Letter to the editor: The challenge of censorship – Thecountyline

By DENA EAKLES | rural Ontario

The N-O-W School Board meetings are quite interesting these days. It seems there is a never-ending barrage of challenge to public in public schools. And while I support parental control, that right granted to parents in their own home does not and should not extend to other peoples children. My father was a great one for saying, Do as I say, not as I do, but he was also heavily invested in my being able to think critically and to be self-determining.

The March school board meeting brought a whole new attack on public, with accusations of pornography and a plea for teachers to be reeled in and books to be OKd by parents. Good luck with that. We live in the time of the internet. Everything is available to everyone.

But more importantly, as with the misused understanding of Critical Race Theory, the new term being used to strike fear and forced repression is pornography. It is important to understand, words like pornography and obscenity are legal terms. Books for teens are reviewed and judged not by a single moral code, but by the recognition that students have the right to receive information as noted in The First Amendment Right of Minors (more can be found in http://www.ala.org) For more, go to https://ccbc.education.wisc.edu/accusations-of-providing-pornography/.

It is really good to see so many people caring for their children, and from what I can tell, that includes the teachers of N-O-W as well. But I am not a fan of censorship. By all means, teach your children good ethics and morals, and may the first among them be Judge not lest you be judged (Matthew 7:1).

See original here:
Letter to the editor: The challenge of censorship - Thecountyline

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