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The Uncomfortable Truth Behind Iraq’s Violent Protests –

Recent protestsin Iraq have demanded an end to rampant state corruption, the removal of foreign influences from Iraqi politics and the proper provision of public services.

State-Society Relations in Iraq

The causes of these demands are partially shaped by the myriad militia groups that began to emerge at the end of the Baathist era in 2003. They took on greater prominence in response to the threatof ISIS to Iraqs Shia. The most significant of these groups, operating under the Shia dominated umbrella of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF, or Hashd al-Shaabi), utilize patronage links with Baghdad to support illicit economic activity that deprives the majority of Iraqis wealth. Iraqs state-society relations, therefore, entails that political elites in Baghdad maintainrelationships with state-sanctioned armed groups to buttress the power of the central state and resist inclusive government or wide-spread economic prosperity.

Extortive economic practices

One way in which PMF have spread their influence across the country is by managing and taxing smuggling networks.These networks formed in the late 1990s as Saddam Husseins Baathist regime sought tocircumvent the comprehensive sanctionsregime imposed by the United Nations Security Council and generate revenue from crude oil. In the decade after the 2003 invasion, many of the Baathist officials that had smuggled oil for Saddam joined ISIS and operated along the same routes, reportedly generating$1 million per dayat its peak. As early as2007, Shia militias were also reported to have taken over some of the old Baathist routes and they now maintain significant smuggling routes to and fromIran,Syria, and Turkey. Basra, Iraqs leading oil-producing province, which has been central to the protest movement that began in 2018 is reportedly run by mafiaswho operate arentier economythat fails to translate the density of resources in the area, into widespread economic gains.

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Checkpoints also generate income along the traditional smuggling routes run by a mixture of PMF brigades (such as the powerful Kataib Hezbollah, the Badr Organization, Asaib Ahl al-Haq and Saraya al-Salam). It is further supported by federal police, Iraqi Security Forces, and Sunni tribal militias. Taxing the route from oil-rich Basra to the Jordanian borderis a vital source of income that operates with the implicit support of the state.

Asaib Ahl al-Haq, for example, reportedlygenerates $300,000 per daythrough checkpoint fees across Diyala Province.The political economy of Iraq is therefore structured such that state officials in Baghdad benefit from the extractive economic practices carried out by armed, non-state groups who in return gain via patronage links to the central state. For example, the influential PMF, the Badr Organisation, is the military wing of the Fatah party which holds48 seats in the Iraqi Parliament.

As a result, the PMF candraw $2.17 billionfrom the federal budget (reportedlytwice the amountavailable to Kurdish Peshmerga forces), to employ 128,000 personnel. Consequentlysimilarities between Lebanese Hezbollahand the Iraqi militias are be constructed. Despite former Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdiissuing a decree in July, which ordered the PMF to vacate their headquarters and formally integrate into the states security forces, they have continued to entrench their influence over the state and the rest of the country.

The nexus between these non-state actors, the central government and activities such as smuggling and extortion is therefore central to the political economy of contemporary Iraq. Irans alignment compounds the problem with the powerful militia groups.

Irans role

Despite the decentralized and diverse nature of the PMF, the most significant groups profess an ideology of Islamic Revolutionism. This is in line with Irans Qud forces which is the foreign arm of the powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The head of the Popular Mobilization Committee and Kataib Hezbollah,Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, previously served with the IRGC against Baathist Iraq. The Badr organization, which was created as a formation of theIRGC during the Iran-Iraq Warhas a long history of allegiance to Tehran. Furthermore, newer, emerging groups are thought to have evencloser links to the IRGCthan Badr, suggesting a significant Iranian role in the activities of the PMF.

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In April, the IRGC and the Quds Force were designated as aterrorist entity by President Trump. Kataib Hezbollah, which was a prominent anti-US militia, has held the status since 2009. The designation, which forms part of President Trumps maximum pressure campaign against Iran, may have paradoxically harmed US strategic interests in Iraq. Broadly stated these are to leaveIraq internally stable and free of foreign(read, Iranian) interference. However, with the economic sanctions that come with being designated a terrorist organization by the US, the PMFs commercial interests have become more closely aligned with Tehran and the IRGCs. Unable to access global markets, there is more incentive to maintain the so-called rentier economy.


The system based on patronage links between the state and militias with external connections, which incentives an extortive economy of embedded violence has generated many of the grievances that are driving the current protest movement. This also partially explains why thePMF has been instrumentalin repressing these brutal protests over300 people have diedand 15,000 have been injured. Consequently, the structure of Iraqi governance which generates the incentives for militias to maintain extortive economic practices needs to be addressedbeforethe demands of the protestors can be met.

However, the extent to which these networked links have embedded themselves into Iraqi society implies that the problem of corruption and foreign interference will not be solved by simply replacing the current political elites but will require a bottom-up reconfiguration of much of the economy.

By Jonathan Burden via Global Risk Insights

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Kyrgyzstan Censored a Feminist Art Show at the National Museum of Fine Arts. Now Its Director Has Resigned – artnet News

An exhibition of feminist art at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, has been censored by the government and resulted in the departure of the institutions director.

Dubbed the first Feminnale of contemporary art, the show featured 56 artists from 22 countries. It opened November 25 and was slated to run for 17 daysa nod to the 17 women who died in a warehouse fire in Moscow in 2016, many of whom were Kyrgyzstani migrants.

But shortly after the opening, the Kyrgyzstan government removed several works from the exhibition, including a sculpture by Kazakh artist Zoya Falkova of a punching bag reconfigured as a female torso. Officials also forbid Danish artist Julie Savery from re-performing a work that involved disrobing in front of audiences.

The countrys minister of culture called the event a campaign with naked women under the flag of feminism, explaining that a special commission would be formed to review the scandalous exhibition, according to Kyrgyzstan news agency The minister also declared that Mira Dzhangaracheva, the director of the museum, had been relieved of her duties.

Dzhangaracheva took to Facebook to provide her side of the events. They didnt fire me, she said, adding that she resigned after receiving death threats. She alsoresponded with a letter calling out the government and the right-wing nationalist group Kyrk Choro, who she believes advocated for the shows censorship.It is a pity that it was initiated by people who never came to the museum, she wrote. Apparently someone wanted to distract attention and they did it.

Zoya Falkova, Evermust (2017). Courtesy of the artist.

The former president of Kyrgyzstan, Roza Otunbayeva, was outraged by the censorship and wrote a letter castigating the government for its response.

Stop, gentlemen! she wrote. You may have administrative power, but there is a public voice and female solidarity. The exhibition is dedicated to all the problems of women, and is dedicated to the fight against violence against women. What have you, the Ministry of Culture or the entire government, done to solve this problem?

This is violence against women, said one of the curators of the exhibition, Altyn Kapalova. This is pain. This is fear. Artists from all over the world express their feelings, but we are forbidden. As always they try to shut us up but it wont work. Art is uncensored.

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Kyrgyzstan Censored a Feminist Art Show at the National Museum of Fine Arts. Now Its Director Has Resigned - artnet News

MLK Calls

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MLK Calls

Adios, America by Ann Coulter –

Ann Says, No Mas!

Ann Coulter is back, more fearless than ever. In Adios, America! she touches the third rail in American politics, attacking the immigration issue head-on and flying in the face of La Raza, the Democrats, a media determined to cover up immigrants crimes, churches that get paid by the government for their charity, and greedy Republican businessmen and campaign consultantsall of whom are profiting handsomely from mass immigration thats tearing the country apart.

Applying her trademark biting humor to the disaster that is U.S. immigration policy, Ann Coulter proves that immigration is the most important issue facing America today. As Ann points out, if we cave to the Democrats scheme to bring in 30 million new liberal voters, we lose on everything else, too, from the economy to social issues to foreign policy to constitutionalism, to the very identity of our nation.

Immigration is the one issue where its nearly impossible to get the factsor even the other side of the argument. But Ann blows the lid off the cover-up by government, both political parties, and media alike. A sampling of the scintillating insights and revelations in Adios, America!:

On building a border wall: People who live in gated communities tell us fences dont work. On welfare: Todays immigrants arent coming here to breathe free, theyre coming to live for free. On how the media shut down the immigration debate: It can be difficult to discuss Americas immigration policies when its considered racist merely to say, We liked America the way it was.

The Democrats have always regarded immigration reform as a way to stuff the ballot boxstarting with Ted Kennedys immigration law of 1965.

The Democrats know that by changing the makeup of our population they can deliver themselves a permanent majority. Immigration amnesty will do just that overnight; continuing our current legal immigration policy will do it within ten or twenty years. Ann Coulter shows what we need to do to stop them.

If you love your country, you need to read Adios, America!

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Adios, America by Ann Coulter -

WHo Won, Tommy Or Polight??

WHo Won, Tommy Or Polight??

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