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The misogynistic and racist vitriol spewed daily by Tommy Sotomayor, in his YouTube videos and on his various YouTube channels, has created incalculable amounts of emotional, psychological and physical harm against black women and girls. He is an irresponsible. malicious, perpetrator of misogynistic and racist hatred and spreads negative and degrading messages, imagery, views and stereotypes about black women on a daily, regular and consistent basis. He has raked in a large sum of cash as a result and Google Inc. should be ashamed of itself, as a respectable corporate entity, to profit from the pain that he continues to cause others. We therefore want decisive action to be taken and for all of his channels to be removed from YouTube.

We, the undersigned, hold YouTube and Google Inc. as well as its advertisers, responsible for providing a platform for this insanity to be spread around the world, which serves to purposely denigrate and demean black women and girls and black people in general. These corporate entities are, in fact, creating emotional and psychological harm against black women and girls by allowing his cesspool of violent and reprehensible diatribes to continue, unchecked, on their internet channels. His video content has escalated out of control and has now lead to threats of physical violence by him on the street toward black women. It is primarily because you, as a corporate body, have allowed him to say whatever he wants to say, no matter how hate filled and violent, on your platform. If this insanity is allowed to continue, someone eventually will be harmed or killed. Google Inc, will have their hand in this as they are the ones who have allowed his disgusting verbiage to continue for so long.

We therefore demand that ALL of his videos be removed from your video platforms, immediately. We as concerned citizens, understand how important freedom of speech is in a free society. However, we also understand the consistent dehumanization spread by this psychopath, results in creating and sustaining violence against black women and girls and serves to justify that a sustained level of violence be perpetrated against them. We would like to believe that this is not the intention of this platform's use. We look to the executives of Google Inc. and YouTube to become aware of the negative climate they themselves continue to create, by providing a vehicle for years, for Tommy Sotomayor, to spread his sexist, racist, hate filled, violent, psychotic, misogynistic, angry, anti-black woman rants and we hold you responsible. We therefore demand that you take immediate action and remove all of his videos forthwith.

The rest is here:


The misogynistic and racist vitriol spewed daily by the terrorist, Thomas Jerome Harris aka Tommy Sotomayor, in his YouTube videos and on his various YouTube channels, has created incalculable amounts of emotional, psychological and physical harm against black women and girls. He is an irresponsible malicious, perpetrator of misogynistic and racist hatred and spreads negative and degrading messages, imagery, views and stereotypes about black women on a daily, regular and consistent basis. He has raked in a large sum of cash as a result and Alphabet Inc. and Google Inc. should be ashamed of itself, as a respectable corporate entity, to profit from the pain that he continues to cause others. We therefore want decisive action to be taken and for all of his channels to be removed from YouTube.

We, the undersigned, hold Alphabet Inc. and Google Inc. as well as YouTube and its advertisers, responsible for providing a platform for this terrorist and his insanity, to be spread around the world, which serves to purposely denigrate and demean black women and girls and black people in general. These corporate entities are, in fact, creating emotional and psychological harm against black women and girls by allowing his cesspool of violent and reprehensible diatribes to continue, unchecked, on their internet channels. His video content has escalated out of control and has now lead to threats of physical violence by him on the street toward black women. It is primarily because you, as a corporate body, have allowed him to say whatever he wants to say, no matter how hate filled and violent, on your platform. If this insanity is allowed to continue, someone eventually will be harmed or killed. Alphabet Inc. and Google Inc. will have their hand in this as they are the ones who have allowed his disgusting verbiage to continue for so long.

We therefore demand that ALL of his videos be removed from your video platforms, immediately. We as concerned citizens, understand how important freedom of speech is in a free society. However, we also understand the consistent dehumanization, spread by this psychopath, results in creating and sustaining violence against black women and girls and serves to justify that a sustained level of violence be perpetrated against them as a terrorist threat. We would like to believe that this is not the intention of this platform's use. We look to the executives of Google Inc. and YouTube to become aware of the negative climate they themselves continue to create, by providing a vehicle for years, for Tommy Sotomayor, to spread his sexist, racist, hate filled, violent, psychotic, misogynistic, angry, anti-black woman rants and we hold you responsible. We therefore demand that you take immediate action and remove all of his videos forthwith.

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Watch: YouTube Personality Tommy Sotomayor Threatens Black …

NEWS ByEric D. Berry|July 25, 2016

Meet Tommy Sotomayor, the Black incarnation of Donald Trump, except The Donald likely has more respect for Black folk than Tommy. Prior to this morning, wed never heard of Tommy, but while browsing Bossip, we came across a video of the Arizona man berating a Black woman following a car accident.

Turns out Tommy is an Internet talk show host and YouTube personality who has made a name for himself by cooning for clicks. Hes found a lot of digital success over the years from his political and social commentary and bashing of Black women, amassing over 200,000 YouTube subscribers in the process. Still, the way he disrespected another human being in the viral video should be vomit-inducing to even the biggest David Duke supporter.

Thats the problem with Black women right there, they talk, Tommy says as the woman begins questioning why hes recording video of his car, damaged in the accident. This is why nobody likes these Black whores. Look at her. Black whores. Black whores. Get out my face, though,b*tch. Ill whip yo muthaf*ckin a**, he threatens.

I dont like Black b*tches, anyway. Bye, broke b*tch. My car cost more than your house, b*tch. My car cost more than your house, b*tch. You dont know who you talking to. Watch when you find yourself online.

Tommy has since posted a video apologizing for disrespecting Black women, but would you accept his apology if you were a Black woman?

Originally posted here:
Watch: YouTube Personality Tommy Sotomayor Threatens Black ...

Tommy Sotomayor Vs Black Womens Hair | the black minority

Tommy Sotomayor aka Mr. Controversy has made a huge name for himself not only within the black community, but on the YouTube and radio broadcast community as well. Though he is very popular, admitting to be a fan or even saying you feel he has valid points can lead to a heated discussion.

Reason being he is extremely critical of black people, particularly black women, and has lent his opinion on numerous topics such as: light skin vs dark skin, biracial people, feminist ideology, weave, and violence within the black community. Yet his fan base continues to grow. Regardless of the accusations of being anti-black, anti-gay, a coon, self hater and color-struck, he still garners a largely black men and women audience.

The problem is, I feel Sotomayors intent is taken out of context. Sotomayors work is heavily satirical, and the perspective he lends is an outsiders perspective. He is essentially, presenting you with the view of a non-black person. He is telling you what those people think, but wont say to your face.

When being critical of black womens hair (he is strongly against the use of perms and weave, coining the term hair-hat), he is trying to evoke a thought process. While to some, its just hair, while to others, its a deep rooted problem that is kept quiet in the black community. I remember a particular video, where he gave a commentary (on two young white girls making fun of weave and saying that black women were jealous of them), and he made a valid point: you give them that power when you alter you appearance that looks more, European (yes, I am very aware that most weave is from Asia, not Europe). Yes, white women wear weave too. However, majority of white women do not. Outside of Hollywood, very few do. Furthermore, white women wear hair that replicates white hair texture, whereas, most hair extensions marketed to black women does not.

Black women, in order to further black empowerment should embrace their natural hair. Not for the men, not for white acceptance, but for themselves. Its not the weave thats bad, its the notion that you need it. Its the mindset that, black hair is ugly, bad, dirty, unprofessional, and unkempt. Its the fact that a lot of little black girls are not given the option of wearing their natural hair. These are the building blocks of raising confident women. This is the point that I feel Sotomayor is trying to make. That instead of embracing our own beauty we are conforming to what society tells us are beautiful black women, oppose to what us telling them what is beautiful about us.

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Tommy Sotomayor Vs Black Womens Hair | the black minority

Ann Coulter: ‘If Trump doesnt win, its over | TheHill

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter says the GOP will face dire consequences if Donald TrumpDonald TrumpLaw and order prevailing in Cleveland Cruz torpedoes Trump's convention Clinton launches ad using quotes of Trump praising her MOREs presidential bid fails.

If Trump doesnt win, its over, she told The Washington Examiner Wednesday. "Ill be writing cookbooks and mysteries.

Ask how thriving the talk radio industry is or conservative politics in California. People dont keep going to the baseball game when you keep losing season after season.

Coulter said the policies of Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonClinton launches ad using quotes of Trump praising her Convention erupts at Cruz snub Clinton echoes Cruz: 'Vote your conscience' MORE, the presumptive Democratic nominee, would spell disaster for voters should she beat Trump for the White House.

Presidential elections are won by a few million votes.If Hillary wins, were going to be overwhelmed with refugees, with immigrants.Thats it. Its lights out America.

Coulter added she would no longer criticizeTrump for selecting Gov. Mike PenceMike (Michael) Richard PenceCruz torpedoes Trump's convention Convention erupts at Cruz snub Pence makes forceful case for Trump in aftermath of Cruz snub MORE (R-Ind.) as his running mate.

Im not talking about it now that theyve walked down the aisle together. You can only attack during the engagement period.Just keep in mind, Ann warned you.

Coulter said last week that Trumps selection of Pence for his ticket was the real estate tycoons first mistake.

The Republican Party on Tuesday formally nominated Trump for the presidency during its national convention in Cleveland.

Pence has a prime-time address Wednesday night. His speech is intended to unify Republicans around Trumps campaign.

Clinton, meanwhile, is expected to become the Democratic standard-bearer during her partys convention in Philadelphia next week.

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Ann Coulter: 'If Trump doesnt win, its over | TheHill