Censorship and loss of First Amendment rights should concern us all – Cumberland Times-News

Censorship and loss of First Amendment rights should concern us all

In reference to an Oct. 28 letter to editor from Bill Powell concerning theft of campaign sign, removing/stealing a sign from someones property is not only a crime, but violating their free speech right.

As bad as this is, I would ask Mr. Powell to look beyond this, to todays environment on social media. We used to have news organizations that reported the news, not their ideology. We now have social media, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. These companies now put a blackout/ censorship on any point of view that they do not agree on. And sadly, many take it as the truth.

We should all be of concern of our First Amendment rights being taken away from us, no matter what side of the political fence you may stand on. Wake up people!

Gerald Davis


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Censorship and loss of First Amendment rights should concern us all - Cumberland Times-News

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