Archive for the ‘Tea Party’ Category

Stronger than Tea: The anti-Trump resistance is much bigger than … – Salon

The anti-Trump resistance is not like the Tea Party, to which it is frequently compared. Its much moreserious, despite repeated denials in the mainstream media. True, it lacks a misleading, self-important moniker, and its only been around a few weeks or months, rather than years. But the Womens March brought out more than 4 million people to more than900 events on all seven continents. Tea Party protests on Tax Day in 2009 were an order of magnitude smaller in total, with the largest of them in the 10,000 range. Tea Party town halls didnt gain steam until the August 2009 congressional recess, followed bythe 9-12 rally that September, relentlessly hyped by Glenn Beck on Fox News, and falsely touted to have drawn 2 million people. It was really more like 70,000, as Nate Silver explained.

Beyond all those particulars, the Tea Party was far more driven by outside money, organization and media promotion than the anti-Trump protests today. The Tea Party grew frommore than 20 years of Astroturf organizing, financed largely by Big Tobacco, as well as Koch Brothers organizing, specifically employing the Tea Party brand since at least 2002. Whats more, its level of popular support was always more limited as well, rarely rising above 30 percent. It neverrepresented a majoritarian point of view.

Even within the GOP itself, non-Tea Party Republicans opposed Tea Party ideas on some of its core economic thinking, as Greg Sargent highlighted in January 2014 (The Tea Party and the Hammock Theory of Poverty). Most tellingly, Tea PartyRepublicans (and GOP leaners) overwhelminglyopposedraising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour by 65 percent to 33 percent, while non-Tea Party Republicans and leaners overwhelmingly supportedit by precisely the opposite ratio. The Tea Party represented an isolated minority that was wildly out of step with the rest of the country but wielded extraordinary power within a severely dysfunctional party and political system. There has been no comparable polling on the anti-Trump protests, but President Trumps approval ratings remain well below 50 percent, so opposing him is clearly a majoritarian position.

The Tea Partys power came from the ability of an organized anti-government minority to wreak havoc in an already long-gridlocked system. They basically dont believe in governance, and our democracy is fragile enough that they have been able to start dismantling it, though nowhere near as rapidly or radically as theyd like. Anti-Trump protesters want to block the presidents agenda, clearly. But theyre definitely not anti-governance. To the contrary, they support significant enhancements in the effectiveness, responsiveness and scope of government to meet the challenges of the 21stcentury. They also embrace a much more diverse range of identities and confluence of movements.

Its harder to build than to destroy, so the anti-Trump movement has a more difficult job before it, made even harder by the structures of American governance, the many veto points, and the enormous money power of the 1 percent. Facile comparisons thatignore these asymmetries misrepresent political reality, and serve to make the anti-Trump movements work even harder than it already is.

While many mainstream pundits have equated the two movements, conservatives muddle things even more. A typical example is Rep. Ral Labrador of Idaho, a House Freedom Caucus leader, who recently described the Tea Party as a large group of people that organically got together eight years ago, because they were upset with the Republican establishment as well as with President Obama. As Jane Mayer made clear in her book Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right, there was nothing organic about it:

Thomas Frank, author of Whats the Matter with Kansas?, had stopped by to see an early Tea Party rally in Lafayette Square, across from the White House, in February 2009. It was very much a put-up job, he concluded. All the usual suspects were there, likeFreedom Works, Joe the Plumber, andThe American Spectatormagazine. There were also some people who had Revolutionary War costumes and Dont Tread on Me flags, actual activists, and a few ordinary people, he said. But it was very well organized by the conservative groups. Back then, it was really obvious that it was put on, and theyd set it up. But then it caught on. Frank argues that the Tea Party wasnt subverted, as some have suggested. It wasbornsubverted. Still, he said, its a major accomplishment for sponsors like the Kochs that theyve turned corporate self-interest into a movement among people on the streets.

Make no mistake, it was a remarkable accomplishment, if one that also cost a lot of money. But it took the disastrous failures of the Bush administration, which destroyed the broader conservative brand, to provide an opening for the more radical Tea Party brand to catch on. The Democratic establishment has failed as well though not as spectacularly, and not around a clearly articulated and agreed-upon ideological identity. But that failure reached a new crisis point with the election of Donald Trump, which in turn led to the anti-Trump movement. Here we can see one true point in common: Like the Tea Party, the anti-Trump resistance is a response to the failures of both parties.

Another symmetry is the influx of new activism and newly created organizations, alongside older, more established ones. Writing for the Hill recently, Heath Brown, author of a book about the Tea Party, argued that the Tea Party displayed two important dimensions, which he claimed the anti-Trump movement lacked: First, bold imagery and clear symbolism, and second, the formation of a vast network of new organizations, numbering around 1,000, citing the work of Theda Skocpol and Vanessa Williamson. Browns first point is valid, though it actually illustrates my thesis about how deeply asymmetrical the two movements are. The Koch brothers organizations have been fooling around with that imagery, symbolism and faux history since at least 2002, and even before that in embryonic form.

But the second point is simply false. First of all, by 2012, the number of Tea Party groups had declined to 600, Skocpol said, though she considered that a very good survival rate. In contrast, today new anti-Trump groups are quickly growing. The Indivisible Guide website has a geographically organized directory of groups, that are wholly independent; they are listed provided they agree to resist Trumps agenda, focus on local, defensive congressional advocacy, and embrace progressive values. Within 50 miles of my home in Los Angeles, there are 238 groups listed, of which 66 begin with Indivisible in their names the bare minimum of new organizations. But thats just L.A., what do you expect? Well, there are at least eight identifiably new groups within 50 miles of Omaha, six in and around Boise, Idaho, and 19 within 50 miles of Paul Ryans home district in Janesville, Wisconsin. And thats just groups affiliated under one umbrella. There is no doubt that the Trump resistance is forming new organizations at a high rate, just as the Tea Party did only much faster.

But the similarities are not as important as the differences, whichcan only be fully appreciated in terms of the much broader, long-standing asymmetry of American politics, laid out in detail by Matt Grossmann and David A. Hopkins in their book Asymmetric Politics: Ideological Republicans and Group Interest Democrats (my Salon story here). In a nutshell, the Tea Party represented a re-visioning of conservative politics in the wake of George W. Bushs disastrous presidency, in line with the traditional ideological nature of the GOP, with its historical emphasis on who is a true conservative, who is most pure, most principled, most extreme, etc. Given how thoroughly Bushs conservative project had failed, a complete makeover was imperative.

In contrast, the anti-Trump protests reflect the diverse nature of groups particularly interested in specific sorts of policies, rather than the ideologies used to justify or explain them. That diversity plays a much more significant role in the Democratic Party, and the broader political culture around and beyond it. The fragmentary nature of the Democratic coalition as well as inherent tensions with its affluent funders has created a very different history of relations between the party establishment and its activist base and the larger populations they represent. At the same time, the core policies that these activists push for have much broader support than the policies that conservative activists push. It is only in the realm of broad ideology, and the rhetoric spread around it, that conservatives can hope to gain majority support.

For example,as I pointed out in July 2015, BernieSanders embraced a full-throated progressive agenda that had very high levels of popular support. The Big Ideas poll commissioned by the Progressive Change Institute generated a long list of policies supported by 70 percent of the public or more, all of which were generally in line with Sanders agenda. They ranged from universal pre-K (77 percent) to an end to gerrymandering (73 percent), to debt-free college at public universities, a $400 billion annual infrastructure jobs program and Medicare buy-in for all (71 percent each).

This magnitude of support for progressive policies is one side of the fundamental asymmetry of American politics, and a clear source of strength for progressives courageous enough to rally behind them. One root cause of this asymmetry was first uncovered by Lloyd Free and Hadley Cantril in their landmark 1967 book, The Political Beliefs of Americans: A Study of Public Opinion, which found that half the population qualified asideological conservatives, based on questions about government interference and individual initiative, while two-thirds of the population were operationally liberal, supporting an activist federal government when asked about specific programs or responsibilities stable or increased federal government spending on education, housing and urban renewal, adoption of Lyndon Johnsons Medicare proposal, and the governments responsibility to fight poverty.

In the last section of their book, titled The Need for a Restatement of American Ideology, Free and Cantril wrote:

The paradox of a large majority of Americans qualifying as operational liberals while at the same time a majority hold to a conservative ideology has been repeatedly emphasized in this study. We have described this state of affairs as mildly schizoid, with people believing in one set of principles abstractly while acting according to another set of principles in their political behavior. But the principles according to which the majority of Americans actually behave politically have not yet been adequately formulated in modern terms

There is little doubt that the time has come for a restatement of American ideology to bring it in line with what the great majority of people want and approve. Such a statement, with the right symbols incorporated, would focus peoples wants, hopes, and beliefs, and provide a guide and platform to enable the American people to implement their political desires in a more intelligent, direct, and consistent manner.

As Ive noted before, that restatement was never mounted. If wed had it, it would have sounded a lot like Dr. Martin Luther Kings call for the Poor Peoples Campaign, or like Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign. Instead, almost the opposite happened: Conservative ideology gained ascendency within the political class, pushing the countrys politics to the right. Racist reaction against the gains of the Civil Rights Movement played a significant role as well. More broadly, we can point to the more complex historical processes of which increased economic inequality is just one highly significant example associated with the turn toward a disintegrative, conflictual trend in American society, as described in Peter Turchins Ages of Discord, which I reviewed here last October. Those trends should peak sometime after 2020, providing an opening for more integrative, prosocial forces to gain traction which is why there could still be a chance for that hoped-for restatement.

But as long as conservative ideology retains such a hold, theres a strong tendency even for progressives to present their policies in a framework that reflects conservative assumptions, at least implicitly. Such an ideologically impaired presentation inevitably weakens progressive arguments, giving credence to all manner of false arguments. This is precisely the legacy of neoliberalism, as advanced by Bill and Hillary Clinton in the 1980s and 90s, which was challenged repeatedly among both parties during last years election campaign.

To her credit, Hillary Clinton evolved in a much more progressive direction over the course of the campaign, but the lasting impact of neoliberal ideology goes far beyond any one political figure. The struggle to overcome that lasting impact will be one of the most important determinants of whether the anti-Trump movement ultimately succeeds not just in stopping Trump, but in solving the festering problems that gave rise to Trump in the first place. In the best-case scenario, it will finally succeed in crafting a restatement of American ideology to bring it in line with what the great majority of people want and approve. It seems like such a simple, straightforward and obvious thing to do.

Stronger than Tea: The anti-Trump resistance is much bigger than ... - Salon

Zonta club and library to host annual youth tea party – Petoskey News-Review

CHARLEVOIX The Charlevoix Public Library and Charlevoix Zonta Club will host their annual Youth Tea Party from 1-3 p.m. Sunday, March 19.

Girls and boys, ages 4-12, are invited to come to the Charlevoix Public Library with a parent or guardian, dress up Polynesian style and experience a tropical afternoon.

Two fun Moana related crafts to make and take home are planned. Colorful lei greetings, a tattoo station and yummy treats and tea are also scheduled. Special guest Kristi Epping will teach the art of the hula.

The Tea Party will be in the librarys community room. It is free and open to all. Space is limited and preregistration is required before Friday, March 17. To register, call (231) 237-7350.

The library is located at 220 W. Clinton St., Charlevoix. For more information, visit

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Zonta club and library to host annual youth tea party - Petoskey News-Review

Tea Party Leader Tears Apart House Health Plan: Prices Will … – TPM

Jenny Beth Martin, a co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, said on Thursday morning that she's not happy with the House Republican bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, arguing that it will increase health insurance costs even further.

"If it passes the way it is presented right now, the hard working taxpayers of this country will be forgotten once again," Martin told CNN's "New Day" after saying that the House bill will prompt health insurance prices to "skyrocket."

She said that she's been receiving hundreds of emails from fellow Tea Party members, and the majority are concerned about the bill.

"People are reminding me that we've stood in the snow, in the rain, in the hot summer heat again and again and again to oppose Obamacare, to work to get it repealed and to stand for health care freedom. What we're seeing out of the House of Representatives is not what we expected when we voted for majorities in the House and Senate, who promised us they would repeal Obamacare," Martin told CNN.

Martin was among the conservatives who met with President Donald Trump and his staff on Wednesday night to discuss concerns about the legislation unveiled by House leaders this week. She said that Trump listened to their concerns and said that they could be addressed in phase three of the process after the initial repeal bill is passed.

Watch a clip from the interview via CNN:

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Tea Party Leader Tears Apart House Health Plan: Prices Will ... - TPM

Trump throws down a huge challenge to the tea party | Election … – Arizona Daily Star

President Trump has thrown down a major challenge for the tea party and its congressional bloc, known as the Freedom Caucus. He is proposing to Congress a massive budget-busting plan that increases military spending by a whopping $54 billion, slashes domestic programs, and leaves Social Security and Medicare intact. And a significant tax cut will soon be on the way.

This presents a crucial test to the tea party movement that has reshaped American politics since 2008. The most obvious challenge is that Trump has chosen to leave Social Security and Medicare alone, two of the biggest components of the federal budget and two prime targets for conservatives like Speaker Paul Ryan.

Trump is going to assure Congress that the draconian cuts to domestic programs like the Environmental Protection Agency, reductions which tea party Republicans love, will balance out the huge increase in military spending. But the reality will be different.

President Ronald Reagan learned in the early 1980s that cutting government programs is extremely hard in practice. When Reagan slashed income taxes and boosted military spending, promising to balance the budget with domestic cuts, he failed. Reagan also backed away from cuts to Social Security and Medicare when he faced a political backlash for trying.

In the end, deficits skyrocketed in the 1980s. Reagan faced a Democratic House. Yet we have seen that Trump is already learning how hard it is to cut government, even in a moment of united partisan control, as he backs away from eliminating increasingly popular parts of the Affordable Care Act. In his speech to Congress, he also promised to move forward with a $1 trillion infrastructure bill, which surely won't sit well with fiscal conservatives in his party.

Finally, this increase in military spending is a significant expansion of the federal government. While tea party Republicans might want to distinguish national security from the rest of government, in reality if they swallow this proposal they are revealing that conservatism really is about what kind of government to support, not whether big government is bad.

Tea party Republicans insisted that they would be different and for much of the time that they have had representation in Congress since 2008 they have been true to the word. They have been an intensely ideological coalition, insisting on a commitment to purity on policy that left the Obama administration deeply frustrated and tied up in knots.

Added to all this is the curveball that the president threw when he announced that he is open to immigration reform that would allow a large number of undocumented immigrants to remain in the country. Despite his continued attacks on undocumented immigrants in his address, the mere mention of a proposal to liberalize policy is anathema to many Tea Party Republicans who represent constituencies that are sympathetic to hardline anti-immigration sentiment.

The Republicans went to great lengths to fight Obama on spending cuts. When Obama sought compromise, they stood their ground in the budget battles of 2011, threatening to send the federal government into default. Hawkish Republicans were equally frustrated with their tea party colleagues when Congress could not reach agreement on spending in 2013 and as a result of the rules put into place in 2011, forced the implementation of budget sequestration that imposed caps on military and not domestic spending.

When Republican leaders like former Speaker John Boehner showed that they were willing to give even an inch to the Democrats, the tea party toppled them from power.

The current Speaker, Paul Ryan, has built much of his career around promising tea party Republicans that he would move forward with "entitlement reform" (meaning Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts) despite the political risks. He has been a zealot on this issue and hoped that this moment of unified government would offer an unprecedented opportunity. A frustrated Speaker Ryan, who said after the election that Trump had a "mandate," has now warned: "I've been a big time entitlement reformer for a long time because if you don't start bending the curve in the out years, we are hosed."

By supporting Trump, tea party Republicans would also put themselves on the record as being in favor of big increases in certain kinds of government spending.

Tea party Republicans will soon discover that President Trump's budget doesn't really add up. They will be receiving numbers from a Republican administration, which generally is sympathetic to their goals on most major issues, that will contradict their promise to the reddest constituents that they would hold firm on the anti-government cause. Jim DeMint, the former South Carolina senator, said, "America cannot wait any longer before we get serious about balancing the budget."

Trump is putting the Republican Party in a difficult spot at a moment of united government that could easily have turned into a period of triumph. If tea party Republican members of Congress swallow what the President has sent them, they will quickly reveal to their supporters that they are as craven and opportunistic as anyone else in Washington. They will place themselves at risk to be "tea partied" out of office and they will greatly damage their own credibility with the electorate in the coming election cycle.

If they hold to principle, as they did under President Obama, then the Republicans as a party will be facing a dangerous moment. A Republican President, who has shown that he doesn't have much loyalty when it comes to people getting in the way of his success, will be facing off against a huge portion of the congressional Republicans. The Freedom Caucus, with about 32 votes, has the numbers in the House to tie up the administration.

Will Republicans unite and make the most of their control of Congress and the White House? Or will many of them remain true to their small government philosophy and risk war with a White House that wants to reshape Washington?

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Trump throws down a huge challenge to the tea party | Election ... - Arizona Daily Star

The Tea Party infrastructure is working – Washington Examiner

Over the course of the last decade, the Tea Party successfully created an infrastructure in Washington engineered specifically to combat Obamacare.

That infrastructure includes both elected muscle a wave of Republicans such as Rep. Dave Brat and Sen. Ted Cruz elected to Congress with the help of the grassroots and activist muscle in the form of nonprofits like FreedomWorks, which were boosted to greater prominence by the movement's influence.

This structure functioned more like a wall during the Obama administration, effectively halting attempts to accelerate the growth of government.

In recent years, the Tea Party's momentum has waned, prompting many to declare it dead. But now, as the Republican presidential administration and the Republican Congress finally have an opportunity to dismantle the very legislation that drew so many people to the movement more than half a decade ago, it's finally the Tea Party's moment to get to work.

No, massive rallies from coast-to-coast aren't springing up to demand action from Washington as they did years ago. But the organizational infrastructure those rallies helped build is exerting its clout to apply pressure to Republican leaders.

After the House released its repeal and replace plan earlier this week, conservative movement groups and elected officials such as the Tea Party Patriots and Rand Paul voiced vehement opposition to the legislation. The threat of heightened backlash from Tea Party players triggered the administration to respond by inviting them to share that opposition with the president and the vice president at the White House.

Whether these Tea Party-backed Republicans will be able to lobby successfully for healthcare legislation that meets their standards is yet to be determined. But those people the movement imported to Washington during the long winter of Obama's presidency have not forgotten what brought them there. Expect them to continue fighting back.

Emily Jashinsky is a commentary writer for the Washington Examiner.

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The Tea Party infrastructure is working - Washington Examiner