Archive for the ‘Ukraine’ Category

Amid Ukraine Tension, U.S. F-16 Fighters Land in Poland – Video

Amid Ukraine Tension, U.S. F-16 Fighters Land in Poland
U.S. Embassy in Warsaw confirms that several U.S. F-16 fighter jets have arrived in Poland to show support for NATO #39;s eastern members after Russia #39;s interven...


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Amid Ukraine Tension, U.S. F-16 Fighters Land in Poland - Video

Russian Troops Mass at Ukraine Border – Video

Russian Troops Mass at Ukraine Border

By: Juhi Parmar

Continued here:

Russian Troops Mass at Ukraine Border - Video

Russian troops hold military exercises along Ukraine borders – no comment – Video

Russian troops hold military exercises along Ukraine borders - no comment
In what is likely to be seen as a show of force, Russian troops held military exercises in several regions near the Ukrainian border early on Thursday, March...

By: No Comment TV

See the rest here:

Russian troops hold military exercises along Ukraine borders - no comment - Video

Maidan Berkut Crimea Ukraine – Video

Maidan Berkut Crimea Ukraine Maidan Berkut Crimea Ukraine.


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Maidan Berkut Crimea Ukraine - Video

What happens in Ukraine after the referendum? – live on Pravda.Ru – Video

What happens in Ukraine after the referendum? - live on Pravda.Ru
There are two days left to the referendum in Crimea. How the situation in Ukraine develops at the moment? Was the course of events expected? Pravda.Ru will s...

By: PravdaTV

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What happens in Ukraine after the referendum? - live on Pravda.Ru - Video