Ann Coulter took her book tour to less-than-friendly territory on Monday with an appearance on HuffPost Live. Marc Lamont Hill challenged Coulter on a number of provocative comments she has made over the years, including her declaration two years ago that our blacks are so much better than their blacks.
RELATED: Ann Coulter to Her Love Ted Cruz: Stop the GOP From Primarying Itself to Death
Coulter addressed her criticisms of Republicans like John McCain attacking fellow Republicans, suspecting theyre not actually coming from a place of sincerity, but personal gain.
If youre a liberal, your brain is wired that way, fine. But in the case of people like McCain, Rubio, Lindsay Graham, Huckabee, I think an awful lot of it is so they will get favorable press in the media and Oh, please interview me! And to be turning around and attacking your ownjust become a Democrat!
Coulter said the Democrats are the party of Hollywood, Wall Street, the very rich, and, I suppose, the very very poor. Hill brought up just how provocative Coulter can be at times, and when he brought up the our black are so much better than their blacks quote, Coulter maintained it was so manifestly true.
She cited black Republicans like Herman Cain and Allen West, who she said are ever better than whites in the Republican party, and argued that unlike in the Democratic party, elected black Republicans come from majority white areas.
Watch the video below, via HuffPost Live:
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Coulter Slams GOP Infighting, Argues Black GOPers ‘Better’ Than Black Dems on HuffPost Live