Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Tommy Sotomayor hurt me and ruined my life!!! By Melissa Ortiz – Video

Tommy Sotomayor hurt me and ruined my life!!! By Melissa Ortiz
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By: Team Tommy

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Tommy Sotomayor hurt me and ruined my life!!! By Melissa Ortiz - Video


Tommy Sotomayor is freed from the Hairtrix and starts his war against the HAIR HAT.

By: nowimherestudio

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Ann Coulter Examines If Eric Holder Will Survive The DOJ Scandal w Sean Hannity 5 30 13 – Video

Ann Coulter Examines If Eric Holder Will Survive The DOJ Scandal w Sean Hannity 5 30 13
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By: America Today

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Ann Coulter Examines If Eric Holder Will Survive The DOJ Scandal w Sean Hannity 5 30 13 - Video

Ann Coulter to Her ‘Love’ Ted Cruz: Stop the GOP From Primarying Itself to Death

In an interview this week with ABC/Yahoo News, conservative pundit Ann Coulter reiterated her love for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), asserting that he has a huge future in leading the GOP away from the problems that have dogged the party in previous elections.

I think he has a very bright future, she said of the Texan lawmaker largely seen as the driving force behind the movement to defund Obamacare. He was over in the House whipping the House Republicans. He was like a general.

Calling the government shutdown magnificent, Coulter said the entire ordeal was a good thing because it branded Republicans as the anti-Obamacare party. The Affordable Care Act is less popular than the bubonic plague she added.

As the conservative commentator told Mediaite earlier this month, a large portion of her new book Never Trust a Liberal Over 3 Especially a Republican makes the case that the GOP needs to ditch the obsession with primary-ing its own party members seen as not conservative enough and instead focus on winning elections against Democrats.

Im going to have a chat with my love, Ted Cruz, because hes been so magnificent in everything else, Coulter explained to ABC. Im thinking we want to concentrate on taking out or replacing Democratic senators with Republican senators in Louisiana, in Arkansas, in Montana, in West Virginia, and Alaska. Those are big fat targets.

She reiterated her distaste for conservatives wanting to replace Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) with a less establishment-level Republican. Theyre driving me crazy on that, she said. Mitch McConnell is a fantastic conservative. He was the Ted Cruz on campaign finance reform. Did they not remember who Mitch McConnell is?

Watch below, via ABC/Yahoo:

[h/t ABC News-Yahoo News]

>> Follow Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) on Twitter

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Ann Coulter to Her ‘Love’ Ted Cruz: Stop the GOP From Primarying Itself to Death

Coulter Slams GOP Infighting, Argues Black GOPers ‘Better’ Than Black Dems on HuffPost Live

Ann Coulter took her book tour to less-than-friendly territory on Monday with an appearance on HuffPost Live. Marc Lamont Hill challenged Coulter on a number of provocative comments she has made over the years, including her declaration two years ago that our blacks are so much better than their blacks.

RELATED: Ann Coulter to Her Love Ted Cruz: Stop the GOP From Primarying Itself to Death

Coulter addressed her criticisms of Republicans like John McCain attacking fellow Republicans, suspecting theyre not actually coming from a place of sincerity, but personal gain.

If youre a liberal, your brain is wired that way, fine. But in the case of people like McCain, Rubio, Lindsay Graham, Huckabee, I think an awful lot of it is so they will get favorable press in the media and Oh, please interview me! And to be turning around and attacking your ownjust become a Democrat!

Coulter said the Democrats are the party of Hollywood, Wall Street, the very rich, and, I suppose, the very very poor. Hill brought up just how provocative Coulter can be at times, and when he brought up the our black are so much better than their blacks quote, Coulter maintained it was so manifestly true.

She cited black Republicans like Herman Cain and Allen West, who she said are ever better than whites in the Republican party, and argued that unlike in the Democratic party, elected black Republicans come from majority white areas.

Watch the video below, via HuffPost Live:

[photo via screengrab]

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Coulter Slams GOP Infighting, Argues Black GOPers ‘Better’ Than Black Dems on HuffPost Live