Archive for the ‘Tea Party’ Category

Put Boston on your bucket list | East Bernard Express | – Wharton Journal Spectator

The hubs and I took our first week-long vacation for the first time in 35 years. Just the two of us, booked flights and a room, gone for five nights (OK, not quite a week).

But to the best of our recollection we had not taken a trip, just the two of us, for that many nights. Honestly, I was little nervous we wouldnt be able to handle that much together time.

Fortunately, we picked a location with plenty to see and do and that kept us busy. If you havent traveled to Boston, Massachusetts, I suggest you put that on your bucket list. We had been to other cities on the East Coast, but not to Boston. So much history, so much education, and so many old establishments.

We started with a Boston Red Sox versus New York Yankees baseball game our first night. That was fun and we randomly ran into a cousin from Austin who also happened to be attending the game. Small world for sure.

The next morning we hit the Freedom Trail and then just started checking things off the list. Hop on/hop off trolley, Duck tour, Boston Tea Party, Cheers bar, Union Oyster House (oldest restaurant in Boston), Boston massacre, Paul Reveres house. Then we ventured off and found a few treasurers on our own.

The Beantown Pub, which is the only bar in town where you can drink a cold Sam Adams beer and look at a cold Sam Adams in the cemetery across the street. Wish I had a $1 for every time I heard someone say that last week.

We visited some very old churches and the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, toured Harvard University and the USS Constitution. Boston does not lack for a variety of awesome food. We were told Little Italy in the North End has 87 Italian restaurants. We enjoyed a few of those. And the lobster rolls, crab cakes and clam chowder did not disappoint, not to mention the cannelloni.

Never had a tour guide tell us how many bars were in the area but they were in abundance.

We walked more than 40 miles that week. Probably a good thing, considering all the food and beverages we consumed. We took many scenic detours, not always on purpose. Our first full day in Boston we walked almost 12 miles. As the week progressed we logged fewer miles each day.

A whale watching tour was on the schedule the day before we were to fly out. However, a storm that was brewing in the harbor put a kink in those plans.

All in all we had an amazing time. The weather was perfect, everyone was friendly, the city was clean and safe and we are still married. We might take another trip, just the two of us. Although the next trip may be a day shorter. I really missed my dog.

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Put Boston on your bucket list | East Bernard Express | - Wharton Journal Spectator

MATTHEWS: Republicans have every right to fear the coming IRS expansion – North State Journal

FILE - The exterior of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) building in Washington, on March 22, 2013. One of Washington's favorite punching bags, the Internal Revenue Service, may finally get the resources it's been asking Congress for if Democrats get their economic package focused on energy and health care over the finish line. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

One of the most laughable talking points coming from Democrats in the aftermath of President Joe Bidens signing of the bogusly named Inflation Reduction Act is that Republicans are making mountains out of molehills over the $80 billion in new funding given to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to, among other things, add close to 87,000 new agents to their roster.

The lefts responses whenever the issue comes up are to either falsely claim that the new agents will only target the super-rich for audits or to suggest that if Republicans have nothing to hide then they shouldnt be afraid of a little phone call or knock on the door from the IRS just to make sure theyre on the up and up.

For starters, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has confirmed that at least $20 billion from future audits from the beefed-up IRS will come from those making less than $400,000 a year, with much of that amount actually coming from those making under $200,000 a year.

Further, anyone suggesting people have nothing to fear as long as they havent done anything wrong has a) never had to go through an IRS audit and/or b) doesnt get that saying such things is a whole lot like telling someone that they have nothing to fear from the police and investigators questioning them without a lawyer present as long as theyve done nothing wrong.

Not only that, but because our tax code is so massive and burdensome, its easy to make an honest mistake on a tax return and an honest mistake is a far cry from doing something deliberate to avoid paying your taxes. So no, this is not about tax cheats wanting to get away with fudging numbers; this about honest people not wanting to go through the ordeal which includes a lot of lawyers and a lot of stressful nights worrying and digging through paperwork of an IRS audit.

Consider this, too: In addition to all the new IRS agents, as of the beginning of this year, companies such as PayPal, Venmo, and Cash App now have to report all transactions per taxpayer that total over $600 to the IRS. All of that will be treated as income on which you will be taxed. It will be up to you to prove your son was just reimbursing you for all the dinners and lunches during the year he didnt pay for.

Last but not least, after what happened to Tea Party groups seeking tax-exempt status under the Obama-Biden administration with the IRS ultimately apologizing in 2017 for screening their applications based on their names or policy positions, [and] subjecting those applications to heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays, Republicans have every right to be alarmed over the IRS doubling in size.

Heres an idea for Democrats who have been spouting off the nothing to fear and only targeting the super-rich pablum: As a gesture of good faith, step up and volunteer to be audited, no matter how long it takes, no matter how much digging you have to do, whether you make over $400,000 a year or not. After all, if youve done nothing wrong, whats the problem?

And when were done with that, we can start auditing the federal government to see if theyve been responsible in how theyve spent our hard-earned tax dollars. Because if theres fraud and underhandedness in this country to be found, that would be the absolute best place to start.

But what needs to be done before all of that is something that is long overdue: We must simplify the U.S. tax code. I repeat: We must simplify the U.S. tax code.

North Carolina native Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah and is a media analyst and regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection.

Go here to read the rest:
MATTHEWS: Republicans have every right to fear the coming IRS expansion - North State Journal

All Roads Lead to Obama | –

No one will say it, but it is becoming more and more obvious every day. This is not Joe Bidens first presidential term. This is Barack Obamas third.

Obama led a destructive revolution against the United States, from the top, during his eight years in the White House. During Donald Trumps four years there, he stopped and even reversed some of Obamas fundamental transformations. Radical elites inside and outside the government, many of whom were and are connected to Obama, put up immense resistance; and when the 2020 presidential election came, they waged all-out war. That war is still ongoing, with the latest and perhaps most significant battle since the election itself being over an unprecedented raid on Mr. Trumps personal home.

During and just after the Obama years, government agents spied on journalists, members of Congress and the Trump campaign, and they raided the homes and offices of several of his attorneys. But never in U.S. history have government agents raided a presidents home.

The warrant was approved by U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart and was carried out by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in its latest and perhaps most egregious interference into politics, apparently on the pretext of archiving presidential records. After the public demanded an explanation for the unprecedented raid, Reinhart unsealed the warrant that authorized it, but he also allowed the Department of Justice to redact most of the names of the agents involved. When an unredacted copy leaked to the public, we found out that not only does this attack on President Trump trace back once again to the fbi, but it traces back once again to the exact same agents who have been attacking him for years!

During an interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on August 14, American attorney Kash Patel noted that the fbi raid on Mar-a-Lago starts and ends with Russiagate. Yet former House of Representatives Intelligence Committee member Devin Nunes disagreed, saying the fbis war against President Trump is really a war against the U.S. Constitution that began years before Donald Trump ran for office. I think this actually goes back pre-Russiagate hoax, he said. I think it goes back to the irs scandal where they targeted conservatives. I think it goes back to Fast and Furious during the Obama administration where they ran guns and tried to set people up, you remember, and innocent Americans ended up getting killed. It goes back to Benghazi; they got away with that.

Although even Nunes will not say it directly, the sustained attack by a federal policing agency against Donald Trump goes back to Barack Obama!

Obama began weaponizing the governments administrative agencies against the American people after he was elected in 2008. Both of his presidential terms were filled with scandals, such as the Internal Revenue Service targeting groups with tea party or patriot in their names. Of course, these scandals made headlines when they broke, but many Americans did not pay enough attention to them until Patel and Nunes began exposing how the Obama administration tried to frame Trump of crimes in Russia that he never committed. But the witch hunt against Trump is only the latest development in a much larger witch hunt against anyone who believes in Republican principles and traditions like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties.

In many ways, the Biden administration is even worse than the Obama administration because several of the most radical people Obama appointed to administrative office are now running their respective administrative departments. Freddy Gray, the deputy editor of the Spectator, made this point almost two years ago, when he wrote that the incoming Biden administration is arguably more Obamaish than the original Obama administration was. In 2008, when Barack won the White House, he was a Washington neophyte who had to contend with the considerable power of the Clintons. His campaign chiefs could only stand aside and gripe as Hillary Clinton, the woman Obama had beaten to become the Democratic nominee, became secretary of state and pushed her allies into the best positions. This time, its the Biden campaign people grumbling as Team Obama swoops back in.

The same Obama appointees who audited tea party groups without cause while running guns to drug cartels are now ransacking through Melania Trumps wardrobe while running guns to the Environmental Protection Agency, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, and the Railroad Retirement Board. So you can say this about Obamas people: They never get tired, they never give up, and they view every day as another opportunity to gain territory.

There should be no tut-tutting about the unprecedented fbi raid on Donald Trumps Mar-a-Lago estate, reported American Greatness. It is exactly what it looks like: a show of force against the opposition leader by the head of state and his personal bodyguards. If this happened in any other country, it immediately would be denounced as the act of a dictator. But since it is being done by Joe Biden, the putative leader of our democracy, we are being told to wait and see whether this extraordinary action was justified as the Left does a war dance.

You cannot argue with that logic. If Vladimir Putin, Recep Erdoan or Daniel Ortega raided the home of a political opponent with no proof they committed a crime, the press would condemn them as dictators. Yet Biden and the Obama appointees who handle him use the deep state to bully political opponents while the corporate media give them a free pass. You do not have to open your eyes very wide to see America is becoming a dictatorship or that this is happening because a group of radical Obama appointees have hijacked Americas levers of power.

Barack Obama came to power by pretending he was a moderate social Democrat, but his goal is to fundamentally transform America into something worse than a Communist dictatorship, my father, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry, wrote in his newly updated book America Under Attack. The late Herbert W. Armstrong warned America decades ago that the Communist Party is not a mere political party, in the sense Americans think of the term. It is a ruthless totalitarian dictatorship. It is run, with absolute power, by a few men at the topall of whom are completely subservient to one man who is Dictator Absolute. This one-man dictatorship is supposed to be necessary because there may be different interpretations of the Marxist philosophy. Therefore, to prevent division, they must have a supreme interpreter (Plain Truth, February 1962). Obama, who was mentored by the card-carrying Communist Frank Marshall Davis, wants to be the supreme interpreter of American communism.

Although news about Obama went quiet for a while after he left office, we at the Philadelphia Trumpet have kept a close eye on him. In the February 2021 issue, my father wrote that Obama was at the epicenter of the election crisis and the radical lefts effort to prevent Donald Trump from being reelected! He based his analysis on 2 Kings 14:23-29, which describe a Satan-led movement in the end time to blot out the name of Israel from under heaven, and Daniel 8:12, which exposes an end-time leader who cast down the truth to the ground.

We are now getting a clear look at the agenda of this destructive leader. Radical leftists have taken off the mask, and God is exposing their corruption. The nation-destroying problems afflicting America are not blunders made by a senile president. They are intentional sabotage by the man who is really controlling America.

Read the original:
All Roads Lead to Obama | -

20 Hilarious Cursed Images That Will Creep You Out – Next Luxury – Next Luxury

Photos are a great way of capturing memories of places, people, and events. But they can often inadvertently result in some hilarious cursed images that will make you have a second look. These photos arent necessarily cursed in the way a witch puts a curse on someone. These are photos that are mysterious, creepy, mind-bending, and head-scratching.

Some cursed images are organic, capturing strange events or happenings, while others are staged or photoshopped. No matter how they are created, what these cursed images have in common is the puzzled or creeped-out vibe they will make you feel.

Fries with sauce are great, but not when you have this much sauce.

Not quite sure what is going on in this cursed image, but it appears to show people walking through some sort of mouth maze. Theres a set of chompers on the right-hand side and what appears to be a pair of tonsils hanging down from the roof. Its a very strange photo that doesnt make much sense.

No, just no. This cursed image is a frightening photo of a family relaxing in what appears to be a den. The father has a beer while the kids are sitting near mom. It all looks pretty normal until you notice the clown with an axe standing over them. This cursed image looks like its from the latest It movie or an outtake from serial killer John Wayne Gaceys collection.

Heres another image sure to have you shifting uncomfortably in your chair. It shows a lady sitting in a subway car. Nothing strange there. Until you look behind her and see a trail of blood leading to a pile of bodies. Cursed image? We think so.

This image is creepy for obvious reasons. While theres nothing wrong with a young girl having a tea party, when shes doing so with rather large spiders, thats just plain wrong. Hopefully, nobody was harmed during this cursed tea party.

Building a playground next to a cemetery is just asking for trouble. This cursed image is strange and an idea not many people would think is a good one. Hopefully, the kids are staying away from the dead and not filming a silly TikTok video while there.

Youve heard of Leatherface. How about Pancakeface? This family of three (and their dog) decided to wear pancakes on their face for some reason. Its an image straight out of a horror movie and is the type of cursed content you find on the wide world web. The fact that the dog isnt trying to eat the pancake is impressive.

This is an obviously photoshopped image, but its still one that will have you unsure of what you are looking at. Its a shark with a cats head. This thing in the photo is sure to unease you and make you wonder whats really in the deep, dark ocean. Or laugh hysterically.

Here is another cursed image that doesnt make a whole lot of sense. It shows a young lad who appears to be in some form of distress surrounded by pieces of bread in a bathroom. Maybe hes been cursed by some sort of beard witch?


Ok, this one probably isnt that horrifying to most, but the number nine shirt at Chelsea is seen as cursed by supporters of the famous London club. A whole host of players who have worn the shirt over the years have gone from incredible soccer players to struggling has-beens. The number nine shirt has ended many careers at Chelsea, with Belgium international Romelu Lukaku the latest in a long line of players to wear the cursed shirt.

Arriving at Stamford Bridge as one of the most prolific goal scorers in the world, Lukaku only managed 15 goals in 44 games last season. His form was so bad manager Thomas Tuchel began leaving him on the bench. Hes now gone back to Inter Milan where he scored in the opening game of the new season.

Lukaku isnt the first to suffer from the number nine curse, with the likes of Fernando Torres, Alvaro Morata, Radamel Falcao, Gonzalo Higuain, Mateja Kezman, and Chris Sutton all falling victim to the curse.

Once you see this you cant unsee it. Some clever (or depraved) person has created a series of images that combines two different famous people. This one, easily the most disturbing, takes Billie Eilish and mixes her with Bill Nye the Science Guy. Its a truly cursed image sure to give you nightmares. You can check out more of these cursed memes and images here.

This one is a bit morbid. It shows a snowman slowly melting with a sign proclaiming, Ill be dead soon. While true, this isnt something you want young kids to see.

Kids love Furbys. These cute toys are nice and cuddle and fun to play with. This Furby doesnt fall into that category. Its got a super long neck, three eyes, skeleton hands, and is about to chow down on some hotdogs. Weird, plain weird.

No, not the movie, but this cursed image of a man literally on fire. The image shows what appears to be a couple on their wedding day, with the grooms head on fire.

Imagine being faced with this stair climb. Think Id rather pass and stay on the ground floor.

Youve heard of baked beans on toast right? How about baked beans on Weetabix? Some say its the breakfast of champions. Cant say I agree with that. This is a disgusting picture that makes me never want to eat either baked beans or Weetabix again.

Imagine seeing this while in a public restroom? Youd run like crazy. Even those with a foot fetish will cringe looking at this image.

This image shows a flock of sheep gathered together. Nothing weird about that, besides their white eyes that seem to hint at them being cursed.

Did you know Mickey Mouse and his Disney friends went through a rebellious stage committing crimes? This cursed image is proof of that, with the crew burning the car they used for a robbery.

This is the worst Bert and Ernie cosplay you will ever see.

See the rest here:
20 Hilarious Cursed Images That Will Creep You Out - Next Luxury - Next Luxury

The dark money billionaire-funded Tea Party Patriots has an "action guide" for disrupting public health measures – Boing Boing

Where I live (and probably where you live), if you wandered outside and looked around at restaurants, bars, shopping centers, airplanes, airports, municipal buildings, movie theaters, universities, schools, office buildings, and heck, even medical offices, you'd never know COVID is still a 'thing,' despite the fact that official case counts hover around 100,000 cases in the US per day and deaths are consistently around 500 a day, according to the New York Times.

The situation is even worse in reality, though, as many epidemiologists assert that official cases are vastly undercounted, and state that actual numbers of cases might be up to thirty times higher than officially reported. And maybe you're willing to accept that 500 deaths a day is just "the new normal." Death isn't the only bad outcome, howeverexperts assert that as many as 1 in 5 people who had COVID develop "long COVID," which can be debilitating for months or years.

If you still care about COVID and wonder why the entire country seems to be being gaslit by the folks running the public health system, here's an interesting analysis that helps explain what happened. Journalist Walker Bragman recently posted a link on Twitter to an "action guide" on "stopping medical mandates," created by the "Action" arm of the Tea Party Patriots. The mission of "Tea Party Patriots Action" is:

to equip Americans with the resources and training they need to be engaged citizens and effective activists. Our vision is for a nation where individual liberty is cherished and maximized, where the Constitution is revered and upheld, and where Americans are free to pursue their American Dream.

They have three main platforms, including "personal freedom," "economic freedom," and "debt free future," as well as a whole host of topics about which they produce action guides, including "National debt, Healthcare, Tax reform, Big government, Immigration, First Amendment rights, and Second Amendment rights." The guide that Walker Bragman is referring to was published in Summer 2021 and is called "I do not consent: Stop UnAmerican Medical Mandates, A How-To Guide for the American People." It includes guidance about how to "Host a Sign-Waving Event," along with sample slogans to put on signs such as:

Tyrants never let a crisis go to waste! They're using Covid to control you!

Let our kids BREATHE! No more mandates!

No more Covid fear mongering! We are FREE AMERICANS!

Don't let the panic porn manipulate you into giving up your rights!

The guide also includes information about how to "Organize Parents & Concerned Citizens," and how to "Make Some Calls" (including scripts) to federal elected officials, governors, state legislators, and more. The guide ends with a request for donations, naturally.

Bragman asserts that this Tea Party activist work helps explains how we got to our current state of affairs regarding COVID. Along with the link to the guide, he tweeted, "Big money has poisoned our national discourse around COVID. This guide was published last summer by the billionaire-funded dark money group Tea Party Patriots Action to help people defeat public health measures like mask requirements." It's probably not the entire reason we've gotten to the point of being told to just 'live with the virus' while cases and deaths rage on, but it's certainly part of the story.

See the original post here:
The dark money billionaire-funded Tea Party Patriots has an "action guide" for disrupting public health measures - Boing Boing