Archive for the ‘Tea Party’ Category

Women in Tulle to present unity march in downtown Dayton –

The tea party is a new addition to the Women in Tulles event lineup and serves as the organizations devotion to its sisterhood pillar, bringing together women of many different backgrounds for fellowship and conversation. The event will also feature a three-tier menu and live music.

The first two years of the Women in Tulle march have seen approximately 600 to 800 women joining along for the fundraiser. This year, Women in Tulle is marching to provide cranial prosthetics for women and children and raise awareness for alopecia, supporting the organizations health and wellness pillar.

At the center of Gullettes mission, she said, is creating a blueprint to transform Women in Tulle into a touring womens empowerment retreat and celebration. Organizers are currently planning to take the movement around the state, beginning in Cincinnati.


What: Women in Tulle weekend

When: The Bougie High Noon Tea will be Saturday, April 22 from 1-3 p.m. The Unity Walk will be Sunday, April 23 from 4-6 p.m.

Where: The tea party will be held at Milton Athletic Club located at 640 Cosler Drive, Dayton. The march will pop-up in a downtown location that will be released by organizers to members of the Facebook group two hours in advance.

More Information: Visit You can join the Facebook group by visiting

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Women in Tulle to present unity march in downtown Dayton -

Second Annual Malad Valley Renaissance Faire and Baby Animal … – The Idaho Enterprise

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, you are cordially invited to attend the second annual Malad Valley Renaissance Faire and Baby Animal Spring Festival Friday, May 5, & Saturday, May 6, at the Malad Valley Heritage Square in Samaria. The Faire includes a wide variety of performers, artisans, and entertainers. Our Royal Court will include a King & Queen, princesses, nobles, jesters and many other entertainers. This event promises a lot of family fun and entertainment.

There is something for everyone.This year, the Renaissance Fair is proud to introduce two new attractions:

Princess Parties. Our Royal Renaissance Faire Princess is hosting a party. She has invited princesses from all over fairytale land to attend a tea party in honor of the King. Now all you Dads, Grandpas, Unclesand Moms, Grandmas and Aunts,we know you have a princess that you adoreso she needs to be here. Anyone can buy a ticket and attend a tea party with one of several princesses, including Snow White, Beauty, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, our esteemed Renn Faire princess and more! Each party guest receives:admission to the Faire a souvenir pendant necklace,a chance to have a delicious snack and drink at a table with the Princess of their choice, be photographed with the Princesses.

View a fun skit that our Princesses have prepared

There are limited seats on sale for $25, (includes admission to the general faire) but if you buy your ticket before April 15, you will receive an early bird discount of $5.00 and your ticket will only cost $20.

The Royal Banquet, is another new event this year. Join us for an amazing dinner show. You'll have a chance to dine with our Royal Court and the Knights of Mayhem our jousting contestants and enjoy great entertainment including a fire breathing show by Pyro Paris and Mather Reeves. Tickets are $30 each and include entry into the faire.

The Royal Dance will be held on Saturday from 8-10 p.m.. It will be DJd by CV Light & Sound with dance instructions before the dance at 7:15 p.m. Bring your Queen or your Princess and enjoy dancing under the stars.

Friday, May 5, 2-8 p.m. & Saturday, May 6, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Admission: $12 for adults; $8 for youth 12 & under kids 3 and under free.

This Faire and other special events are fundraisers for the Heritage Square Foundation & Malad Valley Renaissance Faire. Proceeds will be used to pay for our professional entertainers.

For general information please call Luke Waldron at 208-380-3522. For information on our special events please call Donna Whipple at 208-918-5051. Rain or shine, come celebrate the arrival of Spring with us at the Malad Valley Heritage Square. Be there or be square - costumes encouraged.

This event would not be possible without a group dedicated volunteers and local sponsors. A special thanks to the sponsors who have contributed thus far Dr. Ed Thorpe, Hess Lumber, Oneida Family Dental, Thomas Market, Nell J Redford Memorial Hospital, ATC, Northwestern Mutual, J Peak Propane, Ward Feed and Northern Title. For updated information and ticket prices for the upcoming Renaissance Faire and Baby Animal Spring Festival visit the Malad Valley Heritage Square on Facebook.

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Second Annual Malad Valley Renaissance Faire and Baby Animal ... - The Idaho Enterprise

Alice in Warrington comes to Time Square | – Warrington Borough Council

Taking place this weekend Saturday 15 April and Sunday 16 April, 11am to 4pm follow Alice down the rabbit hole, join the Mad Hatters Tea Party, meet the caterpillar, and cure your curiosity about Alices adventures in Warrington.

This special event, which has been set up in partnership with the council, Time Square, Warrington Business Improvement District (BID) and Culture Warrington, provides a range of free, immersive activities. Across the weekend, it includes:

Down the Rabbit Hole Easter egg hunt

Join Alice and the white rabbit in the search for a golden egg in four trails taking place on Saturday with three prizes be won, including a Cineworld unlimited card, Gravity vouchers for all the family, 50 to spend at Parlour, and a 30 tab at Costellos Bar.

Challenge the Queen of Hearts

The Queen of Hearts will be creating chaos on Saturday with giant chess and flamingo croquet. Will you dare to take her on? Play against the Queen, or team up with your friends in this interactive activity. The giant chess board will remain in place all day on Sunday.

Mad Hatters Tea Party immersive theatre from Barb Wire

This immersive performance has been created especially for this event by local theatre group Barb Wire. Five performances will be take place throughout Saturday at 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. Advanced booking for performances was available and all times are now full, however, if there is space on the day, walk-ins will be accepted.

Fairground rides

Take a ride on the bumper cars and whizz around on the toy carrousel at the fairground rides which will be on site all weekend (pay per ride).

Meet the characters

Everyones favourite fantastical story characters from the book will be available for photos and as part of the activities, provided by The Bookworm Players.

In addition, Time Square retailers Parlour, Costellos Bar, and Gravity will have various offers available throughout the weekend. Warrington Market will be open for business as usual, with Cookhouse traders serving up a range of tasty treats.

Cllr Tom Jennings, cabinet member for economic development and innovation, said: Come along and immerse yourself infun for the whole family,where children can meet theirfavouritecharacters,and therewill be plenty of props and selfie stationsfor youto capture magical moments throughout the day.

Its great toseeanother exciting event come toTime Square. Its vital thatwecontinue towork with our partners to provide a diverse programme of events and activities in Warringtontohelp createa thriving town centre that is alive with music, colour and activity.

Smooth Radio is the media partner for this event, with coverage on their breakfast, lunch and drive time shows.

For more information about the Alice in Warrington event, and to find out more about whats on at Time Square,

Dont be late for this very important date!

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Alice in Warrington comes to Time Square | - Warrington Borough Council

Clarence Thomas’s Vacation Scandal Shouldn’t Fade From Memory – Washington Monthly

No sooner had the non-profit investigative reporting website ProPublica broken the story that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had for more than two decades accepted more than half a million dollars in undisclosed luxury travel provided by right-wing billionaire Harlan Crow, than the Wall Street Journal editorial board published The Smearing of Clarence Thomas. The op-ed was a fusillade of abuse against the Pulitzer Prize-winning internet platform. A left-leaning website, the Journals editorial page called ProPublica, saying that its intrepid reporters had roamed far and wide and had fallen victim to adjectival overkill, the method of bad polemicists who dont have much to report.

In its critique, the Journals editorial omitted to mention that the founding editor-in-chief of ProPublica is Paul Steiger, former managing editor of the Journal; that former WSJ assistant publisher Richard Tofel also founded the site; and that Jesse Eisinger, who co-led the team on the story, is another Journal alum and a Pulitzer winner.

Leaving aside ProPublicas credibility, its published piece was detailed and well-researched. Forget the news that Crow also gave half a million dollars to a Tea Party organization founded by Thomass wife, Ginni, in 2011, which funded her $120,000 salary. The Smearing of Clarence Thomas? Oh, please. The Truth about Clarence Thomas would be more descriptive.

Yes, Supreme Court justices are exempt from the Code of Conduct for United States Judges binding all other federal judges, so Thomas did not violate that code. However, any justice with discretion would avoid violating it so blatantly.

But Thomas does seem to have violated a federal statute. Ever since Watergate, the Ethics in Government Act has required that the justices and other government employees report any gift over $415.

The law does provide an exception from disclosure for gifts of food, lodging or entertainment received as personal hospitality. But personal hospitality only applies to gifts received from an individual at the personal residence of that individual or the individuals family or on property or facilities owned by that individual or the individuals family. It has never exempted from disclosure gifts of private jet travel or cruises on luxury yachts.

The Journal carelessly faults ProPublica for quoting a couple of cherry-picked ethicists to express their dismay. Actually, there were seven legal ethicists consulted for the article, including Republicans who served in the George W. Bush administration.

Thomas became close with Crow in the 1990s after his tumultuous 1991 Senate confirmation hearings. He disclosed at least one private jet flight provided by the billionaire, to the Bohemian Grove retreat in California, in his 1997 financial disclosure. He has not disclosed a Crow-financed trip in more than 25 years since then. There have been many including not only private jets travel, time on Crows superyacht and at commercial hotels in New Zealand, the Greek isles, and Indonesia.

The famously quiet Thomas, who rarely says a word from the bench at oral arguments, issued an even rarer public statement that essentially confirmed the ProPublica report. Early in my tenure at the Court, I sought guidance from my colleagues and others in the judiciary and was advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the Court, was not reportable.

Thomas did not name the colleagues who said accepting all this free travel and keeping mum about it was fine. One couldnt have been the late Justice Antonin Scalia, with whom he was ideologically aligned. In 2004, Scalia dismissed arguments that he should have reported a hunting trip with then Vice President Dick Cheney on Air Force Two. Scalia wrote that the Ethics in Government Act required disclosure of all transportation provided or reimbursed except transportation provided by the United States. So, implicit in Scalias defense was an undercutting of Thomass defense. Travel on private jets, thought Scalia, must be disclosed.

Crow, Thomass perennial host and an inveterate mega-donor to right-wing causes, also weighed in. He said that Thomas never asked for hospitality, and it was no different from the hospitality we have extended to our many other dear friends.

Thomas never asked for hospitality aboard Crows jet? We should all be so lucky. According to ProPublica, flight records show that Thomas regularly used Crows plane. In the real world, who did the asking? Did Crow call him and say, Hey Justice, I hear you need to be in New Haven next week at 1 pm. My plane is in Dallas. How about a lift? No other dear friends are using it. Ill have it pick you up at Dulles Airport at 11:30 next Tuesday, and of course, Ill take you back. Or was it the other way around?

Thomas spent nine days touring Indonesia on Crows 162-foot superyacht, the Michaela Rose. Crow, it appears, flies Thomas to his ranch in East Texas with some frequency and flies Thomas for a week-long vacation almost every summer at Topbridge, his lakeside rustic retreat in the Adirondacks once owned by heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post, who owned Mar-a-Lago.

Crow memorialized Thomass visits to Topridge by commissioning a painting showing Thomas attended by hard right lawyers Peter Rutledge, Leonard Leo, and Mark Paoletta. Seated on Thomass left is Harlan Crow.

Crow also flew Thomas to Mahwah, New Jersey, where he attended the cemetery dedication of a statue of a nun, who was Thomass eighth-grade teacher and had testified to his character at his confirmation hearing. Crow paid for the sculpture to boot.

So, what is this all about? What it isnt about is smearing Clarence Thomas. Justices are entitled to have dear friends, and most of our dear friends share our politics. He was also entitled to sup at banquets at the homes of personal friends, but not to free rides on private planes to vacation on said pals yachts.

It doesnt pass the smell test or even the giggle test that Thomas and his wife Ginni spent time each summer with Crow and other deeply conservative figures with litigation interests before the Supreme Court, spent the week smoking cigars and talking baseball, and never ventured near topics that would be taken up by the Court a few weeks later when it convened the first Monday in October.

This could not have been all social or all pleasure. In a documentary about his life, Thomas expressed his leisure-time preference: I dont have any problem with going to Europe, but I prefer the United States, and I prefer seeing the regular parts of the United States. I prefer the RV parks. I prefer the Walmart parking lots to the beaches and things like that. Theres something normal to me about it. Its a pity he had to endure yachting through Indonesia when he could have been in a parking lot in Indiana.

Periodically, Congress considers tightening the ethics rules for Supreme Court justices. Such efforts go nowhere. Opponents argue that it violates the separation of powers and that it is all a plot to curb the freedom of conservative justices.

There is hope for some reform. The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts issued guidance last month directing justices to disclose the kind of secret gifts that Thomas and possibly others have been enjoying for decades. Under the new measure, personal hospitality will not include gifts other than food, lodging or entertainment, citing as an example transportation that substitutes for commercial transportation. This will close the private plane loophole if ever there was one. But, of course, without enforcement, reform is meaningless.

As the Second Circuit observed in United States v. Manton, Judicial action, whether just or unjust, right or wrong, is not for sale; and if the correctness of judicial actiontaken for a priceremoves the stain of corruption and exonerates the judge, the event will mark the first step toward the abandonment of that imperative requisite of even-handed justice that the judge must be perfectly and completely independent with nothing to influence or control him but God and his conscience.

Especially when the Supreme Courts legitimacy is suspect and public confidence in its authority is low, justices shouldnt have to be told to avoid all appearances of impropriety. Apparently, Clarence Thomas didnt get the memo.


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Clarence Thomas's Vacation Scandal Shouldn't Fade From Memory - Washington Monthly

How redistricting brought Tennessee to this moment – NBC News

Political and racial tensions in Tennessee erupted into public view last week when Republicans in the state Assembly voted to expel two Black Democrats from the chamber.

It was an unprecedented action that Democrats across the country including President Joe Biden excoriated as racist and political.

But politics watchers in Tennessee and around the nation say that what happened was nothing new for the states GOP lawmakers and that the process Republicans have taken to minimize the representation of Democrats on both the federal and state levels has actually been years in the making.

In recent years, Republicans have redrawn maps that effectively curtail the number of districts that represent Democrats including some of the most diverse districts in the state and increase the number of solidly red ones.

The end result has been less representation for Democrats and for Black constituents in the state House in Nashville and in the U.S. Congress.

Over the past few years, too many in the Republican Party have employed a series of strategies to suppress the voice of the people, from partisan and racial gerrymandering to voter suppression to outright intimidation," former Attorney General Eric Holder, who now leads the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, said in a statement."Now, without any pretense of justification, they are in Tennessee removing duly elected Democratic lawmakers from office.

Those efforts would not be possible without first rigging the electoral maps to prevent free and fair elections where the will of the people might be fully expressed, added Holder, who said Monday he was providing one of the two Democratic lawmakers who were expelled, Justin Jones, with legal counsel.

Just last year, the state Assembly which Republicans control with a supermajority sliced the one solidly Democratic congressional district that had for decades encompassed all of Nashville, into multiple new districts that are all now solidly red. (The new map helped Republicans pick up a seat in the states congressional delegation; they now outnumber Democrats 8 to 1).

And this year, Republicans in the state House, led by Majority Leader William Lamberth, moved legislation to cut the 40-seat Nashville city council known as the Metropolitan Council in half to 20. (State judges blocked that effort temporarily on Monday.) Democrats in the state have pointed to the fact that voters already rejected a measure in a 2015 referendum that would have accomplished a similar result, noting that shrinking the council would result in the most diverse neighborhoods in the city losing exclusive representation.

Democrats in the state also alleged that only local lawmakers should have the power to alter the size of the body and that the measure from Republicans in the Legislature amounts to political retribution after it killed efforts for the city to host the 2024 Republican National Convention.

However, efforts by Tennessee Republicans to effectively lessen representation for Democrats have been most obvious at the state level.

Such efforts in recent years have created a map of districts in the state House in which half of the Republicans in the chamber ran totally uncontested in 2022. Of the 38 who did have an opponent on the ballot, all but four won their election with 60% or more of the vote.

Recent statewide elections show a solid GOP advantage but one that still pales in comparison to the margins that Republicans have carved out in the Legislature and in the states congressional delegation.

For example, Donald Trump won the presidential vote in the state in both 2020 and 2016 with about 61% of the vote, and Republican Gov. Bill Lee won re-election last year with 65% of the vote.

But Republicans hold 27 of the 33 seats in the state Senate (82%) and 75 of the 99 seats in the state House (76%).

Politics watchers said the trends began years earlier, with a tea party-fueled backlash against the Barack Obama presidency that helped sweep Republicans into even larger majorities in the Legislature.

2010 redistricting essentially locked in a supermajority, and since then its gotten even worse [for Democrats], said Matt Anderson, a Democratic political operative who has worked with state Senate Democrats for years.

Republicans in the state House voted last week to expel Jones, along with Justin J. Pearson, who are both Black, over their gun-control protests on the chamber floor. A vote to expel a third Democrat, Rep. Gloria Johnson, who is white, fell short.Including Jones, who was reinstated to his seat following a vote Monday by the Nashville Metropolitan Council, and Pearson, whose reinstatement will be voted on Wednesday by the Shelby County Board of Commissioners, there are 15 Black members in the state Assembly.

In a state where approximately 78% of the residents are white and 17% are Black, the expelled legislators represented districts that were far more diverse. State Assembly District 86, which Pearson represented, is 61% Black, while state Assembly District 52, which Jones represented, is 31% Black.

In interviews with NBC News, Democratic voters throughout the state said theyd grown furious in recent years as Republican effortsto consolidate control and lessen Democratic representation in areas with Democratic majorities intensified.

Because were in a state where you have majority Republicans, youre going to have people take advantage of their power, and thats what theyve been able to do for a long time, said Karlton Davidson, 48, of Nashville.

Republicans want to decide who represents me. They keep wanting to tell me who should be representing me. You know I dont want them to represent me, added Sidney Tate, 79, who lives in Memphis.

Sheila Hudson, 62, of Memphis, told NBC News, It should be us choosing who we want, not the Republicans.

Theyve been pulling things like this for years, she added.

Multiple spokespersons for and officials from the Tennessee GOP didnt respond to questions from NBC News.

But even a handful of former Republican officials have in recent days lamented the expulsions as just the latest example of increasingly aggressive tactics by the state GOP.

Today is such a sad day for our State, former state Rep. Eddie Mannis, a moderate Republican who served just one term in the chamber before declining to run for re-election, posted on Facebook last week after Jones was formally expelled.

Adam Edelman is a political reporter for NBC News.

Safia Samee Ali, Ben Kamisar, Bridget Bowman and Scott Bland contributed.

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How redistricting brought Tennessee to this moment - NBC News