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Wikipedia has transformed knowledge so why is it still looked down on? –

Harder to correct is the wrinkle occasioned by language. Wikipedias written in different languages are independent of each other. There might not be anything actually wrong, but theres certainly something strange about the way India, Australia, the US and the UK and all the rest of the anglophone world share a single English-language Wikipedia, while only the Finns get to enjoy the Finnish one. And it says something (obvious) about the unevenness of global development that Hindi speakers (the third largest language group in the world) read a Wikipedia thats 53rd in a ranking of size.

To encyclopedify the world is an impossible goal. Surely the philosophes of 18th-century France knew that much when they embarked on their Encyclopdie. Paul Otlets Universal Repertory and HG Wellss World Brain were similarly quixotic. Attempting to define Wikipedia through its intellectual lineage may, however, be to miss the point. In his standout essay Wikipedia as a Role-Playing Game, Dariusz Jemielniak (author of the first ethnography of Wikipedia, Common Knowledge?, in 2014) stresses the playfulness of the whole enterprise. Why else, he asks, would academics avoid it? When you are a soldier, you do not necessarily spend your free time playing paintball with friends.

Since its inception, pundits have assumed that its Wikipedias reliance on the great mass of unwashed humanity sorry, I mean user-generated content that will destroy it. Contributor Heather Ford, a South African open source activist, reckons its not its creators that will eventually ruin Wikipedia but its readers specifically, data aggregation giants such as Google, Amazon and Apple, which fillet Wikipedia content and disseminate it through search engines like Chrome and personal assistants such as Alexa and Siri. They have turned Wikipedia into the internets go-to source of ground truth, inflating its importance to an unsustainable level.

Wikipedias entries are now like swords of Damocles, suspended on threads over the heads of every major commercial and political actor in the world. How long before the powerful find a way to silence this capering non-profit fool, telling motley truths to power? As Jemielniak puts it: A serious game that results in creating the most popular reliable knowledge source in the world and disrupts existing knowledge hierarchies and authority, all in the time of massive anti-academic attacks what is there not to hate?

Dislike of Wikipedia neednt spring from principles or ideas or even self-interest. Plain snobbery will do. Wikipedia has pricked the pretensions of the humanities like no other cultural project. Editor Joseph Reagle discovered as much, 10 years ago, in email conversation with founder Jimmy Wales (a conversation that appears in Good Faith Collaboration, Reagles excellent, if by now slightly dated study of Wikipedia). One of the things that I noticed, Wales wrote, is that in the humanities, a lot of people were collaborating in discussions, while in programming people werent just talking about programming, they were working together to build things of value.

This, I think, is what sticks in the craw of so many educated naysayers: that while academics were busy paying each other for the eccentricity of their beautiful opinions, nerds were out in the world winning the culture wars; that nerds stand ready on the virtual parapet to defend us from truthy, Trumpist oblivion; that nerds actually kept the promise held out by the internet, and turned it into the fifth biggest site on theweb. Wikipedias guidelines toits editors include Assume GoodFaith and Please Do Not Bite the Newcomers. Perhaps thisis more than the naughty worlddeserves.

Wikipedia@20, edited byJoseph Reagle and Jackie Koerner, is published by MIT at 22.50. To order your copy for 18.99,call 0844 871 1514 orvisitTelegraph Books

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Wikipedia has transformed knowledge so why is it still looked down on? -

Wikipedia 20 Years On: Intellectual Snobbery vs the Right to Know – Valdai Discussion Club

This sociological rift between the professional academic community and the broad popular massesis, ofcourse bynomeans new, and not necessarily negative. There isundoubtedly adegree ofsocial logic inits formation and crystallisation. The problem ofthe profanation ofscience inmodern society, oversaturated with information, isquite acute. This needs tobefought. Wikipedia, due toits global prevalence and universality ofcoverage, was inthe focus ofthis rejection and struggle. But lets behonest with ourselves: when anintellectual needs toget primary information onatopic unknown tohim, over these twenty years ithas become habitual toopen Wikipedia first, only later referring toprofessional encyclopaedias, textbooks and articles. Thus, another social pattern isrevealed: where convinced critics use itwhen they consider itnecessary.

Another frequently heard accusation against Wikipedia (especially inthe social sciences) isits politicisation and obsession with the Western-centric intellectual mainstream, aswell asits denial ofthe social achievements, practices and narratives ofnon-Western countries. Weagree with this; there isasignificant amount oftruth inthis statement. Thus, individual Wikipedia articles (especially inthe global English language) can form preconceived clichs, which are then transformed into stable stereotypes ofpublic opinion.

This isalso related tothe serious imbalance between the various language segments ofWikipedia. Itmanifests itself, onthe one hand, inthe degree ofcompleteness inthe scope ofthe material: here, asarule, the global English-language version ofWikipedia ismuch more detailed than similar articles inother languages. They are often only abbreviated translations from the English version. This isespecially noticeable when the topic ofthe article isevents related tothe area ofone oranother language. Inparticular, afairly large number ofarticles inthe Russian-language version ofWikipedia, one way oranother affecting Russia, represent only afull orabridged translation from English, without original additional material reflecting the social specifics and historical memory ofthe Russian-language segment ofWikipedia.

The same picture can beobserved inthe German-speaking segment: anoticeably large number ofarticles about Germany onWikipedia are presented more fully inEnglish than inGerman. Perhaps the main exception tothis isthe French version. Regarding almost everything that concerns France and French-speaking countries, Wikipedia articles inFrench are original text rather than copies ofEnglish articles, and are distinguished bythe completeness oftheir coverage ofinformation and the scope oftheir scientific references.

However, over time, the situation innon-English segments ofWikipedia has begun tochange for the better. The Russian-language version, wecan say subjectively, isnow much fuller and better than itwas 5-10 years ago, when many ofthe articles were, inour opinion, intellectual trash. Inthis regard, itisinteresting tonote, ifwetalk about Wikipedias presence inthe post-Soviet sphere, that for afairly large number ofarticles onneutral universal topics (which dont address the topics ofpolitics and history) the Ukrainian version isoften more complete and original than the Russian version. Meanwhile, both Belarusian-language versions ofWikipedia (which each use different spelling rules), inour opinion, remain quite primitive.

Inaddition tothe completeness ofcoverage, the imbalance between different-language versions ofWikipedia istoacertain extent also related todifferences inassessments and conclusions.

Here is the original post:
Wikipedia 20 Years On: Intellectual Snobbery vs the Right to Know - Valdai Discussion Club

How A 22-YO Carpenter Became a Hindi Wikipedia Reviewer, With Over 57,000 Edits – The Better India

In 2011, Raju Jangid from Jodhpur, then a student of Class VIII, searched the internet for information about Bollywood star Mithun Chakraborty, and landed on the actors page on Wikipedia, the largest free encyclopaedia in the world. Subsequently, he found that all his other searches pulled out a Wikipedia page.

The site had information about any topic I searched. My interest increased, and I kept browsing the website to find whatever information was available on it, he recalls.

Over the next few months, Raju looked up Wikipedias history, and learned more about page creators, contributors, editors, and the organisation at large. Owing to his poor financial condition, the village boy from Thadiya had no means to get a smartphone, and used a keypad handset for all his research.

There are discussions among members on the website, and I started reaching out to community members to get answers to any queries I had. I learned that the platform is a non-profit, and the contributors do not get paid. Additionally, anyone can write or edit to the content on the pages, he says.

While as simple as this is in theory, Raju struggled to get his articles, written from his primitive handset, approved. But now, he is a reviewer for Hindi Wikipedia, having contributed to 1,880 articles and edited over 57,000 of them in the language.

A rough start

Raju, now 22 years old, says his journey has been difficult, both on the personal as well as professional front. He had to quit his education to support his farmer parents, who had about 7.5 acres of land. The agricultural activities were barely helping us survive, and my father suggested I start earning. I quit school after Class X, and began working as a carpenter in the village, earning Rs 7,000 a month, he says.

Rajus interest in exploring Wikipedia carried on simultaneously, and he decided to contribute through his writing in Hindi. He started by creating a page for himself and his brother, and wrote some more information about his village. All of it disappeared the next day. With no references to support the information, the article was pulled down by the editors.

I made repeated attempts over two years to upload the articles, but failed. Eventually, the administrator blocked me thrice in 2013 and 2014, In the process, I learned that all the articles need to be unbiased and neutral. They cannot promote or advertise a person or celebrity. Most importantly, all of them need the support of citations and references for the information, Raju tells The Better India.

He created a new account in 2015 and decided to follow all community guidelines hereon. I started writing information about my village and neighbouring areas. After they were approved, I wrote about cricket, as the sport interests me. Eventually, I progressed to composing articles on geography, history, and entertainment, he adds.

But despite the ability and confidence to write, Raju faced technical hurdles. I did not have a smartphone, so I couldnt write any articles beyond 150-200 words. The software in the handset kept crashing, and all information would thus be deleted. I eventually bought a smartphone, but this problem continued. The new device helped me write longer articles, around 400 words, but the editing page refreshed every time I switched tabs to search for references and citations, he adds.

Meanwhile, Rajus salary as a carpenter increased to Rs 14,000. He would give Rs 10,000 to his parents, and the remaining would be for personal use. These earnings helped him pursue his Class XII boards. I worked a 12-hour shift from 9 am onwards every day, and found time between work to write on the website. I would also write till late at night, he says.

Reaching out to millions

Raju Jangid shares tips for new Wikipedia users

In mid-2016, Raju received an opportunity to attend a Hindi Wikipedia conference in Pune, Maharashtra. The community members learned about technical challenges that editors face and decided to help. Two members knew about my weak financial condition and discussed the issue with others. They suggested raising a donation campaign to provide me with a laptop and internet connection. Its a lengthy process, as all members and seniors need to nominate and vote in favour of the hardware donation. Six months later, in December, I received both devices, he says.

Since then, Raju has contributed lengthy articles in Hindi to Wikipedia and has progressed from being an editor to a reviewer. In 2017, Raju quit his job as a carpenter to pursue his education and make a career in writing. While I wasnt earning from writing on Wikipedia, I had developed an interest in it. I loved the fact that millions were accessing the information I was writing. The platform allowed me to provide readers with accurate and useful information. I was proud to be writing for one of the most accessed websites in the world. Moreover, I didnt have to invest any money in the cause, he adds.

Raju completed his graduation in Arts in 2018, while contributing to hundreds of articles. He also got a job with a content writing company in Jodhpur. The Wikipedia community eventually nominated him to become a reviewer. My responsibilities have increased they now involve fact-checking and correcting the articles, and improving their overall quality. On many occasions, there have been arguments between writers about the credibility of the information. My job involves resolving such conflicts and allowing credible information for the readers, he tells The Better India.

Keeping Rajus extraordinary contribution in mind, community members have nominated him to take on the responsibility of an administrator thrice. However, he hasnt accepted the position so far. I do not feel confident enough to take on additional responsibilities as of now, but will rethink my decision when the next opportunity arises, he says.

A need for neutral content

Appreciating Rajus work, Abhishek Suryawanshi, founder and director of Hindi Wikipedia, says the formers contributions towards the language have been immense. There are only 11 active contributors for the section in India. His work has been commendable in providing information in regional languages. Rajus work is read by millions across India. Besides writing the articles, he has also participated in various outreach programmes to encourage more writers to contribute, he says.

Abhishek adds that recently, Raju also contributed to SWASTHA Special Wikipedia Awareness Scheme For Healthcare Affiliates, which provides crucial information to the internet community on COVID-19 in Hindi.

Raju says he wants more contributors to join the website. There are thousands of pages with information the various sectors internet users want to read up on, but none of the information is available in Hindi. Theres a need for unbiased, neutral and non-controversial information, and common people like us can help provide it, he says.

Edited by Divya Sethu

See the original post:
How A 22-YO Carpenter Became a Hindi Wikipedia Reviewer, With Over 57,000 Edits - The Better India

Twenty Years After It Went Online, Which Are the Most Popular Languages on Wikipedia? – The Wire

Online encyclopedia Wikipedia went online 20 years ago on January 15, 2001. Since then, the website has become an indispensable reference for the world despite being reliant solely on the work of volunteers for article research and editing. The busy bees behind the Wikipedia scenes are currently curating more than 55.6 million articles in more than 300 languages.

Some volunteer editors have been especially busy asWikipedias own record-keeping shows. Six admins and 176 active users are currently in charge of almost 5.5 million articles in Cebuano, a language spoken in the Philippines. For comparison, the English language the biggest on the platform has 1113 admins and almost 126,000 active users, but only 6.2 million articles.

The Cebuano Wikipedia has admittedly had some help in reaching the top 10. According toreporting by Vice, most Cebuano articles are the work of a translation bot, a tactic not uncommon for the translation of Wikipedia entries.A 2017 proposalfor closing the Cebuano Wikipedia because of its translated content was, however, rejected by administrators since it did not violate any Wikipedia policy.

According to the comments of Quora top writer Josh Lim, large bot-created Filipino language Wikipedias were created when administrators were trying to outdo each other by publishing more articles than other local languages. Waray-Waray makes it into rank 11 of the most common languages on Wikipedia despite having only three admins, while Tagalog is in rank 92.

The bot-based practice dubbed article dumping has obvious drawbacks since translations cannot be fine-tuned and international is prioritised over local content. Yet, to a speaker with limited English capacity, the translation service might remove barriers to knowledge access, even if it is just akin to a translation by browser extension or another webtranslate service.

This article was first published on Statista.

Original post:
Twenty Years After It Went Online, Which Are the Most Popular Languages on Wikipedia? - The Wire

The Masked Singer fans are convinced that an 80s pop heartthrob is Viking – Manchester Evening News

Fans of the zany ITV singing show The Masked singer are convinced they've worked out the identity of Viking - and they say the clues stack up.

The viking character with the ethereal voice is A-ha frontman Morten Harket according to viewers.

Fans of the guessing show flocked to Twitter to claim the Take On Me hitmaker is behind the Viking costume.

They reckon the clues to Viking's identity all add up to it being the Norwegian singer and songwriter.

And mysteriously, Morten's personal life section on his wikipedia reads 'currently feel like a viking.'

One clue is that Viking broke a world record and Morten, who shot to fame in the early 80s, did.

In 2000 Morten broke the world record for the man who could hold the longest single note in a song, holding a note for 20.2 seconds in his song Summer Moved On.

Another was Viking has a Blue Peter badge which Morten, 61, also does from his appearance on the children's TV show in 1986.

"Morten Harket has a Blue Peter badge!!!" cried one viewer on Twitter.

Another wrote: "Still think Morten Harket is the Viking.

"In 2000 he broke the world record for the longest note to be held by a male singer."

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"Viking is Morten Harket - he has a Blue Peter badge!" said another.

While other fans say the voice is unmistakably Morten's.

"Viking sounds so much like Morten Harket I can't think of anyone else," said one.

"Convinced The Viking on #TheMaskedSingerUK is Morten Harket. I have A-ha tickets booked for May, so please be true!" tweeted another.

And another wrote: "Literally as soon as he opened his mouth on the first performance he did, I shrieked 'NEVER IS MORTEN HARKET ON THIS SHOW!'"

So far singers Sophie Ellis-Bextor and Mel B, former EastEnders and Love Actually star Martine McCutcheon and former England manager Glenn Hoddle have been unmasked.

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The Masked Singer fans are convinced that an 80s pop heartthrob is Viking - Manchester Evening News