Ukraine Femen activists protest outside Crimean parliament
They have been calm in the weeks since Kiev turned out to be a war-zone and the toppling of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych; however, topless activists Feme...
By: dekilu meliku
Ukraine Femen activists protest outside Crimean parliament - Video
Kerry, Lavrov talks on Ukraine fruitless
Secretary of State John Kerry was joined by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in London on Friday for a rebooted round of talks on how to end the crisis...
By: Los Angeles Times
The rest is here:
Kerry, Lavrov talks on Ukraine fruitless - Video
Ukraine: Thousands gather to receive Russian flags in Sevastopol
Just over 2000 people gathered in central Sevastopol on Friday to receive a Russian flag, as part of the #39;Flag in every home #39; action being held in support o...
By: RuptlyTV
Originally posted here:
Ukraine: Thousands gather to receive Russian flags in Sevastopol - Video
Former Ukraine ambassador: why Crimea matters | Capital Download
Former U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine Steven Pifer speaks about the recent developments in Crimea, and why the crisis in Ukraine should matter to Americans.
Read this article:
Former Ukraine ambassador: why Crimea matters | Capital Download - Video