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A Fatherless America | Indiegogo


Digital Download Of The Film

With this option you can get your own digital download of A Fatherless America

153 out of 300 claimed


Digital Download Of The Film

With this option you can get your own digital download of A Fatherless America

18 out of 300 claimed


Thank You Phone Call

You will get a personal phone call from tommy thanking you for your donation

74 out of 100 claimed


Social Media Shoutout

I will shout out your project, youtube channel, instagram or facebook on my fan page as well as my twitter

45 out of 300 claimed


30 DVD

Get your signed copy of fatherless america the docu-movie

25 claimed


Direct Call During Show

During the radio show, we will call you and shout you out

24 out of 100 claimed


Tommy Voicemail

A personalized voice mail of your wording from Tommy Sotomayor

5 out of 100 claimed


Fatherless America Gear

I will personally sign the gear of your choice gear, shirts what ever & Early Release electronic video release

14 out of 100 claimed


Behind The Scenes DVD

This DVD will be full of behind the scenes footage that never made it to the film

27 out of 30 claimed


Call W/ Tommy

I will call you personally and discuss not only the film but any topic that you would like

7 out of 50 claimed


Youtube Video

What ever topic that you would like to see me address I will do a video on that topic

2 out of 30 claimed


Your Own Ether Video

I will ether whom ever you want no matter if its a celebrity or someone that you just dont like! You name em and Tommy Will Ether Them

3 out of 50 claimed


Youtube Video Shout Out

For this I will make a video shouting out your business, fan page, youtube, twitter or what ever!

0 out of 20 claimed


Ads On Web & Radio Show

For this amount we will create your company a commercial to be played on our radio show as well as your banner on our websites

0 out of 10 claimed


Producer Credits & Gear

You and your company will be listed as producer of this film as well as you will get first DVDs, AFA Gear, as well as Tommy Gear!

8 out of 20 claimed


Face To Face

we will spend a day having lunch, hanging out and talking about what ever you feel

1 out of 10 claimed


On Screen Role In The Film

For this amount we will allow you to tell your personal story and have it investigated as well, or just show up in the film as an extra

0 out of 6 claimed


Private Screening (US)

Tommy Sotomayor will go to any venue of your choice to do a private screening of the new movie with as many guest as your venue can fit as well as do an after Q&A the screening!

0 out of 10 claimed


Producer Combo Pack

With this you get to be in the film, Private First Screening Anywhere In The US have say over things in the film, producer credits, Youtube advertising, Segment Sponsorship on the radio, early release DVD, banner on

0 out of 4 claimed


Private Screening (Outside US)

Tommy Sotomayor will go to any venue of your choice to do a private screening of the new movie with as many guest as your venue can fit as well as do an after Q&A the screening!

0 out of 10 claimed

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A Fatherless America | Indiegogo

Ann Coulter joins Trump in epic smackdown

Ann Coulter (left) and Donald Trump (right)

Conservative firebrand and bestselling author Ann Coulter joined Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa Tuesday and she delivered an epic smackdown of speech Nazis who ridiculed the GOP frontrunner for using the term anchor baby.

Apparently liberals think anchor baby isnt pleasant sounding, she said in a speech introducing Trump at the event. They prefer words like aborted baby.

She continued, But I have an idea. How about anvil babies because thats what anchor babies are around the necks of the American taxpayer.

Ann Coulter is back, and more fearless than ever! In her new bestseller Adios, America! Coulter applies her trademark biting humor to the disaster that is U.S. immigration policy and proves immigration is the most important issue facing America today.

Coulter also blasted the Republican establishments tendency to pre-emptively surrender every time liberals start yelling, Ooh, thats mean! You cant use that word!

Well they found something new with Donald Trump, she declared of the candidate who refused to stop using the term anchor baby.

And now Americans are finding out about not only the policy of anchor babies but the policies of these speech Nazis. And theyre going to learn, when it comes to Donald Trump, maybe itd be better to just keep their mouths shut next time.

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Since Trump announced his candidacy for president, Coulter said, "I've felt like I'm dreaming. I can't believe I turn on TV, on prime-time TV every night, they're talking about anchor babies. They're talking about sanctuary cities. They're talking about Mexican rapists. "

A man interrupted with a shout from the crowd: "Build the wall!"

Coulter replied, "I love the idea of the Great Wall of Trump."

The crowd cheered enthusiastically.

She added, "I want to have a two-drink minimum. Make it a big, worldwide tourist attraction and every day live drone shows whenever anyone tries to cross the border."

Coulter reflected on former GOP nominee Mitt Romney's 2012 loss to President Obama in the running for the White House. She compared the loss to the story of Joseph in the Bible.

"He had to be sold into slavery, imprisoned, betrayed, so that eventually he could save the Jews. Maybe Mitt Romney had to lose. And maybe we had to give Republicans one more chance in 2014.

"And maybe [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell and [House Speaker] John Boehner had to betray us once again to pave the way for President Donald Trump.

"God hasn't given up on America yet."

What do YOU think? Is the Trump juggernaut unstoppable? Sound off in today's WND poll

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Ann Coulter joins Trump in epic smackdown

Ann Coulter Introduces Donald Trump at Iowa Speech, 2016 …

Donald Trump Iowa Dubuque FULL SPEECH: Ann Coulter Rails Against Speech Nazis at Trump Rally. Ann Coulter introduced Donald Trump at his rally in Iowa today, and she had a lot to say about their mutual favorite subject: immigration. Coulter backed up Trump on the issue of deporting immigrants, even the ones with anchor babies. She mocked the liberal media for considering that a controversial statement and calling them speech Nazis.

She expressed her gratefulness to Trump that the media is actually talking about this issue and sanctuary cities and the border wall (I love the idea of the Great Wall of Trump), and declared, I have not had this much hope for America since November 7th, 2012.

She surmised that maybe it was destiny that Mitt Romney lost and the GOP betrayed the right on immigration to pave the way for President Donald Trump. Ann Coulter Introduces Donald Trump at Iowa Speech, 2016 Presidential Campaign Rally 8/25 Ann Coulter Introduces Donald Trump at Iowa Speech, 2016 Presidential Campaign Rally 8/25 Ann Coulter Introduces Donald Trump at Iowa Speech, 2016 Presidential Campaign Rally 8/25 Ann Coulter Introduces Donald Trump at Iowa Speech, 2016 Presidential Campaign Rally 8/25

Continued here:
Ann Coulter Introduces Donald Trump at Iowa Speech, 2016 ...

Ann Coulter Rails Against Speech Nazis at Trump Rally …

Ann Coulter introduced Donald Trump at his rally in Iowa today, and she had a lot to say about their mutual favorite subject: immigration.

Coulter backed up Trump on the issue of deporting immigrants, even the ones with anchor babies. She mocked the liberal media for considering that a controversial statement and calling them speech Nazis.

She expressed her gratefulness to Trump that the media is actually talking about this issue and sanctuary cities and the border wall (I love the idea of the Great Wall of Trump), and declared, I have not had this much hope for America since November 7th, 2012.

She surmised that maybe it was destiny that Mitt Romney lost and the GOP betrayed the right on immigration to pave the way for President Donald Trump.

You can watch part of her speech here:

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[image via screengrab]

Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac

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Ann Coulter Rails Against Speech Nazis at Trump Rally ...

Ann Coulter – Conservapedia

Ann Hart Coulter (b. December 8, 1961) a maverick conservative commentator who often criticizes liberals. She also sometimes answers liberals in very outrageous considered manners, and then switching the point-of-view around. Liberals have slandered her for this.

She is an attorney, legal affairs correspondent, social commentator and a well known maverick political pundit. She has written five bestselling books on U.S. politics. U.S. Federal Judge Richard Posner included her in a list of America's top public intellectuals.[1][2]

Coulter's primary focus is exposing what she says are the faults of liberalism, and she has enjoyed a popular following for her strong defense of family values against abortion and same-sex marriage. She is well known for her forthright statements against those who she accuses of wanting to hurt the United States.

Coulter is a high profile female conservative, in line with Phyllis Schlafly and Condoleezza Rice. Her books and strong speaking style have endeared her to fans and infuriated opponents, in which they often see as radical.

As a Christian, Coulter adheres to the Judeo-Christian tradition the view that human beings are utterly and distinctly apart from other species.

Being an seemingly unabashedly conservative pundit, Coulter's social commentaries often draw the ire of liberals. Her comments are frequently controversial and her critics often feign being offended.[3][4]

Coulter made headlines during the 2008 Presidential primaries by endorsing Hillary Rodham Clinton for President instead of John McCain. Coulter asserted that McCain is not conservative, but liberal.

In August of 2011 Coulter created a stir by agreeing to join the advisory board of GOProud, the Republican homosexual activist organization. Earlier this year WorldNetDaily chief Joseph Farah withdrew an invitation to Coulter to speak at WND's "Taking America Back National Conference" in Miami in September, because of her appearance at a GOProud fundraiser.

From early 2012 she was a vocal supporter and defender of Mitt Romney as presidential candidate.

Coulter says that the Democratic Party has a "history of supporting slavery, segregation, racial preferences, George Wallace and Bull Connor." [5]

Some of her books include

In Godless, Coulter illustrates the concepts of liberals making a religion out of their beliefs, following with the sort of intolerant zeal which they claim fundamentalists do. "Liberalism is a comprehensive belief system denying the Christian belief in man's immortal soul [and] that we are moral beings in God's image." (pg. 3)

Ann Coulter wrote:

Continued here:
Ann Coulter - Conservapedia