Archive for the ‘Wikipedia’ Category

Langston Hughes – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Video

Langston Hughes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
... Langston Hughes: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know 6 Today #39;s Google Doodle celebrates Langston Hughes #39; 113th birth...

By: Tv Sba

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Langston Hughes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Video

Waffenlieferungen fr Kiew? Kerry zu Besuch in der Ukraine – Video

Waffenlieferungen fr Kiew? Kerry zu Besuch in der Ukraine
Anhaltende Gefechte in der "Ostukraine": berschatten den Besuch von "US-Auenminister John ...

By: euronews (auf Deutsch)

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Waffenlieferungen fr Kiew? Kerry zu Besuch in der Ukraine - Video

Unconference – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An unconference is a participant-driven meeting. The term "unconference" has been applied, or self-applied, to a wide range of gatherings that try to avoid one or more aspects of a conventional conference, such as fees, sponsored presentations, and top-down organization. For example, in 2006, CNNMoney applied the term to diverse events including Foo Camp, BarCamp, Bloggercon, and Mashup Camp.[1]

Unconferences often use variations on the Open Space Technology format / method developed by Harrison Owen in the mid 1980s. Owen's 1993 book Open Space Technology: a User's Guide discussed many of the techniques now associated with unconferences, although his book does not use that term.

The term "unconference" first appeared in an announcement for the annual XML developers conference in 1998.[2]

The term was used by Lenn Pryor when discussing BloggerCon and was popularized by Dave Winer, the organizer of BloggerCon, in an April 2004 writeup. The first BloggerCon was held October 45, 2003 at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society. Sarah Winge, the organizer (with Tim O'Reilly) of Foo Camp, an early unconference, drew on her experience of open space and conversations with Harrison Owen to develop the format.[3] The first Foo Camp happened October 1012, 2003, in Sebastopol, California. In 2005 some of the attendees from previous years decided to produce their own "Bar" Camp. These three events, BloggerCon, Foo Camp and BarCamp helped to popularize the term "unconference". Foo and Bar Camp in particular popularized the form where "there is no agenda until .. the attendees made one up."

Typically at an unconference, the agenda is created by the attendees at the beginning of the meeting. Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a topic can claim a time and a space. Unconferences typically feature open discussions rather than having a single speaker at the front of the room giving a talk, although any format is permitted. This form of conference is particularly useful when the attendees generally have a high level of expertise or knowledge in the field the conference convenes to discuss.

An unconference can be conducted using a number of facilitation styles. Some of these are:

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Unconference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia, det frie oppslagsverket

Utvald artikkel veke 6

Mount Erebus er den srlegaste aktive vulkanen i verda og den nest hgaste vulkanen i Antarktis (etter Mount Sidley). Med ei hgd p 3794moh er han ogs det sjette hgaste punktet p ei y i verda. Vulkanen ligg p Ross Island, der det ogs finst tre inaktive vulkanar, mellom anna Mount Terror. Mount Erebus er ein del av Eldringen i Stillehavet, som bestr av over 160 aktive vulkanar.

Mount Erebus vart oppdaga den 27. januar 1841 (og observert i utbrot) av polfararen sir James Clark Ross, som namngav Mount Erebus og Mount Terror etter skipa sine. Vulkanen har vore kontinuerleg aktiv sidan 1972 og vert overvaka av Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory som vert drive av New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. Les meir

Den store hungersnauda i 1315-1317 Myrfunn Firetaktsmotor

Qianling (kinesiska: , Qinlng) r ett gravkomplex frn den kinesiska Tangdynastin (618907) 75km nordvst om Xi'an i Kina. Hr r kejsare Gaozong och hans fru kejsarinnan Wu Zetian begravda. Qianling r det mest extravaganta och bst bevarade mausoleet frn Tangdynastin. Qianling domineras av en lng och bred processionsvg kantad av stora statyer som leder fram till Liangberget som innehller gravkamrarna.

Mycket av statyerna kring processionsvgen finns vlbevarat men inga byggnader eller murarna finns kvar. 1978 byggdes Qianling Museum som visar Qianling med dess stenskulpturer och Liangberget. De tre satellitgravarna fr kronprins Zhanghuai, kronprins Yide och prinsessan Yongtai r utgrvda och ppna fr besk. Museet stller ut artefakter frn de utgrvda gravarna och totalt 9000 freml visas upp. Ls mer

Sking Kategoriar Allekategoriane Alleartiklane

Faktaa ovanfor er tekne fr nokre av dei nyaste artiklane vre arkiv

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Wikipedia, det frie oppslagsverket

Wikipedia editor hates 'comprised of', makes 47,000 edits

TO SOME he is a hero fighting a one-man crusade against grammatical sloppiness.

Others insist his work is "comprised of" 47,000 pointless "corrections" that make him the internet's most obsessive and irritating pedant.

To many whom he has edited, he is known only by his pseudonym "Giraffedata". But now he has been unmasked as Bryan Henderson, a 51-year-old software engineer from San Jose, California.

His target - his only target - is the two-word phrase "comprised of". Plenty of people - respected authorities on grammar among them - consider the phrase acceptable in contemporary usage, but Mr Henderson says it is wrong.

So, since December 2007, he has made it his mission to find every instance of its use on Wikipedia and edit them out.

Other Wikipedia users may have clocked up more than Mr Henderson's 47,000 edits - the encyclopaedia's most prolific editor has managed 1.45 million edits and counting. But, Mr Henderson says proudly, "I'm the only one who concentrates on one aspect [of grammar]".

He is also one of a select band whose dedication (or pedantry) once prompted a direct appeal for "intercession" to the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales.

"Even though numerous editors have objected to his obsessive removal of the grammatically acceptable term, he defiantly continues to do so," pleaded a disgruntled Wikipedia contributor in June 2009.

But Mr Wales did not intercede. "I believe that Giraffedata's arguments are persuasive," he said, while stressing: "I am expressing no opinion on how the change is being implemented."

Every Sunday before bedtime, Mr Henderson runs his own self-written software programme allowing him to hunt down the phrase.

Originally posted here:
Wikipedia editor hates 'comprised of', makes 47,000 edits