Archive for the ‘Wikipedia’ Category


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Evolution is a scientific theory used by biologists. It explains how animals and plants changed over a long time, and how they have come to be the way they are.

The Earth has been around for a very long time, about 4.5 billion years. By doing research on the layers of rock we can find out about its past. That kind of research is called historical geology.

We know that living things have changed over time, because we can see their remains in the rocks. These remains are called 'fossils'. So we know that the animals and plants of today are different from those of long ago. And the further we go back, the more different the fossils are.

How has this come about? Evolution has taken place. That evolution has taken place is a fact, because it is overwhelmingly supported by many lines of evidence. At the same time, evolutionary questions are still being actively researched by biologists.

The theory of evolution is the basis of modern biology. Nothing in biology makes sense without it.

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Wikipedia Die freie Enzyklopdie

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopdie

Erzherzogin Maria Karolina von sterreich (*13.August 1752 in Wien; 8.September 1814 in Hetzendorf in Wien) war Knigin von Neapel-Sizilien. Sie wuchs als Tochter von Kaiserin Maria Theresia von sterreich und ihrem Ehemann FranzI. Stephan von Lothringen, Kaiser des Heiligen Rmischen Reiches in Wien auf. Maria Theresia, die sich in erster Linie als Herrscherin ber die vielsprachigen habsburgischen Erblande sah, versuchte ihre Kinder mglichst vorteilhaft zu verheiraten und erhoffte sich von den Eheschlieungen mit den Bourbonen einen Machtzuwachs fr das Haus sterreich. Maria Karolina und ihre Geschwister mussten ihren eigenen Willen dem Staatswohl unterordnen und Personen heiraten, die ihre Mutter fr sie ausgesucht hatte. Die mnnlichen Abkmmlinge fanden sich in den ihnen zugedachten Rollen erstaunlich gut zurecht. Die Tchter verhielten sich jedoch an den fremden Frstenhfen oftmals nicht so, wie es von ihnen erwartet wurde. Marie Antoinette von Frankreich wurde aufgrund ihres Verhaltens als Knigin und ihres Schicksals in der Franzsischen Revolution zur berhmtesten Tochter Maria Theresias. Anders als Marie Antoinette erlangte ihre Schwester Maria Karolina nicht durch Verschwendungssucht und Skandale Berhmtheit, sondern durch ihr politisches Wirken und ihre Bemhungen im Kampf gegen die Franzsische Revolution und Napoleon. Zum Artikel

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Wikipedia Die freie Enzyklopdie

Ice Bucket Challenge: ALS Wikipedia Page Views Increase 18-Fold [Infographic]

Over the past few weeks, Facebook news feeds across the globe have been clogged with videos of people throwing buckets of iced water over their heads as part of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The huge volume of donations has already illustrated the financial success of the craze but has awareness actually grown?

One great way to find out is through the use of a tracking tool that records Wikipedia page views. Comparing 2013 and 2014, the sheer scale and success of the campaign can be clearly seen. Between January and July 2013, the ALS Wikipedia page had an average of 163,300 monthly views. In August 2014, it was viewed an incredible 2.89 million times an 18-fold increase.

This amazing increase wasnt just confined to the English Wikipedia article. It was consistent across other versions too the German Wikipedia and Spanish entries recorded 13 and 14-fold increases respectively.

*Click image below to enlarge (charted by Statista)


Ice Bucket Challenge: ALS Wikipedia Page Views Increase 18-Fold [Infographic]

Free mobile Wikipedia access launched on Smart network

For five months starting Friday, 68.9 million mobile customers of Smart, Talk 'N Text and Sun Cellular may get unlimited access to open-source encyclopedia Wikipedia, as Smart and Wikimedia Foundation teamed up to bring Wikipedia Zero to the Philippines.

Smart public affairs head Ramon Isberto said this is one way to use technology and mobile communications to drive learning and development.

Wikipedia Zero is relevant in a country where access to both computer terminals and Internet connectivity is still relatively low, but where almost everyone owns a cellphone. We are excited to bring Wikipedia Zero to the country and help create a way to make learning more accessible to millions of Filipinos, he said.

In a news release, Smart noted Wikipedia has 500 million visitors a month, and has 30 million articles in 287 languages, contributed by a global community of 80,000 volunteers.

Under Wikipedia Zero, Smart, Talk N Text, and Sun Cellular subscribers may access,, the Wikipedia apps and Wikimedia sites on their cell phones without incurring data charges until February 3, 2015.

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Free mobile Wikipedia access launched on Smart network

Smart offers free Wikipedia access

SMART Communications, Inc. (Smart) recently announced a new partnership with the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit organization that operates Wikipedia and its sister projects.

Part of the global Wikipedia Zero program, the collaboration will give Smart, Talk N Text, and Sun Cellulars 68.9 million customers unlimited free access to Wikipedia on their mobile devices.

We have always looked for and promoted ways to use technology and mobile communications to drive learning and consequently, development. Wikipedia Zero is relevant in a country where access to both computer terminals and Internet connectivity is still relatively low, but where almost everyone owns a cellphone. We are excited to bring Wikipedia Zero to the country and help create a way to make learning more accessible to millions of Filipinos, said Ramon R. Isberto, head of Public Affairs at Smart.

Wikipedia is the worlds largest online encyclopedia, visited by 500 million people each month, according to Comscore. Wikipedia contains more than 30 million articles in 287 languages, contributed by a global community of 80,000 volunteers.

Under Wikipedia Zero, starting Sept. 5, 2014 until Feb. 3, 2015, all Smart, Talk N Text, and Sun Cellular subscribers who will access,, the Wikipedia apps (available for iOS and Android devices) or any other Wikimedia sites on their cellphone, can do so without incurring data charges.

Smart has been a terrific supporter of Wikimedia, and now were very happy to formalize our relationship with Wikipedia Zero, said Carolynne Schloeder, head of global mobile partnerships at the Wikimedia Foundation. Smarts emphasis on education is aligned with Wikimedias global mission, driven locally by Wikimedia Philippines.

In addition to the free use of Wikipedia by Smart subscribers, Filipino Wikipedia editors are also participating in Smarts Tap&Learn: Tablets for Education, the telco leaderslatest initiative in the mobile education (mEducation) space, where mobile technologies are utilized to enhance the learning experience of partner communities.

Through Smarts Tap&Learn, Wikipedia Philippines representatives are helping train educators from public elementary and secondary schools across the country on how to use Wikipedia to enhance the learning experience of their students, and for their own professional development.

With the Tap&Learn program, Wikimedia Philippines is very excited to partner with Smart in training teachers in using Wikipedia as one of the tools they can use in their profession, according to Eugene Alvin Villar, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Wikimedia Philippines.

While we all know that students should not simply copy from Wikipedia when doing assignments, we hope that through Wikipedia, teachers can impart to their students the value of using reliable sources, adding proper citations, and using critical thinking when reading anything on the Internet. It would also be great if they can encourage their students to contribute to Wikipedia as well, added Villar.


Smart offers free Wikipedia access