Letter: Tax Day Freedom Rally
To the editor:
In reading the article about the tax day Freedom rally, comments are required.
First, thank you Bears Ears Tea Party Patriots for caring. I was out of town and unable to attend, so again thank you.
I will try and put this into perspective for people: those who attended are paying attention to the crisis in this country, and those who did not need help with the numbers.
Approximately 55 people, less than half of 1 percent of the population of Moffat County are addressing issues that affect 100 percent of you.
I have raised the subject before that apathy is not an option. One only need look at the disaster created by people unwilling to go the extra mile, and now instead of a large problem, we have a major crisis.
Some more numbers to consider: conservatives and moderates outnumber liberals by approximately 3 to 1, so why are we getting liberalism shoved down our throats?
One reason is apathy, and another is people are too lazy to get off their backsides and do something about it. We have a president and a Democrat-controlled Senate that is doing everything in their power to destroy this great country, a president who has spent his entire first term running for his second term and ignoring the plight of this country.
The message from our leader is we need more government help to get by, therefore we must raise taxes on those nasty rich people.
More numbers: first we could tax these rich people at 100 percent, i.e., take all of their money, and it would not even pay for 1 year of government spending, and the rich would be broke and unable to provide jobs to anyone else.