Sony got what it deserved in hack by North Korea

I am not a fan of North Korea or its leader [How will US respond to Sony hack? Nation & World, Dec. 18]. Second, I am not a fan of imposed censorship. But, the reason we do not have imposed censorship in this country is because we exercise responsible freedom of speech.

Self-censorship is always important, both in personal and professional spheres. Making stupidly obnoxious films and calling them comedies seems to be a Hollywood expertise, and condoning this is a rejection of the idea of self-censorship.

When a company is insane enough to make a movie about the assassination of a real person and call it a comedy, and when proponents of free speech are insane enough to feel it is justified, then we have an example of the breakdown in social constraints.

Sony got, in my opinion, what it deserved.

Frank Mitchell, Seattle

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Sony got what it deserved in hack by North Korea

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