Archive for the ‘Tea Party’ Category

Ohio Liberty Coalition

Tea Party Leaders Launch for 2016

August 23, 2016(Cleveland, OH) Local tea party leaders from around the country today announced the launch of theTeaPartyforTrump.orgwebsite, which will be the online news and information center for a series of events to get the vote out in []

Liberty-minded Ohio Republicans are invited to attend the Ohio Republican Liberty Caucus Convention on Saturday, September 24thin Columbus. Top leaders from all over Ohio will be in attendance Republicans who believe that Ohio should be a state that []

The folks at Toledo Tea Party have been hard at work to supply us with two new tools for retrieving Voter Registration information.

Toledo Tea Party Chairman John McAvoy says:

There are over 7.6 million registered voters in Ohio. Weve uploaded []

In a challenge to other Ohio conservative groups, 22 volunteers from Toledo Tea Party and other NW Ohio organizations got together last night and spent a couple hours making just over 1,800 phone calls for the NRA and the []

Many cities, towns, and schools will be coming to the people who pay the bills in November and will be asking for more money, a levy.

Do they really need the money? How are they spending the money you give []

NOTE Charlie Earls name was submitted on petitions, his name may be switched and assigned to Gary Johnson. One of these two names (Earl or Johnson) will appear on the ballot as an Independent. (Thank you Gov Kasich []

The We the People Convention will be hosting an organizational meeting for the TEA Party for Trump project for all activist who are committed to winning the election in November! This meeting is for ANYONE who wants to volunteer []

THE CHALLENGE Members of the Toledo Tea Party (TTP) have challenged Ohios conservative groups. TTP spokesman Bill Delaney says TTP will turn out more volunteers and make more phone calls for the NRA and Trump than any other []

WSPDs morning radio host Fred Lefebvre got a surprise this morning. Just as Fred was finishing up an interview with Eric Trump, the radio stations phone screener told Fred that there was someone on the phone by the name []

What a great idea for groups around Ohio.

Toledo Tea Party is hosting a viewing of Hillarys America. It doesnt cost your group anything to do this. Simply verify the viewing times at a local theater, then send out an []

NOTE Conservative groups in NW Ohio,, Findlay, Toledo, and all across Ohio played a key roll in helping Donald Trump ( and all the Presidential candidates) during the Primary. We would like to think that Mr Trumps decision []

Akron, OH: The We the People Convention, announced today that the majority of the TEA Party/Liberty Groups in Ohio will be aligning with the National Rifle Association in an effort to elect Donald Trump as the next President of []

Presidential Republican Candidate Donald Trump will be making a stop in Toledo tomorrow night.

This is the second campaign stop since Donald Trump accepted the Republican Party Nomination in Cleveland last week. Toledo Tea Party Chairman John McAvoy says:

Were very []

CLEVELAND Instead of dwelling on what wasnt said, I prefer to focus on what was spoken. The Pennslylvania Delegation began its third day at the convention with a breakfast of testimonies from elected Republican officials emphasizing the historical []

CLEVELAND Yesterday, on Day Two of the Republican National Convention, Delegates, Alternate Delegates, their guests, and the media personally witnessed the rebirth of the Republican Party.

I was interviewed by a journalist from Switzerlands RTI who asked me if []

CLEVELAND There was a mix of excitement and apprehension for some people amidst the backdrop of national and international tragedy. It seems as though the American and State flags have been permanently flown at half-staff the past week []

Amherst Schools are walking a fine line by promoting the transgender agenda with regard to bathroom rights, while at the same time never voting on an actual policy change to codify those rights. This issue became front and center []

Over 150 folks attended the Freedom Works meetup at the Ohio Convention Center in Columbus, Oh on May 21, 2016. Lots of new people to the patriot movement attended. A few members of the state wide group that are []

Dear CVA friends and supporters,

Concerned Veterans for America is organizing a group of volunteer activists from SW Ohio to travel by van to North Carolina next week. The group will be led by CVA Team Leader Kelly Kohls, leaving []

Over the past few days, Ive upload the Ohio Voter database to the Toledo Tea Party web site and have been crunching the data in order to better serve our NW Ohio Conservative Coalition constituents.

I was able to do []

The Constitution is the rock on which this great country was built upon. And ever since its inception, there have been those who have tried to destroy it. But in recent years Obama and the progressives have renewed their []

Legal Center moves to protect Ohioans property rights from unlawful searches and fees statewide

Columbus, OH The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law today moved in federal court to immediately enjoin Ohio cities, and the Cities of Bedford and Oakwood []

2016 We the People Convention Survey

What this Survey is about:

We are considering holding a We the People Convention in Columbus, OH, the weekend of July 29th & 30th.We are asking you to take this survey so that we can []

Last fall, the Ohio Republican Party updated the party bylaws and filed them with the Secretary of State. (CLICK HERE).

The 66 member State Central Committee that you and I elected, voted and approved these bylaws. These are the rules []

OLC Statewide Event: Times that Try Mens Souls

Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM Westerville, OH -NEW LOCATION- Grace Chapel Community Church 7798 Big Walnut Road Westerville, OH 43082

Mark Your Calendar


The Program is being finalized but these are in the line []

The Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee will be holding its first meeting with the new elected members. This meeting is open to the public, and we are encouraging everyone in Ohio to attend.

We will be very, very curious []

What may seem like a Civil War to some may actually be a healthy discussion for others. Now there is certainly no doubt that conservative Republicans across the country have felt let down by statements, actions, and inactions by []

The following Thank You letter was sent to all State Central Committee candidates who dared fight the Establishment.


To all Republican Party State Central Committee candidates;

Over the past 4 months, The Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee has had an []

Toledo, OH Members, Incumbents, and candidates of the Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee joined together today to demand the immediate resignation of Chairman Borges following the disclosure unauthorized use of party funds and resources.

As per Ohio Republican []

Ohio Republican State Central Committeeman Gary Burkholder (31st District, Licking County) stated today in a press release, Enough is enough! I will no longer ignore the lies and personal attacks by Ohio Republican Party Chairman Matt Borges.

Burkholder is running []

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Ohio Liberty Coalition

Dayton (OH) TEA Party

Many conservatives are strongly supporting Donald Trump for President for a number of reasons, including the economy, the continuing massive illegal immigration, and the crisis with ISIS which has arisen under polices of President Obama and Secretary Hillary Clinton.

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Many conservatives are giving much credit to Presidential candidate Donald Trump for addressing the core issues which concern many African-Americans in a recent speech, pointing out how Democratic policies have brought misery, poverty, and despair to African-Americans and many

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After the latest revelations from previously hidden emails involving Hillary Clinton, many are calling for an independent investigation of links between foreign and corporate donors to the Clinton Foundation and the actions of the Hillary Clinton State Department. Vice

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Policy wonks and policymakers have a lot of opinions on criminal justice reform. And as Ohio pursues changes to its criminal code, both should listen to an important group of stakeholders not often heard: the victims of crime.

Intuitively, one

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by OLC

August 23, 2016

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Presidential candidate Donald Trump, along with running mate Mike Pence, visited communities in Louisiana Friday that have been devastated by flood waters. He made a sincere effort to console the suffering and do what he could to help,

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by OLC

August 20, 2016

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Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, one of the most respected conservative Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives, called for Republicans to get strongly behind the campaign of Donald Trump for President to reverse the declines in the pocketbooks

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by OLC

August 19, 2016

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The NEA doesnt stand for Nuclear Education Association. And yet, supporting a nuclear freeze is one of many issues backed by the national union that has nothing to do with the betterment of teachers professionally. Its members should have the

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Donald Trump gave a powerful speech in Wisconsin yesterday, August 16! He made a strong case forthe need for law and order, especially to benefit the minority community. And he argued persuasivelythat the terrible state of

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by OLC

August 17, 2016

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Presidential candidate Donald Trump gave a major foreign policy speech on Monday August 15 in Youngstown, Ohio. A number of powerful points were made by Mr. Trump, including many which are largely ignored by the liberal media as they

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Should people be forced, against their will, to reach into their own pockets and give money to a cause with which they disagree?This is a question that thousands of union members in Ohio are confronted with every year.And

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by OLC

August 16, 2016

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The American Family Associationcontinues to call for a boycott of Target after the retail giant said it would allow men to use the womens restrooms and dressing rooms in their stores, if they say they are a woman

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Cumbersome barriers and bureaucracy associated with occupational licensing are now being scrutinized at the federal level.

The recent introduction of The Alternatives to Licensing that Lower Obstacles to Work (ALLOW Act) by U.S. Sen. Mike Lee (UT) would relieve the

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Donald Trump presented a powerful speech last Monday outlining his economic plan to make America grow again. The speech was well received and packed with ideas that may bring about major new economic growth. The current recovery has

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The Buckeye Institute believes in accountable government. That includes spending tax dollars ontheir specified purpose. Along those lines, recent actions or inactions for that matter by Wright State are wrong.

As described in the Cincinnati Enquirer,

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by OLC

August 11, 2016

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by OLC

August 11, 2016

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SOCIALISM versus CAPITALISM Special speaker:Bert Wheeler, PhD, Cedarville University Professor of Economics Featuring video by D. James Kennedy Ministries When: Tuesday August 23, 2016 6:30pm Where: Xenia Community Center, 1219 W. Second St, Xenia Ohio Open and

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Renowned Christian leader Dr. James Dobson has announced his strong endorsement of Donald Trump for President. Dr. Dobson stated I have decided to endorse Donald J. Trump for President of the United States, not only because of my great

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by OLC

August 5, 2016

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When renewable energy is fully ready for primetime, it should not be artificially kept off the electrical grid just to prop up older technology. However, neither should it be forced on the grid to displace more reliable, cost-effective technology.


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by OLC

August 1, 2016

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COLUMBUS Pilots have more freedom to Uber up in the air in Europe than they do in America because of a 2015 order by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Today, The Buckeye Institutes Legal Center urged the Supreme Court

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A special message from Greene County TEA Party President Dennis Crouch:

My wife and I just returned from seeing Hillarys America on the big screen. An excellent, wonderfully produced and directed movie about history, a history that starts much

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A storyarticulates exactly why we needless,not more, government regulation.

In particular, the author notes how taxicab regulations once made sense when consumers did not have adequate information about the quality and safety of prospective drivers.

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If you have any doubts about the importance of the election this November, or if you have friends or family who believe elections dont matter, the new movie Hillarys America couldopen your eyes concerning what is really at

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The next biennial budget in Ohio has a billion-dollar hole in it thanks to the federal prohibition on a complex Medicaid financing scheme previously, and unwisely, embraced by Ohio. Local policymakers are also facing a fiscal challenge in light of

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$1.136 billion: Thats the budget gap that Ohio policymakers must face in the upcoming state budget cycle. This fiscal train wreck is no surprisein fact, The Buckeye Institute warned policymakers in 2013 that such deficits were bound to happen.

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by Ann Becker

July 11, 2016

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by Ann Becker

July 5, 2016

The United States House of Representatives is putting our Second Amendment at risk in a vote that could happen as early as today.

Read the rest here:
Dayton (OH) TEA Party

Michigan Tea Party Groups – Locations

Brighton Tea Party Contact: Rose Drouillard Phone: 810-923-9892 Website: Location: Brighton, MI

Grassroots in Michigan Joan Fabiano, Founder E-Mail Twitter: MIgrassroots #mitcot And MidWgrassroots #midwest Facebook: Search for "Grassroots in Michigan" Physical Location: Capitol City, Lansing State-wide: Newsletter

Sunrise Side Tea Party Meets 4th Thursday monthly at: AuSable Inn at 7:00 PM Serving Alcona and Iosco Counties Contact: David Glass Email: Website: Facebook: Sunrise Side Tea Party Location: Oscoda, MI 48750

W4AR - Warriors for American Revolution Fighting Against Smart Meters and Agenda 21 Contact: John & Pauline Holeton Phone: 586-731-3314 Website: Email: Location: Michigan statewide

If you are affiliated with one of these Michigan Tea Party Groups and you feel that any of the information is inaccurate or out of date (including info on locations), please contact us and we will correct any errors.

See original here:
Michigan Tea Party Groups - Locations

1st Michigan Tea Party Alliance Homepage

Debate October 20, 2015 Downtown Lansing, Capital Square

We need you in Lansing on Tuesday October 20th if at all possible. It will be worth your time.

1. From 12 noon til 1:15 we will gather at Central United Methodist Church, 215 N. Capital in Lansing (map here). We are arranging for a presentation of the torturous journey of the effort to fund the road repairs that Michigan needsover the past few years including the horrible Prop. 1 that went down in glorious, richly deserved defeat just last May. Bring a sack lunch, some snacks to share.... sort of a church pot luck, eh? If you have any letters or messages for your representative bring them along. We intend to have someone video statements to your legislator also.

2. The debate between Senator Colbeck and Senator Hertel will take place in the Senate Appropriations Room on the 3rd floor of the Capital Building from 1:30 to 2:15. It is just a short walk from the church across the street to the Capital.

Recap: Noon - background briefing at the Central UMC; 1:30 pm debate on 3rd floor of the Capital.

Hope to see you Tuesday in Lansing. Get informed; send a message. Be a patriot!

Organized and brought together by just a group of your fellow citizens who want to give you a chance to make yourself heard in Lansing.

No progressives were injured by 'micro-aggression' or had their feelings hurt in the preparation of this message.


Challenge accepted: Michigan Senators to debate road funding, fuel taxes in public forum

Clinton, Carson top Michigan fundraising race: See how much each presidential campaign pulled in

Teacher evaluation proposal sails through Michigan House after 'huge improvements'

Income tax debate at heart of latest Michigan road funding stalemate

$88M Capitol Welcome Center announced

On top of spending $50 million for a better view of the Capitol for the Senate, we need to spend ANOTHER $88 million for underground parking for our legislators and a welcome center. Along with asking for $2 BILLION in May AND being $450 million dollars short for this years budget.

More info HERE

NEW ELECTION TOOL for Liberty, Patriot, and Conservatives!!

Voter Information Network SUPERPAC

Great to see these signs in SW Michigan!

How Will Your State Fare in the Obamacare Exchanges?

Source Report: How Will You Fare in the Obamacare Exchanges?

View original post here:
1st Michigan Tea Party Alliance Homepage

The Tea Party | Official Website

The arrival of the venerable Canadian exotic rock trios highly anticipated new studio album, The Ocean At The End, marks the official end of the 10-year vacuum of fresh The Tea Party original material. The Black Sea, a stellar track from the 11-song-deep effort and the electrifying tandem of Jeff Martin (vocals, guitars, producer, songwriter); Stuart Chatwood (bass, keyboards) and Jeff Burrows (drums, percussion), completes the bands cycle of resurrection, some of the first new music weve heard from them since 2004s Seven Circles and the first project since the double-disc Live From Australia: The Reformation Tour 2012.

The three of us probably never thought wed be sitting here right now, admits Martin, whose booming baritone, emotionally candid and mystical songwriting and string-bending guitar prowess has served as the creative catalyst for eight platinum and gold studio albums, one EP, one greatest hits collection, a live disc and over 2 million in global album sales.

Its a testament to the strength of the music that weve created in the past and a testament to the friendship that exists between the three of us. We had to do a lot of soul-searching, but now the bond between the three of us is stronger.

Its what Jeff Burrows calls, simply, a rebirth.

This album is selfishly taking back what is collectively ours, says Burrows. For me, this record means taking back everything my family and my music with my brothers, and what we are going to give people around the world when they hear it.

Chatwood adds: For me, its the beginning of a new chapter in the bands career. This is a gateway record. Its an improvement on what weve done in the past and a catalyst to a new direction as we mature as songwriters.

Produced and engineered by Martin, mixed by Grammy-award-winning David Bottrill (Rush, Muse, Peter Gabriel, Tool) and recorded largely at Torontos Revolution Recording, The Ocean at the End contains some of the most streamlined music in The Tea Partys career.

Its a rock n roll record, declares Martin, one whose genesis began last year in Byron Bay, Australia and eventually migrated to the trios original home base of Windsor, Ontario. We started the writing process in Australia in Byron Bay, and songs like Brazil and the Cass Corridor, Submission and The Waters On Fire came out of that session, he continues. But where things got really exciting for us was when we jammed in Windsor: songs like The 11th Hour and The Line Of Control came out and it was really rock n roll. We were having fun and not over-thinking it anymore. The water had passed under the bridge, and were three friends now. What do you guys want to do? Rock! Okay, lets go!

We grew up right next to Detroit and the influence of that city infects our music more than any other extraneous influence, states Chatwood.

We dont really take ourselves so seriously anymore, says Martin. There are no insecurities. Were making music for ourselves and were having fun. Its the whole point of it all.

This easygoing attitude is a result of the new respect and appreciation of each other that The Tea Party principals felt while separated. The time apart gave us such a richer experience to bring to the table when it came to songwriting, because weve gone, done other projects and grown up as individuals, says Chatwood. The quality of this record speaks for itself.

Percussionist Burrows concurs. Individually, we came back with more confidence in ourselves, Burrows explains. Were more mature and self-reliant.

As much as theyre self-reliant on The Ocean At The End, a couple of guest stars also grace the album: For the percussively driven Brazil, Aline Morales knocks out some polyrhythms, while the title track relies on flute from one of rocks seminal figures, Jethro Tulls Ian Anderson.

Now that the album is complete, the interaction begins. Only this time, its different: three brothers reunited, finding new musical purpose and ultimately, enjoying the ride and each others company. Its all of us equally in it together, which is why The Ocean At The End stands quite possibly might be the strongest thing weve done. Say Martin. Now its time to go out and tour Australia, Canada, South American and Europe, and go to places we havent gone before. Weve laid all this kerosene in different parts of the world through our music now its time to go to those parts and light the match.

Read the original here:
The Tea Party | Official Website