LETTERS to the Editor: Week of March 17 – Daily Breeze

Curriculum censorship

Regarding the WeTheParentsMB flier: I respectfully ask that you stop your disruptivenonsense now. You are attempting to stir up a problem that does not exist. We are proud of our Blue Ribbon schools status. Our children go on to attend the best universities in thecountry. People move to our community specifically for our high performing public schools. Curriculum censorship does not figure into a well-educated populace. You may consider taking your children elsewhere if control over their curriculum is what you seek. Or homeschool them.Marie Brown, Manhattan Beach

Bright day of justice

It is ignorant at best to trot out one phrase from Martin Luther King, Jr.s I Have A Dream speech and then use it to pretend that Dr. King would be on your side as you fight to erase Black history from school textbooks. A recent writer to your paper has done just that, and worse he claims that Dr. Kings dream for America has been realized. Let me reply, using Dr. Kings warning from that same speech: The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. Fight on, anti-racists.

Carole Cooper, Manhattan Beach

Green line extension

Stop the Metro Green Line extension along the existing right of way freight line. Move it to where it makes more sense along Hawthorne Blvd.

I went on the LA Metro line walking tour to see the proposed Green Line extension along nearly 480 existing residences in the eastern portions of Redondo Council Districts 3 and 4. The proposed plan is to add another rail line literally a few feet away from the backyard fences of many residents. If built running through part of Redondo Beach residential neighborhoods, the Metro Green line will operate approximately 20 hours a day. During rush hour a train will pass every 7 to 8 minutes directly behind or by existing homes, over 100 of which are senior retirement dwellings! Can you imagine how horrible that would be?

Along with other concerned Redondo neighbors, I told the Metro people it makes more sense to build an elevated line along Hawthorne Blvd as that is where the original Red Cars traveled. Many real estate professionals have already stated that existing homes on the proposed route could see their values reduced using conservative estimates from $60 to $70 Million dollars for those 480 homes, or an average of $135+ Thousand dollars per homeowner dwelling.

Write to LA Metro and tell them to move the Green Line to Hawthorne Blvd.GreenLineExtension@metro.netOrGeorgia Sheridan, Project Manager MetroOne Gateway Plaza M/S 9922-SLos Angeles, CA 90012

Wayne Craig, Redondo Beach

Bruces Beach Park usage

Possibly twice a year for a few hours advocates for Bruces Beach Park are asking to celebrate a significant historic focal point. The result is that some view this as a threat to law and order. The apoplectic vitriol has generated so much fervor that all of a sudden our Parks & Recreation Commission and City Council find it necessary to review City Park policy for permits to access our cities parks.

This should be an opportunity for our community to come out and celebrate with others the peaceful liberation from bigotry on this spot that has brought national attention to Manhattan Beach and now highlights the change and observance that it deserves.

For most of us who recognize the real underlying hypocrisy, its time to encourage a better sense of community by stopping the back and forth, Next-Door Neighbor-Facebook, yelling at each other judgments of moral high ground. This behavior is confrontational and divisive. Our strength is our resolve to share inclusive values no matter who you are or where you come from. Thats our true beach culture.

Stewart Fournier, Manhattan Beach

See the original post here:
LETTERS to the Editor: Week of March 17 - Daily Breeze

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