Archive for the ‘Ukraine’ Category

The Neoliberal Neo-Nazi Coup in Ukraine. M. Chossudovsky – Video

The Neoliberal Neo-Nazi Coup in Ukraine. M. Chossudovsky
Violence and bloodshed continues to rock Ukraine as factions compete in the power vacuum of last month #39;s coup in Kiev. As the country struggles to find its w...

By: GlobalResearchTV

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The Neoliberal Neo-Nazi Coup in Ukraine. M. Chossudovsky - Video

Ukraine’s PM: ‘Mr. Putin, Tear Down This Wall’ – Video

Ukraine #39;s PM: #39;Mr. Putin, Tear Down This Wall #39; Ukraine #39;s Prime Minister spoke in the White House driveway after meeting with President Obama. He thanked the U.S. for its...

By: AssociatedPress

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Ukraine's PM: 'Mr. Putin, Tear Down This Wall' - Video

Ukraine’s PM on Putin’s Aggressive World View – Video

Ukraine #39;s PM on Putin #39;s Aggressive World View
Arseniy Yatsenyuk, prime minister of Ukraine, visited the Atlantic Council for his only public address during his trip to Washington. http://www.AtlanticCoun...

By: AtlanticCouncil

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Ukraine's PM on Putin's Aggressive World View - Video

Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Seven) – Video

Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Seven)
Subscribe to VICE News here: In dispatch 7, Simon is back in the Crimean capital of Simferopol, where both pro and anti-...

By: VICE News

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Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Seven) - Video

Ukraine News – Breaking World Ukraine News – The New York …

Mar. 13, 2014

Retribution against, one of Russia's most popular independent online news organizations, serves as an ominous warning about the state of media in the country as the conflict over Ukraine deepens.MORE

Pres Obama hosts Ukraine's interim Prime Min Arseniy P Yatsenyuk at the White House and the two open door to a political solution that could lead to more autonomy for Crimea if Russian troops withdraw; meeting comes as the United States embarks on a last-ditch diplomatic effort to defuse a crisis that has reignited tensions between East and West.MORE

Ukraine's interim Prime Min Arseniy P Yatsenyuk has entered a role that suits him better than that of street revolutionary, given his background as former foreign minister, economics minister, speaker of Parliament and acting central bank chief; Yatsenyuk is now said by some Ukrainians to be the right man at the right moment, despite having been derided as an uninspiring technician during his failed presidential campaign of 2010.MORE

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing a perhaps historic decision on whether to take a harder line against Russia over the crisis in Ukraine; Merkel, who grew up in East Germany and speaks fluent Russian, has emerged as a pivotal leader in the crisis as the only one who might sway Pres Vladimir V Putin, but she has so far been unable to do so.MORE

Dmytro Yarosh, leader of Ukraine's far-right coalition known as Right Sector, says he is running for president; while Russian media has demonized men like Yarosh for pulling off coup in Kiev, little is known about him beyond lifetime involvement in right-wing causes.MORE

News analysis; China is struggling to find neutral diplomatic position on Russian occupation of Crimea, Ukraine; China wants to avoid alienating ally against diplomatic and economic might of West, but is wary of supporting referendum on Crimea's secession from Ukraine, bringing it uncomfortably close to approving independence for Tibet or Taiwan.MORE

Op-Ed article by Oleksandr V Turchynov, acting president of Ukraine, asserts that Ukraine has proved that it has matured into an independent state that will determine its own domestic and foreign policy; warns that further Russian use of force will not be tolerated; notes that the rule of law and credibility of international institutions will be undermined if Russia violates Ukraine's sovereignty and the United States and Europe do not stand by their treaty obligations.MORE

Airport in Simferopol, Ukraine, closes to all flights except those heading to and from Moscow, in boldest display yet of Russia's tightening control over Crimea; severing of air links between Crimea and Kiev raises possibility that peninsula may be closed off indefinitely from rest of Ukraine.MORE

Obama administration is torn over how severely to punish Russia economically for invading Crimea, Ukraine; while some argue for swift use of sanctions to badly damage Russian economy, others are wary of ruinous options that could alienate allies and provoke dangerous cycle of retaliation.MORE

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Ukraine News - Breaking World Ukraine News - The New York ...