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5 Best Ukraine traditional Foods – Active UkraineActive …

What best Ukraine traditional foods do you know? Is it the borshch that first pops up in your head? No doubt, it is the main representative of Ukrainian culinary talents abroad, beside pierogi or varenyky, as they are called here, and vodka or horilka.

However, Ukrainian cuisine extends much farther than that! You wont find the scrumptious gems in most restaurants or cafes. Ukraines top secret foods are best cooked at home, by the hard-working hands of our babusya (more commonly known as babushka), and in the welcoming guesthouses of rural Ukraine.

Having recently joined the Local Travel Movement a not for profit platform started by people from companies founded on a passion for Local Travel and commitment to Local Travel values we are proud to encourage our travelers to go off-the-beaten track, join the local families, visit the local houses and experience the real, genuine and unspoiled Ukraine Europes greatest unknown.

We absolutely have to start with borshch! There is a scary saying, speculating that no Ukrainian girl will be able to get married, if she does not know how to prepare borshch. And oh my we all make sure we do!

This traditional soup, made out of beet root and up to 20 other ingredients, is a staple dish in every Ukrainian family. We love our borshch with all the depth of our Ukrainian hearts hot and cold, fresh and stale, for lunch or for breakfast, as a meal or even as a healing medicine against the winter colds. Every housewife has its own secret version of borshch, and no restaurant trial can ever compete with the real, steaming hot home-made borshch.

Traditionally borshch recipe is a basic stir-fry of grated beet root with tomatoes, added to a generous soup of vegetables onions, carrots, fresh or pickled cabbage, peppers, and whatever else is available from our house garden. For the true state-of-art samples of this dish you have to head to the hidden-away villages of Carpathian Mountains, where borshch is cooked not on the gas stove, but is left to simmer for hours in the coziness of wooden oven. Pour it in the clay pot, drip in a spoon of fresh sour cream, snack up on a garlic-sprinkled pampushky and youll be able to understand what the true Ukrainian heaven looks like!

Just like borshch, traditional dumplings spearheaded the voyage of Ukrainian cuisine across the globe. Quite a common site in many supermarkets, varenyky or more commonly known as pierogis are what bread is to most other nations. Combined with the piping-hot plate of borshch, those two are Ukrainians food of choice in sickness and in health.

Conveniently varenyky can be made out of the cheapest ingredients available. Dough is a simple mix of flour, water and salt. And stuffing can be anything: from mashed potatoes with mushrooms and fried onions, pickled cabbage, minced meat and even cherries! The sweet version of varenyky is usually served with sour cream and honey, and is a tasty and healthy substitute for the calorie-counting sweets lovers.

The highlands of Carpathian Mountains and the far-away areas of Transcarpathia are revered to as the kingdom of Ukraines most luscious dishes. Bordering with no less than 4 countries (Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, and Moldova), Carpathian cuisine brings together the best tastes of each land. However, regions most famous contribution to Ukrainian menu is banosh.

This traditional food of highland shepherds is essentially corn flour, cooked in sour cream, with the tasty additions of brynza local salty sheep cheese, wild white mushrooms (preferably hand-picked from the nearest forest!) and shkvarky (scrunchy bits of pork fat). Those, caring about the calories, can easily omit the last one. The true banosh is cooked on fire, thousands of meters above the sea level in the midst of impressive Carpathian peaks and flourishing valleys, and always by men.

The best and closest recipe of traditional banosh is mentioned in the Gastronomical Me blog.

Uzvar is traditional Ukrainian drink of choice! Its typically served during Christmas Dinner, and is regularly cooked in the local households. This refreshing beverage is actually a compote, made out of dried fruits. Most popular ingredients are dried apples, pears and apricots, with some grandmas adding prunes, raising and honey to sweeten the already savory drink.

A relatively close recipe of Uzvar is here. Just skip the apple cider!

Dont stare at the monumental and tantalizing roll of kielbasa in the background! The king on this photo is actually the round, decorated bread or the famous Ukrainian Easter dish paska. This sweet egg bread is the rightful companion of the grand meat sausage. Paska is the favorite staple of Ukrainian Easter breakfast tables and is loved by both adults and children. Baked in dozens, its a popular give-away during Easter family visits.

Curiously enough, one has got to try 12 different paskas for Easter to get plenty of good luck for the next year.And the task could not be easier! This mouth-watering bread is made of eggs, flour, sugar, butter and yeast. The best paskas are usually baked in wooden ovens, and with as little disturbances as possible.

Great Ukrainian housewives instruct that during the baking of paska, no one should be allowed into the kitchen, except the housewife herself to avoid the unnecessary noise and not to distract the bread from molding up into the most delicious pastry of Ukrainians. Keep in mind that paska is baked only once a year, on Orthodox Easter!

But whether you want to try borshch, or yearn for a plateful of yummy varenyky, keep in mind to skip all the fancy restaurants, and loud coffeeshops. Join one of our tours where we put you together with the best Ukrainian housewives and healthiest home-grown garden veggies. Expected result? Taste buds gone wild and a mind that forgot all about the calories and your New Year diet resolutions!

Here is the original post:
5 Best Ukraine traditional Foods - Active UkraineActive ... – Channel: Ukraine

How do you like me so far (1462.30) 11 hours ago

Lolololol , More sanctions announced today by the US against russia.

2nd world russia reaping the rewards for shit behavior in Ukraine and Syria.

yes the USA does not like Russian "behavior in Syria...". Russia wipes the floor with US backed islamic terrorists and US tax payers money gets flushed down the drain. Jihadi terrorists supporter, would you cheer for those U.S backed jihadists if they showed up in your town and killed people there? Can you imagine anybody being so hypocritical, arrogant einstein like you? Is that even possible?

That asshole (kang420) going around pretending to be kang is pathetic.

I have zero respect for the real kang...with that said....he does not reveal his identity, he does not use the word loser, for a retarded fucker he is semi intelligent and finally he is not going by the kang accounts these days.

The pathetic real kang fucker is on WeWuzKangz579 now. To get your dick sucked or your ass banged, go see him now, he swings that way...or at least so says the band of back nine butt banging bandits.

Racist are pieces of SHIT! Who are the butt bandits here!? LOLOLO! And why do people dislike you?

If you were to read some of the yoursay and liveleaker sections, the ones that talk the most there are probably band members of the back nine butt banging bandits. There are about a dozen gay gangbanging members, they know who they are.

I don't give a fuck who dislikes me. Those who have beefs with me are probably racists since those are the only fucks I have talked down to.

I do read the yoursay section:) Sometimes I rather read people replies and have a Laugh than logging in:) LOLOLOLO! I seen that beef on there with your name and binprince:) LOLOLOLO! I Choose my own path here and dont take to no one telling me who to like and dislike:) Fuck the Racist anyways:) Little by little they would disappear from earth:) By 2050 they'll be assimilating themselves:) Anyways,, I just wanted to know what was up because your name does get thrown alot in yoursay section:) LOLOLOLO!

Is there any lie too humiliating for a Russian to tell? Of course not, the more absurd and obvious the lie, the more easily a Russia can utter it.

Is there anyone a Ukrop will not beg money from?

Ukraine investigates claims Gaddafi funded Tymoshenko campaign

KIEV (Reuters) - Corruption investigators in Ukraine are looking into allegations that late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi gave a multi-million euro donation to the presidential campaign of Yulia Tymoshenko in 2010, Ukrainian MP Volodymyr Ariev said.;

lol. Like with seagal, pootie's the bitch in this relationship too. erdogan pleases him in the Turkish palace during all hours of the night.

Thank god that idiot lastdance finally blocked me along with the other 2500 times he was a coward. He could be the biggest loser on this site.

Don't be harsh on him, he's shy and sensitive, like other transgenders who wear lipstick and dream about getting fucked by real men like Putin 😀 Look all his posts, it's obsession 😀

that clown blocked me years ago, Ive never downthumbed or attacked him. He simply cant accept different views

See original here: - Channel: Ukraine

YIVO | Ukraine

Although Jews have had a long history in ethnolinguistically Ukrainian territory, by the turn of the twenty-first century only a small remnant of this once commanding population remained. In 2001, Ukraine had a population of 48 million, approximately 75 percent of which was of Ukrainian ethnicity, with a large Russian minority (some 21%, or 10 million). The exact number of Jews is a matter of some controversy: the 1989 census listed 487,300 Jews, but only 104,300 were recorded in the first post-Soviet census of 2001, a figure that is questioned by some but that certainly reflects the massive emigration of Jews in the 1990s.

Jewish settlement in Ukraine predates the beginnings of recorded history in the region. Archaeological evidence places Jews among Greek traders inhabiting the Black Sea coastline in the last centuries before the Common Era. The eastern portions of Ukraine, extending all the way to Kiev, were later absorbed into the Khazar kingdom, with its center just north of the Caspian Sea. The Khazars were a Turkic nomadic people whose rulers and upper classes converted to Judaism in the mid-eighth century, perhaps in an attempt to retain political independence in the face of the growth of the Christian world in the west and Muslim expansion from the south. Kiev in particular shows significant evidence of Khazar settlement, and the city may in fact have been founded by the Khazars as a trading outpost. The story of the Khazar kings conversion toJudaism, after he had convened a debate among representatives of the major monotheistic faiths, is later echoed in the Povest vremennykh let (Russian Primary Chronicle; twelfth century), describing how Prince Volodymyr (Vladimir) chose Eastern Christianity under similar conditions in the late tenth century.

Community leader Motl Kovel (center) and other Jews inside the synagogue, Olgopol, Romania (now in Ukraine), ca. 1920s. (YIVO)

Despite its strong initial influence, there is little evidence that the Khazar Jewish population survived in Ukraine after the Tatar invasion of the thirteenth century. Nevertheless, the Jewish population left a significant mark on Kiev, a city that had both a Jewish quarter and a Jewish gate as early as the eleventh century, and one Mosheh of Kiev is mentioned as a twelfth-century Talmudist. Travelers reports, including that of Petaya of Regensburg, describe the Jewish communityof Kiev. It is apparent that Karaism had some influence on the Kievan Jewish community as well. Jews were expelled from Kiev at the end of the fifteenth century.

Far more significant to the development of Ukrainian Jewry were the waves of migration from Western Europe, particularly from the Rhineland region, that began in the thirteenth century. Right-bank Ukraine (i.e., west of the Dnieper River that roughly bisects the contemporary boundaries of Ukraine) was subject to Lithuania until 1569, when it was annexed to the Polish Crown in the formation of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth. Particularly after 1569, Jews were frequently employed by nobility to manage the arenda system, under which they sometimes administered large Ukrainian landholdings called latifundia for absentee Polish landlords. In such cases, Jews were given the exclusive right to collect taxes, tolls, and other exactions from the Ukrainian peasantry. Much more often, the contract was for the local right of propinatsiia, the exclusive privilege of distilling and selling alcohollucrative trade that fit naturally with the business of innkeeping and small moneylending.

While Jews were engaged in a variety ofeconomic pursuits, many as artisans and merchants, with a smaller number of farmers, income from the arenda constituted the backbone of the Jewish economy. Under this system, Jews in Ukraine flourished, reaching a population of approximately 40,000 by the middle of the seventeenth century. Jews were concentrated in approximately 200 communities on the right bank of the Dnieper River, in the provinces of Volhynia, Podolia, Bratslav, Ru Czerwona, and Kiev. By 17641765, about 300,000 Jews lived in these regions. The arenda system, however, was highly exploitative, particularly when viewed from the perspective of Ukrainian peasants, who deeply resented the economic burden imposed on them by the far-off Polish landlords and their Jewish agents. Ukrainian folk songs record numerous abusive practices from this period, including a possibly mythical description of the practice of paying a fee to Jewish authorities to gain access to the church for ritual functions, and the attempts of Catholic Poles to wean the overwhelmingly Eastern-rite Ukrainians from their Orthodox tradition.

Filling pails at a water pump, uck, Poland (now Lutsk, Ukr.), ca.1926. Photograph by Alter Kacyzne. (Forward Association/YIVO)

This resentment boiled over in several revolts, culminating in a major uprising in 1648 under the leadership of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, who led a Cossack army seeking to end Polish domination in theregion. Although his principal targetswere Poles, especially noblemen and Catholic priests, the local Jewish population was far more accessible, and horrific massacres took place throughout right-bank Ukraine. The devastation of the period, known among Jews as Gzeyres takh vetat, or the Evil Decrees of 16481649, resulted in the deaths of up to half of theJewish population. After the rebellion subsided, sporadic attacks on Jews continued, including the Haidamak rebellion of 1768, which particularly devastated the Jewish community of Uman.

With the Polish partitions at the end ofthe eighteenth century, the region embracing most of the territory of contemporary Ukraine was annexed to the Russian Empire and eventually was designated part of the geographical ghetto limiting Jewish residence known as the Pale of Jewish Settlement. An exception was Kiev, where Jewish residence continued to be forbidden, although several thousand Jews lived there illegally in the early twentieth century.

Tensions between Jews and the surrounding Ukrainian populations continued throughout the nineteenth century, but did not slow the inevitable process of cultural cross-fertilization that informed much of both cultures. On many markers of cultural identity, Jewish culture shows evidence of Ukrainian influence, and vice versa. While both groups retained, for example, quite distinct languagesUkrainian and Yiddishborrowed terminology is common to both.

Three young men in a wheat field at the aklai (Farmer) settlement, Dzhankoi, Ukraine, USSR, ca. 1920s. (YIVO)

Economically, however, Jews were markedly different from members of the surrounding population. Ukrainians were overwhelmingly agricultural, with more than 94 percent living in rural areas even at the end of the nineteenth century. Jews, on the other hand, were concentrated in urban settings, where more than 80 percent made their homes. The larger urban areas in Ukraine were typically evenly divided among Russians, Ukrainians, and Jews, but Jews dominated even these settings in the western Ukrainian provinces of Volhynia and Podolia. The 1897 census shows that only 2.66 percent of Jews in the tsarist empire made their living from agriculture; the corresponding Ukrainian figure is 73 percent. Jews were very strong in commerce (29.55%) and industrial labor (35.47%), sectors in which only a tiny number of Ukrainians were active. This strict economic distinction served to underline many of the other differences between Jews and Ukrainians. Jewish industrial labor, in particular, grew over the course of the nineteenth century as the Russian Empire embarked on a course of gradually increasing industrialization. Large industrial projects in areas of less traditional settlement, such as Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine, drew Jewish internal migrants, and the establishment of the major port of Odessa in the closing years of the eighteenth century eventually attracted a large Jewish population. Overall, in 1897, Jews made up 30 percent of the urban population of Ukraine.

Ukraine was exceptionally fertile ground for the Hasidic movement, particularly for the dynasties centered in Belz, Bratslav and Uman, Chortkiv, Chernobyl, and Ruzhin.There developed a Ukrainian type of Hasidism characterized by the princely comportment of the rebbes. Tensions between Misnagdim and Hasidim were substantially submerged with the emergence of an intellectual movement that threatened them both equally: the Haskalah, orJewish enlightenment, which emerged from Germany in the late eighteenth century. The expression of Haskalah in Ukraine was, as might be expected, more significant in western urban regions, but its impact was felt even in the most remote regions. Ukrainian maskilim pioneered both modern Hebrew and literary Yiddish. Uman was the headquarters of early Ukrainian maskilim at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Eventually, however, Odessa became the metropolis of modernizing trends among Ukrainian Jews. Indeed, the second half of the nineteenth century witnessed considerable internal migration of Jews in the Pale of Settlement to new settlements in southern Ukraine, of which Odessa was the most prominent. The burgeoning port city even attracted settlers from Galicia in the Austrian Empire.

Graduating class of the Moriah School, a Hebrew-language school for girls, Zhvanets, Russia (now in Ukraine), 1910. (YIVO)

A major watershed in Ukrainian Jewish history occurred in March 1881 when Alexander II was assassinated by a grenade thrown by a member of a small socialist circle. Rumors circulated throughout the tsarist empire to the effect that the new tsar, Alexander III, had given the people the right to beat the Jews in retaliation, and violent attacks on Jews continued sporadically for the next three years, with the greatest concentration occurring in Ukrainian territory. Recent research indicates that these attacks were spontaneous and principally carried out by migrant industrial workers traveling along rail lines throughout Ukraine, stopping regularly to plunder neighboring Jewish communities.

Compared to later pogrom waves, the human devastation of 18811884 was relatively mild, with reasonable estimates of Jewish causalities under 100. The sheer atmosphere of lawlessness, with the apparent inability or unwillingness of Russian authorities to control the violence, nevertheless made a major impact on the psyche of the average Ukrainian Jew, rousing the population to consider even more seriously several alternatives for their political self-expression. The pace of emigration, which had begun to swell in the 1870s, accelerated. The earliest stirrings of modern Zionism occurred in Ukraine, articulated by the BILU movement (an acronym for Isaiah 2:5, House of Jacob, Let Us Ascend), founded in eastern Ukraine and sending its first settlers to establish communities in Palestine in 1882. Major Zionist thinkers such as Lev Pinsker and Ahad Ha-Am were active in the region, particularly in Odessa, and it was a gathering of Zionists in Ukraine in 1903 that rejected the British offer of African territory as a future national home of the Jews (the Uganda Plan).

Other Jews felt that leaving the Russian Empire was not a viable solution to the triple dilemmas of economic hardship, antisemitic violence, and government inaction. Indeed, the failure of the government to act against pogroms was slowly becoming a policy of complicity, with Nicholas II openly identifying with the antisemitic Black Hundreds organization, personally sponsoring the publication of the notorious antisemitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and even prosecuting a Kiev Jew, Mendel Beilis, on the absurd medieval charge of kidnapping a Christian child and murdering him for his blood. A jury of Ukrainian peasants acquitted Beilis in 1913.

Thus, many felt that the problems of the tsarist empire had to be addressed directly, and through potentially radical change. Thousands of young Jews were drawn to revolutionary movements, some of which espoused socialism. Moreover, a wide range of Jewish socialist parties, notably the Bund, spread throughout the region. Another popular option for politically conscious Ukrainian Jews was the socialist-Zionist hybrid party known as Poale Tsiyon (Workers of Zion). These political organizations, which were initially forced to operate underground, were increasingly active after the 1905 Revolution and the subsequent lifting of selected bans on political organization.

The Jewish political movement that had the greatest initial political achievement in Ukraine was the so-called autonomist movement (also known as Diaspora Nationalism), devoted to establishing a secular, modernized form of Jewish national autonomy in twentieth-century Ukraine. The political party Folkspartey was inspired by the historian Simon Dubnow, who imagined a Russian federation in which Jews (indeed, all organized minorities) would form a parliament to regulate all communal affairs, such as education and cultural activities, as well as internal religious affairs and the like. The prime minister of this Jewish parliament would in turn occupy a cabinet-level post in the state government as minister of Jewish affairs.

Ukraine was a major theater during World War I, with intense fighting in West Ukraine in particular. After invading Austrian Galicia at the onset of the war, tsarist troops were beaten back in 1915 byGerman forces, and fighting raged in that region for the next two years. Poorly equipped Russian soldiers were rapidly demoralized, and as discipline faltered, an increasingly ominous pattern of attacks on local Jewish populations began. During this exceptionally chaotic period of Ukrainian history, the region went from the throes of World War I, through two revolutions (the establishment of the Provisional Government in early 1917, and its overthrow by the Bolsheviks several months later), a declaration of Ukrainian independence and a brief SovietUkrainian war, occupation by German forces, and then a cataclysmic civil war that lasted from late 1918 through 1920.

Vote Only for Slate 18. Only with Your Active Participation in the Voting for the Ukrainian Founding Convention Will You Protect Your Economic and National Interests. Yiddish poster. Printed in Ukraine, 1918. (Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Jesselson, 1998.615. Collection of Yeshiva University Museum, New York)

During this time, and for reasons both pragmatic and idealistic, Jewish and Ukrainian political activists sought to bring a new harmony to UkrainianJewish relations in a proposed postrevolutionary democracy. Jewish participation in the Ukrainian movement was important for giving the movement both a solid foundation in urban regions as well as a foothold in the economic life of the country, and also helped Ukrainians argue for greater independence from the former empires center in Saint Petersburg. For their part, Ukrainians pledged to implement the major tenets of autonomism, giving Jews communal as well as individual rights, including the appointment of a minister of Jewish affairs in the Ukrainian cabinet, the devotion of a portion of state taxes for Jewish educational and other purposes, and the declaration of Yiddish as an official state language.

Perhaps surprisingly, much of Ukrainian Jewry embraced a partnership with the emerging Ukrainian national movement. Across the spectrum, from Jewish socialism to Revisionist Zionism, Jewish political parties joined with the Ukrainian Central Rada in Kiev to assert demands for increased local autonomy. This relationship was tenable so long as the Rada envisioned itself as part of a federated Russian Republic: once Bolshevik power was established in Petrograd and Moscow, this clearly became impossible. The Rada declared independence in January 1918, over the objections of its Jewish members. Tensions between the Ukrainian and Jewish political groups were exacerbated in the burgeoning wave of violence that overwhelmed Ukraine in 1919.

The lofty ideals of political cooperation existed only in the minds of their creators, the small circle of politically active Jews and Ukrainians in Kiev and major cities (in fact, as the civil war progressed, the headquarters of the Ukrainian government was displaced to several passenger cars and a locomotive, and was ignominiously reduced to fleeing from one town to another). The dominant experience of Jews in Ukraine during the civil war period was one of violence, as hordes of pogromists swept across the countryside. Various military organizations and independent hooligans killed tens of thousands of Jews in the worst violence ever experienced in the region to that time. All groups participated in the pillage, from the anti-Soviet White Army, the anarchists, and even the Red Armybut the largest single proportion of recorded pogroms, some 40 percent, were perpetrated by Ukrainian troops, ostensibly loyal to the same government that had extended such unprecedented rights and privileges to the Jewish population.

Jewish colonists eating breakfast at an agricultural settlement in Kherson, Ukraine, ca. 1925. (YIVO)

The Ukrainian government, led by Symon Petliura, was unable to control its ragtag troops, which had shrunk from 100,000 volunteers to barely 16,000 by the spring of 1919. Indeed, rather than actively curbing his troops, Petliura may well have simply turned a blind eye to their anti-Jewish (and anti-Polish) violence during a few critical weeks in the campaign. Although he aggressively campaigned against violence later in the civil war, the damage was done: UkrainianJewish political collaboration was over. Petliura was later assassinated in Paris in 1926 by a Bessarabian Jew, Sholem Shvartsbard, claiming revenge for the pogroms: after a much celebrated and controversial trial, the assassin was released without punishment.

Of the major combatants in Ukrainian territory, the Red Army under Leon Trotskys leadership was responsible for only 9 percent of recorded pogroms. Indeed, Lenin pursued a determined policy of opposition to antisemitism. In what historian Zvi Gitelman called the dilemma of the one alternative, Jews flocked to join the Red Army in such numbers that a special section had to be set up to train these Yiddish-speaking youngsters who were probably holding a weapon for the first time in their lives. Ironically, this became a self-fulfilling prophecy: the Ukrainian perception that Jews sympathized with the Soviet enemy motivated pogromists to attack Jewish communities, and the Jewish perceptionthat Ukrainians were pogromists prompted them to join the Red Army, which in turn fueled the Ukrainian belief that Jews were overwhelmingly pro-Soviet.

This tendency for Jewish support is also reflected in Communist Party membership. The Jewish population of Ukraine, according to the 1897 census, was approximately 1.6 million, or 8 percent of the total population. Statistics for membership in the Communist Party before the revolution are unreliable, but partial figures from 1917 show that Jews constituted about 4 percent (or fewer than 1,000 people) of the party for the entire tsarist empire. Looking at Ukraine specifically, Jews made up 13.6 percent of allCommunist Party members in 1922 (53.6% were Russians and 23.3% were Ukrainians). This statistic declined to 11.2 percent in 1926, still some three percentage points higher than Jews approximate share of the population. More ominous, however, is the prominence, especially in the early 1920s, of Jews in various branches of the Ukrainian Cheka, theSoviet secret police (known later as the GPU/NKVD). Statistics are generally not available, but anecdotal evidence of prominent Jewish participation is plentiful.

Carpentry workshop subsidized by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Poltava, USSR (now in Ukraine), 1929. (YIVO)

Ukrainian Jews numbered 1.5 million, or 60 percent of the USSRs Jewish population, in the 1920s. Despite Marxist ideological questioning of the legitimacy of Jewish national identity, Jews were included in the broad scope of the Communist policy of korenizatsiia (indigenization or rooting), a plan that attempted to allow the various nationalities a degree of cultural expression while preventing the development of potentially anti-Soviet nationalist movements. Under the general motto characterizing itself as nationalist in form, socialist in content, korenizatsiia encouraged the development of local arts and culture, especially the promotion of languages that had been repressed or ignored during the tsarist regime.

Conflict between Jews and Ukrainians during this period occurred as both groups reoriented themselves to take advantage of the changing political climate. Often competing with each other, they also clashed over some specific issues, such as the experimental Jewish farms set up in Ukrainian regions. Since Ukrainians were the dominant nationality in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR), and in keeping with the concept of korenizatsiia, the government pursued a policy of Ukrainianization, in which the Ukrainian language was given preference as a state language, the percentage of Ukrainians in the Ukrainian CommunistParty was increased, and so on. Jews, however, were opting to follow another course by orienting themselves toward the Russians, a minority in the Ukrainian SSR but the dominant nationality in the Soviet Union as a whole. Whereas Yiddish was the mother tongue of an overwhelming 97 percent of Ukrainian Jews in 1897 (a figure that dropped to 76.3 in 1926), only 0.9 percent had adopted Ukrainian as their mother tongue: 22.7 percent of Jews were educated in Russianinstead. The largest Jewish communities were in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkiv, and Dnipropetrovsk (as Ekaterinoslav was renamed in 1926).


Jews and non-Jews, stores, homes, and other buildings, Bolechw, Poland (now Bolechiv, Ukraine), 1930s. The woman with the cigarette and small dark hat is an American Jewish tourist. (YIVO)

The Stalinist repressions of the 1930s made the prodigious cultural activity of the 1920s seem like a passing dream for both Jews and Ukrainians. The national in form aspects of both Ukrainian and Jewish cultures were brutally and crudely suppressed as writers, actors, and others were systematically accused of deviation and were often forced to recant their work publicly. These persecutions often reached absurd proportions. Takingthe example of language once again, Russian replaced Ukrainian in scores ofofficial settings; publication of Ukrainian dictionaries was suspended; Jewish schools, theaters, and other cultural institutions were closed down; and Jewish publications of all kinds fell off sharply.

Stalins drive to rapidly industrialize the Soviet Union had catastrophic consequences for Ukraine. Estimates of the number of Ukrainians who perished in the famine of 19321933 vary significantly, but a conservative calculation places the death toll at a staggering 4.8 million. The association of Jews with communism in the minds of many Ukrainians aggravated tensions between the two groups, since the catastrophic food-distribution polices of the regime must bear considerable responsibility for the severity of the famine.

The experience of the Holocaust in Ukraine varied widely, in accordance with the date of Nazi occupation. Jews living in the western regions taken under Nazi control in September 1939 were forced into ghettos, followed by deportation to death camps. Jews in the zone annexed by the USSR between the beginning of the war in September 1939 and Operation Barbarossa in June 1941 were subject to a rapid and brutal Sovietization, but were shielded partially from the full force of the Nazis as many managed to escape to the interior of the USSR in the first chaotic weeks of the German advance.

Women walking past the ruins of the Great Synagogue on the way to the marketplace, Satanov, Ukraine, 2000. Photograph by Andrzej Polec. ( Andrzej Polec,

This escape route, however, was of littleuse to the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian Jews living in the small settlements that dotted the countryside. Following the German army came two Einsatzgruppen units, some 1,400 troops in total, which systematically worked their way through these locales, rounding up Jews, Communists, and others and taking them to nearby ravines for execution. The most horrific single atrocity by the Einsatzgruppen occurred outside Kiev at Babi Yar, where more than 30,000 Jews were murdered in two days in late September 1941.

Most Ukrainian Jews experienced the impact of the Nazi onslaught after Operation Barbarossa in June 1941: the hurried Soviet evacuation, followed by the Nazi invasion and Einsatzgruppen massacres. Those in eastern Galicia, incorporated into the Generalgouvernement, had an experience that was more typical of Polish Jewry: ghettoization followed by deportation to death camps in 1942. The Nazi invasion of these territories, which were part of independent Poland between the wars and then subject to a brief and brutal period of Soviet control between September 1939 and the summer of 1941, was seen by many Ukrainians as a liberation from a perceived JewishCommunist oppressor, and spontaneous pogroms against Jews broke out in many communities after the Soviet evacuation. The Nazis considered this violence quite advantageous, and in some cases (such as the infamous Petliura Days of Lviv) actively sought to encourage Ukrainian attacks on Jews. Ghettos were established in the major communities; the Janowska camp in Lviv was especially notorious for its brutal treatment of the Jews

Accurate demographic calculations of the extent of the Holocaust are difficult to achieve, but a realistic estimate of the number of Ukrainian Jews killed would be approximately 1.5 million: 60 percent of the total prewar population. This figure is massive, but at the same time very unusual in that, with the exception of Poland, Ukraine had the largest single population of Jews in any country completely occupied by the Nazis. Therefore, a survival rate of 40 percent, even approximate, is especially high. This figure is also surprising given the much more brutal nature of the occupation in Eastern Europe, and the fact that Ukraine was classified as either part of the Generalgouvernement (in the formerly Polish regions) or as a Reichskommissariat. Hence, both regions were under complete martial law, and lacked the sort of meaningful organs of self-government that were permitted in some Western countries. Furthermore, many Ukrainians, particularly in the western regions, viewed cooperation with the Nazis as justified retributionfor perceived Jewish collaboration with the Communists. Some Ukrainians also sheltered Jews from the Nazis, including the Uniate Metropolitan Andryi Sheptytskyi, responsible for rescuing some 250 children in his network of convents and monasteries.

At the wars end, returning Jews were met with a surge of antisemitic violence as they attempted to secure their homes and property after the dislocations of the war. The official reaction of the Soviet Union was to dismiss such violence as the lingering effect of pro-Fascist elements, and in fact the postwar years were characterized by silence on the unique sufferingof Jews during the Holocaust. The most egregious example of this failure to memorialize the Holocaust properly was at Babi Yar, which did not receive a memorial until 1976. Official antisemitism, sometimes covered with a thin veneer ofanti-Zionism, was especially prominent in Ukraine: in 1963, the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine published Trokhym Kichkos crude and cartoonish Iudaizmbez prykras (Judaism without Embellishment), a blatantly antisemitic work under the guise of scholarship.

Beginning in the 1960s, however, Ukrainian and Jewish dissidents were intensifying their activities, the former demanding internal change and the latter demanding release to immigrate to Israel. Although their immediate demands were not entirely congruent, the broader need for change was something both groups shared, and informal contacts between the movements flourished. With the era of glasnost, the predominant Ukrainian movement for change, known as Rukh, adopted a decidedly friendly posture toward Jews in both Ukraine and the State of Israel. When the extremist Russian nationalist organization Pamiat called for anti-Jewish violence in May 1990, Rukh successfully campaigned against any attacks, convincing many Ukrainian Jews that this more liberal, national-democratic movement deserved their support.

Simat Torah celebration in a nineteenth-century synagogue, Bershad, Ukraine, 1997. The congregation celebrated the holiday without a Torah because the one they had was not considered fit to be used. Photograph by Andrzej Polec. ( Andrzej Polec,

Ukraine officially achieved independence in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the late Soviet period, Jews had already begun emigrating at a rapid rate, especially to Israel and the United States. According to the 2001 census, roughly 380,000 Jews had chosen to leave Ukraine, some three-quarters of the Jewish population. Nevertheless, a strong community of Jews remained in Kiev, organized initially under the leadership of Yaakov Dov Bleich, an American Hasid who became chief rabbi of Ukraine during the late Soviet period. A rich network of Jewish schools and synagogues appeared in the major centers, especially Kiev, Lviv, and Dnipropetrovsk, where the Lubavitch Hasidic movement was especially active, and many buildings confiscated by the Soviet regime were returned to Jewish communal organizations. Jewish newspapers, typically in the Russian language, circulated, and even advanced scholarship was reviving, including at the Tkuma Holocaust Museum and Research Center in Dnipropetrovsk. Although the population declined significantly, Ukrainian Jewry displayed remarkable vitality after the fall of the Soviet Union.

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YIVO | Ukraine

What Guys Are Saying About Getting Laid In Ukraine …

A lot of guys have visited Ukraine and are telling their story. Here are some highlights from the forum

Ukrainian women shit tests

When you talk to ukrainian girls you will inevitably come across of some of the common shit tests they use.I will present some of them and the answers usually given.

1.Why are you in Ukraine?

This test implies:Are you in Ukraine to hunt girls?If you answer I came to get girls you are immediately disqualified.If you answer I am a professional searching for business opportunities,interested in buying real estate,trying to open a shop or franchise etc you are in to be considered a liar.So carefully choose one reason why you are in Ukraine.How you justify your prsence.Tourist can mean sex tourist for them especially if you happen to be in a city flood by sex tourists or in a city with absolutely no tourist attraction.

2.How long will you stay in Ukraine?

If you answer I came for a week she may decide you are not material for LTR.If you answer I came to stay for long(student etc) she will suspect you are a liar.So you have to think of a clear answer before to this question.From my experience it is usually better to tell the truth but promise to come back soon to show that you are a frequent traveller.If she asks why do you come here often say that you have visited most European countries and Ukraine is your favourite you like the architecture and nature.Maybe the food as well.

3.Are girls not beautiful in your country?Why do you want ukrainian girl?

If you answer girls in my country suck you may appear as a sociopath or low value who cannot get a decent gf in his country.Or you may appear that you have high selection criteria so she is likely to be excluded as well.Or that you have a problem in character or a secret disadvantage that puts off girls.If you answer girls in my coutry are good she will ask then why do you not have a wife or girlfriend.This is another crucial question.

4.Why do you not have a girlfriend?Why are you not married?

This means what is your story?Are you not eligible to get a wife in your country or are you irresponsible?Or do you have some kind of defect? The answer is sth along the lines of unluckiness I did not happen to meet sb special so she will question whether you are social and cannot find girls through social circles.So be prepared guys.Have an answer beforehand for everything.

Pipelining the Ukraine

I really dont know what people expect from the Ukraine either. Like most FSU countries, its only now starting to drag itself out of the dirt. The people may not look it, but the vast majority are actually quite poor by western standards and life is a daily struggle for most of them. They may look first world, but they are far from it.

The women themselves dont have time to waste either. They are over the hill at 25 and if they are unmarried as they move into their late 20s they are really in quite a bit bit of trouble. Its over if they are in their 30s for the most part. Now when they struggle like they do, it means nothing more than financial instability and loneliness for them as they get older. Throw into the mix a culture that believes and values traditional gender roles, and yes, the women are serious. They dont have time to waste on men who are not potential husbands. They dont have any safety nets and their safety net is their family and their husband.

This is why I keep saying to everyone that they need to get their stories straight and lie like absolute motherfuckers to them if its purely notch count they are after. Prepare properly and you will have a good time. Go there without doing your homework, acting like a tight arsed backpacker or thinking the women are all going to be DTF just because they enjoy sex is only going to lead to frustration.

Bulgaria vs Ukraine vs Hungary vs Poland

Ukraine is a different planet from anything else Ive experienced, hardly anyone speaks english so you will need to brush up on your russian if you stay in the west, or your ukrainian if you go to the east [editor note: he has this reversed]. Kiev has a great metro system, marshrutkas are cheap and regular. Taxis suck ass, be prepared to haggle.

The girls are feminine and have great bodies. The Quality of the girls in Kiev seemed to be on some queer polar bell curve, they were either slavic with hairy faces or model good looking. Learn russian, Im not kidding. Go see the burried monks, its a unesco world heritage site. The accomadation was not as cheap as Id hoped in the Ukraine, and there isnt really any set strip which was a pain. get a room near kreschatik and you should be alright.

There are plenty of back packers in the Ukraine so you can always pick up western tourists if you get bored of insanely pretty ukranian girls. Expect alot of dishonesty, bullshit, and outlight lies from the local guys. They are absolute scumbags, everyone is trying to rip you off. Its a weird sensation. On the plus side they all look like crap, so you should definitely be better dressed, built, looking, and have tighter game than the locals, but fo you cant speak Russian passably I would still give them the edge.

I didnt get my Ukraine flag in Kiev, though did sleep with a back packer. The friends I made in my hostel said the girls were very mercenary, that they would sleep with you, but they needed to be taken out alot, so that would be your dollars working for you.

Ukraine With Love

I think everyones experience in Ukraine has been pretty similar:

Hottest girls in the world Nightlife is so-so Traditional culture, social circle oriented Have connections or at least pipeline before you get there. No one speaks English. The name of the game is find the English speaker Make sure you spend more than a week there, because youll need it.

The guys who did well spent 3-6 weeks there, had social contacts, and found English-speakers. Guys who did not do well there were only there for a week and spent their time cold approaching girls who spoke no English.

Theres also the 27-page Industrial Shithole thread which I updated while I was in Ukraine.

If you liked this post then youll likeBang Ukraine, my 103-page book that teaches you how to sleep with Ukrainian women during a visit to the country. It contains tourist tips, game advice, and sex stories that give you all the information you need to bang hyper-feminine Ukrainian women, with extra details not released on the blog.Click here to learn more about the book.

Here is the original post:
What Guys Are Saying About Getting Laid In Ukraine ...

U.S. Embassy in Ukraine

2 April, 2018 | News, Press Releases

Press Statement Heather Nauert Department Spokesperson Washington, DC March 30, 2018 The United States strongly encourages the government of Ukraine to repeal legislation that requires

30 March, 2018 | News, Press Releases, Speeches

The White House March 29, 2018 Russias action today to expel American diplomats marks a further deterioration in the United States-Russia relationship. The expulsion of

29 March, 2018 | Alert

Message for U.S. Citizens: Consular visit to Kharkiv postponed until April 2, 2018 Event: A U.S. Consular officer will visit Kharkiv to provide routine consular

28 March, 2018 | Alert

Event: A U.S. Consular officer will visit Kharkiv to provide routine consular services to U.S. citizens in Kharkiv and the surrounding areas on Thursday, March

26 March, 2018 | News, Press Releases, Speeches

The White House March 26, 2018 Today President Donald J. Trump ordered the expulsion of dozens of Russian intelligence officers from the United States and

26 March, 2018 | News, Press Releases, Speeches

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of the Spokesperson For Immediate Release STATEMENT BY HEATHER NAUERT,SPOKESPERSON March 26, 2018 On March 4, Russia used a military-grade

20 March, 2018 | News, U.S. Passports

EffectiveApril 2, 2018, the passport execution fee will increase from $25 to $35. The $10 execution fee increase applies to U.S. passport applicants using the

15 March, 2018 | News, Speeches

Press Statement Heather Nauert Department Spokesperson Washington, DC March 14, 2018 Four years ago this week, Russia held an illegitimate, fabricated referendum in Ukraine in

1 March, 2018 | Ambassador, News, Press Releases, Speeches

Kyiv March 1, 2018 11:45 am Thank you Neil for the kind introduction, and to Tomas (Fiala) and to Dragon thanks for having all of

27 February, 2018 | Ambassador, News, Press Releases, Speeches

February 27, 2018 President Hotel, Kyiv To all of my colleagues who are here today I really thank you all for the chance to

26 February, 2018 | Ambassador, News, Press Releases, Speeches

Kyiv February 26, 2018 Good morning everybody. Its really an honor to be here at the fourth international forum on the de-occupation of Crimea. I

22 February, 2018 | Alert

Event: A U.S. Consular Officer will visit Kharkiv to provide routine consular services to U.S. citizens in Kharkiv and the surrounding areas on Tuesday, February

21 February, 2018 | News, Speeches

Kyiv, Ukraine February 21, 2018 Good afternoon. It is an honor to be here in Ukraine, in Kyiv, and in particular, to be joined by

20 February, 2018 | News, Press Releases

Press Statement Heather Nauert Department Spokesperson Washington, DC February 19, 2018 Four years ago, Ukrainians from all walks of life and all regions of the

16 February, 2018 | Alert

Location:Announced gathering points include, but are not limited to, the following areas in Kyiv, Ukraine: Maidan Nezalezhnosti Shevchenko Park St. Sophia Square Event:A variety of

15 February, 2018 | News, Press Releases

Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC February 14, 2018 Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan will travel to Germany, Italy, Ukraine, Latvia,

15 February, 2018 | News, Press Releases

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of the Spokesperson For Immediate Release STATEMENT BY HEATHER NAUERT,SPOKESPERSON February 13, 2018 Yesterday marked the somber third anniversary of

14 February, 2018 | Ambassador, News, Press Releases, Speeches

February 14, 2018 Kyiv As Delivered ! , .

Originally posted here:
U.S. Embassy in Ukraine