Fukushima JP update 11/7/12 (Still in a World of Hurt) – Video

Fukushima JP update 11/7/12 (Still in a World of Hurt)
Originally published on Nov 7, 2012 by MsMilkytheclown1 (* Note from Milky) Heightened concerns about Fukushima Daiichi: Nuclear Watch: Still Struggling baby steps mean "progress". No real plan yet for decommissioning these MONSTERS. Experts remain split over fissures under Ohi plant - not to self: when the fissure/fault "BECOMES ACTIVE" IT #39;S ALREADY TOO LATE. COOLING IN REACTOR 3 STOPPED UNTIL THE WEEKEND Lots of radioactive parts from Japan Rejected from Russia (twice as many as last year) Energy reform meeting scheduled. Radiation monitors underreport data enenews.com HEADLINES: Gov #39;t: UK nuclear facility is #39;intolerable risk #39; mdash; Radioactive waste poses significant risks to people and environment Time: Conditions at 3 US reactors from Hurricane Sandy were similar to what caused Fukushima disaster TV: 200% as many radioactive products returned to Japan this year than in 2011 says Russian report (VIDEO) Asahi: Fukushima Daiichi a Theme Park? Tourists #39;treated #39; to re-enactment of explosions mdash; Beeping geiger counters, people crying out... more Caldicott Live on TV as US Election Called: "About half of Japan is contaminated" mdash; Huge censorship on what #39;s happening with Fukushima... Host interrupts to say Obama re-elected (VIDEO) Tepco: Cooling system suspended at Fukushima Spent Fuel Pool No. 3 mdash; Will not resume until weekend NRC: Steam vented into atmosphere through #39;monitored release path #39; at Michigan nuclear plant mdash; "No immediate safety concerns... here #39;s what happened ...From:redbuttonstudioViews:3 1ratingsTime:09:30More inNews Politics

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Fukushima JP update 11/7/12 (Still in a World of Hurt) - Video

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