Archive for the ‘Tim Wise’ Category

If it’s a civil war, pick a side: Donald Trump, white nationalism and the future of America – Raw Story

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks about the violence, injuries and deaths at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville as he talks to the media with Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao (R) at his side in the lobby of Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York, U.S., August 15, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Sometimes America feels like the movie Groundhog Day: a place where we keep waking up again and again to the same shit, hoping against hope that this time no really, this time things will be different.

So this time, the videotape of the police officer shooting the unarmed black man (or child, in the case of Tamir Rice) will lead to that officers conviction and imprisonment. And then the alarm goes off and we are awakened from our dream state, just like we were the time before and the time before, forced to reckon with a seemingly endless repetition of horribleness.

Or this time, as we watch tens of thousands stranded in New Orleans during Katrina disproportionately black and poor the nation as a whole will finally come to understand what those left behind had already known, and for a very long time: namely, that black lives really dont matter, and wont until we demand they do. And again, the alarm disturbs our slumber. And again, we hit the snooze button.

Or this time when yet another white kid shoots up his classroom, or another white serial killer murders a dozen people, buries them under the house or cannibalizes them we will have our eyes opened to the fact that pathology and deviance are far from the exclusive purview of persons of color. So too when rich white men nearly bring the economy to its knees with financial chicanery so egregious as to make the most industrious of black or brown street criminals seem like rank amateurs by comparison. But then comes the alarm, a clarion that shakes us from our stupor, allowing us to go right back to fearing the usual suspects all over again.

And now, with the white supremacist terrorist attack in Charlottesville we hope that out of such a tragedy we may finally come to appreciate the sickness of racism, and the indelible stain still besmirching the soil and politics of our nation so many years on. But in order for people to learn they typically require teachers who are qualified to lead them to enlightenment. Events alone rarely do the trick and wisdom infrequently emerges fully-formed from the well of good intentions, let alone fervent aspiration. Some assembly is required. Sadly, we are in a classroom, so to speak, being taught by a man lacking even the most rudimentary pedagogical skills, devoid of content knowledge too, and without the temperament to convey even the most obvious of lessons. A lesson one might think we had learned by now, but no: namely, that white supremacy is a death culta truth attested to by the bodies of millions of people of color through the years, not to mention several hundred thousand whites who died either fighting that cult or defending it, from the Civil War to World War Two. This cult cannot be accommodated. It cannot be excused. It must be condemned and it must be defeated as a mentality, as a movement, and as a structurally ingrained social and economic reality. And if its adherents cannot be de-programmed, well then, they must be defeated to, without the least bit of sentimentality.

But the teacher does not understand the lesson, and so here we are. Instead, he has reverted to type, providing succor to the most extreme elements of the far-right fringe. Whether for reasons of true affinity, or the perception that such forces represent a substantial portion of his base without whom his approval ratings would fall even further, or because condemning them forthrightly would appear to him a man who apologizes for nothing and is loathe to admit he has ever made a mistake as weakness, matters not. The results are all the same, no matter his intentions.

To say of those in the so-called alt-right who descended upon Charlottesville, that not all of them were white supremacists, and that there were some very fine people among them, as Trump did yesterday, is to miss the point by such a wide margin as to call into question whether this is a man even remotely in charge of his faculties. For even if one were to allow that some among them were not Nazis, not supporters of organizer Richard Spencers calls for the creation of a white ethno-state, and not enamored of the rabid anti-Semitism that characterized the event from beginning to end, it was, after all, a rally to Unite the Right. In other words, to put aside whatever picayune differences might separate mere opponents of economic globalism from those who quite openly joke about pushing Jews into ovens, all in the name of reactionary solidarity.

Which is to say, it was an event intended to blur the very distinctions that the erstwhile leader of the free world would now have us make. It was an event to say, loudly and proudly, that among the right there should be no infighting, no rancor, no division. In short, it was an event intended to convey the message that even the ones who arent Nazis are willing to make common cause with those who are. As the Proud Boys a mostly misogynistic group, dedicated to Western chauvinism have put it, there should be no punching right, among their sides members. They are all one thing, not because Im saying so, but because they are.

Not fine people, let alone very fine people, but rather, rotten fruit from a poisoned tree.

If I were a fine person and found myself at a march where, to my shock and horror, Nazis and other bigots were featured and I could see them with their swastikas, and their National Socialist Movement banners, and I could hear them yelling fuck you faggots at clergy and other peaceful protesters, and hurling racial slurs about blacks, and chanting Blood and Soil (the direct English translation of a Nazi slogan) I would immediately leave, taking with me my profound embarrassment at having been so misled, so duped into believing this was just going to be a nice rally for conservative principles. That is what a very fine person would do, and even then, only after having ripped the swastikas from the hands of those holding them in disgust.

In fact, ya know what very fine people would do to Nazis? They would yell at them. They would defend themselves from them if need be. And yes, they might even mace them or punch them in the mouth. Very fine people detest Nazis. In fact, detesting Nazis might be a bona fide requirement the de minimus definition for being considered a very fine person.

This is not to say that I always find the tactics of antifa to be helpful or strategic, because I dont. But to suggest, as the president did, that they are in some way the moral equivalent of those they were protesting or perhaps even worse because at least the Nazis had a permit! is an act of moral inversion so putrid as to boggle the imagination. Whatever one thinks of antifa tactics, there is simply a difference, and it is not a small one, between people who call for the purging of people of color and Jews from a nation, and those who fight back against people who call for those things. And if we say there is no difference between advocating genocide and oppression and resisting those who advocate these, then we are headed quickly to a place that puts equal moral condemnation upon the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising as upon those whom they were fighting. We are suggesting that the enslaved, who often resisted their owners violently, were no better than those who held them in bondage. We are suggesting that the kidnapped who slits the throat of their captor in the middle of the night is no better than the one who took them. And this is a perversion.

Keep in mind, the white supremacists said they would be coming to Charlottesville with weapons. Virginia is an open carry state and they announced beforehand they would be prepared to take advantage of this fact, either for self-defense (their insistence) or to intimidate those who might stand against them. As such, and knowing that the fascists would be armed with guns, with knives, with clubs and other implements of war, for antifa not to have brought something with which to fight back would have been to court an especially one-sided disaster. But however much mace stings and urine filled balloons may stain ones clothes, to suggest they are equivalent as tools of terror to semi-automatic weapons or vehicles, is to confuse spit wads for atom bombs.

No, there is no left equivalent of Richard Spencers call for the ethnic cleansing purging really of non-whites from the U.S. There is no left equivalent of the Daily Stormers call for white supremacists to protest and disrupt the funeral of Saturdays martyr, Heather Heyer. We do not march around campuses with torches shouting racist slogans, nor surround our political adversaries as the white nationalists did on Friday night at UVA (very much without a permit, I might add) and then wade into their numbers and beat them.

There has been a string of far right murders just since the election of Donald Trump, which has no left or progressive equal, and an even longer history of disproportionate reactionary terrorism with no parallel on the other side: at least 12 times as many fatalities and 36 times as many injuries from right-wing terrorists as from those who could potentially be considered left. And not merely because right wingers are more talented at their craft, but because there are simply far more incidents in play.

But of course these pesky facts things most teachers seek to convey to their students are mere trifles to the instructor in this case, who by his immunity to them conveys a casual indifference to truth that cannot but deepen the roots of the present crisis. Committed to an alt-reality of his own making, the president sought to elide the differences between Robert E. Lee and Thomas Jefferson, as if calls for the removal of statues to the former would, by necessity, lead to the call for the removal of those in homage to the latter. In effect, he wondered, where will it endall this political correctness, which seeks to erase historical figures from the national memory?

But statuary to confederates are not intended as history texts, and those who erected them mostly in the early 1900s, long after the war, and during a time when lynching and the re-assertion of white supremacy in the South was at its zenith never intended them to be so. These are altars of worship, where the faithful come to drink of the blood and taste of the flesh of their Great-Great-Grandpappy Beauregard, whose perfidy and characterological rot they still refuse to face. To defend these statues on the grounds of historical memory is perverse, for they misremember that history entirely and the cause for which Lee and others were fighting.

Yes, Jefferson was a slave owner, and this fact should be understood and not sanitized or considered a mere time-bound failing on his part (as it often is at the University of Virginia, for instance). But still, there is a difference between someone who said all men are created equal even if his actions suggested he didnt mean it, and those who said (as did Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens) that white supremacy was the cornerstone of their new government. One provided us with a flawed yet visible exit from the national nightmare in which he himself was implicated. The others including leaders in the states who issued declarations of causes for their secession, and in each case named the maintenance of slavery as their purpose would have extended that nightmare in perpetuity, and without hesitation. Whether Jefferson intended it or not, he gave us a blueprint, however blood-spattered, for building a functioning democracy. Lee and his cohorts had no interest in such things, nor the vision to even imagine them. And that matters.

When Southern whites made the choice to go to war with America they did so because however much racism had been embedded in the nation from the start, they didnt find our commitment sufficient. And thats saying a lot. They chose a side. It was a side of even more oppression, even more mistreatment than that the North had been helping dish out upon black bodies and upon indigenous peoples for many a generation by then. It is the same choice the white nationalists are making now. In a nation where they as whites already have half the unemployment rate of people of color, one-third the poverty rate, and 12 times the median net worth of black and brown folks, they are choosing to go all in for even greater dominance, even greater hegemony. They look out a nation beset by profound institutionalized inequities and rather than ask how we might fix them or rather than even shrugging and saying oh well, as so many are wont to do are quite literally saying that those disparities are not large enough. And as with the differences between Jefferson and Lee, so too, this suggests some rather profound dislocations between white nationalists and most of the rest of us.

Or does it? Because see, now it is time for us to choose a side if we havent already, and to recommit to the fight if we have. And by we, I mean those of us called white in this place. When David Duke and Matt Heimbach say that this movement of which they are a part is speaking for white people, they are trying to draft us into their army quite without our consent. When Andrew Anglin says that this movement will take over the country, as he did this weekend, he is advocating the overthrow of the government. Yours. Mine. Ours. And if you are white, and dont resist this draft with every fiber of your being dont decide in fact to burn your draft card openly and insist that you will choose a different way to live in this skin then you will have confirmed that they are right. That they do speak for you. And you will have revealed yourself as an enemy of all that is good about this land.

Please know: history will not remember you well for it.

Tim Wise is an antiracism educator and the author of eight books on racial inequity. He tweets @timjacobwise

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If it's a civil war, pick a side: Donald Trump, white nationalism and the future of America - Raw Story

But We Do Tolerate Racism – HuffPost

And so it goes that the national conversation is over before it begins. The subject matter became instead about whether President Trump denounced white supremacists loudly enough, without wimpily declaring it a tie as to who did more damage in the Charlottesville melee.

I dont want to insinuate that wow, isnt this great because Charlottesville gives us the opportunity to talk, and listen. Because really, you guys the abounding racism in our country, is, well, mega-present and mega-tolerated.

When I first heard the white anti-racist Tim Wise talk, via a cd, more than ten years ago, I held my breath, and not all of it was enjoyable. When I read his book, White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son (Soft Skull Press, 2004) it was a not entirely pleasant waking up experience. I was liberal and as Robin Di Angelo describes, I had something of a case of what she calls white fragility; I had thought I was good enough, that is, so I couldnt be racist. Wrong.

A shout out to Bill Maher: this is not a liberal self-flagellating bleeding heart that lives to say Mea Culpa out loud. It is simply the recognition that the stuff we read about Chicago, Detroit and many other places, contains not only racism but also rabid violence. Christian Picciolini, ex-white supremacist, wants to show me the Chicago that is like a prison, though it has no actual walls. He is talking about black neighborhoods where it is stark and scary and where the atmosphere, police-wise and not, is not conducive to ease or to thriving.

I will go, and I am scared; in fact I am something of a scaredy-cat, having grown upso to speakin an all Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn (there was Carol Smith and she was Protestant and I felt bad for her) where being black meant being a maid or a doorman.

Aside from the fact that I know something about my own participation, certainly past, in racism, I am not completely blind. When I saw I Am Not Your Negro by James Baldwin in film and read the book, I felt devastated by what felt powerful, not because it was guilt provoking but because it was true.

What we are seeing now in America has altogether to do with white people, especially white males, gathering behind a macho male who speaks for them. He wants to make America great again as if America wasnt based on more than hard work and worthy character structures. As if its economic prowess didnt come also from taking land and life from Native Americans, and enslaving and then exploiting in different ways, African Americans.

It is not the fault of Donald Trump that we are not having a conversation. It may be, at least due in part to the huge need of many of us to be self-congratulating. I like Barack Obama; but when he would say, as with the massacre at Sandy Hook, This is not who we are, it rankled my nerves. Of course it is who we are; we are addicted to John Wayne, to guns, and to being shallow when it comes to evaluating why things happen on purpose that end up so badly.

How many white people in our country feel black people express resentment way too much, that theyve been given and given, and they need to stop complaining. And the abuses in prisons with so many more black inmateslets just not talk about it.

The point is, here at least, is that we need mandatory field trips or something of the like to see neighborhoods we would associate with war torn areas from where refugees try to get to America. We need to talk to people who live and breathe racism all day long, about whether they care or not if Trump says out loud that he hates racism.

Im only doing a little here. Im talking about it more, seeking to get to know better my own conflicts and complicitness regarding racism. I believe Robin Di Angelo when she says that if we dont talk about it, we are continuing to contribute to it.

In terms of talking about it out loud, as long as we are content to have our community leaders say they hate racism and no more, I believe we risk becoming part of the farce. It is not a farce, but of course. But when we get picky about whether the same leader who took advantage of the presence of a David Duke comes out loudly enough against racism, are we serious, or what.

We Americans are avid optimiststhe white Americans, I mean. We are positive thinkers, we believe in the American Dream, and dont like to think that much about the past. The liberals among us have been too easily content to feel guilty and the conservatives hate to be reminded and reminded again. When will those darker people stop whining?

Of course I am over-generalizing, but excuse me; Im upset. I could be wrong but a little optimism came through more strongly, for me, when the former head of the NAACP in Charlottesville, at 89, told the New York Times he felt the statue should stay and be a reminder of history.

History may be our least popular subject because if we better knew the terms of endearment of so many of our decisions and our passivity, we would be upset. And perhaps we would have to change.

We need a conversation about the subject, but first we need someone to say out loud that racism is endemic in America. We are all a part of it, and we need to stop playing it like a team sport.

I know it can spoil the fun and the singing to suggest that none of us are immune. But at the same time I really do think we could have a fascinating time if we listened more, not to rhetoric, but to experience.

The Morning Email

Wake up to the day's most important news.

See original here:
But We Do Tolerate Racism - HuffPost

6 Logical Fallacies From Race-Obsessed Jewish Leftist Tim …

This article is a continuation of an educational series addressing SJWs and their logical fallacies on Twitter. CNN commentator Sally Kohn was the first person showcased in this series, and now we are moving onwards to another giant human hemorrhoid to logic and reason: Tim Wise, whose family name is most ironic indeed.

Tim Wise is a highly controversial anti racist (Jewish Europhobic agitator and cultural Marxistpropagandist) author and speaker who lives in a Tennessee census tract which is over 95% white. (Diversity apparently isnt important when considering the school districts for his two precious daughters).

He has written seven books which more or less address how awful white people are, and are undeserving of future self-preservation and a sense of nationalism or pride. Because that would like, on queue from the SJW playbook, make you a Nazi and stuff.

Sales of these books and his ongoing speeches and television appearances have earned him a comfortable living, though unfortunately due to exploiting the emotions and fervors of woefully uninformed African-Americans, and even stupider bleeding heart white liberals. Observe.

#BlackLivesAreUntouchable #BlameAllWhitePeople #BurnItDown #SocialJustice #DisruptCapitalism #DisruptChurch #DisruptTraffic

Tim also has an incredibly irritating habit of routinely referring to people of European descent as white folks (which I suspect is done purposefully as a historical jab against salt-of-the-Earth white people who referred to blacks as black folks) and, in complete SJW fashion, will double down on his entirely false anti-white narratives at all cost. After all, book sales and cash flow are at stake if he dares to admit that his logic is wrong.

Speaking of logic, we will now dissect a number of his tweets for fallacious content.

SJWs like Tim Wise are absolutely obsessed with bringing up examples from the distant past to continue pushing a false white oppressor-black victim mythos in the 2010s (and the white guilt trip which will hopefully ensue). These cheap insults and tactics are completely irrelevant in 2016 USA, where African-Americans have enjoyed full civil rights and privileges for nearly two generations and counting.

This is part of the reason why the progressive left is jeeringly called the regressive leftbecause they are constantly living in bygone days to push their devious narratives, at the partial or complete expense of achieving true progress.

A pooh-pooh is a fallacy that consists of dismissing an argument as being unworthy of serious consideration, often byridiculing the argument without responding to the substance of the argument.

In this tweet, Tim claims that he says whatever he wants to his target audience (Nazis) but is unwilling to be receptive to whatever counter-arguments his opponents have to say. Pooh-poohs are most often used to express a sheer sense of spite for the opponent, or due to the users desire to simply be an ass (which Tim Wise does very well).

Here is a second example of a Pooh-pooh (laced with ad hominem) presented by Tim Wise. We are well aware by now that he isnt going to respond favorably to anything that Donald Trump or his supporters has to say, but this tweet is particularly hilarious since Timmy actually thinks that HE is a legitimate source of logic and reason.

A loaded question is aquestion that has a negative presumption built into it, so that the target cannot answer it without appearing guilty. Recipients of loaded questions often feel compelled to defend themselves, but they are actually being lured into a trap.

In this tweet, anyone who is actually brave enough to debate with Timmy while using their real names will inadvertently be admitting that they are a White Nationalist or a Nazi in his eyes.

And who would want to confront an SJW with their real name anyway? Their single most powerful form of retribution is trying to doxx you on Google (hoping to make you unable to obtain an income via future employment) or to get you fired (removed from your chief source of income).

Only those who are financially resilient (Roosh, Milo, Cernovich, etc.) have the privilege to confront SJWs head-on with their real identity.

Tim is creating your standard two-choice false dilemma, implying that a vote for Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders (multiracial democracy) will be leaps and bounds better than a supposedly fascist Donald Trump (white nationalism). However, anybody with half a brain knows that Donald Trump does not stand for white nationalism just because he wants to curtail illegal immigration and secure the borders.

Take a chill pill Timmy. Oh and please tell me, what makes a multiracial democracy any better than a monoracial democracy, such as those in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan? You know, countries which enjoy rock bottom crime rates, excellent social cohesion, proud and distinct ethnic cultures, and almost no racial discord or Islamic terrorism?

As you can clearly see, monoracial Asian nationalism has been toxic to these Taiwanese children, who cannot celebrate diversity in the same way that people in Paris, Orlando, or San Bernardino can. They will probably grow up to be unhappy, uncoordinated, undisciplined, bigoted, tattoo-free hooligans as adults.

A hasty generalization is a fallacy which isbased on making a hasty conclusion to an action or event with insufficient evidence, often while giving littleconsideration to other variables. These are usually variables which (of course) go against the narrative that the arguer is trying to espouse.

During the stupid Oscars So White controversy earlier this year, Tim is trying to imply that white folks would lose their minds and claim reverse racism if too many non-whites got Oscar nominations or awards. But has he completely forgotten that both Halle Berry and Denzel Washington won the best actor Oscars in 2002?

That would mean African-Americans won 50% of the acting awards that year, despite being just 13% of the US population, while also having considerable competition from white actors potentially hailing from other Anglosphere countries such as Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Last time I checked, most white folks during this period were very congratulatory of the two actors for their achievements, and did not lose their minds or claim reverse racism. They graciously accepted that two black actors were the best that the acting world had to offer in the preceding year.

According to Tim Wise, this image would have driven most white people insane in 2002

Last but not least, Tim Wise is cherry-picking data from theNew America Foundation(complete with image of Confederate flag to specifically try and implicate white Southerners), which is advancing the face-palm worthy narrative that white extremists are a far greater threat to the United States than Muslims.

Released in June 2015 (long before San Bernardino and Orlando), the foundation saysthat 48 people were killed by white terrorists, while 26 were killed by radical Islamists, since September 11th, 2001. Therefore, the narrative that looney leftists are trying to espouse is that white right wing groups are twice as likely to kill you than a Muslim extremist.

What the data does not tell you (beyond completely omitting 9/11 and the future Muslim mass shootings of San Bernardino and Orlando), is that Muslims are barely 1 percent of the US population while Non-Hispanic Whites are nearly 63 percent.

Therefore, even if twice as many terrorist deaths are caused by Americans of European descent up to this point, Muslim extremists are still killing people at a rate over30 times relative to their population.

Wow. Kind of purposefully avoided the demographic variable there didnt you Timmy boy? Oh and the New America Foundation website has now been updated, with Violent Jihadist Attacks now at 94 and Far Right Wing Attacks standing at 48.

Whose twice as likely to be the killer now ay? Per head of population, those numbers would now equate to a Muslim extremist death rate of over 100 times relative to Non-Hispanic Whites.

The Kingsmen know! Id better double down!

I find it incredibly difficult to imagine that Tim Wise actually believes in what he sells. Frankly, I think that he doesnt. He knows that what he is peddling is horse manure.

The narrative of doubling down on the white privilege-black victim ethos for his books and speeches is simply where he has carved out a lucrative niche, and has been very diligent and successful at it for many years. For that, I have to give the guy some credit.

However, as long as he wants to continue the bogus narratives and maintain a public figure, people are going to call him out on his fallacious twitter phlegm. Now then, whose next?

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh's book Free Speech Isn't Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Read More: 7 Common Logical Fallacies That Marxist Sympathizer Sally Kohn Effortlessly Teaches Us

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6 Logical Fallacies From Race-Obsessed Jewish Leftist Tim ...

Heroin awareness event in Fostoria set for Saturday – The Courier


FOSTORIA Several community leaders will come together Saturday with the hope of starting a new conversation about the impact of heroin abuse in America.

Start the Conversation: A day of heroin awareness education will take place from noon to midnight Saturday at Cowboys & Angels/Venue 18, 11295 W. Ohio 18.

Area experts, mental health professionals and recovering heroin addicts will be on hand for the all-day event in a collaborative effort to open peoples eyes to the devastating effects of opioid abuse.

I come from a background of education and awareness, and it seems to me this is the only way were going to make any kind of headway against this epidemic, said Ed Schetter, one of the organizers of the event. Once somebody picks it up and tries it for the first time, the odds are so stacked against them.

A total of 3,050 Ohioans died as a result of drug overdoses in 2015, an increase of 20.5 percent from 2014, according to the Ohio Department of Health. Heroin played a role in 46.7 percent of all overdose deaths that year, accounting for 1,424 fatalities on its own.

At 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Richie Webber, a 25-year-old recovering addict and mixed martial arts fighter, will discuss Fight For Recovery the nonprofit he founded to combat the heroin epidemic in northwestern Ohio.

At 2 p.m., Mircea Handru, executive director of the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Seneca, Sandusky and Wyandot Counties, will lead a discussion about the various resources available to addicts and their families.

At 3 p.m., Stacey Gibson with the Seneca County Board of Health will talk about how families can prevent drug abuse through open discussion.

Tim Wise, site director for Firelands Counseling and Recovery in Fremont, will speak at 4 p.m. regarding medication-assisted treatment, detox services and other treatment options. Koriann Evans, who has been in long-term recovery, will speak about breaking the silence, raising awareness and putting an end to stigma.

Her program begins at 5 p.m.

Tim Sarreshteh, whose daughter Rachael succumbed to her addiction on Aug. 14, 2016, will lead a motorcycle rally at 1 p.m. Saturday. Rachaels Ride will travel from Fostoria to the Viaduct Bar & Grill in Tiffin and to Brew U in Findlay before returning to Fostoria.

Registration will begin at 11 a.m. at Cowboys & Angels/Venue 18.

The event will conclude at Cowboys & Angels/Venue 18 with live music from Silence the Echoes, Bones of Giants, Autumn Burning and South-Carolina based Alice in Chains tribute band Grind.


Read this article:
Heroin awareness event in Fostoria set for Saturday - The Courier

Tim Wise Reading List

General Race, Racism and Privilege

Anderson, Carol. White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide

Ani, Marimba. Yurugu: An African-Centered Critique of European Cultural Thought and Behavior.

Baldwin, James. The Price of the Ticket: Collected Nonfiction, 1948-1985.

Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. Racism Without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States.

Churchill, Ward. A Little Matter of Genocide: Holocaust and Denial in the Americas, 1492 to the Present.

Cohen, Mark Nathan. Culture of Intolerance.

Degruy-Leary, Joy. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome.

Doane, Ashley W. and Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, eds. White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism.

Dyson, Michael Eric. Come Hell or High Water: Hurricane Katrina and the Color of Disaster.

Emerson, Michael and Christian Smith. Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in America.

Feagin, Joe and Hernan Vera. White Racism. and Karyn D. McKinney. The Many Costs of Racism.

hooks, bell. Killing Rage, Ending Racism.

Jensen, Derrick. The Culture of Make Believe.

Jhally, Sut and Justin Lewis. Enlightened Racism: The Cosby Show, Audiences and the Myth of the American Dream.

Johnson, Allan. Privilege, Power and Difference.

Kendall, Francie. Understanding White Privilege.

Kivel, Paul. Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Equity.

Kozol, Jonathan. Amazing Grace.

Lewis, Michael. The Culture of Inequality.

Lipsitz, George. The Possessive Investment in Whiteness.

Massey, Douglas and Nancy Denton. American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass.

Perea, Juan, ed. Immigrants Out! The New Nativism and the Anti-Immigrant Impulse in the United States.

Robinson, Randall. Quitting America: The Departure of a Black Man from His Native Land.

Singley, Bernestine. When Race Becomes Real: Black and White Writers Confront Their Personal Histories.

Steinberg, Stephen. The Ethnic Myth: Race, Ethnicity and Class in America.

Tatum, Beverly Daniel. Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?

Thandeka. Learning to Be White: Money, Race and God in America.

Trenka, Jane Jeong, et al. Outsiders Within: Writing on Transracial Adoption.

Winbush, Raymond, ed. Should America Pay? Slavery and the Raging Debate On Reparations.

Allen, Theodore. The Invention of the White Race, Volume I and Volume 2.

Baptist, Edward E. The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism

Blackmon, Douglas. Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War Two.

Brodkin, Karen. How Jews Became White Folks.

Brundage, W. Fitzhugh. The Southern Past: A Clash of Race and Memory.

Dray, Philip. At the Hands of Persons Unknown: The Lynching of Black America.

Drinnon, Richard. Facing West: The Metaphysics of Indian Hating and Empire Building.

Guglielmo, Jennifer and Salvatore Salerno, eds. Are Italians White? How Race is Made in America.

Horsman, Reginald. Race and Manifest Destiny.

Ignatiev, Noel. How the Irish Became White.

Jordan, Winthrop. The White Mans Burden: Historical Origins of Racism in the United States.

Loewen, James. Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong. Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism.

Rodney, Walter. How Europe Underdeveloped Africa.

Roediger, David. The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class.

Rubio, Philip. A History of Affirmative Action: 1619-2000.

Sakai, J. Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat from Mayflower to Modern

Takaki, Ron. A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America.

Taylor, Gary. Buying Whiteness: Race, Class and Identity from Columbus to Hip-Hop.

Washington, Harriet. Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present.

Aptheker, Herbert. Anti-Racism in U.S. History: The First Two Hundred Years.

Brown, Cynthia Stokes. Refusing Racism: White Allies and the Struggle for Civil Rights.

Braden, Anne. The Wall Between.

Curry, Constance, et al. Deep in Our Hearts: Nine White Women in the Freedom Movement.

DeCaro, Louis, Jr. John Brown: The Cost of Freedom.

Fosl, Catherine. Subversive Southerner: Anne Braden and the Struggle for Racial Justice in the Cold War South.

Schultz, Debra. Going South: Jewish Women in the Civil Rights Movement.

Segrest, Mab. Memoir of a Race Traitor.

Smith, Lillian. Killers of the Dream.

Stanton, Mary. Freedom Walk: Mississippi or Bust. From Selma to Sorrow: The Life and Death of Viola Liuzzo.

Stringfellow, William. My People is the Enemy.

Thompson, Cooper, Emmett Schaeffer, and Harry Brod. White Men Challenging Racism: 35 Personal Stories.

Thompson, Becky. A Promise and a Way of Life: White Antiracist Activism.

Wise, Tim. White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son.

Armour, Jody David. Negrophobia and Reasonable Racism: The Hidden Cost of Being Black in America

Brown, Michael K. et al. Whitewashing Race: The Myth of a Color-Blind Society.

Fischer, Claude, et al. Inequality by Design: Cracking the Bell Curve Myth.

Graves, Joseph. The Race Myth: Why we Pretend Race Exists in America.

Anyon, Jean. Radical Possibilities: Public Policy, Urban Education and a New Social Movement.

Blau, Judith. Race in the Schools: Perpetuating White Dominance?

Calderon, JLove and Marcella Runell Hall. Love, Race and Liberation: Till the White Day is Done

Derman-Sparks, Louise and Carol Brunson Phillips. Teaching/Learning Anti-Racism: A Developmental Approach.

Feagin, Joe, Hernan Vera and Nikitah Imani. The Agony of Education: Black Students in White Colleges and Universities.

Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

Gutstein, Eric and Bob Peterson. Rethinking Mathematics: Teaching Social Justice by the Numbers.

Hilliard, III, Asa, ed. Testing African American Students.

Kailin, Julie. Antiracist Education: From Theory to Practice.

Perry, Theresa, Claude Steele and Asa Hilliard III. Young Gifted and Black: Promoting High Achievement Among African American Students.

Pollock, Mica. Everyday Antiracism: Getting Real About Race in School.

Steele, Claude. Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do.

Van Ausdale, Debra and Joe Feagin. The First R: How Children Learn Race and Racism.

Wise, Tim. Affirmative Action: Racial Preference in Black and White

Conley, Dalton. Being Black, Living in the Red: Race, Wealth and Social Policy in America

Gilens, Martin. Why Americans Hate Welfare: Race, Media and the Politics of Antipoverty Policy.

Marable, Manning. How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America.

McDermott, Monica. Working-Class White: The Making and Unmaking of Race Relations.

Mills, Charles. From Class to Race: Essays in White Marxism and Black Radicalism.

Oliver, Melvin and Thomas Shapiro. Black Wealth/White Wealth: A New Perspective on Racial Inequality.

Ryan, William. Equality.

Cole, David. No Equal Justice: Race and Class in the American Justice System.

Harris, David A. Profiles in Injustice: Why Racial Profiling Cannot Work.

Mann, Coramae Richey. Unequal Justice: A Question of Color.

Miller, Jerome. Search and Destroy: African American Males in the Criminal Justice System.

Reiman, Jeffrey. The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison: Ideology, Class and Criminal Justice.

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Tim Wise Reading List