Ohio Liberty Coalition
Tea Party Leaders Launch TeaPartyforTrump.org for 2016
August 23, 2016(Cleveland, OH) Local tea party leaders from around the country today announced the launch of theTeaPartyforTrump.orgwebsite, which will be the online news and information center for a series of events to get the vote out in []
Liberty-minded Ohio Republicans are invited to attend the Ohio Republican Liberty Caucus Convention on Saturday, September 24thin Columbus. Top leaders from all over Ohio will be in attendance Republicans who believe that Ohio should be a state that []
The folks at Toledo Tea Party have been hard at work to supply us with two new tools for retrieving Voter Registration information.
Toledo Tea Party Chairman John McAvoy says:
There are over 7.6 million registered voters in Ohio. Weve uploaded []
In a challenge to other Ohio conservative groups, 22 volunteers from Toledo Tea Party and other NW Ohio organizations got together last night and spent a couple hours making just over 1,800 phone calls for the NRA and the []
Many cities, towns, and schools will be coming to the people who pay the bills in November and will be asking for more money, a levy.
Do they really need the money? How are they spending the money you give []
NOTE Charlie Earls name was submitted on petitions, his name may be switched and assigned to Gary Johnson. One of these two names (Earl or Johnson) will appear on the ballot as an Independent. (Thank you Gov Kasich []
The We the People Convention will be hosting an organizational meeting for the TEA Party for Trump project for all activist who are committed to winning the election in November! This meeting is for ANYONE who wants to volunteer []
THE CHALLENGE Members of the Toledo Tea Party (TTP) have challenged Ohios conservative groups. TTP spokesman Bill Delaney says TTP will turn out more volunteers and make more phone calls for the NRA and Trump than any other []
WSPDs morning radio host Fred Lefebvre got a surprise this morning. Just as Fred was finishing up an interview with Eric Trump, the radio stations phone screener told Fred that there was someone on the phone by the name []
What a great idea for groups around Ohio.
Toledo Tea Party is hosting a viewing of Hillarys America. It doesnt cost your group anything to do this. Simply verify the viewing times at a local theater, then send out an []
NOTE Conservative groups in NW Ohio,, Findlay, Toledo, and all across Ohio played a key roll in helping Donald Trump ( and all the Presidential candidates) during the Primary. We would like to think that Mr Trumps decision []
Akron, OH: The We the People Convention, announced today that the majority of the TEA Party/Liberty Groups in Ohio will be aligning with the National Rifle Association in an effort to elect Donald Trump as the next President of []
Presidential Republican Candidate Donald Trump will be making a stop in Toledo tomorrow night.
This is the second campaign stop since Donald Trump accepted the Republican Party Nomination in Cleveland last week. Toledo Tea Party Chairman John McAvoy says:
Were very []
CLEVELAND Instead of dwelling on what wasnt said, I prefer to focus on what was spoken. The Pennslylvania Delegation began its third day at the convention with a breakfast of testimonies from elected Republican officials emphasizing the historical []
CLEVELAND Yesterday, on Day Two of the Republican National Convention, Delegates, Alternate Delegates, their guests, and the media personally witnessed the rebirth of the Republican Party.
I was interviewed by a journalist from Switzerlands RTI who asked me if []
CLEVELAND There was a mix of excitement and apprehension for some people amidst the backdrop of national and international tragedy. It seems as though the American and State flags have been permanently flown at half-staff the past week []
Amherst Schools are walking a fine line by promoting the transgender agenda with regard to bathroom rights, while at the same time never voting on an actual policy change to codify those rights. This issue became front and center []
Over 150 folks attended the Freedom Works meetup at the Ohio Convention Center in Columbus, Oh on May 21, 2016. Lots of new people to the patriot movement attended. A few members of the state wide group that are []
Dear CVA friends and supporters,
Concerned Veterans for America is organizing a group of volunteer activists from SW Ohio to travel by van to North Carolina next week. The group will be led by CVA Team Leader Kelly Kohls, leaving []
Over the past few days, Ive upload the Ohio Voter database to the Toledo Tea Party web site and have been crunching the data in order to better serve our NW Ohio Conservative Coalition constituents.
I was able to do []
The Constitution is the rock on which this great country was built upon. And ever since its inception, there have been those who have tried to destroy it. But in recent years Obama and the progressives have renewed their []
Legal Center moves to protect Ohioans property rights from unlawful searches and fees statewide
Columbus, OH The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law today moved in federal court to immediately enjoin Ohio cities, and the Cities of Bedford and Oakwood []
2016 We the People Convention Survey
What this Survey is about:
We are considering holding a We the People Convention in Columbus, OH, the weekend of July 29th & 30th.We are asking you to take this survey so that we can []
Last fall, the Ohio Republican Party updated the party bylaws and filed them with the Secretary of State. (CLICK HERE).
The 66 member State Central Committee that you and I elected, voted and approved these bylaws. These are the rules []
OLC Statewide Event: Times that Try Mens Souls
Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM Westerville, OH -NEW LOCATION- Grace Chapel Community Church 7798 Big Walnut Road Westerville, OH 43082
Mark Your Calendar
The Program is being finalized but these are in the line []
The Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee will be holding its first meeting with the new elected members. This meeting is open to the public, and we are encouraging everyone in Ohio to attend.
We will be very, very curious []
What may seem like a Civil War to some may actually be a healthy discussion for others. Now there is certainly no doubt that conservative Republicans across the country have felt let down by statements, actions, and inactions by []
The following Thank You letter was sent to all State Central Committee candidates who dared fight the Establishment.
To all Republican Party State Central Committee candidates;
Over the past 4 months, The Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee has had an []
Toledo, OH Members, Incumbents, and candidates of the Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee joined together today to demand the immediate resignation of Chairman Borges following the disclosure unauthorized use of party funds and resources.
As per Ohio Republican []
Ohio Republican State Central Committeeman Gary Burkholder (31st District, Licking County) stated today in a press release, Enough is enough! I will no longer ignore the lies and personal attacks by Ohio Republican Party Chairman Matt Borges.
Burkholder is running []
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Ohio Liberty Coalition