Turkey noted with "satisfaction" Constitutional censorship of the law criminalizing Armenian Genocide denial (Embassy)

2012/02/28 (Last modification: 2012/02/28 à 18:09)


Turkey welcomed "with satisfaction" the censorship by the French Constitutional Council for a law criminalizing Armenian Genocide denial, causing a diplomatic crisis between Paris and Ankara, said Tuesday the Turkish Embassy in Paris.


    "This gives some hope regarding the future of relations (...) we note with satisfaction the decision, "said the spokesman of the Engin Solakoglu diplomatic representation, stating that the decision should
still be analyzed.

    The Constitutional Council censured Tuesday the law criminalizing denial of the Armenian genocide in 1915, saying it was contrary to freedom expression, the court announced.

    "The Council considered that penalizing denial of the existence and legal characterization of crimes would is qualified as another crime, the legislators turned to an unconstitutional infringement to the exercise of freedom of expression and communication ", according to a statement

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Turkey noted with "satisfaction" Constitutional censorship of the law criminalizing Armenian Genocide denial (Embassy)

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