Archive for the ‘Tea Party’ Category

3-Year-Old Birthday Party Ideas: 20+ Charming Celebrations – The Everymom

Throwing a personalized birthday bash for your toddler might include mesmerizing color displays, adorable dcor, imaginative themes, or sugar-spun cakes. At age three, it seems like there is a never-ending stream of potential to get their eyes lighting up and hearts soaring. And if youve ever heard the Latin expression omne trium perfectumeverything that comes in threes is perfectit might offer some birthday party planning inspiration for your 3-year-old.

Maybe it sounds easier said than doneyes, we can come across a wonderful cache of inspiring birthday party ideas in places like social media, or at the festivities other parents are hostingbut what about when its actually our go-time? After youve celebrated your little ones first and second years of life, youre ready to make it a third-times-a-charm sort of occasion! So rather than having to dig back through your liked posts and reels, or mimic what you just saw someone in your childs preschool class doing, weve pulled together over 20 of the best 3-year-old birthday party ideas to ring their third year in with charm and joy! And while the following list is organized by girl, boy, and gender-neutral party ideas, naturally theyre 100% customizable for your child based on their interests.

Get hands-on with an art party where everyone can be set up with little canvases, paints, and other art supplies like glitter, glue-ons, ribbons, patterned papers, stickers, etc. Not only can the partygoers create something bright and original to take home, but you can add even more life to the party by giving them time to share their creations. In addition to the arts and crafts set-up, you can also incorporate art-themed cookies and treats to accentuate this theme.

Whether its to continue the hype of the recent release of the new Barbie movie, or because your kiddo just loves Barbie, its easy to get decked out in Barbie party mode with all kinds of dcor. There are so many bright and energizing possibilities to consider in your setup, which of course includes plenty of bubble gum pink accessories! With playful inflatables, shiny balloons, amazing cakes, and photoshoot displays, this is will be a third birthday party full of glam!

A Hello Kitty theme offers a sweet and gentle approach to planning your kiddos party. With lovable characters and soft colors, you can create an adorable party scene. Hello Kitty herself has appeared dressed for just about every festivity under the sun, so youll definitely be able to find celebratory decorations. Plus, Sanrio has designed so many precious little accessories through the years that you certainly wont be left wondering what party favors to decorate with or hand out!

A birthday party with arts and crafts you can eat! Plan your little ones party around cupcakes and creativity by presenting naked cupcakes of various colors and flavors. Pair them with an enticing assortment of frostings, sprinkles, candies, and other tasty toppings for kids. And it doesnt just stop with the cupcakes themselves. There are incredibly cute cupcake birthday girl tees, piatas, and jumbo balloons to go along with them!

Have your little one happily buzzing around with this Bee Three birthday party theme. Between bees, flowers, and honey, there are numerous decorative directions you can take for setting up an un-bee-lievable festivity! If youre trying to stray from overdoing it with artificial dcor, you can place lots of fresh flowers around instead and adorn them with bee balloons. Consider cute bumble bee wings as party favors guests can wear. For sweet treats, you can explore around for custom frosting creations decorated with bees and have honey on hand for drizzling.

While they may be light years away from actually reaching the teenager milestone, you can offer your little teenager-in-the-making the thrill of being a three-nager for a day! Since being a teenager is to be the center of your own world, it will be a piece of cake (or a whole cake in this case!) to make your 3-year-old birthday gal the cherished center of her own celebration. From giving her a special crown to wear, to serving the treats she loves most, to displaying decorations of her favorite things, shell feel like a three-naged birthday princess.

Let little ones get fancy for a tea party! Take inspiration from a traditional high tea, or tap into Alice in Wonderland vibes for endless possibilities. Encourage party guests to dress up and serve finger sandwiches and tiny desserts. Instead of tea, little ones will love sipping water, milk, or juice out of teacups.

For the dino-loving 3-year-old, plan the party around this clever Three-Rex theme. You can arrange for all different kinds of dinosaurs to be included in the set-up, and kids will love having the chance to get excited over their favorite types. Surely being in the presence of these imaginative prehistoric creatures will also encourage them to play around like dinos, too! Using bold colors, animated-looking decorations, and perhaps a dinosaur costume or two, this party will definitely make for an exciting source of entertainment.

Many a toddlers favorite superhero is Spider-Man, so throwing a birthday party completely dedicated to this web-spinning role model cant go wrong. And ever since Miles Morales made his debut in the Spider-Verse, this character has become even more adored by aspiring little heroes. Since there is a bounty of Spider-Man dcor to captivate your little ones excitement, youll absolutely leave them feeling like theyve been gifted their own Spidey world where theyre the hero.

Celebrate your very own little Lightning McQueen of a speedster by having a birthday party based on the movie Cars. Any kiddo fascinated with race cars will love having the uplifting crew of characters around to excite the inner driver in them. With spirited backdrops and invitations, spunky balloons and signs, and more, your little one will be racing around in birthday joie de vivre in no time!

Send your 3-year-olds party toward the ultimate touchdown with this Third Down football-themed party. Alongside plenty of hearty decoration potential, you can set your little one up with a personalized jersey and football-inspired games to play. And when it comes to party food and balloons, fill an end zone with delicious football-decorated treats and a sporty balloon arrangement celebrating the occasion!

For the construction-loving kid, this third birthday party theme is sure to be a hit. Building activities and sandbox digging are perfect party activities for this celebrationnot to mention dirt cake treats! Plus, Etsy has tons of adorable invites and decor with construction truck party themes like Dirty 3rd-Y and Digging Being 3.

Create an outer space party thats out of this world, and have your kiddo orbiting in delight! Besides incorporating the sun, moon, various planets, and rocket ships into your decorations, you can get aliens and UFOs in on the action, too. Setting up twinkle lights would be a great way to mimic the stars, and youll likely be able to find additional party favors dedicated to this theme. If your child has dreams of going to outer space or adores cartoons and movies about it, this might hold them over a bit until they can get there.

Bring together the gang from the toddler movie favorite,Toy Story, to give your kiddos party a no-fail, fun-loving group of company. Whether youre trying to decorate for a boys, girls, or gender-neutral party, Toy Story offers a whole roundup of characters and colors to emphasize. Theres Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, and Bo Beep to Rex, Slinky Dog, Mr. Potato Head, the Aliens, and more. Not only are there plenty of party favors featuring them all, but the birthday guest of honor has lots of dress-up choices, too. One things for sure, this theme will no doubt take your 3-year-olds party to infinity and beyond!

With so many donut possibilities to choose from out there, finding festive and tasty ones that your toddler will love shouldnt be too tricky. Plan a Donut Grow Up party by deciding what colors and flavors they prefer, and decorate accordingly. Besides finding a bakery or donut shop that can cater to your preferences, there are also adorable donut balloons, donut party favors, and donut activites to make this theme extra memorable. You can even get creative, like setting up a donut toss using these colorful donut beanbags or playing donut bingo!

What 3-year-old cant get enough Bluey? With beloved characters like Bluey, Bandit, Chilli, and Bingo around, your little one will feel happier than a pup as they celebrate their birthday. There is no shortage of Bluey-themed decorations out there, tooevery detail from Bluey invitations to party food, to balloons, to games, to goody bags is covered. With tons of stellar options to choose from, you can really cater this theme to your childs preferences for a wackadoo birthday adventure!

Bring out the wild child in your 3-year-old with this Young, Wild, & Three birthday party theme (or maybe they dont need the extra encouragement!). Have your child select their favorite wild animals, and let those set the stage for a roundup of party animal decorations. There is an abundance of both animal and animal print balloons, signs, cupcake toppers, and party favors to really give this theme its roar! Another play on this theme is to capture a sense of ultimate freedom with a hippie, flower-child focus instead.

Rather than focus on a specific superhero or superheroine, create a birthday party where your little one is the inspiration. Whats their alter egos superhero name? What special powers do they have? What is their uniform to save the world like? As you party plan with them around these details, you can let that guide what colors you decorate with, how to display the cake, games to play, etc. One creative idea around this theme could be setting up a heroic-looking photo booth with different props so everyone can participate in the fun! Or giving superhero masks and capes as party favors.

Nothing expresses the sheer euphoria and laughter destined to define a toddlers birthday party like a bunch of happy yellow emojis to greet you. Round up all kinds of emoji decor displaying the many amusing expressions weve all come to know and love, and set them to the tune of your 3-year-olds special day. Make their emoji extravaganza memorable by seeing how many different ways you can integrate these silly faces and icons into anything from cake toppers to signage to party favors.

Many toddlers have a strong opinion about what their favorite color is, so take their preference and run with it. Fashion their entire party scene to have everything decked out in this color. Leave nothing immune to being colored with it! That way, as your kiddo surrenders themself to the fun of this noteworthy day, they will be completely immersed in a spectacle of the color that brings them joy.

Make your little one the courageous ring leader by throwing an enchanting circus-themed party. While you may not be hosting elephant rides or fire-breathing spectacles in your backyard, you can set up all kinds of entertaining games to be played at a party like this. With fun colors, confetti, a circus backdrop, circus snacks like popcorn or confetti, and other whimsical details, youll have the double magic of visiting the circus and celebrating a birthday!

As so many toddlers giggle over learning the farm animals and the sounds they make, why not bring it to life with a farm 3-year-old birthday party idea? With some animal balloons, bandannas, red checkered tablecloths, cow-printed dcor, and other cutesy additions, even if youre living in city or suburban surroundings, youll still be able to bring a farms charming ambiance to your little ones party.

For little ones who are early risers, celebrate their special third birthday with a pajama and pancake party! Guest can come as they are in PJs and make their own pancake plate with fun toppings like whipped cream and sprinkles. Better yet, all the little guests will be home in time for their afternoon nap.

More here:
3-Year-Old Birthday Party Ideas: 20+ Charming Celebrations - The Everymom

How strong is role of Texas Theocrats here? – San Marcos Daily Record

Since its founding in the early 1880s, the little town of Cisco, 45 miles east of Abilene, has been in the news twice. In 1919, Conrad Hilton paid $40,000 for the Mobley Hotel in downtown Cisco, which eventually gained fame as the first in a worldwide chain of Hilton hotels. Eight years later, two days before Christmas 1927, Santa Claus and three of his helpers robbed the First National Bank of Cisco.

National notoriety will again fall on Cisco if Texas votersRepublican, Democrat and independent dont get engaged with their democracy sometime soon. The little town is home to the Wilks brothers, Dan and Farris, oil and fracking billionaires who, by playing Santa Claus to Republican officeholders receptive to far-right extremists, are on a mission to transform Texas into a Christian nationalist state. Their efforts, in conjunction with an even more influential West Texas oil billionaire, Tim Dunn of Midland, was on insidious display during the recent impeachment trial of the most corrupt state attorney general in America.

Ken Paxton skated, not necessarily because he was innocent of the charges that 121 House members, including 60 Republicans, brought against him. Hes back on the job and baying for RINO blood because most Republicans in the Texas Senate are either in thrall to the West Texas triumvirate or they tremble in terror at the prospect of being primaried by a Wilksand- Dunn-anointed challenger. All 19 Republican senators and at least half of the Republican House members have taken money from the West Texas billionaires or their affiliated PACs and organizations.

The biggest recipient by far in this state is none other than Paxton himself. Its likely that the Wilks and Dunn trio paid for his $4 million impeachment defense, which included the time and effort of very expensive Houston lawyers, Tony Buzbee and Dan Cogdell.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, the judge during the impeachment trial, also is beholden to the West Texans. Their Defend Texas Liberty PAC donated $1 million to the lite guv, while loaning him another $2 million. The PAC largesse came shortly before Patrick began presiding over Paxtons trial, a trial that ended with a fiery Patrick speech denouncing the impeachment process.

In addition to being fossil- fuel billionaires, both Dunn and Farris Wilks are Christian nationalist evangelistsDunn as a lay preacher for the Midland Bible Church, Wilks as a preacher for a Cisco congregation founded by his father called the Assembly of Yahweh Seventh Day Church. Dan Wilks and his wife oversee the Heavenly Fathers Foundation, a group funded with a portion of the $3.2 billion the brothers made when they sold the majority stake of their Cisco-based oil field trucking company, Frac Tech Services.

From the pulpit to the campaign pockets of politicians, the West Texans are on what they see as a God-imbued mission to transform Texas and beyond. Over the past 20 years, theyve contributed nearly $100 million to think tanks, nonprofits, fundraising committees, websites and Texas candidates who support their crusade. ... Kel Seliger, a longtime GOP state senator from Amarillo, ran afoul of the triumvirate in recent years. Reasonable, affable and conservative, Seliger is no longer in the Legislature. Its a Russian- style oligarchy, pure and simple, he told CNN last year. Really, really wealthy people who are willing to spend a lot of money to get policy made the way they want it and they get it.

What those really, really wealthy people want these days is to destroy Texas public education, a hotbed, as they tell it, of critical race theory and other elements ofwhat one Dunn-and-Wilks-backed group calls Marxist and sexual indoctrination, all funded by far-Left elites for decades. (That would be the Texas taxpayer.)

Their strategy, as Brandon Rottinghaus, a University of Houston political science professor, told, is to recruit a generation of Wilks and Dunn-funded mouthpieces in state and local positions to push the narrative that public schools are harmful to students and their parents. Once public education is weakened beyond repair, they offer private religious schools as a better way.

With an insidious, well-funded effort, our home-grown theocrats will make sure that Gov. Greg Abbott has all the financial ammunition he needs in the next few weeks for his last-ditch, special-session effort to persuade lawmakers to use taxpayer money in the form of vouchers for private, often Christian- based schooling. Abbott calls it school choice. Rural lawmakers, whove fought the plan for years, know its school suicide.

The West Texans want to destroy the public school system as we know it and, in its place, see more home-schooling and more private Christian schools, former state Sen. Bob Deuell, a northeast Texas Republican, told CNN. Deuell, a physician, got crossways with the West Texans when he supported a bill that updated the states end-of-life procedures. Dan Wilks, falsely claiming that the legislation would strengthen Texass death panels, backed tea party activist Bob Hall, who defeated Deuell in 2014. Hall was one of Paxtons most outspoken supporters during the impeachment trial.

Texas is a big state, but the West Texans have Christian nationalist ambitions beyond our borders. ... The partys presidential nominee in 2012 has said he worries about the survival of Americas democratic experiment. Whether it survives depends in large part on what happens here in Texas, where the national far right comes for funding and ideas.

Go here to read the rest:
How strong is role of Texas Theocrats here? - San Marcos Daily Record

The Woodhull Books: A recent acquisition by the Three Village … – TBR News Media

By Scott Ferrara

Theres no doubt that Long Island played a major role in the success of the American Revolution. In fact, Setauket was home to numerous people who comprised a network of clandestine intelligence operatives known as the Culper Spy Ring.

One of those Setauket spies was Abraham Woodhull (1750-1826). Woodhull, known for his alias Samuel Culper Sr., resided in British-Occupied Setauket during the war and used invisible ink to send encoded messages of enemy troop movement to General George Washington.

Unfortunately, few artifacts and personal belongings of Woodhulls survived, both through the passage of time as well as the 1931 fire that razed his former home.

On July 26th, 2023, the Three Village Historical Society (TVHS) acquired two books at auction that belonged to the Woodhull family, one of the books bearing Abraham Woodhulls signature. These books hold promise as a cultural resource for the community, and for their research potential of Three Village history and the history of our nation.

The first book, The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul by Phillip Doddridge, was signed by Abraham Woodhull prior to both the American Revolution (1775-1784) and activities of the Culper Spy Ring (1778-1783). Abraham wrote his name on the first page of the book as well as a brief description of where he was at the time, Newfoundland.

We know he was only 23 years old at the time, had not yet married or taken over the family farm and estate. His youthful decisions had found him aboard the ship the Dolphin during a very tense moment in American history. After all, Abraham had conveniently provided us the date of his travel, Aug. 27, 1773.

This date provides clues as to the social environment Abraham was reading this book in. August of 1773 was a very tense summer in our nations history. Only three months earlier, in May of 1773, King George signed into effect the Tea Act which undercut colonial merchants, who had been prospering in maritime trade, and increased the power and influence of the British East India Company. This discriminatory act angered American colonists and sparked resentment that would eventually lead to war.

These tensions would eventually boil over in December of that same year when the Sons of Liberty threw bricks of tea into the Boston harbor in an act of protest and defiance of the British King; an event known today as the Boston Tea Party. What was Abraham doing so far away from home during such a kinetic social time? Who or what was in Newfoundland that would draw him away from his family? These, among many more questions, have yet to be answered.

Abraham, later in life, gifted this book to his second wife, Lidia, shortly before Christmas in their wedding year of 1824. We know this because she had inscribed her name and a brief note on the page following her husbands earlier signature. Abraham passed away two years later.

The book moved through many hands over time until the departure of its most recent owner in Islip last year. The book, along with the rest of their estate, was inventoried and listed at private auction where it was identified by friends of the TVHS.

A second book was also included in the auction lot. This book bears the signatures of Charity Woodhull and William Woodhull, likely niece and nephew of the patriot spy, Abraham. This book is titled The Holy War by John Bunyan (1682). The Holy War is a fiction book with Christian themes that tells the story of a mighty king who is overthrown by evil rebels and must fight to reclaim his throne.

The acquisition of these books is exciting for the Three Village community. The TVHS can now appropriately curate them, while making these artifacts accessible to scholars. In fact, these books have incredible research potential both historically and genealogically.

The Three Village Historical Society is currently exhibiting the Woodhull books for a limited time. These books can be viewed at TVHS headquarters located at 93 N Country Road in East Setauket.

Guests are welcomed to visit to book a docent- or self-guided tour of the historical societys museum or a walking tour throughout the Three Village community (operated by Tri-Spy Tours). The TVHSs Spies! exhibit also features interactive software, hands-on learning activities, and the original Abraham Woodhull costume worn by actor Jamie Bell in the TURN: Washingtons spies television series. The society also welcomes researchers who wish to study their collections for academic or independent research projects.

Acknowledgments: Acquisition of these historical items would not have been possible without the combined efforts of the Three Village Historical Societys staff and trustees. Specifically, the Collections Committee comprised of Christina Tortora Ph.D., Brian Bennett and Judi Wallace, as well as Brookhaven Town Historian Barbara Russell, Three Village Historian Beverly C. Tyler, the Societys director Mari Irizarry, and President of the Board of Trustees, Jeff Schnee.

Author Scott Ferrara is the Exhibits & Collections Coordinator at the Three Village Historical Society.

Continued here:
The Woodhull Books: A recent acquisition by the Three Village ... - TBR News Media

The New Stories of Magic Kingdom: What To Watch While You Wait … – The DIS

Its the new launch of a classic planning series called What to Watch While You Wait, looking at the family movies you can watch together to pass the time before your dream Disney vacation. These movies are not only a great way to get everyone in the mood for the magic of your upcoming trip, but the stories are integral to understanding and appreciating the essence of the attractions you will enjoy.

This time around, we are starting back to front, with Magic Kingdom at the top of the list. Since we began in 2018, much has changed, and there is so much more to enjoy in the preparation stage of your pre-departure countdown. Some of those originals will still be in the best-of list below, but there are changes and new additions that will make your wait time even more exciting.

Movie: Lightyear, Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Toy Story 3, & Toy Story 4 Related Attractions: Buzz Lightyears Space Ranger Spin Make some new friends with Woody, Buzz, and the gang from the beloved Toy Story films. Enjoyed by children all over the world, the Toy Story series includes four feature films, as well as countless shorts, that introduce you to these beautiful characters and their friendships. These make for great Sunday night movies for the whole family to enjoy together.For a more specific look at the character of Buzz Lightyear, check out the 2022 movie Lightyear.

Movie: Cinderella (Original), Cinderella (live-action) Related Attractions: Cinderella Castle, Cinderellas Royal Table dining, Cinderella Meet & Greet, Prince Charmings Regal Carrousel The original animated film of Cinderella is a Disney staple that will take you inside the world of this young woman turned Princess as she meets her Prince Charming at a ball. This movie will make it easier for children to connect with the meet-and-greet characters in the park, as well as help them feel more connected to their environment in places like Cinderellas Royal Table and Prince Charmings Royal Carrousel.

Movie: Dumbo Related Attractions: Dumbo the Flying Elephant/Casey Jr. Soak n Splash Everyone lovesDumbo,though, as a child of the 80s, I was one of the many traumatized by the concept of Dumbo losing his family. The 2019 live-actionremake of DUMBO takes a few dark turns, making it a bit overwhelming for a younger audience. To gear up for the Storybook Circus portion of Fantasyland, I would check out one of the many beautifully illustrated books of the story, allowing your children to understand the background without the sleepless nights.

Movie: Beauty and the Beast Related Attractions: Enchanted Tales with Belle, Princess Meet & Greet Beauty and the Beast is another film that you can enjoy in its original animated form or in the newer live-action moviewhich is beautiful, by the way. The story will take you through the journey of Belle and the Beast as they discover more about themselves and each other. This movie is an essential part of understanding and connection with the attraction Enchanted Tales with Belle and will enhance the experience for your family.

Movie: Haunted Mansion (2003), Muppets Haunted Mansion (2021), or Haunted Mansion (live-action, 2023) Related Attractions: Haunted Mansion The Haunted Mansion holds its own as a stand-alone ride, not requiring much content to enjoy; however, to get the most out of your experience, watching one of the films that the classic ride has inspired will definitely give you a more immersive experience. Depending on the age range of your family, I would say the most recent live-action version is the best experience to prepare for the ride.

Movie: Jungle Cruise Related Attractions: Jungle Cruise Another fantastic film inspired by a beloved Disney attraction, Jungle Cruise, is an adventurous story that families can watch together that will also add a new dimension to the ride when you visit the Magic Kingdom. Fall in love with this iconic Disney attraction before you even arrive.

Movie: Alice In Wonderland Related Attractions: Mad Tea Party Alice In Wonderland is one of the original feature-length animated films from Disney that takes you through a fantastical world filled with interesting and unique characters. While you wont need this film to enjoy the corresponding ride, Mad Tea Party, it might be more exciting for fans to see elements of the original movie come to life in the attraction.

Movie: Aladdin (animated) or Aladdin (live-action) Related Attractions: The Magic Carpets of Aladdin, Meet & Greet Aladdin Characters Join Princess Jasmine and Aladdin on their adventure in Disneys original animated film, Aladdin, or the live-action remake. The most recent version of this tale is one of the most beautiful live-action remakes I have ever seen, though either version will allow younger fans to feel a stronger connection to the characters you can meet in the theme park and the attractions that you will enjoy.

Movie: Winnie the Pooh Related Attractions: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The Crystal Palace Restaurant Character Dining Your children may already be familiar with the characters of Winnie the Pooh from Disney Junior, though the attraction, complete with Woozles, will make a lot more sense with a bit of back story from one of the original movies.

Movie: The Little Mermaid (animated), The Little Mermaid (live-action) Related Attractions: Meet Ariel at Her Grotto, Under The Sea ~ Journey of the Little Mermaid Inspired by the Hans Christian Anderson tale, The Little Mermaid is a story that goes hand in hand with the essence of Disney storytelling. Learn about life under the sea before taking a glimpse below the surface when you visit Magic Kingdom.

Movie: Encanto Related Attractions: Meet Mirabel at Fairytale Garden The Encanto story is one of the newest creations from The Walt Disney Company and is a brand new take on culture and what it means to be a part of a family. If you are planning on meeting Mirabel in Magic Kingdom, be sure to catch this musical adventure with the family beforehand. And remember, we dont talk about Bruno!

Movie: The Princess and the Frog Related Attractions: Meet Princess Tiana, Tianas Bayou Adventure (opening later 2024) Down on the Bayou, Tiana and her friends have some stories to tell! The movie is full of fantastic music and beautiful symbolism that will have your family tapping their toes the whole way through. Dont miss this masterpiece before your trip to meet Tiana!

Movie: Monsters, Inc., Monsters University Related Attractions: Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor Its a whole different world for Mike and Sully in Monsters, Inc., where scaring is the name of the game, and you need to beware of the humans! Check out Monsters, Inc. and Monsters University before heading to Magic Kingdom so that you can enjoy attractions like the Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor.

Movie: Peter Pan Related Attractions: Peter Pans Flight There are a few different iterations of this film to choose from, but nothing compares to the original animation from 1953. Despite the substantial age gap between the films debut and todays audience, the enchantment of this movie transcends space and time to transport you all the way to Neverland. Seeing this film in advance will completely change your experience aboard Peter Pans Flight and immerse you so much deeper into the story.

Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean (Any) Related Attractions: Pirates of the Caribbean If you are traveling with a wide variety of ages, heights, or interests, this ride might be one of the few that is perfect for everyone. It has no height restriction, so you can take smaller kids on board, and it isnt too jerky, so senior family members are less likely to become uncomfortable. While the movie franchise might not be suitable for younger family members, the concept of pirate adventure isnt lost on little ones, even without the backstory. For older kids and families, the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie is worth a watch and will add more excitement to the attraction when you visit.

Movie: Snow White Related Attractions: Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, Princess Meet & Greet If a visit with Disneys first official Disney Princess is on your Disney to-do list, then be sure to check in with the Snow White movie before you visit. Not only will it give you more to talk about if you meet Snow White in person, but you will also enjoy a deeper connection to the story on the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train attraction.

Movie: Swiss Family Robinson Related Attraction: Swiss Family Treehouse This highly underrated Disney movie should be a staple on any familys watch list, but it will be even more helpful as you traipse through The Swiss Family Treehouse and relive all the details that make it so special. Without the knowledge of the back story, it might be hard for this walk-through attraction to feel engaging, so we highly recommend a viewing before you go.

Movie: TRON Related Attraction: TRON Lightcycle / RunOne of the most recent attractions to be added to the Magic Kingdom is the TRON Lightcycle / Run. Even though the ride will feel exciting no matter how much of the storyline you understand, an idea of the concept will definitely give you a better experience when riding the latest thrill ride to move into Walt Disney World.

We hope you enjoy the excitement of your upcoming Walt Dinsey World Vacation and enjoy some of these wonderful Disney movies while you wait!

Zo Wood is a travel writer from Sydney, Australia. Since her first visit to Disneyland at the age of 6, she has spent her years frequently visiting Disney Parks and traveling around the world.

Join Zo as she lets you in on all the tips, tricks, anecdotes, and embarrassments that arise from her family adventures.

Read the original here:
The New Stories of Magic Kingdom: What To Watch While You Wait ... - The DIS

Weekend Guide: 18 Activities to Usher in October – Little Rock Soiree

If this weekend's lineup is any indication, it's going to be a great month in the capital city.

If this weekend's lineup is any indication, it's going to be a great month in the capital city. Let's get into it.

Food Truck Thursday at the Pulaski County Administration Building //With the festival behind us, it's time to fill that food truck-shaped hole in your life. This meetup at 201 Broadway St. will welcome eats like Bragg's Big Bites, Fry Fry Crazy, The Cajun Trouxth and more. Be there 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. to get the goods. Learn more here.

A Night in Vegas at The Hall // We're counting on you, Lady Luck. This annual fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Arkansas is bringing the Vegas vibes with a night of food, signature cocktails, auctions and plenty of gaming. It starts at 5 p.m. Learn more here.

Full Moon Market at The Labyrinth // Welcome back, harvest moon. Once again this monthly market is returning to 619 S. Spring St. for an autumn celebration of art, curiosities, books, drinks and more. Stop by 6-9 p.m. Learn more here.

Paint the Rock at Argenta Plaza // Celebrating its 10th year, the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation will once again host this outdoor evening where artists create pieces live while attendees enjoy food and auctions (including the works made on site). The event will also recognize Jerry Chandler Legacy Award recipient Leah Diane Willett, Paint the Mission Award recipient Dr. Travis Ayers and Paint Awareness Award recipients Bonnie Boaz and Cris Mammarelli. It starts at 6:30 p.m. Learn more here.

More al fresco fun: The 2023 Guide to Your Favorite Fall Festivals

A Harvest Moon Toast at Bella Vita Jewelry // Everyone's getting into the seasonal spirit this weekend. This downtown shop is staying open late to celebrate the full moon, Bella Vita's new website and the launch of its newest jewelry line. The toasting lasts from 5-7 p.m. Learn more here.

Fall/Winter Cocktail Menu Release Party at Rock Town Distillery // No matter your sign, our crystal ball says you'll like the taste of this. Rock Town is launching its new seasonal menu with an astrology-themed party full of tarot readings, jewelry making and lots of delicious sips. Stop by 6-9 p.m. Learn more here.

"At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul" at The Labyrinth // Might want to sleep with the lights on after this. Next up in the monthly Friday Night Frights series is this 1964 Brazilian horror flick (by most accounts, the country's first) following a dastardly gravedigger and launching the Coffin Joe trilogy. On the fence about frights? Proceeds from the screening benefit Arkansas Community Advocates to support our unhoused and low-income neighbors. Showtime is 7 p.m. Learn more here.

Keep it spooky: Haunted Arkansas Brings Back Ghost Tours, Boos & Brews Series

Yoga in the Rock at the Main Street Pocket Park // Let the zen begin. Close out the week and come get your ohm on at this community class, the first of the fall season, this time led by local yogi Sam Davis of Sixth House Wellness Studio. BYO-mat. The class starts at 10 a.m. Learn more here.

Encore at the Arkansas Repertory Theatre // Ballet Arkansas is kicking off its 45th anniversary season in style with an opening reception at The Rep. While enjoying light bites and specialty cocktails, guests will meet with artistic staff and dancers and get a preview of the choreography to come in the milestone season. It starts at 7 p.m. Learn more here.

Taylor Fest at The Hall // Are you ready for it? This traveling show has been roaming the country, throwing dance parties tailor-made for Swifties (and the Swiftie-adjacent) with all the hits, and now it's back. Doors open at 8 p.m. Learn more here.

Fantasia at Simmons Bank Arena // From the studio to the NLR stage, the winner of "American Idol" season three is bringing her award-winning R&B stylings to the metro. Joining Fantasia is Grammy-nominated artist Joe. Showtime is 8 p.m. Learn more here.

An icon returns: Stevie Nicks Coming to Simmons Bank Arena

Rhythm in the Rock Music Festival at the Market at Chenal // Back for the first time since spring, this WLR market is turning up the jam at 21 Rahling Circle. The lineup of local performers features the Shannon Boshears Band and others, and you can hear it all with a side of vendors, food trucks and games for the kiddos. It starts at 9 a.m. Learn more here.

While you're at it: Save the Dates for the Market at Chenal 2023 Lineup

Oktoberfest at Rusty Tractor Vineyards // We can't think of a better way to welcome the new month. The vineyards are inviting guests to enjoy sausages and pretzels from Fassler Hall, Oktoberfest brews, German wine flights, music, a costume contest and plenty of room to spread out and enjoy the grounds. Join in from noon - 6 p.m. Learn more here.

Mad Hatter Tea Party at Trapnall Hall // A very important date, indeed. This first-ever event hosted by the WCF Peacekeepers invites guests to an afternoon of whimsical teas and treats, prizes for best hats and the chance to support Women & Children First in the process. It starts at 2 p.m. Learn more here.

City Garden: Beer & Ice Cream Social at the MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History // The Quapaw Quarter Association is bringing back this annual event to salute the end of summer. Stop by and celebrate the historic neighborhood with sips from Stone's Throw and frozen treats from Shake's Custard, plus food trucks, music and more from 3-5 p.m. Learn more here.

"Pines of Rome" at the Robinson Center // Kicking off the Arkansas Symphony Orchestras 2023-2024 season, plus the official debut of Geoffrey Robson as the ASO's new Music Director, is this concert that features the talents of violinist Jennifer Frautschi and the music of Respighi, Chausson and Florence Price. You can catch the show at 7:30 p.m. Saturday or 3 p.m. Sunday. Learn more here.

"Leonardo!" at the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts // This one's for you, parents. Up next for the AMFA Childrens Theatre is "Leonardo! A Wonderful Show About a Terrible Monster," which brings Mo Willems beloved books to life through puppets, actors and songs. See the show at 10:30 a.m. Saturday or 2 p.m. both days. Learn more here.

Keep the arts coming: Little Rocks 2023 Fall Performing Arts Calendar

Six Bridges Book Festival around the metro // Listen up, literary lovers. The Central Arkansas Library System's 20th annual signature event has once again descended upon the city with a mix of virtual and in-person events. The fest features a full lineup ranging from kids' book authors to historians and so much more, and yes, that includes the annual pie bake-off and recipe swap at The Root Cafe. Learn more here.

Continued here:
Weekend Guide: 18 Activities to Usher in October - Little Rock Soiree