Censorship by subversive means | Letters to the Editor … – Brunswick News

It was intriguing to read the commentary, The governments censorship by proxy appearing as an opinion column by Jacob Sullum in the March 28 edition. Although the column asserted that there is evidence of government collusion in public censorship, I believe that assertion is still unproven, while admittedly compelling.

Apparently I suffered a perplexing example of related censorship described in that commentary. Over the past 90 days on behalf of the Center for a Sustainable Coast I have been posting and attempting to promote articles prioritizing clean energy and reducing carbon emissions as a means to rapidly curb climate change.

When attempting to boost these posts by paying Facebook to push the information out to other FB users, the Meta Ad Center repeatedly refused to allow me to do it, advising that Im not approved to receive ad support for endorsing political (government) policy. How commonly Facebook administrators prohibit ads promoting well-founded public policy reforms remain unknown. In any case, restricting this use of social media unjustifiably handicaps well-meaning. nonprofit advocacy groups that are seeking to serve the common good.

Consider the blatantly biased and repressive contradiction that the 2010 Citizens United U.S. Supreme Court decision sanctions billions in corporate spending on political and policy campaigns by classifying it as constitutionally protected free speech, while modestly priced Facebook ads promoting policy reforms are being prohibited.

When online platform providers like Meta unfairly impede the responsible use of social media, a gag-order effect results, favoring corporate agendas by thwarting opposing viewpoints thereby hiding and cultivating inconvenient truths.

Center for a Sustainable Coast

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Censorship by subversive means | Letters to the Editor ... - Brunswick News

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