ACLU lawyer calls for censorship of books that criticize the promotion of transgenderism in children – The Post Millennial

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The head of transgender-related cases at the ACLU has publicly called for 'stopping the circulation' of a that contains journalism that counters his preferred narrative on transgenderism.

Chase Stranglio is the Deputy Director for Transgender Justice at the ACLU, his latest piece for the organization's News site, "debunked" four "myths about trans athletes."

"FACT: Including trans athletes will benefit everyone. MYTH: The participation of trans athletes hurts cis women," the piece reads.

Stranglio is not a fan of Wall Street Journal journalist Abigail Shrier's new book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters," and has vowed a comitment to 'stopping the circulation' of the book.

"Abigail Shrier's book is a dangerous polemic with a goal of making people not trans," wrote Stranglio. "I think of all the times & ways I was told my transness wasn't real & the daily toll that still takes. We have to fight these ideas which are leading to the criminalization of trans life again.""Also stopping the circulation of this book and these ideas is 100% a hill I will die on," he added in a since-deleted tweet.

Shrier's book is not anti-tran, but rather a journalistic evaluation of a sudden phenomenon.

"I wrote specifically about the sudden, severe spike in transgender identification among adolescent girls. I fully support medical transition for mature adults. And I have no desire to be a provocateur," Shrier said in a recent op-ed for Quillette.

"Between 2016 and 2017, the number of females seeking gender surgery quadrupled in the United States. Thousands of teen girls across the Western world are not only self-diagnosing with a real dysphoric condition they likely do not have; in many cases, they are obtaining hormones and surgeries following the most cursory diagnostic processes," Shrier explains.

"Schoolteachers, therapists, doctors, surgeons, and medical-accreditation organizations are all rubber-stamping these transitions, often out of fear that doing otherwise will be reported as a sign of transphobiadespite growing evidence that most young people who present as trans will eventually desist, and so these interventions will do more harm than good."

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ACLU lawyer calls for censorship of books that criticize the promotion of transgenderism in children - The Post Millennial

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