Things to do this weekend in Springfield, Illinois – The State Journal-Register
Music, motivationand bonding opportunities highlight what's happening in Springfield this weekend.
No plansand looking for something to do?
Here are eightactivities set in the area this weekend to keep in mind while outand about.
Get your lawn chairs ready for the return of the Levitt Amp music series to downtown thisThursday.Sounds will kick off at the Y Block on Jackson Street between Fourth and Fifth streets at6 p.m.
The Soul Message band will provide jazz for the evenings entertainment and there will also be a 30-minute intermission with performances from local and regional dancetroupes.
Children's activities provided by Springfield Park District will be available during theconcert.Concerts will continue every Thursdayat 6 p.m. through Aug. 4 free ofcost.
For more information, visit LevittAMPSpringfield on Facebook.
Things to do this summer: Downtown Springfield's outdoor festivals are back! See the 10 on our list
The Springfield Area Arts Council is bringing back its Artists on the Plaza series on Fridays. During the series,local artists perform at noon at the Old State Capitol Plaza.
Tom Irwin is the headliner for the firstafternoon performance which is family-friendly andfree.
This year's concerts,sponsored by Springfield Convention and VisitorsBureau,will runevery Friday until Labor Day. For more information, visit
Join theIllinois State Museum on Fridayfor aninteractive art and history experience throughitsEdgewise Exhibit Tour.
The guided tour is part of DowntownSpringfieldsHistory Comes Alive summer series that brings storytelling, performancesand a variety of characters together for atrip into the past.
The Edgewise Exhibit highlights women, queerand nonbinary people whove championed for causes they care about.The exhibit amplifies their personal stories to showcase how theyve made their mark in a male-centric society to inspire generations today.
Tours will be held from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. and last one hour.For more information, visit http://www.illinoisstatemueum.orgor call 217-782-6044.
Explore the downtown nightlife at the Legacy of Giving Music Festival thisweekend.
Live performances, vendors, food trucksand more than 60 acts will take over the Old State Capitol Historicsite startingFridayfrom 5 p.m. until midnight.
Performances will run across five stages that will be set up on Fifth Street, Washington Streetand The Old State CapitolPlaza.Anentertainment area for children will be available.
All proceeds from the festival will be donated to local charities. The Saturday event will run from noon until midnight.
For more information visit
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Get replenished with Black Lives Matter Springfield at its Melanin and Muffins brunch fundraiser on Saturday.
The event will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Luminary Kitchenand Provisions, 3121 Hedley Road.
Mimosas, brunchand a presentation by Dr. Wendi El-Amin of SIU Medicine about PTSD will be provided during the event. A minimum $40 donation is required for admission and a free gift will be given to the first 40 attendees.
For more information, contact the Black Lives Matter Springfield Facebook page.
The third annual Kiwanis Club of Springfield Downtown mini golf classic returns thisSaturday.
The classic will include 18 holes of mini golf for $20, covering a two-personteam.
Games will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 Knights Action Park, 1700 Recreation Drive.All proceeds will go to Kiwanis Club service projects which benefit children of the community.
For more information, contact the Kiwanis Club of Downtown Springfield Facebook page.
Celebrate National Cancer Survivors Day with a tea party at the Village Tea Room, 3301 Robbins Road, onSunday.
There will be music, poetry andart.Members of the Lavender Life Cancer and Lupus Foundation will highlight survivors during theevent.
Tea party attire is encouraged and food and wine will beavailable.The event will be held from 4 to8 p.m. with no covercharge.
For more information, contact theLavender Life Cancer and Lupus Foundation Facebook page.
Join the Chabad Jewish Center of Springfield for a dairy buffet and ice cream party on Sunday.
The celebration marks the day the Jewish people became a nation and received the Torah in historical times known as the "Shavuot."
The event begins at 1 p.m. and a reading of the Ten Commandments will be included. For more information, visit or call 773-870-7770.
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Things to do this weekend in Springfield, Illinois - The State Journal-Register