The Impious Digest Censorship

The TPP allowsmulti-national corporationslike Monsanto tosue America for lost profits in private courts. This means an end to any nation's self-determination, and the abolition of US citizen rights if they threaten corporate profits. See why it's so secret?

CIA Memo to propaganda assets in NBC, CBS, Newsweek, New York Times, et al regarding assassination of President Kennedy, suggesting ways they could discredit or slander writers or journalists critical of Lone Gunman Theory. This became the template for every cover-up since then.

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Like the slaves that were forbidden to learn how to read, upon pain of death to them or those who instructed them, the masters of war believe you don't deserve the truth, or wisdom, or any means to empowerment.Journalisticsuppression and propaganda are the key means to achieving that cognitive enslavement. Planting questions is textbook propaganda, and no honest leader appeals to it.

"A coalition of multinational corporate executives, big-city bankers, and hungry power brokers want to give you George Bush their purpose is to control the American government." - Ronald Reagan, 1980

Shermerism: (noun) A delusional, pedantic belief system wherein all scientific wisdom is presumed already known. Behold my marvelous Shermerism. I am so smart I know all science laws and paradigms and that includes future mathematical branches I prematurely criticize. As a gatekeeper in a secret brotherhood of illuminated miscreants I am the self-appointed judge of ultimate wisdom and falsehood. I play a devil's advocate just to be an asshole, and most people dont really like me.

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For the sake of the movement, every effort should be made to distance Black Lives Matter from pseudo-activist Ijeoma Oluo, Marissa Johnson, and any other operative hungry to exploit the tragic murder of a young man for Hillary's political gain.

When we hear about a beloved lion named Cecil tortured for 40 hours by an American trophy hunting dentist, we still have a child-like innocence and can still see this majestic creature unsullied by years of negative media conditioning. It would be different if that innocence was exposed to lion "terror alerts" every day.

The formal Monarch Mind-Control project was developed from observations of high level Satanic families. These families had no qualms about the concept of traumatizing the fetus. Italian generational witchcraft is called the Ways of the Strega. These generational occult bloodlines, esp. in Tuscany and Naples, are very much into generational ancestor spirits. These were the ones that Aleister Crowley went to learn how to create Moon Children.

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Booth: "I would be permitted to pass and protected by himself (Mr. Johnson) absolutely in my escape, and that on the death of President Lincoln, he (Vice-President Johnson) would become president of the United States, and that in this official capacity I could depend on him for protection and absolute pardon, if need be, for the crime of killing President Lincoln, which he had suggested to me and I had agreed to perform."

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2015-09-30T10:39:55+00:00March 28th, 2015|Categories: Censorship, Cloak and Dagger, Featured, History, JFK, MLK, RFK, Politics, Religion, Secret Societies|

By 2013, we would find out about a great national security threat, a secret that had to be protected at all costs: every American, every Englishman, every New Zealander, every Australian and every Canadian was considered a potential terrorist and would require constant surveillance. Snowden NSA files also reveal FOX News alliance in phone hackingscandal.

See the original post here:
The Impious Digest Censorship

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