Reputation: 1942
I listen to the entire video and I will offer this observation. As a black person I know who the (*****s) are. I try to avoid them at all cost. Whenever a horrible crime is committed or the media shoves a camera in someones face it will always be a (*****). We black people all know who and what they are. Where I do disagree with Tommy is that he says whites will some day treat *****s and blacks the same. That day arrived decades ago. Blacks have always been judged by the lowest denominator. For most of America blacks and *****s are one in the same. When Trump says what do they have to lose he is talking about *****s but blacks are thrown in that same pot. You see blacks should accept being mistreated by the police because of what *****s do. The fact that I have never been to jail or broke a law means nothing because I am judged as a ***** until proven other wise. Tommy told one side of the story but totally ignored the other. Race relations is really like a bad marriage. Each spouse can tell everything that is wrong with the other but they never listen to what is wrong with them. It's easy to lash out but hard to accept what role you played. Whites are not judged by what poor whites do. They never have and they never will. Any crimes they commit are simply an exception to the white society norm. I can't disagree with what Tommy said but do question why he did not tell the entire story. Many whites will point to him as to what is the problem and refuse to admit what role they play. As blacks we have recognize and accept what role we have played to let these *****s run wild. Whites need to understand that we are not all one in the same. Just like a marriage it is going to take a honest discussion. If you can't admit your wrongs the marriage is doomed.
Reputation: 435
I think Sotomayer's message to other blacks in ref to hood rats is don't be mad when other races look at you like a hood rat because so many in the black race are acting that way it is understandable. Then he backs up that thinking with the rattlesnake. People avoid all rattlesnakes and also groups of blacks because of images.
Location: Ohio
Reputation: 6268
OJ Simpson Is Found Not Guilty
Aaron Hernandez Found Guilty In Murder Of Odin Lloyd
Anyone can find links to cases that serve their point anecdotally, but two cases, hell, even ten cases, does not a case make. The facts of every case are different, and in more ways than just the suspects skin color. Different prosecutors, different judges, different juries, different circumstances. Any one of those factors can explain the different outcome.
Reputation: 11420
I think Sotomayer's message to other blacks in ref to hood rats is don't be mad when other races look at you like a hood rat because so many in the black race are acting that way it is understandable. Then he backs up that thinking with the rattlesnake. People avoid all rattlesnakes and also groups of blacks because of images.
Reputation: 9125
That is money, not skin color.....
Reputation: 9125
OJ Simpson Is Found Not Guilty
Aaron Hernandez Found Guilty In Murder Of Odin Lloyd
Anyone can find links to cases that serve their point anecdotally, but two cases, hell, even ten cases, does not a case make. The facts of every case are different, and in more ways than just the suspects skin color. Different prosecutors, different judges, different juries, different circumstances. Any one of those factors can explain the different outcome.
Location: One of the 13 original colonies.
Reputation: 6036
Shocked because he is telling the truth? Truth hurts I guess.
Reputation: 1203
This is what I have to say. What is Tommy Sotomayor going to do when people use his logic to do things to him, to discriminate against him?
I think what Tommy was saying is let's judge people by content of their character and behavior, not by their super-protect class of race.
Location: Ohio
Reputation: 6268
I'm a results oriented person. Getting killed is not the thing that worries me. I can get a gun. I don't have to go to certain places. The results oriented part is this. I expect people to change when called out. As shown with Tommy Sotomayor calling things out, with other Black youtubers calling out hood rats, hood rats will never listen. You got prisons full of people who embrace the hood rat life. The best I can do for myself is never associate with a hood rat and live my own life. What can a hood rat do to me if I'm not near any hood rats? There are certain places I don't go.
This plays in to what Trump has been saying. The black community has voted monolithically for decades and given their vote to the Democratic party, and what has it gotten them? More dependence. More poverty. Less opportunity, or at the very least certainly not more opportunity, BUT, that's a discussion for another thread.
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Tommy Sotomayor Point of View is a little Shocking - Politics ...