Operation V endetta – Nov 5th Worldwide protest – Video

Operation V endetta - Nov 5th Worldwide protest
Re - Engaged Re - Adrenalized Re - "V"enge #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; TRANSCRIPT #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; #9644; Greetings, Federal Reserve System, we are Anonymous. It has come to our attention that since your founding in 1913 you have been trying desperately hard to deface the economy of the United States and corrupt it #39;s once just government, and so far, you have succeeded and have well disguised yourself for almost a century. But now, the world is evolving and your lies are being exposed on a grand scale. We now know that you are solely responsible for the total corruption of the United States government. We now know that you are responsible for the laws bent on surpessing freedom and promoting censorship. We now know that you and you alone are responsible for arranging the deaths of good men and women who would fight against you such as John F. Kennedy. You are not a just and legal system, and we know now that you are the heart of the problem. You have cleverly arranged through others for the US to go to war and pillage a countries natural resources and not allowing us to access our own. We know that you have destroyed the value of our dollars and stole all of the valuable resources for your own gain. And we know that you are a private bank and not the National Bank as you claim to be. Because this information is now known to us we have arranged for your demise. We will not show you mercy. We will not give you peace. And you will not have our ...From:iglooNordiqueViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:05More inPeople Blogs

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Operation V endetta - Nov 5th Worldwide protest - Video

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