On censorship by omission (letter) | Letters To The Editor – LancasterOnline

Writing about bias in the media, syndicated columnist Cal Thomas has observed that bias is not only expressed in how and what is covered, but even more in what is omitted.

Censorship by omission is, in my view, a regular practice of the mainstream media and LNP | LancasterOnline when a story runs counter to the progressive narrative they favor. While numerous cases could be cited, space will allow the discussion of just three current issues that were mostly ignored by LNP | LancasterOnline.

First, Michael Shellenberger, one of the most acclaimed leaders in the global warming alarmist community, recently published Apocalypse Never. It is a scholarly expose in which a repentant Shellenberger reveals the distortions characterizing that movement and the academic bullying. As one would expect, he is now an object of scorn despite the adulation formerly accorded him by alarmists. Readers are encouraged to research this story on the internet.

Second, as a fawning media and an undiscerning public rush to embrace the radical organization Black Lives Matter, we hear little from LNP | LancasterOnline about the militant anti-family and anti-American views of the organizations founders, who proudly proclaim themselves trained Marxists. Again, readers are encouraged to educate themselves. A good place to start is on the Black Lives Matter website.

Third, we hear nothing about the well-documented racism of Joe Biden. LNP | LancasterOnline space restrictions limit me to giving the same advice as above. Do your own research on Joe Bidens racist quotes online and imagine the media firestorm if those words were spoken by a conservative.

Linford Youndt


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On censorship by omission (letter) | Letters To The Editor - LancasterOnline

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