Archive for the ‘Wikipedia’ Category

WikiGalaxy lets you view Wikipedia as an interactive virtual galaxy – Video

WikiGalaxy lets you view Wikipedia as an interactive virtual galaxy
WikiGalaxy is French engineering student Owen Cornec #39;s reimagining of how we view and consume information specifically Wikipedia pages. The project takes each individual entry on the...

By: Yaar Kara

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WikiGalaxy lets you view Wikipedia as an interactive virtual galaxy - Video

Jimmy Wales waves a giant "citation needed" sign at crazy alternative medicine lobby

Good on Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia. He has finally responded to a petition setup by practitioners of alternative medicine and holistic healing, demanding that the encyclopedia waive the desire for things like facts and evidence in order to placate them.

The petition, as spotted by PC Pro, demanded that Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia: Create and enforce new policies that allow for true scientific discourse about holistic approaches to healing. The petitioners went on to explain:

Wikipedia is widely used and trusted. Unfortunately, much of the information related to holistic approaches to healing is biased, misleading, out-of-date, or just plain wrong. For five years, repeated efforts to correct this misinformation have been blocked and the Wikipedia organization has not addressed these issues. As a result, people who are interested in the benefits of Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology, and specific approaches such as the Emotional Freedom Techniques, Thought Field Therapy and the Tapas Acupressure Technique, turn to your pages, trust what they read, and do not pursue getting help from these approaches which research has, in fact, proven to be of great benefit to many.

Unfortunately reality has different ideas. Though there have been endless studies into this sort of thing by actual scientists, none of these treatments have ever been shown to be more effective than a placebo even if all of the dreamcatchers in the room are calibrated correctly. (I recommend the excellent Trick or Treatment if youre interested). Which is perhaps why Jimmy Wales sounded a little exasperated in his response:

No, you have to be kidding me. Every single person who signed this petition needs to go back to check their premises and think harder about what it means to be honest, factual, truthful. Wikipedias policies around this kind of thing are exactly spot-on and correct. If you can get your work published in respectable scientific journals that is to say, if you can produce evidence through replicable scientific experiments, then Wikipedia will cover it appropriately. What we wont do is pretend that the work of lunatic charlatans is the equivalent of true scientific discourse. It isnt.

So thats that then. And crucially, Wikipedias credibility as a source that is more reliable than Britannica remains.

Hopefully this failure will also stop the unicorn lobby from pursuing attempts to get the pointy horse inducted into Wikipedias taxonomy pages.

By James O'Malley | March 25th, 2014

LG launches new G Pad 10.1 across the globe ...

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Jimmy Wales waves a giant "citation needed" sign at crazy alternative medicine lobby

Senate staffer tries to scrub 'torture' reference from Wikipedia's CIA torture article

Image: Mashable, Bob Al-Greene

By Brian Ries2014-12-10 20:10:46 UTC

An anonymous Wikipedia user from an IP address that is registered to United States Senate has tried, and failed, to remove a phrase with the word "torture" from the website's article on the Senate Intelligence Committee's blockbuster CIA torture report.

The unknown individual has attempted on at least two occasions first on Dec. 9 and then on Dec. 10 to remove a line describing the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques as "a euphemism for torture."

(Click below to expand to see the edit made on Dec. 9.)

In both instances the anonymous editor explained that he or she was "removing bias" from the article. And each time the revision was overruled.

The debate over the classification of "torture" for the CIA's techniques has played out in the halls of Congress, on Sunday talk shows and behind closed doors. Wikipedia appears to be the latest battleground over public opinion as many, now, ponder the legalities of some of the more aggressive techniques used by CIA officers during the decade-long war on terror.

The United Nations, joined by a number of human rights groups, have called for the prosecution of U.S. officials who were responsible for the CIA torture program.

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Senate staffer tries to scrub 'torture' reference from Wikipedia's CIA torture article

WikiGalaxy lets you view Wikipedia as an interactive virtual galaxy

WikiGalaxy is French engineering student Owen Cornecs reimagining of how we view and consume information specifically Wikipedia pages. The project takes each individual entry on the online encyclopedia and plots it as a star in a virtual galaxy, that you can navigate from the comfort of your sofa.

Wikipedia provides a service that many of us make use of on a daily basis, but when youre viewing individual entries, its easy to forget the sheer scale of information on offer. The beta of WikiGalaxy, which you can view right now if youre using the Chrome browser (it also works on Firefox), provides a more tangible visualization of that information, and while it might not be the most intuitive way to assimilate, its certainly a fascinating one.

The beta of the project contains 100,000 articles, or stars, which the user can navigate from either a top-down or fly-through perspective. You can search topics just like you usually would, though due to the limited nature of the beta, you often wont be able to get to the page youre looking for. Once youve selected an available article, yellow tendrils will extend to related topics, making it easy to dig deeper or read around a topic.

The virtual galaxy of crowd-driven articles was created using HTML5, CS33, WebGL, jQuery and THREE.js, and while its a little clunky to use at present, itll likely become smoother as development continues. Cornec intends to employ a color-coding system in the future, grouping articles into broad topics, and even has plans to add Oculus Rift support.

Check out the video below for a closer look a WikiGalaxy, or head through the first source link to try it out for yourself.

Sources: WikiGalaxy, Chrome Experiments via Creators Project

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WikiGalaxy lets you view Wikipedia as an interactive virtual galaxy

The Cultural Marxism Wikipedia Debacle: Crazed Marxists Strike Again – Video

The Cultural Marxism Wikipedia Debacle: Crazed Marxists Strike Again
For a good time check their talk page:

By: Styxhexenhammer666

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The Cultural Marxism Wikipedia Debacle: Crazed Marxists Strike Again - Video