Archive for the ‘Tea Party’ Category

Priyanka slams Varun, says LS poll not a family tea party – Video

Priyanka slams Varun, says LS poll not a family tea party
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Priyanka slams Varun, says LS poll not a family tea party - Video

USA: Tea Party warns against Russia – Video

USA: Tea Party warns against Russia
20140415 051 W/S State capitol building W/S Chalk slogans M/S Slogan: "Putin hands off UA!" C/U Slogan: "Stop Russian propaganda" SOT Randa, Tea Party suppor...

By: RuptlyTV

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USA: Tea Party warns against Russia - Video

Matt Clark at The Cincinnati Tea Party Tax Day Rally – Video

Matt Clark at The Cincinnati Tea Party Tax Day Rally
Matt Clark at The Cincinnati Tea Party Tax Day Rallytion.

By: Rich Hoffman

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Matt Clark at The Cincinnati Tea Party Tax Day Rally - Video

Tea Party Movement – Times Topics – The New York Times

Apr. 12, 2014

Tea Party class of 2010 is shaping up to be problematic for Republican Party, even though the 2016 elections may be far off; challenges raise real possibility that party could seize control of both houses of Congress in 2014, only to lose it two years later as Democrats reclaim some of the seats lost in Tea Party wave.MORE

House Republicans formally ask Attorney Gen Eric H Holder Jr to begin a criminal investigation of Lois Lerner, the former Internal Revenue Service official caught up in the scandal over political targeting of Tea Party groups.MORE

Tea Party's failure to field a strong challenger to South Carolina Sen Lindsey Graham highlights fact that it has had trouble finding candidates to take out incumbents; while group has had success nudging the Republican party to the right with the implicit threat of primaries, it has only been able to seriously compete with one of eight Republican senators who are up for re-election in midterms.MORE

Republicans are challenging conservative advocacy groups head on in aggressive effort to undermine their credibility in 2014 midterm elections; goal is to deny them any Senate primary victories, cut into their fund-raising and diminish them as future force in Republican politics.MORE

Republican primaries for 2014 midterm elections in Texas underscore rightward shift in the party; while establishment candidates in some of the top races were successful, Tea Party candidates won in several down ballot races.MORE

Establishment Republican leaders in Texas defeat challengers from the right in statewide primary election, as conservatives inspired by Sen Ted Cruz largely fail to topple mainstream incumbents, and race for lieutenant governor heads for runoff.MORE

Group Tea Party Patriots celebrates its fifth anniversary as Sen Rand Paul and others address gathering in Washington; movement with growing clout is both Republican Party's greatest agitator and its biggest source of political energy, which has proved difficult to square since 2010 elections; internal differences exist on whether to fight or pitch 'big tent.'MORE

Long list of far-right candidates trying to unseat high-ranking Republicans in primaries reflects fissures within the party; situation is exemplified in Texas, where Tea Party candidate Katrina Pierson is challenging Rep Pete Sessions.MORE

Conservative Republican policy organization Heritage Foundation, under leadership of Jim DeMint, has become less an incubator for policy ideas and more a political organization feeding off the Tea Party movement; DeMint's approach, which has shifted focus away from research toward policy analysis tailored for social media, is designed to spread the foundation's ethos more broadly and among younger recruits.MORE

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Tea Party Movement - Times Topics - The New York Times

The tea party radio network

Glenn Beck worked the crowd like a preacher at a rally this month in Louisville, Ky., declaring that God had responded to conservatives prayers by sending a slate of tea party candidates to wrest control of the Republican Party from Mitch McConnell.

But there was a more earthly benefit to the arrangement that brought Beck to the rally. It was organized by the tea party nonprofit group FreedomWorks, which had endorsed the candidates and which has paid more than $6 million in recent years to have Beck promote the group, its initiatives and events.

The FreedomWorks-Beck relationship is just one example of a powerful and profitable alliance between the conservative movements most aggressive groups and the most popular radio hosts. The details of the arrangements are little-known, but they have been lucrative for the recipients, and, in turn, have helped ensure that the groups get coveted airtime from hosts with a demonstrated ability to leverage their tens-of-millions of listeners to shape American politics. Its an alliance that helped spawn the anti-establishment tea party and power Republicans to landslide victories in the 2010 midterms. Its also exacerbated congressional gridlock by pushing a hard line on the budget, immigration and Obamacare, and it is roiling the Republican Party headed into critical midterm elections.

(TIMELINE: Evolution of the tea party-talk radio alliance)

A POLITICO review of filings with the Internal Revenue Service and Federal Election Commission, as well as interviews and reviews of radio shows, found that conservative groups spent nearly $22 million to broker and pay for involved advertising relationships known as sponsorships with a handful of influential talkers including Beck, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh between the first talk radio deals in 2008, and the end of 2012. Since then, the sponsorship deals have grown more lucrative and tea party-oriented, with legacy groups like the Heritage Foundation ending their sponsorships, and groups like the Tea Party Patriots placing big ad buys.

The power of the tea party-talk radio nexus will be tested headed into the pivotal 2014 midterm elections. It has already played a key role in boosting tea party heroes like Matt Bevin and Chris McDaniel both of whom attended FreedomWorks Louisville rally and have made multiple appearances on Becks shows in their increasingly bitter long-shot primary challenges to powerful incumbents Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Thad Cochran of Mississippi, respectively.

The hosts stances on candidates and issues usually align naturally with those of the groups. While their positioning occasionally seems to evolve with their sponsors, there is no evidence of hosts revising their views for paid advertising.

(Also on POLITICO: Laura Ingraham joins ABC News)

Critics, though, say the deals mislead grass-roots conservative activists, while undermining the credibility of the hosts and the groups.

People like Beck and Hannity and Rush are nothing without the people who faithfully hang on their every word I consider that a constituency trust that should be respected, said former House Majority Leader Dick Armey. He was ousted from FreedomWorks in a bitter feud, but had been chairman when the group signed its contracts with Beck and Limbaugh. For them to basically sell their influence and say whatever the contract asks of them, it compromises the integrity of the pundit-guru, as it were, and its an undignified expenditure on the part of the outfit thats mining the attention.

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The tea party radio network