Archive for the ‘Tea Party’ Category

Watch New # Baby Hazel # games Cartoons Edition 2014 Tea Party Full Episode video on youtube S3Lcxu – Video

Watch New # Baby Hazel # games Cartoons Edition 2014 Tea Party Full Episode video on youtube S3Lcxu
Play games online for kids at Tom and Jerry Game TV channel on youtube, the best baby game channel only here play also dora the explorer sponge bob Team Umizoom diego adventure games, dora...

By: TomandJerry GamesTv

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Watch New # Baby Hazel # games Cartoons Edition 2014 Tea Party Full Episode video on youtube S3Lcxu - Video

Mark Pocan calls for a new 'real tea party' at Fighting Bob Fest

BARABOO -- It was an unlikely declaration, coming from a progressive congressman addressing a progressive crowd.

"I want to be an advocate for the tea party," said U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan, opening his speech at Fighting Bob Fest.

"Wait, wait not that one," Pocan said, speaking to the annual gathering of progressives at the Sauk County Fairgrounds. "Not the tea party of Scott Walker and Ron Johnson and Ted Cruz. Im talking about the real Boston Tea Party, and maybe the need for another real tea party."

The Madison Democrat went on to deliver a quick history lesson on the Tea Party the Boston one, that is.

Pocan noted that the 1773 political protest was the work of a group of colonists fed up with the power the East India Trading Co. held over subjects of the British government, while the king and the wealthy elite profited.

"They were upset because they viewed the Tea Act as a massive corporate giveaway that hurt real people and small businesses in the colonies," Pocan said. "If only we could convince the current tea partiers to understand that the Tea Party they claim to be inspired by wasnt fighting against the government, they were fighting against a government that had been taken over by corporations and their interests."

The freshman congressman, who represented Wisconsin's 78th State Assembly district from 1999 to 2013, said the relationship between government and corporations today is in many ways similar to what it was in the 1770s.

"Our progressive movement is still in the same fight against the infestation of corporations in our government," he said.

His speech was a rally for progressives to continue to fight corporate influence in politics and government.

In Wisconsin and beyond, he said, there is a battle between two visions for society: one in which the luckiest hold the cards while the rest continue to struggle, and the other in which those who work hard and play by the rules can make it.

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Mark Pocan calls for a new 'real tea party' at Fighting Bob Fest

Tea party forum dives into Havasu school bond specifics

The local school district says it needs money to fix air conditioners, revamp athletic fields, replace school buses and expand digital access to every student in the district, and they are asking Lake Havasu City property owners to pay the way.

A panel of Lake Havasu Unified School District officials and teachers Saturday afternoon explained the $67.3 million bond on the November ballot and answered questions at a tea party sponsored forum at Abundant Grace Church.

While only a small number of people raised their hands when asked by the moderator if they were undecided on the school bond, the event drew a larger crowd than many of the election forums the group has hosted over the past months.

The questions ranged from why primary school students need computers to whether the district presents a clear picture of its finances to the community and how much the bond will cost with interest a little more than $100 million over 23 years if they sell all they bonds that would be approved.

Superintendent Gail Malay and the other district representatives argued funding cuts from the state, especially for building and equipment repairs, have left the district with rundown athletic fields, out-of-date air conditioning units and schools that need roofs repaired and carpets replaced.

They also said the district was only able to replace things as they broke with its current budget but a bond could help update the district infrastructure, creating efficiencies that would save money in the long run.

Do we as a community care about our buildings? Do we let our homes run down? I know I dont, Malay said.

More than $10 million of the bond is also earmarked for technology improvements such as a new phone system, faster and expanded Internet bandwidth and access to tablet-type devices for every student. Some of the audience members asked why it is necessary for educators to rely on computers, but the teachers on the panel pointed to a wide variety of programs and applications that can be used to facilitate teaching at all grade levels.

But not everyone in the crowd was buying what the district was selling, asking why the bond issuance needed to be so large and questioning whether education as a whole was headed in the right direction.

The money is a leverage for the people, and if they are not satisfied in the direction of the school district, they need to vote against (the bond) to keep that leverage, said David Beaumont from the crowd.

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Tea party forum dives into Havasu school bond specifics

Reality Check: Jeff Johnson And The Tea Party

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MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) Independent Minnesota political groups are spending a fortune on television ads this campaign season.

Theyre branding GOP gubernatorial candidate Jeff Johnson as a tea party Republican.

The ads are relentless, and ominous.

Im a teacher, but Im also a mom, said Laura Livermore, who is featured in one of the ads. Thats why Im so worried about tea party Republican Jeff Johnson.

Only one problem: Johnson says hes not a tea party member.

Im not a member, but I dont know you have membership, nor do they endorse by the way, Ive been told that, Johnson said. Nor did I ask for their endorsement.

But the reality is Johnson appeared numerous times at tea party meetings, documented by the online political blog

And a Democratic video at a tea party event shows that he calls himself a tea party member, and sought tea party endorsement.

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Reality Check: Jeff Johnson And The Tea Party

Most Hawkish on ISIS? Tea Party Wing of GOP

U.S. military engagement on Islamic State may alter the political calculus for this years midterms, but the potential impacts may reach beyond the next few months and into 2016, thanks to a shift among tea party supporters.

In September 2013, 64% of tea party supporters said they believed taking military action against the Syrian government was not in the national interest. In this latest survey, 68% of tea party supporters said they believe talking military action against ISIS in Iraq and Syria is in the national interest.

That shift is much bigger than the change among the county as a whole. In 2013, 47% of Americans said they believed military action was not in the national interest in Syria. In the latest poll, 61% say they believe military action against Islamic State is in the national interest.

And among people who identify as Republican supporters of the tea party, the number saying military action against ISIS is in the national interest is even higher, at 75%.

Of course, those new poll numbers have a lot to do with how the situation has changed over the past year the target of U.S. military action has changed to a terrorist group ISIS, as opposed to Syria, headed by President Bashar al-Assad. But that difference in tea party attitudes is still noteworthy, for a few reasons.

First, looking ahead to 2016, the Republican Party is a factionalized political entity and the self-identified tea party supporters are a prominent group within it. In this latest poll, about one-third of Republicans, 35%, identified themselves as tea party supporters. They will play a big role in the GOP presidential nominating process.

Second, the shift in attitudes about U.S. involvement in using the military against Islamic State is a big one.

The tea party movement, while a very loose confederation without clearly defined positions on many issues, has generally been considered a libertarian group focused more on the homeland than the world aboard. But Islamic State, and the perceived threat to the U.S. associated with it, seems to sit differently with the tea party.

That may lead to a very different foreign policy debate within the GOPs hopefuls in 2016 with less room for the more non-interventionist views put forward by Rep. Ron Paul in the 2012 campaign.

In late August, Mr. Pauls son, Sen. Rand Paul, who many believe will be a presidential candidate in 2016, has said he would seek congressional authority to destroy ISIS if he were president.

See the rest here:
Most Hawkish on ISIS? Tea Party Wing of GOP