Kevin Clifford: School board silencing parents is just another act of censorship – Conway Daily Sun

The recently proposed Conway School Board policy to silence parents is just another anti-American act of censorship from a cabal of out-of-control Conway school board members that include, Joe Lentini, Jessica Whitelaw, Joe Mosca, and Dr. Michelle Capozzoli. These people should never be elected again.

This same policy was rejected by the SAU 9 board recently. This is a very dangerous policy that sets the stage for further censorship from our locally elected officials.

In a lame excuse to defend the policy, Lentini stated that the meetings are contentious, and that people are not showing up. The real issue is that very few people previously attended and now this cabal does not want to take any criticism from an energized and passionate group of parents.

The Suns Sept. 30 article stated that Lentini helped craft the policy, which is highly doubtful and was allegedly borrowed from the New Hampshire School Board Association, a membership lobbying organization that rejects parents rights in favor of school boards.

Nevertheless, if Lentini did help craft this draconian censorship policy it was poorly written, where the proposed policy prohibits, obscene, libelous, and defamatory statements. If further allows the board chair to terminate the speakers privilege to speak based on the chairpersons definition of such.

Nonetheless, Lentinis proposed censorship policy is perplexing in that it prohibits libel, which according to Blacks Law Dictionary is a Defamatory statement published through any manner or media. Accordingly, my act of writing and publishing this letter could be considered defamatory and libelous according to Lentinis distorted assessment, and my and other constituents privilege to speak could be terminated.

This is a tyrannical rule organized by board chair Lentini who clearly stated on a public meeting online that he and others should not have to listen to parents. Lentinis hubris meter is now maxed-out at 100 percent, and it is unclear why he is still in this elected position when he doesnt want to hear from constituents.

Public officials cannot shield themselves from bona fide public criticism, no matter how hard they try, this has been upheld in the landmark New York Times v. Sullivan case. It is time for Lentini, Capozzoli, Mosca, and Whitelaw to take a refresher course in American Civics and First Amendment free speech.

Original post:
Kevin Clifford: School board silencing parents is just another act of censorship - Conway Daily Sun

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