Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Ace The Social Media Marketing Game With This Expert-Led Training Bundle – Black Enterprise

When was the last time you bought a product because you got enticed (and targeted) by an Instagram ad? Probably yesterdayand youre not the only one.

Whether you would like to admit it or not, its easy to fall trap to social media ads, which just proves that they do work. But of course, the process isnt as simple as opening an account, posting a photo, promoting the post, and calling it a day. Theres so much that goes into content creation and ad optimization, especially now that there the number of businesses competing for the attention of consumers is blowing up in numbers.

If you want to ace the social media marketing game and crush your competition, the Social Media Marketing Build-a-Bundle is packed with actionable insights on how you cangrow your brand online. For a limited time, you cangrab it on sale for only $15.

With courses led by Alex Genadinik, a coach on business, entrepreneurship, SEO, marketing, and Amazon, this package offers courses that can help you build brand power on every major social media platform. You can expect to learn how to run viral social media contests on Facebook, boost your engagement and gain more followers on Twitter, and bolster your lead generation efforts on LinkedIn.

Since TikTok is everyones favorite app as of late, youll learn hacks on TikTok marketing, along with a step-by-step guide on creating effective video ads. Youll also learn how to leverage Facebook groups, gain traffic and sell products on Reddit, and the secrets to viral marketing.

Standing out in todays crowded social landscape may be challenging, but this training package contains all the tools and resources to help you win the game. It formerly retails for $99, but right now, you can grab it on sale forjust $15.

Prices subject to change.

See more here:
Ace The Social Media Marketing Game With This Expert-Led Training Bundle - Black Enterprise

The Pa. Senate 48th District race: Whos the best man for the job? – PennLive

Voters of all stripes who live in three southcentral Pennsylvania counties have the opportunity to cast a ballot in a May 18 special election to decide who will represent them in the state Senate for the next 18 months.

On the ballots in Lebanon County and parts of York and Dauphin counties, voters will see the names of four candidates listed who hope to fill the 48th state Senatorial District seat that became open due to the January death of Sen. Dave Arnold. The winner will serve out the remainder of his term that expires Nov. 30, 2022.

This seat has rested securely in Republican hands for decades and that is an advantage that falls in Republican newcomer Christopher Gebhards favor.

But Dr. Calvin Clements, the Democrat in the race, is optimistic that voters in the district want someone like him working on their behalf in Harrisburg. He touts a science background and more than three decades of business acumen from operating veterinary clinics.

The seat also has attracted the interest of Ed Krebs, an independent who came out of retirement to launch his Bring People Together political movement. Krebs formerly served in the state House of Representatives for 12 years, first as a Democrat and then as a Republican. He believes his legislative experience along with his fiscally conservative but socially moderate views could attract Republican voters who want another option but cant bring themselves to vote for a Democrat.

Tim McMaster, a Libertarian who believes his partys desire to get government out of peoples lives, will carry enough appeal in this race to let his party finally gain a foothold in the Senate.

The interesting twist to this race is it will be decided in a special election that coincides with a primary.

Primary elections typically draw out only registered Republican or Democratic voters to decide their party nominees. But this primary also offers all voters, regardless of party, the chance to weigh in on some controversial proposed constitutional amendments that have been getting plenty of attention.

So that, plus the convenience of mail-in no-excuse voting, could make this race not as cut and dry as some might think.

Their aha moment

Each of the candidates came at their decision to run for this political office in a different way.

For Clements, it was the backlash to the COVID-19 pandemic and Republicans refusal, as he put it, to follow the science.

The 70-year-old retired veterinarian from Lebanon County agrees that Gov. Tom Wolfs mitigation orders were difficult but he said they were difficult to everybody. But without doing it, we would have had a tremendous amount of deaths beyond the more than 26,000 already recorded, he said.

For McMaster, an information technology analyst who operates a farm in York County, it happened when he was collecting signatures to get the Libertarian Party candidates on the 2020 general election ballot.

The 46-year-old overheard the partys presidential candidate Spike Cohen say the party really needed to focus on getting candidates elected to local offices so others could see we are just normal people who want other people to be free and unencumbered by government. He initially decided to run for township supervisor but switched gears when the Senate seat opened up.

For Krebs, it was the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol that roused his desire to return to government to serve only for the 18-month duration of the unexpired term.

The 77-year-old bicycle enthusiast has deep Lebanon County roots and a farming and economics background. He admits he also was influenced by people who like his philosophy of governing from the middle and not wanting the winner to be under control of the countys Republican Party leadership.

Gebhard, who at one point was challenged for the GOP nomination by seven other candidates, said running for a political office was not anything he ever thought he would do. Instead, his family was active in his Lebanon County community in other ways.

Weve always had the belief its the responsibility of everyone to do their small part to make their community a better place, said the 46-year-old owner of an insurance and risk management firm. I felt this was a calling to do that at a greater level.

Primary area of focus

All four identified financial-related issues as the primary area where they would focus their attention if elected.

For Gebhard, it would be looking to improve the states business climate.

We certainly need to look at our business environment and find ways to make it more competitive and make it more attractive so we can recruit and bring in businesses that are going to provide good family-supporting jobs, he said.

For Clements, its paying down the state pension systems unfunded liability and believes its necessary to freeze the defined benefit plan for current employees to bring the pension debt under control. While others maintain that would be unconstitutional, Clements said if its necessary to amend the constitution to make it happen, hes up for that.

For McMaster, its tax reform with an eye toward eliminating the state income tax. He said that revenue could be replaced with money from corporate taxes as a result of all the new businesses and workers that Pennsylvania would draw in being a no-income-tax state.

For Krebs, picking one primary area of focus was tough but among them was balancing a state budget without the smoke-and-mirror tactics of accounting gimmicks, dipping into special funds and ambitious revenue estimates.

I understand the games, he said. They havent passed a real balanced budget basically since I left the Legislature in 2002.

Will you be a full-time legislator?

For Krebs and Clements, the answer is yes, although neither considers serving in the Legislature as a job but rather a short-term public service opportunity.

McMaster raises goats and cows so he said he will still continue farming but would take a leave from his IT job if elected.

Gebhard, on the other hand, does not intend to step away from his business. He said that connection to the community will keep him grounded. Moreover, he said, its going to allow me to not be dependent on the Senate position to support my family. I think thats important because itll allow me to make decisions based on what is right rather than what I need to get re-elected.

What makes them the best qualified?

McMaster, a one-time professional wrestler, said he is not beholden to a party but rather the idea of freedom of the people and getting government out of peoples lives, out of their wallets and out of their bedroom.

I think thats what people really, really want, he said. Its the way our system was intended. The government was there as a necessary evil at best.

Clements cites his maturity, experience in operating a profitable chain of veterinary offices, creating 57 jobs, living within a budget and understanding science.

I can listen to a lot of opinions and can come up with a consensus as opposed to following the left or the right, he said.

Gebhard cites the fact that he isnt a career politician as a selling point to voters.

I think that gives me great independence. Im not beholden to anyone. The only people I answer to are the voters, he said. Im not dependent on this position to support my family and that gives me great independence, independence of thought and independence of action. I think those things are all important.

Krebs pointed to the name of his political movement, Bring People Together. He said in the sharply divided political atmosphere inside the Capitol, that is what needs to happen and hes the guy to do it.

It used to be the center ruled. You had moderates in both parties and they came up with a consensus, he said. Im a moderate who has the experience in Harrisburg and the best one who can do the job in 18 months. Some of the other guys are good but none of them have the experience I do. They need to learn about Harrisburg.

If you are a registered voter who lives in any of the following municipalities, you have the opportunity to vote for one of these candidates: All of Lebanon County; in Dauphin County, Conewago, Londonderry, Swatara and Lower Swatara townships and the boroughs of Highspire, Middletown, Paxtang, Royalton and Steelton; and in York County, Conewago, East Manchester, Newberry and Springettsbury townships and the boroughs of Goldsboro, Lewisberry, Manchester, Mount Wolf, and York Haven.

Jan Murphy may be reached at Follow her on Twitter at @JanMurphy.

The Pa. Senate 48th District race: Whos the best man for the job? - PennLive

Progressives Not Impressed With Biden’s Executive Orders: ‘3rd Obama Term Is Not Good Enough’ – Newsweek

President Joe Biden spent his first week in office signing executive orders and memorandums on priority issues, including climate change, LGBT rights, the economy and health care.

To little surprise, conservatives and allies of former President Donald Trump have not been impressed. U.S. House Minority Whip Steve Scalise called Biden's first week in office "radical," "scary" and "a disaster," and accused the president of only looking out for the "far left."

But progressives, who helped oust Trump and loft Biden into office, also are voicing concernsarguing the president isn't doing enough to meet their demands and could miss a narrow window to make significant change as Americans struggle with the coronavirus pandemic, economic hardships, and the growing threat of natural disasters linked to climate change.

"I'm seeing too much hesitation," Jeff Cohen of RootsAction, a progressive activist group, told Newsweek. "If they don't deliver amid these multiple crises, then Republicans will storm back into power in 2022."

After campaigning for Biden's election, RootsAction pivoted to campaigning for him to adopt more progressive positions through its "No Honeymoon for Biden" effort, with Cohen noting the "narrow window" that Democrats have in control of the House of Representatives, Senate and White House ahead of next year's midterm elections.

Cohen said he already fears a midterm election cycle like 2010 in Obama's first term, when Republicans took control of the House and narrowed the Democrats' majority in the Senate.

"We're looking at history and trying to save Biden from himself," Cohen said.

The White House has repeatedly stressed that Biden's been in office a little over a week and his top priority at the moment is trying to build support around his proposed $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package. The president and key members of his administration have been lobbying lawmakers since before the inauguration.

Biden has signed at least 42 executive actionsthe first flurry coming just hours after he was sworn into office on January 20. Nearly every weekday since then, he's had more.

"We're actually pretty hopeful and optimistic about the opportunity and the ability to work with Democrats and Republicans to get packages through to help bring relief to the American public. But we also recognize that members of Congress have different points of view. They have lots of ideas, they're gonna bring those forward. We're hearing them, and we're just eager to move things forward as quickly as we can," White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters this week. "We're still on a pretty rapid pace here."

Republicans in Congress have seized on Biden's executive actions as divisiveness from a president who pledged unity in his inaugural speech.

"He spent the first week-and-a-half of his presidency carrying out executive orders that are divisive and devastating to millions of families in America," Scalise told Newsweek.

Scalise said that in his home state of Louisiana and elsewhere, the president's executive actions on energy and decision to reenter the Paris climate agreement will cost thousands of jobs.

"In one short week we will have lost over a million jobs, seen our energy security drop and seen global emissions on the path to increasing," Scalise said.

Scalise said he was also bothered by Biden's decision to repeal the Reagan-era Mexico City policy that Trump resigned to bar federal funds from going to organizations that provide abortion services abroad.

"It's an insult to millions of people in America whose religious beliefs are being attacked and the people who don't want taxpayer dollars going to fund abortions," Scalise said.

A president's authority through executive orders, which skirt congressional approval, is finite. Orders can be reversed by future administrations and often are limited in scope.

But progressive activists say they expect more from Biden, who has hung a portrait of progressive folk hero Franklin D. Roosevelt near his desk in the Oval Office.

"(FDR) transformed this country," Cohen said. "Biden's impulse is to reach across the aisle to Republicans and assure them he's not making big changes."

When the president signed an executive order undoing Trump's efforts to dismantle the Obama-era federal Affordable Care Act, he said publicly that his action wasn't doing anything newit was just a return to the Obama plan.

"Who did he feel he was assuring with those comments?" Cohen said. "He was infuriating us."

"A third Obama term is not good enough," Cohen added.

Read more:
Progressives Not Impressed With Biden's Executive Orders: '3rd Obama Term Is Not Good Enough' - Newsweek

Alice in Wonderland Day – A Sparkling Tea Party – Glass of Bubbly

Were all mad here.

Thats right Cheshire Cat, we are all mad here, thats why well be enjoying our bottle of bubbly in a teacup, this Mad Hatter has a treat of an article for you to celebrate Alices Day, a day dedicated to imagination, madness and suit wearing bunny rabbits.

If you so choose to jump down the rabbit hole, we celebrate Alices Day on the 4th of July, the first time the story was told, so lets discover the origin of Alice in Wonderland, then well enjoy a cup of Sparkling Wine. #AliceInWonderlandDay

Why, sometimes Ive believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

The first time a story which resembled the Alice in Wonderland we know today was told was on July 4th 1862 by a man named, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) on the River Thames, he was on a boat trip with his friend Reverend Robinson Duckworth, along with Alice, Lorina and Edith Liddell.

At the time Alice Liddell was only ten years old, and as you may have guessed, Alice Liddell became the inspiration for the name Alice in Wonderland, the Liddell girls enjoyed Charless story so much that they kept asking him to tell it again and again, and to write it down, as he knows we did, I mean, as we did he knows, no, thats not right. as we know he did, what is the hatter with me.

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson wrote multiple versions of his story before publishing, adding new characters each time, its amazing to know the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat were not in his first version, but thankfully, they were added before his book was ready to be published.

No wonder youre late, why this watch is exactly two days slow.

Some other characters that were added were named after Alices sisters and himself, the birds Lory and Eaglet were named after Lorina and Edith and the Dodo bird was named after Charles last name, Dodgson.

Who in the world am I? Ah, thats the great puzzle!

As many authors do, he ended up using a different name when publishing his book, he called himself by what many know him as today, Lewis Carroll, he gave one of his books to Alice as an early Christmas present in 1864, before it was even published, the next year in 1865 he self-published his book, little did he know, it would become one of the most popular childrens books ever written, made into films, sold as merchandise, videos games and now even playable in virtual reality, it is a story that has the possibility of living on forever.

Its no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.

A couple of interesting Facts to digest mmmmm

It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!

This is a marvelous bottle of Sparkling Wine which has a lovely bright and welcoming label, covered in flowers, a perfect addition to any Mad Hatters Tea Party.

Motzenbcker has a history dating back to 1758, currently, 4 generations of the Menger-Krug family are helping in creating Motzenbckers Still Wines & Sparkling Wines.

All the grapes used in a bottle of Motzenbcker are grown on their land and they even have vines going on 40 years old.

Another interesting piece of information to take note of is that on the first full moon Motzenbcker lumber wood to create their large moon oak barrels which contain their very best wines, with only their Chardonnay and Riesling grapes gaining entry, they are allowed to ripen in these barrels for 11 months.

Motzenbcker Marie Brut Tasting Notes

Aroma Honey on toast and cooked pear on the aroma.

Flavours Hint of honey, green and red apple flavours with green apple skins and pashion fruit.

This German Sparkling Wine won a Bronze Medal in the Zesty & Zingy Category at The Worlds Finest Glass of Bubbly Awards 2019.

Off with their heads!

Oh No! It seems our little tea party has come to an end, till next time dear friends, that is if you dont lose your head.

Image Credits:Image 1 Image 2.

Read the original here:
Alice in Wonderland Day - A Sparkling Tea Party - Glass of Bubbly

India, Brazil, and Israel Among the Countries in Danger of Losing Their Democracy – Foreign Policy

In March, Hungary became the first democracy to succumb to the coronavirus. With stunning speed, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban jammed through an emergency decree that gave him extraordinary powers for an indefinite period of time and put in place draconian restrictions on political freedoms. Experts immediately began debating which democracy would be the next to fall from an autocratic power grab.

Yet while other democracies face increasing political turmoil, none has experienced a similar seizure of power. There have been plenty of instances of democratic slippage during the pandemic, including unexpected signs of leadership weakness, populist consolidation of power, political transition uncertainties, and violent crackdowns undermining state legitimacy. If the democracies experiencing these problems cant reverse course, the political consequences will be severe.

Pandemic-fueled leadership wobbles are widespread but especially serious in Brazil, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Brazil is by far the most likely to see its leader replaced due to his failed response to the pandemic. Rather than following the Hungarian governments example of exploiting the crisis for political gain, President Jair Bolsonaro has hemorrhaged public support through an erratic and inconsistent response. He has labeled the virus a hoax, suggested unproven self-medication remedies, and rejected any national social distancing measures. Deaths from the virus have grown steeply, and researchers from Imperial College London assess that Brazils rate of transmission is now the highest in the world. As a result, Bolsonaros approval rating has plummeted. (Of course, one could argue the departure of an erratic leader like Bolsonaro would be a gain for Brazils democracy, showing that democratic disruption isnt always a bad thing.)

While Indonesian President Joko Jokowi Widodo and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte have not flailed nearly as much as Bolsonaro, both have displayed unexpected deficiencies in leadership, raising questions about their continued rule. In Indonesia, Jokowi also neglected to provide clear social distancing guidelines and even peddled an unproven herbal remedy to ward off the virus. Partly as a result, Indonesia is second only to China in the number of coronavirus-related deaths in Asia. There are murmurings that Jokowis inconsistent response has opened the door for the military to reemerge into a larger political role. In the Philippines, Duterte has followed his typical playbook of adopting strongman tactics to confront political challenges. He authorized shoot to kill orders for quarantine violators and has reportedly rounded up over 17,000 individuals for curfew-related infractions. Popular frustration with his leadership has boiled over on social media with #OustDuterteNow trending globally with almost 500,000 tweets.

While these democratically elected leaders are now losing support through gross mismanagement of the pandemic, others are managing to consolidate their power in questionably democratic fashion. India, Israel, Poland, and Sri Lanka are apt examples. In India, Prime Minister Narendra Modis government has encouraged and in some cases directly contributed to coronavirus disinformation targeting Muslims, Dalits, and other political minorities. In Sri Lanka, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa won a recent and divisive election last November, rallying Sri Lankas Sinhala ethnic majority. As the sociologist Ahilan Kadirgamar writes, the pandemic has allowed the government to reinforce its push to mobilize majoritarian social forces, consolidate power, and forestall an economic crisis. It has adopted a militarized response to the pandemic and initiated widespread anti-Muslim scapegoating. Rajapaksa is no stranger to exploiting identity politics for political gainhe honed many of these tactics when he served as defense secretary in the final phases of Sri Lankas brutal civil war.

Israel and Poland, meanwhile, are stronger democracies and present a lower possibility of political upheaval. Yet both countries demonstrate worrying signs of populist excesses. In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leveraged the coronavirus crisis to the hilt, using a mixture of alarmism, populist rhetoric, and self-promotion to snatch a political power-sharing deal out of thin air and remain head of state. Polands ruling Law and Justice party is forging ahead with presidential elections on May 10, despite a national quarantine that essentially prevents opposition members from campaigning. At the same time, the government is pushing changes to the judiciary in order to establish a chamber of extraordinary control to certify the elections.

Other democraciesincluding Bolivia and Lebanonnow face political transitions that have been disrupted by the pandemic. In Bolivia, the caretaker government led by Jeanine ez had committed to holding elections in May 2020 to choose a successor to longtime leader Evo Morales. In the intervening months, she initiated a wave of political persecutions and dismantled key parts of the countrys socialist safety netactions far beyond the mandate of a caretaker government. The coronavirus has brought an indefinite electoral delay, allowing ez to continue pursuing her exclusionary political agenda. Lebanon, for its part, had been rocked by economic protests since October. The pandemic resulted in an uneasy calm as a national lockdown kept citizens at home, but on April 26, coinciding with the easing of coronavirus restrictions, protests started anew. Demonstrators were particularly incensed by surging food prices created by Lebanons tanking currency. Thus far, the government has been unable to obtain a parliamentary quorum needed to pass a big spending bill to alleviate the food crisis. What happens next is uncertain. As Human Rights Watchs Aya Majzoub observes: The governments uncoordinated and inadequate response to the pandemic has further eroded public trust in its ability to help people weather this pandemic and pull Lebanon out of its worst economic crisis in decades.

Sign up for Foreign Policys latest pop-up newsletter, While You Werent Looking, for a weekly update on the world beyond the coronavirus pandemic. Delivered Friday.

The final and perhaps most dangerous type of democratic disruption amid the pandemic is the violence undertaken by overzealous security forces to maintain quarantine restrictions. In both Nigeria and Kenya, police forces have killed tens of people to enforce strict curfews. In Kenya, at least 12 people have been shot dead by the police, making its quarantine one of the deadliest in the world, as the Washington Post reports. The killings have been accompanied by other forms of police brutality, including use of live ammunition to disperse crowds, widespread beatings, harassment of journalists, and even the tear-gassing of commuters rushing to make curfew. Kenya is rivaled only by Nigeria when it comes to police-initiated fatalities related to its coronavirus lockdown. In April, Nigeria had the dubious distinction of having had more people killed by its security forces enforcing its quarantine (at least 18 individuals) than recorded coronavirus deaths (12) at the time. Both countries suffer from persistent democratic weakness and regular state violence. It is not immediately clear that their heavy-handed responses will lead to political disruption. But if fatalities continue to rise under the lockdowns, then the prospect for political instability commensurately increases as well. While the Philippines hasnt recorded nearly as many security-related deaths as Kenya or Nigeria, its massive quarantine arrest figure, along with the governments alarming human rights record (groups estimate that Dutertes war on drugs campaign has claimed over 20,000 lives), is foreboding.

How best to counter democratic backsliding in this array of countries? Each situation carries its own particular challenges.

The first set of countries, displaying unexpected leadership weakness (Brazil, Indonesia, and the Philippines), run the risk of sudden political transition initiated by a military coup. Policymakers in the United States and elsewhere hoping to forestall such moves must be direct in their messaging: Coups will not be tolerated and will bring considerable political and economic consequences. A similar message must be offered if embattled leaders (particularly relevant in Brazil and the Philippines) choose to double down on violent repression to preempt political challengers.

The concern for the second group of countries (India, Sri Lanka, Israel, and Poland) is longer-term patterns of democratic decay. While the immediate risks for political volatility are minimal, there is potential for significant future damage. The optimal strategy would be for U.S. policymakers and their allies to identify specific democracy guardrails that should be respected and to make it clear that tough measures will be taken, such as implementing targeted sanctions, if their leaders continue to dismantle their democratic structures.

For the third set of countriesBolivia and Lebanon, whose political transitions have been jeopardizedpolicymakers have more options. In Bolivia, the conspicuous silence of the Trump administration in the face of increasingly egregious political behavior by ez should end. Public support for a transparent and accountable pathway to credible elections might make ez think twice about continuing to double down on illiberal actions. In Lebanon, the biggest short-term risk is a major food crisis that threatens millions of Lebanese with hunger. The international community should work with government authorities to address the immediate humanitarian problem. While resources are scarce, the world can ill afford an escalating emergency in Lebanon that would further destabilize the region. Hopefully, this would provide space for a serious political dialogue to address protesters broader concerns.

Finally, for the fourth group of countries experiencing heightened levels of police violence, namely Nigeria and Kenya, policymakers should be very clear about their disproval. Like-minded democracies might consider running a resolution through the U.N. Human Rights Council that publicly names and shames this behavior. The United States and other nations have pushed Nigerian and Kenyan authorities in the past to carry out reforms and develop proper accountability for security forces. It may be time to reinforce these admonishments with real sticks, such as withholding assistance or sanctioning culpable individuals.

The coronavirus is proving to be a significant test case for democracies worldwide. But the negative implications do not fit neatly into a single basket of political overreach la Hungary. Other democracies are experiencing more complicated disruptions, requiring differentiated and nuanced response strategies. If democratic backsliding intensifies, then we can add another casualty to the terrible toll already inflicted by the coronavirus: the demise of democracies that were too fragile to withstand the authoritarian inclinations of their leaders.

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India, Brazil, and Israel Among the Countries in Danger of Losing Their Democracy - Foreign Policy