From the comments: Hudsonville taxpayers should subsidize public transportation for residents who can't drive themselves
HUDSONVILLE – A three-year, 0.6-mill public-transit tax is likely coming to a city voting ballot this year. Hudsonville City Commission on Tuesday will consider whether to ask in May, August or November for a millage that would cost $39 per year for the owner of a $130,000 house.
The tax would pay for a 12-passenger bus from The Rapid to run 39 hours per week from Hudsonville to the Grandville library, where riders could access other Grand Rapids-area routes. Commissioners last month heard from a “Hudsonville Friends of Public Transportation” committee, and some residents who are disabled or have disabled family members, that the tax would give freedom and independence to people who cannot transport themselves.
Reader response was mixed.
Deezer47 writes:
"I'm sorry. I'm taxed enough. I choose NOT to pay $39 a year for a service I would never use. Let those who use it pay."
dab writes:
"Sometimes it is the role of the government (and by consequence the people of a community) to provide services that will benefit individuals or groups within a community. I personally do not need this bus service now but feel it is important enough for those who do need it that I will support it."
The tax would generate an estimated $122,885 per year. If it gets approved in May, the tax could be collected on this summer’s tax bills and the service could start later this year. But the city would have to spend $4,890 on election costs, City Manager Patrick Waterman said.
There is no cost to the city to put the tax request on the August or November ballots. But if the millage gets approved at either of those elections, the tax would not be collected until summer 2013 and transportation service would not start until later that year.
The Friends of Public Transportation group has asked that the millage request be placed on May’s ballot.
handyandy writes:
"Of course they want it in May.... low turnout and easy to manipulate!! That's always their excuse... they "don't want it to get lost in the shuffle in November." What a bunch of cowards! If they want the will of the people expressed, they would put it on the November ballot!"
City Commissioner Kelly Ten Harmsel wrote a letter to the editor pushing for the millage to appear on the ballot in November, when higher voter turnout is expected because of the presidential election.
“Even if 5 to 10 percent of the voters skip ‘the back of the ballot,’ we still have the overall majority of city taxpayers’ opinion on the public transportation issue and raising taxes to support it,” he wrote.
Email Matt Vande Bunte, or follow him on Twitter.
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From the comments: Hudsonville taxpayers should subsidize public transportation for residents who can't drive themselves