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Ann Coulter Mocks DNC 2016 Speaker Khizr Khan, Muslims – Us …

Ann Coulter speaks during an address to the 39th Conservative Political Action Committee February 10, 2012 in Washington, DC. Credit: MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images

Ann Coulter caused an outcry on Thursday, July 28, after she tweeted an insulting message about Khizr Khan, the father of Muslim U.S. war hero Captain Humayun Khan, as he spoke at the Democratic National Convention.

Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son the best of America, Khan said, attacking Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America. Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges and even his own party leadership. Donald Trump loves to build walls and ban us from this country.

Then, addressing Trump directly, Khan demanded, Let me ask you, have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. You have sacrificed nothing!

Coulter took Khans speech as a cue to add her two cents to the conversation. The controversial 54-year-old commentator didnt waste any time composing a series of tweets insulting Hillary Clinton, Khan and Muslims as Khan continued his moving speech about his son, who died while saving 10 of his fellow soldiers in Iraq in 2004.

You know what this convention really needed? she wrote Thursday night in the middle of Khans speech. An angry Muslim with a thick accent like Fareed Zacaria.

The man Coulter was attempting to reference is respected Indian-American journalist Fareed Zakaria (Coulter misspelled his name), who holds positions at CNN, The Washington Post and The Atlantic.

Twitter users quickly took to social media to express their disgust at Coulters insulting words.

Coulter, who has not been shy about her support for Clintons rival, Republican presidential nominee Trump, didnt back down from her Twitter tirade, however.

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Ann Coulter Mocks DNC 2016 Speaker Khizr Khan, Muslims - Us ...

Tommy Sotomayor Live Explaining Why He Goes So Hard On Blk Wmn!

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Tommy Sotomayor Live Explaining Why He Goes So Hard On Blk Wmn!

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CNN’s Race Baiter Cop Uses Tommy Sotomayor’s Statistics to …

Its no secret to anyone that YouTube sensation Tommy Sotomayor is no fan black people, especially black women. It did raise eyebrows, however, when CNNs law enforcement analyst used Sotomayor as a source for statistics on violent crime.

According toMedia Matters, CNNs Harry Houck tweeted a videofrom mens rights activist Tommy Sotomayor which advised that Obama shouldnt try to ban guns. He should ban n****s.

Houck, a retired NYPD detective, is best known for defending any and all actions taken by law enforcement against citizens officers are charged with protecting and serving. The CNN analyst linked to Sotomayors posts on social media and exclaimed that Sotomayorknows what hes talking about!.

In the video, Sotomayor uses images of blacks rioting to reach the conclusion that blacks are prone to violence. Sotomayor also misrepresents statistics, claiming that52 percent of murders in the United States were committed by black people, while noting that black people only represent 13 percent of all people in the United States.

This data doesnt acknowledge the ways in which black communities are overpoliced in this country and how that leads to increased incarceration numbers.

From The Huffington Post: One study found that in a particular region blacks were incarcerated for convicted felony offenses 51% of the time while whites convicted of felonies were incarcerated 38% of the time.

There are more people murdered in a day by niggly bears than in a year by grizzly bears, said Sotomayor. Niggly bears are out there, just killing everyone that they can, but people are told that theyre racist if they want to avoid them.

And according to the Innocence Project, African-Americans are far more likely to be among those wrongfully convicted of crimes: An analysis of the 297 DNA exonerations reveals minorities make up approximately 70% of those proven innocent through DNA testing. Similarly, African-Americans represent the vast majority of these exonerations 63% of those exonerated by DNA testing.

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CNN's Race Baiter Cop Uses Tommy Sotomayor's Statistics to ...