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Tommy Sotomayor Reveals His True Colours … – Renegade Tribune

Im kind of hoping that more black dudes do this [murder white people]

In the aftermath of the tragic shooting of Alison Parker and Adam Ward by the 41-year-old gay black man Vester Lee Flanagan, Tommy Sotomayor uploaded two videos which graphically illustrated his utter contempt and hatred towards white people.

To put matters in their proper context, however, it is important to realize that Sotomayor had received racially-abusive comments from white people in his comments section. But as we will see, this in turn was provoked by Sotomayor himself when he made a number of statements that should enrage every single aware white person.

This whole scenario began with the recent interview Sotomayor did with David Duke. During the discussion, Sotomayor stated to Dr. Duke that if African Americans were to assist in the overthrow of Jewish power in America, whites would merely remain staying over them. This then prompted a backlash from whites, some of whom used racially abusive launguage.

The following day, Sotomayor uploaded a YouTube video where he spoke about the Virginia TV Shooting committed by Vester Flanagan. He stated how he had seen many comments left by white people across social media sites referring to Flanagan as a nigger and a monkey, and that whites feel this is yet another tiring, wearisome example of brutal black-on-white violence.

Sotomayor then tried to turn this around on white people, citing Dylan Roof as well as whites whose grievances have led to workplace shootings (ie. going postal). Hell, you guys [white people] are the very definition of going postal! Sotomayor exclaimed.

And Tommys got a fairly valid point when you think about it really, because no black person would ever go on a killing spree or anything of that nature. Violence just isnt their style. Oh, wait a minute, I think there might have been one or two occasions. Oh, yes, I remember now. Its all coming back. Heres a short list of some mass-murdering Dindu Nuffins:

So what was it that Tommy said again? Oh, yes, thats right:

Hell, you guys [white people] are the very definition of going postal!

Hmmm . . . okay, lets actually put this claim to the test by doing a little bit of research into it. You brothers and sisters out there should all know what I mean by the word research, right? Research is somewhat along the lines of, oh, I dont know . . . facts, evidence, data, and things of that nature. Research is a pretty useful thing to engage in sometimes, because it allows you to separate complete bullshit from reality, which is exactly what Im about to do right now.

Okay folks, its time to crunch some numbers. To aid us with our calculations, however, we first need to make a couple of assumptions and explain a couple of things:

Workplace killings:

Time period: 1928 present day Total number of killers = 20 White killers = 13 Non-white killers = 7 (including Vester Flanagan & David Burke)

Conclusion: Per capita in the USA (since 1928), mass shootings in the workplace carried out by non-whites have occurred at a rate 1.4 x higher than thosecommitted by whites

Killings involving soldiers:

Time period: 1946 present day Totalnumber of killers = 4 White killers = 2 Non-white killers = 2

Conclusion: As you can see, we have a dead heat in this category

Sorry to pop your little bubble of delusion with some actual facts there Tommy.

Anyway, what else did Tommy have to say? Lets have a read:

This man [Flanagan] is quite mixed [racially]. Mixed with the white blood that allows people to go off and kill people. So lets calm that down on this black folks doing this to white people, because it rarely if ever happens. So lets calm that down about the ferocity of blacks. No ones more vicious than you. Remember, we [black people] are here and we are taught to be that vicious by you!

Tommy, Tommy, Tommy . . . calm down. Of course we all know that black folks doing this to white people [ie. killing them] . . . rarely if ever happens. And were only too aware that violent black people graduate with their PhDs in brutality and savagery from the University of the Evil White Man. This is painfully obvious from the following statistics:

The international rates of violent crimes per 100,000 people: 35 for Asian countries 42 for European countries 149 for African countries

So as you can see folks, the disparity in violent crimes between Europeans and Africans isnt much at all. Africans only commit violent crimes at a rate 4.3 x higher than that of Europeans, so that fits in perfectly with Tommys little theory about how white blood is the root cause of all violence and evil.

And to think, all of this time Ive just been in my own little fantasy world believing that maybe the brutal, murderous behaviour of those blacks who choose to be violent thugs in America might have had something to do with the actual thugs themselves. How stupid I was to believe that!

Anyway, back to Tommys thoughts on this recent shooting. He went on to say that according to the station manager at Flanagans former workplace, Flanagan was hard to work with, very difficult to get along with, and always looking for grievances. Tommy instantly dismissed the latter claim as being a flat out lie, however, since its not possible to look for grievances, and therefore Flanagan must have indeed been the target of racism and homophobia.

And this is a perfectly rational thing for Tommy to believe. I mean, after all, no one would ever exaggerate or lie about something would they?

The problem here is that Tommy has failed yet again to do some simple fact-checking before opening his mouth.

It turns out that Flanagan was actually what criminal profilers refer to as the classic textbook injustice collector. These are people who constantly perceive that all of their failings in life are the fault of others. He exhibited all the classic behaviors, the pathway behaviors, which is all the preparation he went though to do this, said John Miller, who is New York Citys Deputy Police Commissioner for Intelligence and Counterterrorism.

Two days before the shooting, Flanagan sent a 23-page fax to the network, listing every single one of his grievances, no matter how trivial. John Miller went on to say This final act of leaving behind these long treatises about what everybody did and listing every tiny slight, that is the classic injustice collector.

You didnt know this about Flanagan before you opened your mouth, did you Tommy?

Anyway, heres more little gems from Tommy:

I understand that you [white people] are a user group of people. You dont care about anybody. You just care about yourself.

Stop messing with people, all of us.

Messing with people? Exactly in what way are whites messing with people? What Sotomayor is actually referring to here is the increasing incidence of people within the workplace trying to get others into trouble, or fired, or whatever. So apparently whites are also running around doing this to all of the poor downtrodden minorities. Oh yes, I forgot, we constantly oppress and hold everybody down. My bad.

And heres the kicker folks. This is what Tommy went on to say next:

I dont have a problem with what he [the killer] did now.. Im kind of hoping that more black dudes do this.

Apparently hes now going to block any viewers he suspects are white for at least the next week. His parting words on this video were in text and read as follows:

White people seem to not get it do you??? You dont pay me so you dont own me . . . I am you (sic) inbreds worst knightmare (sic). . . a Negro with a mind and the ability to get others to listen . . . I hate you more than the niggaz I talk about because the niggaz I talk about wouldnt even be here if you had not bought em here . . I will be doing way more white news just to piss you bastards off!!!

This man, who likes to take pride in his level of intelligence, has proven himself to be a far more foul, despicable human being than any of the white people he denounced for leaving racially-abusive comments. He is our enemy.


Wikipedia List of rampage killers (workplace killings):

Murderpedia The Encyclopedia of Murderers:

Workplace homicides by selected characteristics, 2011-2013:

How common are African-American mass shooters?

DA explains lack of ethnic intimidation charges against Walmart shooter:

Here are the two offending videos:

Excerpt from:
Tommy Sotomayor Reveals His True Colours ... - Renegade Tribune

Youtube to BAN tommy sotomayor’s hate speech RIGHT NOW


SINCE 2012 , THERE IS A MAN WHO'S GOVERNMENT NAME IS CALLED THOMAS JEROME HARRIS , who makes racist remarks at black women , children and men . He stalks some black women on facebook , twitter etc. and MAKES YOUTUBE VIDEOS generalizing a whole race of women negatively and says someone should EXTERMINATE black women .* FOR example he NITPICKS any daily news story ONLY involving black people or mixed people , and uses it to create a false discrimination against black people .

He nitpicks videos of black women on WORLDSTARHIPHOP (which is an ignorant website ) , of black women fighting , and uses these videos to give his worthless opinions and stereotypes black women as "beasties " to the DEMOGRAPHIC of women . * HE likes to call black women "bt 1000 " describing black women as a "termanatrix" meaning black women like to use violence and never stop "dying ".

This is important because THOMAS JEROME HARRIS AKA tommy sotomayor targets a certain race of women (black women and black people ) and generalizes them to CREATE violence and hatred towards them offline and ONLINE . He also targetsGAYS , MIXED PEOPLE and little children . Several times he has said "whites should shoot black people " ," white people to shoot unarmed black kids " &" black men should shoot black women " (PROOF : THE VIDEO ABOVE ). He has reported black women are "BASTARD baby makers" and he also has made videos where he was GLAD that a black child gotten ran over a car. TOMMY has made shirts imprinted " there should be MORE george zimmermans and darren wilson's in the black community " telling more whites to SHOOT black men .* He has been seen wearing " please don't taze me bro " symbolizing and GLAMORIZING police brutality against PEOPLE OF COLOR.* Tommy also GLAMORIZES domestic violence , he tells men to BEAT women . In which Tommy has been arrested for domestic violence once in the past.

IN 2013 , tommy was supposed to make a documentary about fathers being in their child's life , and the DOCUMENTARY WAS NEVER MADE ...! HE HAS reportedly took 3, 000$ from his fanbase and never gave them a documentary in 2 years due late...

This man reportedlyHas 40 + youtube channels , which all discriminate black women , children , gays, men and daily harrasses black people , random people on social media . I think tommy sotomayor is BEING funded BY supremacists . He has been saying he has been aided by RUSH limbaugh who has been racist and sexist . * Instead tommy sotomayor has a HITLER- twist in his hate speeches , telling people to KILL AND BE violent towards women and blacks.

YOUTUBE has gotten worse when his"FANS" has influenced his ILL AND mentally sick hate speech , and made videos all over youtube telling black men to hate black women .THIS makes a website

an HAZARDOUS PLACE CAUSING hatred and violence , because of this waste of sperm creating stereotypes and generalizations ."

-The website has been promotinghis videos , even when you don't even watch videos relating to RACE .

HE targets people because he has low - self esteem and been arrested more than once . He is creating THOUGHTS OF GENOCIDE and violence towards our new generation of boys telling them to hate black women and women in general with SEXIST VIEWS AND REMARKS . I think tommy sotomayor rehearses hate speeches written for him , from a racist .


Read the rest here:
Youtube to BAN tommy sotomayor's hate speech RIGHT NOW

Tommy Sotomayor – Encyclopedia Dramatica

From Encyclopedia Dramatica

Tommy Sotomayor (Thomas Jerome Harris) is a YouTube personality, documentarian and successful fundraiser. He is not your average YouTube ranter; he is a black gentleman who contrary to his dark skin and boisterous nature hates niggas, with a keen and focus eye towards black women.

According to the Book of Sotomayor, "black women are a bunch of evil, child abusing, lazy, aggressive cunts who are too obsessed with their hair." While the layman would concluded that Tommy himself seems to be pretty much obsessed with hair their hair too, as evidenced by the youtube search results for Tommy Sotomayor and Hair. This would be erroneous and duplicitous, just like black women.

Some argue that the Tommy we know and love, was shaped through his broken and empty childhood where he was raised by a whore of a mother and imaginary father. He was furthered damaged by the greedy hands of his ex-wife and a couple of encounters with nasty black pussy. This would be grossly inaccurate as it implies there is good black pussy. Still others think he is a Klansman born in the wrong body. The more likely of scenario is that one too many rejections carved into the fragile bones of the True Black Jesus, thus leaving him thoroughly embittered towards blacks in general.

Previous Video|Next Video

Like rape in an elevator, Tommy is right on so many levels, and watching him is entertaining as hell.

Around 2013, Tommy announced he was filming a documentary called A Fatherless America about all the children with deadbeat dads. He started an Indigogo account and raised more than $38,000. He announced he would be filming in January 2014, then pushed it back to March 2014. Then May 2014. After months went by, people began accusing him of spending all da money. Tommy during this time was traveling around the country, attending NBA games, and fell in love with a Russian lady name Svetlana, who apparently, is a whore and porn star.

In March 2015 and started a SECOND second Indiegogo fundraiser to "promote" A Fatherless America and netted more than $65,000. Ka-ching.

Previous Video|Next Video

As of the spring of 2016, A Fatherless America is still not playing on a screen near you.

In March 2016, Tommy false-DMCA'd a video using his own video footage on it from the user TheAmazingAtheist. He argues that it doesn't lie under fair use, but any rational person would understand that Tommy does the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING ON HIS CHANNEL, with news coverage and other footage. He even acts like a social justice warrior himself, blocking comments and disabling ratings to anyone who disagrees with him.

Previous Video|Next Video

Later, he sets up ANOTHER crowdfunding page. He wants $100,000 on GoFundMe to "stop liberalism", in response to the "white liberals" that attacked him. If your dumbass wants to be scammed, just click here.

Continued here:
Tommy Sotomayor - Encyclopedia Dramatica

Ann Coulter Articles – Breitbart

Ann Coulter, author of Adios, America said that presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump is the heart and soul of the party and theres no point in meeting with Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and these generals without armies on Tuesdays edition

by Breitbart TV10 May 2016, 9:59 PM PDT0

HBOs Real Time host Bill Maher argued that the nomination of Donald Trump as the GOPs presidential candidate shows the Republican Party has gotten over their obsession with social wedge issues on Friday. Maher said, I think the Republican Party

by Ian Hanchett6 May 2016, 9:21 PM PDT0

Columnist and author of Adios, America, Ann Coulter declared House Speaker Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) the next Eric Cantor on Fridays broadcast of HBOs Real Time. Coulter said of Ryan, He is so hated by the base. Hes the

by Ian Hanchett6 May 2016, 8:33 PM PDT0

Columnist and author of Adios, America, Ann Coulter said that the sore losers in the Republican Party over Donald Trump clinching the nomination know how I feel when [Sen. John] McCain (R-AZ) was running but that I wasnt as much

by Ian Hanchett6 May 2016, 8:32 PM PDT0

Back on June 19, 2015, conservative columnist Ann Coulter nearly a year before Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump emerged as the partys likely presumptive nominee, said that Trump (of all the declared candidates at the time) had the best shot

by Jeff Poor4 May 2016, 8:37 PM PDT0

A guy just won the Republican nomination for president by spending no money, hiring no pollsters, running virtually no TV ads, and just saying what he truly believed no matter how many times people told him he couldnt say that.

by Ann Coulter4 May 2016, 12:08 PM PDT0

Apparently, John Kasich and Ted Cruz are at their most appealing when no one is paying attention to them, which, conveniently, is most of the time.

by Ann Coulter27 Apr 2016, 1:58 PM PDT0

So that you wont be fooled by MSNBCs Rachel Maddow claiming Second Amendment supporters were celebrating the Oklahoma City bombing this week as she has on April 19 in years past Tuesday was the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord, a date all Americans used to know.

by Ann Coulter20 Apr 2016, 3:51 PM PDT0

Ann Coulter writes that Sen. Ted Cruz is like Reese Witherspoons Election character Tracy Flick: He believes he deserves to win, God chose him to win and if he starts to lose, well, then hell cheat. Victory goes to the pushy.

by Ann Coulter13 Apr 2016, 3:29 PM PDT0

Congratulations to Ted Cruz for winning his fourth primary! Usually Donald Trump wins the primaries where you go and vote, like in a real election. Cruz wins the caucuses run by the state parties, favored by political operators and cheaters.

by Ann Coulter6 Apr 2016, 2:30 PM PDT0

The only question for Republicans is: Which candidate can win states that Mitt Romney lost? Start with the fact that, before any vote is cast on Election Day, the Democrats have already won between 90 and 98 percent of the

by Ann Coulter30 Mar 2016, 3:18 PM PDT0

Two of Donald Trumps most vocal supporters go head-to-head on the GOP frontrunners crass tweets.

by Allum Bokhari28 Mar 2016, 2:33 PM PDT0

The South Carolina senate passed a bill which would make refugee sponsors liable for damages caused by crimes or terrorism committed by the refugees they sponsored. The vote came just one day after terrorists attacked the airport in Brussels, murdering 38 people, including 4 Americans.

by Lana Shadwick28 Mar 2016, 11:07 AM PDT0

Its as if the government were dumping rats in our houses, and then, whenever someone died of the plague, those same government officials issued heartfelt condolences, Twitter lit up with sympathetic hashtags and the Times editorialized about effective rodent control, but no one ever bothered to say, Hey! Maybe the government should stop putting rats in our houses!

by Ann Coulter23 Mar 2016, 2:02 PM PDT0

Conservative movement professionals in Washington, D.C. are plotting to form a blacklist of Donald Trump supporters that they can kick out of the movement, never to return.

by Patrick Howley18 Mar 2016, 9:08 AM PDT0

To the extent its still standing after yesterday, the Stop Trump movement is comforting itself with the worlds biggest lie: that John Kasich is the embodiment of the Republican Party, while Donald Trump is the bastard stepchild.

by Ann Coulter16 Mar 2016, 1:23 PM PDT0

Ann Coulter called Ted Cruz and Fox News traitors for blaming Donald Trump for dangerous protesters shutting down a Friday-night rally in Chicago, blistering Trumps primary rival on Twitter.

by Breitbart News13 Mar 2016, 12:32 PM PDT0

Ann Coulter takes on the latest hysteria gripping the media: Donald Trump is literally Hitler!

by Ann Coulter9 Mar 2016, 12:28 PM PDT0

If the Republican Party wasnt just doing damage-control at the national level this week, a number of local elections also threw-up terrifying results. Just look at Texas, cracked John Oliver on Last Week Tonight. Oliver then pinpoints to the vulgar, newly-elected Travis County, Texas, GOP chair who calls himself Donald Trump on Steroids.

by Lana Shadwick7 Mar 2016, 6:11 PM PDT0

Do they have TV sets at CNN? An Internet connection? I dont work at a television network, but I saw Trump disavow David Duke a half-dozen times before Jake Tapper asked him to disavow Duke again last Sunday.

by Ann Coulter2 Mar 2016, 12:08 PM PDT0

The cluelessness of the GOP pundit class is infuriating, but may ultimately be our salvation. Nothing they say about anything is ever right, even accidentally.

by Ann Coulter24 Feb 2016, 1:50 PM PDT0

On Friday, the day before the South Carolina primary, Ann Coulter responded fiercely to answers Marco Rubio gave about racism when questioned at a CNN townhall only days before. Coulter accused Rubio of running an anti-white campaign.

by William Bigelow21 Feb 2016, 4:37 PM PDT0

In a CNN townhall, Marco Rubio may have raised eyebrows by siding with the common progressive claim that systemic racism in Americas police departments is victimizing black Americans.

by Julia Hahn18 Feb 2016, 1:51 PM PDT0

Ann Coulter is blasting weak Republican governors who claim they have no power to resist the settlement of refugees in their states.

by Michael Patrick Leahy18 Feb 2016, 1:08 PM PDT0

Donald Trumps latest bombshell, claiming the Bush administration lied about weapons of mass destruction to get us into the Iraq War, is just him doing wheelies on the way to the nomination. Hes apparently decided it would be fun to taunt the entire GOP by demonstrating that he can say anything and his voters wont care.

by Ann Coulter17 Feb 2016, 3:27 PM PDT0

Tuesday on MSNBCs Hardball, conservative commentator Ann Coulter said that although she disagreed with Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trumps suggestion former President George W. Bush may have misled the American people to invade Iraq, his broader point about avoiding foreign

by Jeff Poor16 Feb 2016, 7:27 PM PDT0

As debate over the nomination to replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia heats up, Republicans in D.C. are looking over their shoulder at businessman Donald J. Trump, who has said they should delay, delay, delay.

by Joel B. Pollak16 Feb 2016, 7:03 AM PDT0

Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter appeared on Brietbart News Sunday with host Alex Marlow this weekend regaling the audience with her take on the shocking death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the Constitution and our democracy, Donald Trump, Hillarys Clintons decades of scandals, and Bernie Sanders wacko supporters.

by Warner Todd Huston15 Feb 2016, 2:17 PM PDT0

Pundit, author, Constitutional law expert, and former appellate court clerk Ann Coulter joined host Stephen K. Bannon on a Breitbart News Radio special Saturday night to discuss the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

by John Hayward13 Feb 2016, 7:24 PM PDT0

There were a lot of long faces at Fox News Tuesday night, but theres a silver lining for Marco Rubio. Now he can go be a bartender like his dad! (Have you heard him tell the story about his father being a bartender? Rubio was his pops best customer after the debate.)

by Ann Coulter10 Feb 2016, 12:50 PM PDT0

Read the original:
Ann Coulter Articles - Breitbart

The Relationship Show – Tommy Explores His Failures In Love & Yours

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The Relationship Show - Tommy Explores His Failures In Love & Yours