Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Ann Coulter Sounds Off On Wendy Davis

Controversial political commentator Ann Coulter appeared on Sean Hannitys self-titled Fox News channel talk show Monday night to sound off on Texas Senator Wendy Davis.

Coulter, who appears frequently on Fox News, jumped at the chance to weigh in on the maelstrom that has surrounded Davis since The Dallas Morning News broke a story suggesting that key facts in Davis presentation of her life story may not be entirely accurate. Coulter told Hannity: This is all I want to talk about all year.

According to Wayne Slater, Davis has made her personal rags to riches story a centerpiece of her campaign to become governor of Texas. Davis political team is talking up the story of how she overcame great hardship to go from a divorced teenage single mother living in a trailer to Harvard graduate and key player in Texas politics.

Slater reveals that Davis was 21 not 19 when she divorced.

It turns out that she actually lived only a few months in her familys trailer before she and her daughter got their own apartment.

And as far as working her way through college? Well, Davis married attorney Jeff Davis, 13 years her senior, during her undergraduate years at Texas Christian University and had another daughter with him. Her husband funded her last two years at TCU and her time at Harvard Law School. He also kept the children with him in Texas while Davis was attending school in Boston.

Coulter didnt hesitate to jump into the fray:

The connotation is that you were supporting a family and raising your kids. She was neither supporting her family nor raising her kids. She married a sugar daddy whom she asked to meet. He supported her, he raised the kids while she went to Harvard law school. I mean, it said that Dallas Morning News article, its the greatest quote Ive ever seen. He says, I quote, Its ironic the day after I paid the last

Hannity finished her statement: I made the last payment and it was the next day she left.

Jeff Davis has defended his ex-wife, however: A lot of what she says is true, he said. When she was 21, it became a little easier for her. The first 21 years were about working one, two and three jobs, trying to get through, raising a kid, driving an old Toyota pickup truck that was the smallest you could find.

See the original post:

Ann Coulter Sounds Off On Wendy Davis

Coulter Rips MSNBC’s Conservatives, Praises Fox’s ‘Not Stupid’ Liberals: ‘It’s a Real Fight on Fox’

Last week, conservative columnist Ann Coulter joined Newsmax host Steve Malzberg for an interview where she was widely misconstrued as saying that Fox & Friends will not put on conservatives who can put two sentences together. Coulter later clarified that she was referring to MSNBCs programs, not those of Fox News Channel. On Wednesday, she appeared on Fox & Friends to further clarify her comments and took the opportunity to swipe at MSNBCs conservative guests.

I was attacking myself, apparently, Coulter remarked about the misconception. She went on to blast MSNBC hosts like Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow, who she says refuse to debate smart conservatives.

RELATED: Ann Coulter: Fox & Friends MSNBC Wont Put on Conservatives Who Can Put Two Sentences Together

Coulter, referring to this site and others, guessed that the misinterpretation was due to the fact that its not that exciting a headline to say that Coulter attacked MSNBC. You know what else would make a fantastic headline? Ann Coulter kills family of five, she suggested.

Look at the Fox liberals, Coulter added, citing former Democratic vice presidential nominee Geraldine Ferraro, Democratic campaign veterans Bob Beckel and Susan Estrich, and columnist Juan Williams. These are not stupid liberals.

She said that MSNBC invites conservatives on like Meghan McCain to represent the other side of the debate. It would be like Fox putting on Joe Bidens daughter to give the other side, Coulter added.

Theyre not insubstantial liberals, she concluded. Its a real fight on Fox.

Watch the clip below via MSNBC:

[Photo via screen grab ]

Original post:

Coulter Rips MSNBC’s Conservatives, Praises Fox’s ‘Not Stupid’ Liberals: ‘It’s a Real Fight on Fox’

Tommy sotomayor. .the benefits of him being gone. – Video

Tommy sotomayor. .the benefits of him being gone.
My first commentary.

By: Maurice Till

Go here to read the rest:

Tommy sotomayor. .the benefits of him being gone. - Video



By: nowimherestudio

See the original post:


Ann Coulter Challenges Ed Schultz – ‘Invite Me on Your Show, You Lying P***sy’ – Video

Ann Coulter Challenges Ed Schultz - #39;Invite Me on Your Show, You Lying P***sy #39;
Ann Coulter Challenges Ed Schultz - #39;Invite Me on Your Show, You Lying P***sy #39; Air date January 2014.

By: Mcbogsters

Read more:
Ann Coulter Challenges Ed Schultz - 'Invite Me on Your Show, You Lying P***sy' - Video