Terms of Reference for carrying out follow-up study of the New Ukrainian School reformimplementation
Learning Together is a four-year collaborative project between Ukraine and Finland. The project is funded by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the European Commission. The Finnish consortium in charge of the project implementation is led byFCGInternational Ltd. The project started in August 2018 and will continue till July2022.
The project focuses on supporting the New Ukrainian School (NUS) reform, especially in the primary education, and is designed around three main clusters and cross-cutting elements. These clusters are (1) teacher preparation, (2) education promotion, and (3) educationenvironment.
Learning together is now seeking to contract a qualified and experienced research organization/NGOwhich could carry out annual follow up study that will provide data on awareness on and perception of theNUSreform and its impact on schools. The purpose of this Terms of Reference (TOR) is to call for competitive service providers to carry out this research. This assignment focuses on carrying out research to produce reliable data about the Projects results and the reform on which the decision makers can rely and further develop the implementation activities.
TheNUSreform piloting started in 129 schools in September 2017. In those schools all the first-graders followed new education standard, curricula and teaching methods. New education environments were developed and teachers were specially trained for new teaching approaches. In 2018 theNUSreform was rolled outnationwide.
In 2019, Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) launched a study to find out results ofNUSreform in everyday teaching and learning. The baseline study was conducted in autumn 2019 among 149 third grade teachers, 897 third grade students, 149 school principals and 2497 parents. It also aimed to find out the target audiences perceptions about the school reform. Total of 25 pilot schools and 124 normal schools were sampled to participate in this study. Published results of this survey can be found by this link:https://bit.ly/3wVegyU.
For further implementation of the reform, it is planned to carry out follow-up studies among the same target audiences in 2021. It is expected that about 75% of the questionnaire items used in the study will remain the same in order to follow the trends. Additionally, monitoring study onNUSawareness and perception will be conducted among general public and localofficials.
Target groups:3 grade teachers, 3 grade pupils, parents, school principals, general population, local educationaladministrations.
2. Objective
We are looking for an experienced and reliable research organization/NGOthat can conduct the follow-up monitoring study in 2021. The major goal of this study is to support decision makers by providing reliable data about the level of implementation and communication ofNUS. This includes also pragmatic recommendations how to further enhance the implementation. The survey will also provide monitoring data on the ProjectsKPIs, asfollows:
The main research question is: what is the level of implementation ofNUScontents in the schools? Thus, the study should focus on educational contents, teaching approaches and knowledge, skills and competences that studentslearn.
Some questions used in the first-round surveywere:
3. Scope of Work
The Service Provider will be contractedto:
3.1 Design, implement, analyze and report on the results of the monitoring study,including:
Planned study components andmethods:
1) observation of students group work 2 competence-based tasks (structured and creative) for a group of 6 randomly selected students; observation by two trained experts, filling in an evaluation form with 15 closedquestions.
2) self-administered questionnaire for students (6-10items).
Method:observation of 3rd grade teachers performance in the class during a day; two trained experts, filling in evaluation forms to fix teachers statements and coding them by 10-15types.
1) observation of students work in the class during a day; two trained experts, filling in monitoring forms on types and formats of work used and time spent on eachtype/format.
2) self-administered questionnaire for students around 30 questions, 2/3 of themclosed-end.
Up to 40 question items, 2 of themopen-ended.
Up to 30 question items on their attitudes regardingNUSreform and their needs andproposals.
Up to 5 closed-end questions, their awareness and attitudes regardingNUSreform. Participation in an omnibus-type survey isenvisioned.
Planed sample size 1000.
Phone/online representative survey of local educational authorities, up to 15 question items, 3 of whichopen-ended.
Planed sample size 600.
4. Expected Deliverables
The Service Provider will submit the followingdeliverables:
4.1. Analytical framework (Description of data that will be collected in the survey, for what purpose, why it is important to collect those and how these things will be reported, where and towhom).
4.2. Development of study tools in English and Ukrainian (about 75% of the instruments and questionnaire items will be repeated from the previous baseline study) including pretesting. The questionnaires should include items for measuring Projects Key Performance Indicators,NUSReform Perception Key Performance Indicators as set in the Communication Strategy 2019-2022 of MoES (understanding of the reform, understanding of particular messages of the campaigns, acceptance of the reform in the targetgroups).
4.3. Development of studyprocedures.
4.2. Technical report, where study design, including sampling, weights,QMprocedures, data collection procedures will be explained in detail in Ukrainian andEnglish.
4.3. Implementation of the study in2021.
4.4. Inputting the data, cleaning the data, in the created databank (MSExcel/SPSS).
4.5. Analyzing the data and producing results (tables and figures) accordingly to Analytical framework described in 4.1. including calculation of the Project andNUSReform Perception Key PerformanceIndicators.
4.6. Draw up recommendations based on the collected data for decision makers and various targetaudiences.
4.7. Write summary reports on targeted audiences in close collaboration withMOES, Reform Support Team (RST) and Learning Together project inUkrainian.
The first data collection should start in October2021.
The firstanalytical report should be ready by January 10,2022.
The supervision of workwill be carried out by the Project Learning Together, Ministry of Education and Science, and Reform Support Team (RST) staff members. It is expected that MoES will support this survey by an official order to be issued not later than in June2021.
5. Budget
The budget, details of the assignment, terms and conditions will be specified in the contract between the FCG International Ltd (Contractor) and the Service Provider. Payment milestones will be based on the acceptance of the key deliverables by the Project Management Team.
6. Submission requirements
The Proposalmust include thefollowing:
6.1 A Technical Proposal not exceeding 10 pages in length including the intended approach and the planned activities in the management of the undertaking, including an example of analytical framework, and, description about item development, operational work plan with timelines and plan how the quality of the work will be monitored. Risk analysis should be also included, as well as examples of reports on the similar projects ineducation.
6.2 Breakdown ofcosts
The budget breakdown must include two separate sections: Fees of experts and Other Costs. The fees shall be defined on rates based on working days or working months. Other Costs must be broken down to correspond the Technical Proposal and Work Plan. The Budget Breakdown must be inEuros.
6.3 The Curriculum Vitae of the team members with obligatory examples of participation in similar researchprojects.
6.4. Official documents proving the status of the organization and the document proving the financial capacity (annual turnover and profit/loss) of theorganization.
Copies of registration documents (including a copy of the certificates of state registration of legal entities which the Participant plans to apply for the provision of services, a copy of the tax certificate; an Extract from the Statute indicating theactivities).
Other relevant supporting material may be attached as anannex.
The Proposal must be inEnglish.
7. Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated based on Quality (90% weight) and Price (10%weight).
The quality of the proposal will be evaluated based on thefollowing:
The Service Providers teamsqualifications:
The best candidates will be invited for an interview consisting of a 20 minutes presentation and 15 minutes for Q&A.
8. Deadline for Proposals
The timeline of the tender is asfollows:
In case the tenderers want to have further clarification on the competition, written questions must be sent via email (dmytro.morgun@fcg.fi) by October 11,2021.
All tenderers will be provided with answers to all clarification requests by October 13,2021.
The final application must be submitted by October 15 (including), 2021 via email todmytro.morgun@fcg.fi.
Please note that all written communication must be in English. Further instructions for the tender are given only from the email mentioned above. Advice obtained from other sources may be disregarded in the tenderevaluation.
Originally posted here:
Follow-up study of the New Ukrainian School reform implementation - KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice - Kyiv Post