December 21, 2014 By: Fun Tea Party Ideascomment
TheHolidays. Christmas for most. Carols, trees, decorations, cards and gifts. Good will to men and peace on earth. Foodlots of food. Hot tea and hot cocoa. Fudge and eggnog. So why not some eggnog fudge? Two treats in one swoop! Eggnog Fudge: Ingredients 1 cup store bought (or homemade) eggnog 2 tablespoons water []
December 17, 2014 By: Fun Tea Party Ideascomment
Until a few weeks ago, I have never heard of a kringle much less an apple kringle. I first heard of it in a book and then Google told me what it was exactly (dont you love Google?) This pastrysounded quite delicious so I decided to come up with a recipe. I printed a few []
December 14, 2014 By: Fun Tea Party Ideascomment
Eggnog chai latteyum. Whats not to like? Exactly! Nothing! I love eggnog and I love chai and so do mykids except for my daughter and husband who dont care for tea of any kind. GASP! This tea is a special treat you can only make around the holidays unless you make your own eggnog. []
December 10, 2014 By: Fun Tea Party Ideascomment
Tea is taken very seriously in some parts of the world. Tea times are very important as well and will tell you what type of tea and tea foods to expect. Various Tea Times Cream Tea ~ Strawberry Tea ~ Light Tea Cream tea is served in the afternoon and consists []
December 7, 2014 By: Fun Tea Party Ideascomment
I wanted to share these fun historical facts about tea. Some I already knew and some were new to me. Enjoy! Fun Historical Facts about Tea Iced tea was commercialized and popularizedin1904 at the Worlds Fair in St. Louis. (1) Tea was introduced in Russia in1638 when a Mongolian ruler donated to Tzar []
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