Archive for the ‘Wikipedia’ Category

It’s official: The Maltese prefer porn to Wikipedia – Malta Independent Online

People logging onto the internet in Malta are more likely to be visiting a live webcam sex show website than reading/learning off of Wikipedia, according to global website analytics company Alexa. was found to currently have higher internet users in Malta than, ranked at numbers 12 and 13 respectively.

According to Alexa, the webcam sex show website is ranked globally at number 101, while Wikipedia is ranked at number six.

When zooming into the internet habits of users in Malta, an interest in live webcam sex shows appears to have just outranked the free online encyclopedia, which is constantly being improved through user changes being made thousands of times per day.

Wikipedia is an encyclopedia that allows submissions from the public, with the logic that outsourcing submissions from experts and enthusiastic people from around the world would create a far more comprehensive and detailed body of information.

What does this say about the Maltese?

Overall, it would appear that the Maltese are more interested in sex than voluntarily accessing a free online encyclopedia. At the outset, the local rankings could be interpreted as highlighting the perverted minds of the people who inhabit Malta.

It certainly underscores the absurd situation in Malta where sex is still considered a taboo subject, along with Sexually Transmitted Diseases (which is quite prevalent on the island) and the fact that a large proportion of the island is uncomfortable buying contraceptives in pharmacies and supermarkets for fear of being seen, yet people are more likely to be accessing rather than Wikipedia.

More so, sexual education in Malta differs drastically depending on what school you attended throughout your adolescence, from detailed explanations about contraception, STDs and appropriate sexual conduct in a world that is increasingly trying to sell sex, to a more conservative religious-based explanation on the topic.

Despite the overtly hypocritical situation when it comes to sex, what could be more worrying is the fact that the top websites accessed by people in Malta relate to some form of social media, local news websites and services such as YouTube.

While it would be unfair to judge anybody for their internet habits, it does highlight a pattern and would suggest a need to promote knowledge-based websites as not just being tools for students to get through exams/assignments, and a more mature nation-wide discussion on sexual related issues.

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It's official: The Maltese prefer porn to Wikipedia - Malta Independent Online

The invertebrate page on Wikipedia has a new addition – The indy100

"Invertebrates are animals that neither possess nor develop a vertebral column, derived from the notochord. This includes all animals apart from the subphylum Vertebrata." - Wikipedia

Put simply, invertebrates have no spine.

If you also checked Wikipedia in the past few days for additional hot invertebrate facts, you might have stumbled upon the page's latest edition.

Paul Ryan, the 54th and current speaker of the House of Representatives joined the ranks of the spineless.

First spotted by Buzzfeed'sAlp Ozcelik the page has now been edited but you can check it out here.

He might have been added for stripping funding from Planned Parenthood, or possibly for his efforts to axe the Affordable Care Act before finding a suitable replacement for the many people who need it.

We may never know.

We're just going to be waiting patiently to see whether any other prominent politicianspop up on any other animal pages.

h/t NYMag

More: This politician won an award for feminism. Then he did this.

Originally posted here:
The invertebrate page on Wikipedia has a new addition - The indy100

Three Reasons Why Earth Scientists Should Edit Wikipedia – Eos

Are you looking to communicate science more broadly? Start by editing articles on the Internet's most popular general reference work.

If you are a researcher who is looking to communicate science more broadly, an easy step involves Wikipedia.

Wikipedia is a frequent first stop for researchers, students, and the public. The worlds largest free encyclopedia, Wikipedia is also one of the largest websites in terms of traffic.

If you edit a page to include results from your research, your audience will likely expand by at least an order of magnitude.Heres the important thing: Page views of Wikipedia are immense compared with views of primary literature articles. As a result, if you edit a page to include results from your research, your audience will likely expand by at least an order of magnitude.

Editing Wikipedia is a way to show your notable work to more people, who, in turn, may benefit, use, or be interested in your research topic. I am not an expert Wikipedia editor, and my suggestion for researchers to edit Wikipedia is not novel [e.g., Bateman and Logan, 2010; Bond, 2011; Logan et al., 2010], but I do want to discuss the benefits and present some (personal) data to convince you of the value of editing.

Here are three reasons you should edit Wikipedia.

As an online encyclopedia, Wikipedia is a venue for summarizing previously published research, and therefore, editing it is a form of public outreach and science communication. The article with your brief edits could be the only written place on the Web that isnt behind a paywall, where people can read about recent scientific work, making it more visible to scientists and nonscientists alike.

To make this point about increased visibility more quantitative, I show in Figure 1 a time series of monthly page views (users only, not bots) for four Wikipedia articles relevant to my primary research. Figure 1 also shows the page views of my research website and article views for a recent open-access journal article of mine for comparison. The log scale demonstrates just how many people peruse some Wikipedia pages versus primary sources.

I want to stress that editing pages is not overly time-consuming. Logan et al. [2010] offer simple and clear guidance about editing Wikipedia. In addition to compiling a list of frequently asked questions about editing, Wikipedia itself maintains extensive literature on common mistakes as well as guidance about what Wikipedia is and is not.

The Wiki Education Foundation also maintains resources for instructors to integrate editing Wikipedia into the classroom. I have touched upon only the available resources on Wikipedia editing; there are many more.

Wikipedia is a gateway to scientific literature [Taraborelli, 2016]. Citations of your work in Wikipedia not only increase the visibility of research but also connect Wikipedia to your journal article. If you have an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCiD; many journals now require this), you are also eligible for an Impactstory profile. Impactstory aggregates the Web links (from a variety of venues) to all works listed in your ORCiD account.

Information on usage can allow you to connect to people who are interested in your research but wont be citing it in peer-reviewed literature.As a result, mentions of your research on Wikipedia appear on your Impactstory profile. This information on usage (via Twitter, blogs, Wikipedia, etc.) can allow you to connect to people who are interested in your research but wont be citing it in peer-reviewed literature. I would add that if you are an early-career scientist or student, these nontraditional research mentions may have professional benefits (such as networking).

In addition to these benefits, I also want to mention a caveat.

There is a danger that some academic Wikipedia editors will attempt to game the research metrics system, tending toward outsized self-promotion as opposed to sharing notable new science with the public. Wikipedia provides information about conflict of interest and self-promotion to inform editors and prevent these issues.

Guidance on these topics is also given by Logan et al. [2010].

Editing Wikipedia pages does not require a large time commitment but can have a significant effect on the communication of science because of Wikipedias large number of page views. Editing can be incorporated into your scholarly life as a warm-up exercise for scholarly writing, and I can imagine that a lab- or department-wide edit-a-thon could be a valuable and fun event.

In summary, I urge you to consider editing Wikipedia as public outreach, to get research into the hands of people who could benefit from your newfound knowledge.

I thank E. Janke, E. Lazarus, and two anonymous reviewers for constructive feedback.

Bateman, A., and D. W. Logan (2010), Time to underpin Wikipedia wisdom, Nature, 468(7325), 765, doi:10.1038/468765c.

Bond, A. L. (2011), Why ornithologists should embrace and contribute to Wikipedia, Ibis, 153(3), 640641, doi:10.1111/j.1474-919X.2011.01135.x.

Logan, D. W., et al. (2010), Ten simple rules for editing Wikipedia, PLoS Comput. Biol., 6(9), e1000941, doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000941.

Taraborelli, D. (2016), Wikipedias role in the dissemination of scholarship, figshare, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.4175343.v2.

Evan B. Goldstein (email: [emailprotected]; @ebgoldstein), Department of Geological Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2017. The authors.CC BY 3.0

Citation: Goldstein, E. B. (2017), Three reasons why Earth scientists should edit Wikipedia, Eos, 98, doi:10.1029/2017EO066827. Published on 27 January 2017.

See the rest here:
Three Reasons Why Earth Scientists Should Edit Wikipedia - Eos

The Resistance Manual Is The Wikipedia For Activism You’ve Been Looking For – The FADER

After the Women's March last weekend, many newly activated young people as well as seasoned protestors were left thinking: what now? The Resistance Manual may help you answer that: It's an open-source Wiki for activists in the Trump era, maintained by and Campaign Zero. The launch was announced on January 17 by Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson.

The site serves as both a timeline for the Trump administration's political movements, and a collection of resources American activists can use to push back against them. The categories are intersectional: Obamacare / ACA, Policing, Immigration, Mass Incarceration, Women's Rights, the Muslim Registry, Environment, and many more are all included. To expand your knowledge beyond borders, there's a comprehensive reading list; for issues affecting your community, local issues are organized by state.

The Resistance Manual is rooted in the basic principle that the power belongs to the people. We wanted to create a clear tool that people can use for targeted resistance for the next 4 years, said Campaign Zero's Samuel Sinyangwe during an interview with Mediaite. Protecting progress and advancing justice for vulnerable communities is necessary. Therefore, so is resistance. This is one important tool to do it.

The Manual's format means that anyone can contribute (and donate) "[O]ver time, the hope is more and more people will contribute content to the site and the information will become more detailed and location-specific to every community in America, Sinyangewe said.

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The Resistance Manual Is The Wikipedia For Activism You've Been Looking For - The FADER

Craig Newmark puts $500K towards reducing harassment on Wikipedia – TechCrunch

Craig Newmark puts $500K towards reducing harassment on Wikipedia
Craigslist founder Craig Newmark has donated half a million dollars towards Wikipedia's Community health initiative, aimed at reducing harassment and vandalism on the site and improve the tools moderators use every day to keep the peace.

Continued here:
Craig Newmark puts $500K towards reducing harassment on Wikipedia - TechCrunch