Internet Solution Source Provides Options to Boost Morale of Stay-at-Home Moms
PHOENIX, AZ--(Marketwire -06/04/12)- A recent MSNBC report analyzes the effects of one Gallup poll that was released a few weeks ago. After surveying 60,000 women, the poll found that unemployed stay-at-home moms were generally more depressed and angrier than employed women. In addition, these stay-at-home mothers claimed they smiled less, learned less interesting things and were struggling with their daily responsibilities. While these figures may prove discouraging to mothers, the MSNBC article encourages at-home women to achieve a sense of accomplishment that is commonly associated with positive emotions. Internet Solution Source is one company that understands the restrictions that may keep a mother from pursuing a job away from home, and offers an alternative for these parents to experience feelings of independence.
In the report, Robi Ludwig, psychotherapist, says many of these feelings stem from isolation. "It's hard to feel accomplished. It's hard to define themselves because they're overloaded with the have-to-dos of the home. It's a job that's never complete," Ludwig adds. The psychotherapist and contributor says that even if a woman cannot take on a full-time job, any kind of work that is not associated with the home can curb negative emotions. "There have been studies that suggest the happiest women are women who have kids and can work part time and have a bit more flexibility over their schedule."
Internet Solution Source joins this conversation by offering a way for women to take on a new professional life, without compromising their responsibilities. The company gives stay-at-home parents, retirees and college students a way to supplement their income through online affiliate marketing. With a small membership fee, members are invited to set up online stores that sell products from several manufacturers. As a result, users obtain a portion of the profit.
According to Internet Solution Source, what may be the greatest part of the program is that it is easy-to-use and easy-to-understand. For the stay-at-home mother that is facing schedule constraints, this can prove a viable option. After simple tutorials that are provided by the company, these women could have their own affiliate stores set up in a relatively short amount of time.
The program does not dictate hours, and users can choose to operate their websites anywhere from an hour a day to full time. Internet Solution Source believes this option is a great choice for mothers who do not have the time or resources to search for a part-time job outside of the home. The company says that the program offers a chance for negatively affected stay-at-home moms to take a quick break, run their own business, and easily return to their parental responsibilities without stress.
Internet Solution Source is a company that makes the affiliate marketing industry accessible to people who are inexperienced in marketing or online commerce. The company provides an opportunity for users to set up a customized online affiliate store through a series of easy-to-follow instructions that are included with membership.
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Internet Solution Source Provides Options to Boost Morale of Stay-at-Home Moms