ACLU, National Coalition Against Censorship react to postponed Mesa art exhibit – ABC15 Arizona in Phoenix

MESA Free speech activists are reacting after a Mesa art exhibit was unexpectedly put on hold. One piece of art critical of police is at the center of the controversy.

The National Coalition Against Censorship sent a letter to city officials demanding the exhibit open as planned.

Elizabeth Larison, the coalition's director of the arts and culture advocacy program, wrote the letter.

No. We haven't received any official response yet, said Larison.

She, along with the ACLU, sent the three-page letter to Mesa's city and deputy city managers.

The piece of art Mesa pulled is titled "My florist is a d*** with the sub caption, When his day starts, your days end.

The artwork shows a police officer standing with a baton in hand with a flower at the end of it.

"To us, this smacks strongly of censorship that certain ideas cannot be expressed or explored within this museum, and this is why we are alarmed, said Larison.

A spokeswoman for the city of Mesa told ABC15 city leaders have received the letter. She said as a reminder, This is a postponement to allow us to review our processes."

"The artwork expresses the ideas and the positions of the artist. And, that is fair game, said Larison.

Larison expressed confusion about the postponement.

"As I understand it, there is also a placard in the museum which states the works on view do not necessarily represent the position of the city, said Larison.

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ACLU, National Coalition Against Censorship react to postponed Mesa art exhibit - ABC15 Arizona in Phoenix

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