioners.

The tea party is rejoining the opposition, having questioned the commissioners during a 2015 meeting about the need for a 1-percent increase in the lodging tax to fund the sports complex.

Our problem with this plan is philosophical, tied to the basic tenets of limited government and fiscal responsibility. We last packed a Commissioners meeting in 2015 to challenge this, said the message to urg tea party and affiliate supporters to attend the meetings scheduled at 10:40 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Tuesday.

The complex is to be part of the 1,200 Union Village development, also expected to include 4,500 homes and commercial development around the main retirement campus of Otterbein Senior Lifestyle Choices west of Lebanon.

Supporters project the sports complex will draw more tourists to the county who will pay sales tax while visiting, keeping down other taxes paid by residents.

Tuesday debate on Warren County Sports Complex

Board of Commissioners meeting

10:40 a.m.: Decision on development plan

10:45 a.m.: Hearing on site plan

Commissioners Board Room,

406 Justice Dr., Lebanon

For information, call 513-695-1250

See original here:
Tea Party opposing Warren County sports complex - Dayton Daily News

Tea Party of the Left: Democrats Plan Nationwide ‘Tax Marches’ to Demand Trump Tax Returns – Breitbart News


We need a president who works for all Americans, and a tax system that does too. Release your tax returns and commit to a fair tax system for the American people, a statement from the events website reads.

It continues: President Trump needs to be straight with the American people. To whom does he owe favors? Who are his policies really intended to benefit? Who will he put first? Working families are struggling to make ends meet, but we pay our fair share in taxes does Donald Trump pay any at all?

Over 60 left-wing groups,, Communications Workers of America, American Federation of Teachers, Americans for Tax Fairness, Indivisible, the Sunlight Foundation, and the Bernie Sanders spin-off group Our Revolution, will participate in the march.

In Washington D.C, participants will begin their rally by the Capitol and move towardsTrump International Hotel and the IRS building.

International marchesare also planned, with scheduled events in the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany and New Zealand.

According to Axios, the timing of the marchdeliberately coincides with the eight year anniversary of the mass Tea Party rallies, which took place 15th April 2009 to oppose Barack Obamas$787 billion stimulus package and $3.5 trillion budget.

Last month, progressive MSNBC talk show host Rachel Maddowunveiled a copy of Donald Trumps tax returns from 2005, which revealedthat Trump had paid $38 million in income taxes on $150 million that year.

As part of his plan to reinvigorate small business and stagnant economic growth, Trumphas pledged to cut taxes and regulation massively, although Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has warned that tax reform is unlikely to be completed before August.

You can follow Ben Kew on Facebook, on Twitter at @ben_kew,oremail him at

Original post:
Tea Party of the Left: Democrats Plan Nationwide 'Tax Marches' to Demand Trump Tax Returns - Breitbart News

Does Manuel Medina Still Believe This About The Tea Party? – 550 KTSA

In November 2014, current Mayoral candidate Manuel Medina was making headlines in SA media. Not because he was running for office at the time, but for an ad he took personal responsibility for creating and airing on Spanish-language television.

Mr. Medina was Chairman of the Bexar County Democrat Party, and he was looking for ways to help Democrat candidates locked in south Texas races.

As Express News writer Gilbert Garcia points out in this piece on Sunday November 2, 2014,

The Univision ad begins by showing the United States and Mexican flags waving next to each other, with a narrator saying, These two flags represent friendship, liberty, opportunity and justice.

That image is quickly replaced by the tea partys Dont Tread on Me banner.

This flag, the narrator warns us, is muy peligrosa (very dangerous).

Its the flag of the tea party Republicans. They are radical terrorists and they want to take matters into their own hands, affecting our children and families with violence and firearms on the border and in our cities.

Garcia continues,

Medina defended the ad which he created himself by saying, The tea party is not a political party. Theyre a terrorist organization.

On November 2, 2014 KSAT television quoted Medina as saying, They deserve to be called terrorists. Theyre acting like them, theyre dressing like them.

The final Mayoral debate will air at noon today on KTSA. Do you think this issue should come up?

Read the original post:
Does Manuel Medina Still Believe This About The Tea Party? - 550 KTSA

The left’s next Tea Party – Axios

Axios caught up with Lampkin for some frank talk on her findings and the state of diversity in Silicon Valley.

There's this perception that all tech companies are equally bad at actual results on diversity but your scores show a wide range. Is it a misperception?

Yes, definite misperception. Unfortunately, I think the media has played a role in creating this reality because once we pull back the layers, with companies like Slack for example, we're surprised to find how homogenous their leadership team still remains. What I'm hoping to do is show the real differentiation because many companies are just hiring a chief diversity officer, giving money to non-profits, but still aren't putting underrepresented people in positions of real power/influence.

Who is doing more than talking about diversity?

I'd say that top 35 companies on the BlendScore list are doing a pretty good job, but there is definitely still room for improvement. I've created the algorithm such that attaining a score of 100 doesn't take extreme measures (much like the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index). Most of these companies have zero underrepresented minorities on their board or executive teams.diversity for them is often White, occasionally Asian, cis-gender straight women which is why I put photos up there too.

What is actually working?

CXO's and Board Members that genuinely give a f**k! Hiring and rewarding talented people equally is more important than driverless cars, AI, and virtual reality and it has to be regarded as suchwhy? Because there are talented people who can solve these problems that aren't even able to get in the game or get there and aren't treated well. Investment in education/STEM pipeline and human resource management that is comparable to R&D will work.

Original post:
The left's next Tea Party - Axios