‘Welcome the 18th Congress’ With More Censorship – Video

#39;Welcome the 18th Congress #39; With More Censorship
Follow us on TWITTER: twitter.com Like us on FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is creating an atmosphere for the public to #39;Welcome the 18th Congress. #39; It organizes reports and performances to create a festive atmosphere. CCP is tightening the control over media and internet too, and bans reports with domestic negative information. Songs #39;lyrics on the mainstream TV stations cannot include hapless words such as #39;dead #39; and #39;down. #39; Besides, CCP #39;s propaganda department sends orders to the media to produce positive reports. However, international media correspondents are now asking Beijing to stop blocking news. Lately #39;Happy celebrating of the 18th Congress. #39; With such programs they are trying to manipulate the atmosphere towards happy public opinions. Other official media follows suit, starting to air such kind of programs too. On the other hand, the CCP takes measures to censor the so called #39;sensitive #39;information. It blocks foreign media websites, obstructs foreign reporters from airing #39;sensitive news, #39; it limits the negative reports from the Chinese media and websites. Deutsche Welle reported on 30 October, that media receive many requirements about the reports on the 18th Congress. Almost every day, some related ban appears on the internet. As CCP #39;s propaganda regards these bans confidential, normally no media people are willing to talk about it. However, sometimes they release such information through their microblogs. Yet, the ban is only on ...From:ChinaForbiddenNewsViews:2 0ratingsTime:04:24More inNews Politics

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'Welcome the 18th Congress' With More Censorship - Video

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